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CSM 8 - Things that need repairing.

First post
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#41 - 2013-03-11 10:27:06 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Might I suggest that one of the first things CSM 8 looks at is the restoration of the CSM itself.

And removing this stupid rule letting CCP chose who our delegates are that goes to Iceland.

It removes all incentives from the candidates to be frank with CCP and encourages brown nosing.

Add on to that the stupid voting system and subsequently anything else that comes out of these elections.

Now I would like to hear all the candidates points of view on the new voting system and well as the selection system compared to the old one.

And how many candidates actually know how the 2 decided by vote to go to Iceland is achieved.

Because lets face it if all the candidates cannot describe it bugger all of the electorate will.

So thank you those members of CSM 7 that created this travesty and all the resources that the CSM will have to use to fix it.

May you rot.

If a CSM guy requires a trip to Iceland to be frank with CCP, then he should never have been elected in the first place.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Frying Doom
#42 - 2013-03-11 10:37:52 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Might I suggest that one of the first things CSM 8 looks at is the restoration of the CSM itself.

And removing this stupid rule letting CCP chose who our delegates are that goes to Iceland.

It removes all incentives from the candidates to be frank with CCP and encourages brown nosing.

Add on to that the stupid voting system and subsequently anything else that comes out of these elections.

Now I would like to hear all the candidates points of view on the new voting system and well as the selection system compared to the old one.

And how many candidates actually know how the 2 decided by vote to go to Iceland is achieved.

Because lets face it if all the candidates cannot describe it bugger all of the electorate will.

So thank you those members of CSM 7 that created this travesty and all the resources that the CSM will have to use to fix it.

May you rot.

If a CSM guy requires a trip to Iceland to be frank with CCP, then he should never have been elected in the first place.

Other way around I am saying some of the CSM members will refuse to be frank and will brown nose just to go to Iceland.

And If you think brown nosing would not happen on the CSM, just look at some of the members of CSM 7.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#43 - 2013-03-11 10:46:26 UTC
Per Trebor's comment on his Crossing Zebras interview (IIRC) then being on the CSM is a very inefficient way of going to iceland. If you value the "free" trip at £1000, then that works out to an effective rate of about £0.60-£1.00 an hour for the 1000-1500 hours a hard-working CSM puts in. It would be far easier to get a job at MacDonalds or stacking shelves at Tescos for a couple of months and use the money to pay for a holiday that doesn't involve 3 days of meetings in a converted fish factory in Reykjavik in November.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Frying Doom
#44 - 2013-03-11 11:52:59 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Per Trebor's comment on his Crossing Zebras interview (IIRC) then being on the CSM is a very inefficient way of going to iceland. If you value the "free" trip at £1000, then that works out to an effective rate of about £0.60-£1.00 an hour for the 1000-1500 hours a hard-working CSM puts in. It would be far easier to get a job at MacDonalds or stacking shelves at Tescos for a couple of months and use the money to pay for a holiday that doesn't involve 3 days of meetings in a converted fish factory in Reykjavik in November.

Yes and so without the trip what rewards do the other members of the CSM that put in 1000-1500 hours of hard work?

I am not saying it is an easy job lets face it, it is slave labor but having said that the trip to Iceland is still a reward above what others that do the same amount of work do not get.

So the basic facts are this
1) Our votes are now worth less (this became obvious when they used The Mittanis votes to justify the new system)
2) The trip is now a reward for those CCP chose to reward.
3) This system does reward brown nosing as hard working people will still want to gain something for all their efforts.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#45 - 2013-03-11 12:04:06 UTC
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Frying Doom
#46 - 2013-03-11 12:12:16 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Well that is fair enough then

Why don't you just publicly say in your campaign that you will refuse if offered, other wise it kind of sounds like political double speak.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#47 - 2013-03-11 12:32:01 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Nathan Jameson wrote:
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Well that is fair enough then

Why don't you just publicly say in your campaign that you will refuse if offered, other wise it kind of sounds like political double speak.

