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The Black Ops Gang's Missing Link

Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#41 - 2012-02-27 02:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Xorv wrote:
I like the idea generally, but think a Destroyer Hull might be better. There were suggestions some time ago related to a destroyer class Bomber used against Caps,

If there was ever Cov-Ops BCs I would like to see them built purposefully to fill the roles of solo Exploration and/or deep in enemy territory solo PvP Gank type ship.

Like I said above, I've been thinking the same thing in the last couple weeks:

Size-wise, let's say between a destroyer and a light-cruiser, with base signature radius between same, as fast as...well, more towards the destroyer- than the cruiser-chassis, plus T II resist profile and enough mid/low slots to give it a real, but still "light" tank, with enough slots andf fitting-capacity--with properly trained support-skills of course!--for at least 1-2 damage mods as well.

Kinda like a Tier-3 BC in principle, but I would argue that it needs at least some designed-in survivability. (not Drake/Nighthawk-level durability, but not total wet-paper-aeroplane like the frigate SBs are, either.)

And then I think:

7 hi slots for all of them: 4x "compact Citadel torpedo launchers (as what FBs have)," CovCloak, and 2 standard bomb-launchers, or 1 "capital bomb" launcher + 1 utility.

Yes, we need the CovOps "armed (heavily-armedTwisted) exploration" ship--new thread for that one, maybe?

E: Whilst we're on the subject of exploring places where others don't want you to be, you might want to check out this thread for much more about it, especially why the Ishtar seems so great for it, despite its ultimate limitations. Why that thread hasn't been stickied, I couldn't begin to guess...

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

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