Because there is honest work done at it. It's a disadvantage for me, but not going means I get to contribute even less over the course of a year.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#48 - 2013-03-11 12:57:58 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Nathan Jameson wrote:
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Well that is fair enough then

Why don't you just publicly say in your campaign that you will refuse if offered, other wise it kind of sounds like political double speak.

Why should he say that? Going to Iceland represents an additional opportunity to represent the view he wants implemented. Of course he wants to go to Iceland, but not for its own sake, but for the reason he's running for CSM in the first place: an opportunity to work to make EVE a better game to play.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#49 - 2013-03-11 13:03:42 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Per Trebor's comment on his Crossing Zebras interview (IIRC) then being on the CSM is a very inefficient way of going to iceland. If you value the "free" trip at £1000, then that works out to an effective rate of about £0.60-£1.00 an hour for the 1000-1500 hours a hard-working CSM puts in. It would be far easier to get a job at MacDonalds or stacking shelves at Tescos for a couple of months and use the money to pay for a holiday that doesn't involve 3 days of meetings in a converted fish factory in Reykjavik in November.

Yes and so without the trip what rewards do the other members of the CSM that put in 1000-1500 hours of hard work?

They get the reward of making EVE better, which is why they're running in the first place.

If I wanted "rewards" other than that, I wouldn't be competing for a 'job' that pays a quid an hour. I'd just sign up to do a few weekends and bank holidays at work, and enjoy my extra money and time in lieu. It'd only take me a few weeks to get a far better 'reward'.

You seem to be stuck on this idea that the iceland conferences are a jolly, a treat, a reward. But all the CSM reps that have been to them are unanimous in saying that they're actually very hard work. Do you think they're all lying?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Frying Doom
#50 - 2013-03-11 21:18:11 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Nathan Jameson wrote:
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Well that is fair enough then

Why don't you just publicly say in your campaign that you will refuse if offered, other wise it kind of sounds like political double speak.

Because there is honest work done at it. It's a disadvantage for me, but not going means I get to contribute even less over the course of a year.

So even though Trebor states
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
The issue I have with CCP having a hand in choosing the CSM's is at that point, CSM's are no longer player elected, but hand picked by CCP.

It used to be that 90% of what CSM did happened during summits. Now its 10% or less. Also, non-present members can videoconference in.

So are you saying that Trebor while trying to justify allowing CCP control of who goes to Iceland is lying as according to Him the summit is 10% or less and that people can video conference?

Your statement comes off very much like that of an RL politician, yes you will grudgingly take this free trip for the good of your constituents as it is such a chore, while on the other hand you would push your mother under a bus to get it.

Lets face it drinking with the Devs and going out with them is a reward.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#51 - 2013-03-11 21:19:35 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Nathan Jameson wrote:
I disagree. The trip to Iceland is hardly a reward; it's time I could be spending earning money at my job for my family.

I'm running for the CSM because I want to make an honest contribution to the game. A trip to Iceland, and whether or not I get chosen for that, doesn't even enter my equation.

Well that is fair enough then

Why don't you just publicly say in your campaign that you will refuse if offered, other wise it kind of sounds like political double speak.

Why should he say that? Going to Iceland represents an additional opportunity to represent the view he wants implemented. Of course he wants to go to Iceland, but not for its own sake, but for the reason he's running for CSM in the first place: an opportunity to work to make EVE a better game to play.

But trebor has perfectly well stated that the trip is unimportant these days.

So it is a reward for working hard or as it is now a reward for becoming a CCP mouth piece.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#52 - 2013-03-11 21:27:10 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Per Trebor's comment on his Crossing Zebras interview (IIRC) then being on the CSM is a very inefficient way of going to iceland. If you value the "free" trip at £1000, then that works out to an effective rate of about £0.60-£1.00 an hour for the 1000-1500 hours a hard-working CSM puts in. It would be far easier to get a job at MacDonalds or stacking shelves at Tescos for a couple of months and use the money to pay for a holiday that doesn't involve 3 days of meetings in a converted fish factory in Reykjavik in November.

Yes and so without the trip what rewards do the other members of the CSM that put in 1000-1500 hours of hard work?

They get the reward of making EVE better, which is why they're running in the first place.

If I wanted "rewards" other than that, I wouldn't be competing for a 'job' that pays a quid an hour. I'd just sign up to do a few weekends and bank holidays at work, and enjoy my extra money and time in lieu. It'd only take me a few weeks to get a far better 'reward'.

You seem to be stuck on this idea that the iceland conferences are a jolly, a treat, a reward. But all the CSM reps that have been to them are unanimous in saying that they're actually very hard work. Do you think they're all lying?

No I do not think they are all lying but nor have I ever heard them say that going out drinking and partying with the devs is a horrible chore either.

Yes some of those going for a position on the CSM might be doing it for the good of the game but given other members of the CSMs reactions you cannot argue that some will be doing it for the recognition, appearance of power and for the free trip. Some will very much be doing this for the massive ego boost.

So while a few will be doing it for self sacrificing reasons, a large number will not. It is to those people that this reward will allow CCP to alter their opinions. If you don't believe people don't run for the CSM for their egos and for the perception of power(by knowing things others do not) you are naive but if you need further convincing see CSM town hall number 1. Just listen and think ego and it will soon become clear that there are those who would sell their children into slavery for that feeling.

So yes the trip is a reward.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#53 - 2013-03-11 23:26:04 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
But trebor has perfectly well stated that the trip is unimportant these days.

Wow. He didn't say that at all.

Well, when you're convinced there's a conspiracy, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Best of luck to you in your crusade.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2013-03-12 01:38:07 UTC
I'm still trying to figure out what FD's actual point/motivation in all this badposting is. At this point I think it's pure troll for trollings sake.
Frying Doom
#55 - 2013-03-12 02:11:27 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
But trebor has perfectly well stated that the trip is unimportant these days.

Wow. He didn't say that at all.

Well, when you're convinced there's a conspiracy, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Best of luck to you in your crusade.

Glad to see you are so sure about your facts, that you attack people on the strength of them.

Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
Mallak Azaria wrote:
The issue I have with CCP having a hand in choosing the CSM's is at that point, CSM's are no longer player elected, but hand picked by CCP.

It used to be that 90% of what CSM did happened during summits. Now its 10% or less. Also, non-present members can videoconference in.

Yeah well with fact checking like yours you will make a great CSM member.

But then of course you are doing it for the sake of the game and although it may be a hardship for you, I am sure your lack of fact checking was just for the sake of the game. You sound like Trebor Mark II, would you like the Vice Chairman's seat so someone can get to be secretary Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#56 - 2013-03-12 02:12:27 UTC
Tcar wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out what FD's actual point/motivation in all this badposting is. At this point I think it's pure troll for trollings sake.

If you see nothing wrong with the fact that our votes now mean less due to your buddy, that is fine with me but I am not.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Badger Alestorm
#57 - 2013-03-12 14:01:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Badger Alestorm
I agree completely, Frying.

The only way the CSM will have any relevance at all is if CCP has no say or oversight over it. Otherwise CCP will always be able to corrupt the process. It's obvious that we can't allow CCP to pick and choose who gets to go to iceland and who doesn't.

That's only a start on what's needed to fix the broken CSM, though. Even if we just sent whoever has the most votes, guess who controls the votes? CCP. CCP will just pick brown nosing yes men and say they won. Only CCP counts the votes, so how would we know? Voting needs to be handled by an impartial third party. This way we can insure the validity and credibility of the votes. As long as CCP is involved, we can't be sure CCP isn't rigging the election.

The next step, once we have insured CCP can't stop us from getting the people we really want in office is protecting those people from reprisal. If a player decides to speak up and challenge CCP they can easily be silenced by CCP threatening to ban their account. The logical way to prevent this is to make it so CSM members are immune from any disciplinary action from CCP, but that's obviously open to abuse. Open to abuse by CCP threatening the friends, family and corpmates of the CSM delegates. The only way to be sure is to make CCP relinquish the ability to police accounts all accounts to an independent entity. Perhaps the same one that handles the voting. Once CCP can't take action against any accounts, CSM members will be free to say what they really think. Mostly.

Of course, this doesn't completely solve the problem. They can still effect players through game design. For example if a CSM member from a big Null sec alliance tries to speak out, they could change their space to be really crappy, or just nerf null sec isk into the ground. Therefore, CCP needs to relinquish the ability to make game changes to an independent third party, who will then develop the game on CCP's behalf.

There is still the issue that CCP has hired this company to do handle voting and policing and game design for them and thus can fire them if they don't do what CCP says. So instead CCP should just sell EvE to another company. This way CCP has no undue influence over the CSM.

Once CCP has no control over the game, we'll finally be able to have a fair and impartial CSM that is willing to speak it's mind and challenge CCP on what it could theoretically do in the game if they still had tha ability to do things. As long as EvE is CCP's game, CCP will have a say in what happens in it. Obviously, we can't allow that.
Goonswarm Federation
#58 - 2013-03-12 14:05:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Artctura
Badger Alestorm wrote:
I agree completely, Frying.

The only way the CSM will have any relevance at all is if CCP has no say or oversight over it. Otherwise CCP will always be able to corrupt the process. It's obvious that we can't allow CCP to pick and choose who gets to go to iceland and who doesn't.

That's only a start on what's needed to fix the broken CSM, though. Even if we just sent whoever has the most votes, guess who controls the votes? CCP. CCP will just pick brown nosing yes men and say they won. Only CCP counts the votes, so how would we know? Voting needs to be handled by an impartial third party. This way we can insure the validity and credibility of the votes. As long as CCP is involved, we can't be sure CCP isn't rigging the election.

The next step, once we have insured CCP can't stop us from getting the people we really want in office is protecting those people from reprisal. If a player decides to speak up and challenge CCP they can easily be silenced by CCP threatening to ban their account. The logical way to prevent this is to make it so CSM members are immune from any disciplinary action from CCP, but that's obviously open to abuse. Open to abuse by CCP threatening the friends, family and corpmates of the CSM delegates. The only way to be sure is to make CCP relinquish the ability to police accounts all accounts to an independent entity. Perhaps the same one that handles the voting. Once CCP can't take action against any accounts, CSM members will be free to say what they really think. Mostly.

Of course, this doesn't completely solve the problem. They can still effect players through game design. For example if a CSM member from a big Null sec alliance tries to speak out, they could change their space to be really crappy, or just nerf null sec isk into the ground. Therefore, CCP needs to relinquish the ability to make game changes to an independent third party, who will then develop the game on CCP's behalf.

There is still the issue that CCP has hired this company to do handle voting and policing and game design for them and thus can fire them if they don't do what CCP says. So instead CCP should just sell EvE to another company. This way CCP has no undue influence over the CSM.

Once CCP has no control over the game, we'll finally be able to have a fair and impartial CSM that is willing to speak it's mind and challenge CCP on what it could theoretically do in the game if they still had tha ability to do things. As long as EvE is CCP's game, CCP will have a say in what happens in it. Obviously, we can't allow that.

To be honest, I would have no issues with CCP picking the CSM if they had shown a track record in the past of being forthright and honest with the player base. Of course if they had been completely forthright and honest with the player base, T20 would have never had happened and there wouldn't be a need for the CSM.
Frying Doom
#59 - 2013-03-12 14:21:26 UTC
Badger Alestorm wrote:
I agree completely, Frying.

The only way the CSM will have any relevance at all is if CCP has no say or oversight over it. Otherwise CCP will always be able to corrupt the process. It's obvious that we can't allow CCP to pick and choose who gets to go to iceland and who doesn't.

That's only a start on what's needed to fix the broken CSM, though. Even if we just sent whoever has the most votes, guess who controls the votes? CCP. CCP will just pick brown nosing yes men and say they won. Only CCP counts the votes, so how would we know? Voting needs to be handled by an impartial third party. This way we can insure the validity and credibility of the votes. As long as CCP is involved, we can't be sure CCP isn't rigging the election.

The next step, once we have insured CCP can't stop us from getting the people we really want in office is protecting those people from reprisal. If a player decides to speak up and challenge CCP they can easily be silenced by CCP threatening to ban their account. The logical way to prevent this is to make it so CSM members are immune from any disciplinary action from CCP, but that's obviously open to abuse. Open to abuse by CCP threatening the friends, family and corpmates of the CSM delegates. The only way to be sure is to make CCP relinquish the ability to police accounts all accounts to an independent entity. Perhaps the same one that handles the voting. Once CCP can't take action against any accounts, CSM members will be free to say what they really think. Mostly.

Of course, this doesn't completely solve the problem. They can still effect players through game design. For example if a CSM member from a big Null sec alliance tries to speak out, they could change their space to be really crappy, or just nerf null sec isk into the ground. Therefore, CCP needs to relinquish the ability to make game changes to an independent third party, who will then develop the game on CCP's behalf.

There is still the issue that CCP has hired this company to do handle voting and policing and game design for them and thus can fire them if they don't do what CCP says. So instead CCP should just sell EvE to another company. This way CCP has no undue influence over the CSM.

Once CCP has no control over the game, we'll finally be able to have a fair and impartial CSM that is willing to speak it's mind and challenge CCP on what it could theoretically do in the game if they still had tha ability to do things. As long as EvE is CCP's game, CCP will have a say in what happens in it. Obviously, we can't allow that.

So we put you in the basket of not caring that the power of your votes is diminished, understood. Also so nice to see someone so trusting of CCP and having faith in them not to lie, oh and I have a lovely bridge I would like to sell you.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Alekseyev Karrde
Templis CALSF
#60 - 2013-03-12 14:45:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Alekseyev Karrde
Frying Doom wrote:

but I must still ask who do you send

you answered "10 hard-working people is still more than the 7 primary CSM members."

and that is very much what this comes down to "Who do you send", which members go and who stay, it becomes dependent on CCP to decide not on the playerbase.

If we get 10 hard working people on the council, more than double the usual number for CSMs 1-7, then I think changes to the election and selection system could be deemed an unqualified success. The problem of how to pick between 10 extremely awesome representatives is a good problem to have.

Issler Dainze wrote:

But over communicating and the appearance of activity may not actively reflect on the quality or effectiveness of the actual efforts of a particular member.

Yeah...except it usually does. Even Two Step, who I've gotten into fights with over his communication style at summits, I'd consider him without a doubt as an easily identified worker compared to our silent partners. In the rare instance where it doesn't, or there's legitimate reason this person should be going but CCP is resistant because they're a critic, the rest of the CSM can use their consultation powers to support them. And failing all that, CSM members that aren't imported now have the ability (and officially typed out right) to appear remotely which I can tell you from personal experience is a major step from earlier summit arrangements.

Re "culling" it's just not possible unless they send a dev to their "target" and break his or her webcam. If CCP has tuned a CSM rep out because they're a Frying Doom and decide not to pick him (assuming even if they'd be a good choice and the CSM agrees they should go) he should show up to the meetings like Hans and I did and speak his piece so it's in the minutes. They wont listen to him any more or less if he's in the room; he'd just be taking up space for someone who can communicate+participate more effectively.

Frying Doom wrote:

Yes and so without the trip what rewards do the other members of the CSM that put in 1000-1500 hours of hard work?

I like traveling and Iceland in particular. But it's more of burden than a reward to others, consuming all of their vacation days and requiring epicly long plane rides (West Coast US to Iceland in some cases).

As for rewards for those who stay home, I got to Real Talk CCP Soundwave about POS, 0.0, and wardecs while wearing pajama pants. Cool

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM