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Battleships - Teiricide

Claire Raynor
#1 - 2013-02-28 11:47:03 UTC
There doesn't appear to have been much discussion or noise about this yet. I've searched the forums and the usual sites around the internets.

Was just wondering what might happen to the battleships - and what time frame we are looking at. My only concern is that with the frigates and cruisers having lots to choose from for any given race - the battleships are a bit more limited - so if the changes meant I started to not like one anymore - I wouldn't be able to swap so easily.

I've heard rumors that the Typhoon might go fully missiles, (which lets face it - it is already). And that the Tempest might also get it's weapons layout altered, (p.s. I love the new ship model).

Does anyone know what might be in the pipeline? or if this isn't going to happen for a long time - in which case I can continue to spend silly ISK on my RF Typhoon setups :)

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-02-28 12:00:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Caitlyn Tufy
Read the second part of this blog:

Back to the Balancing Future

1. Typhoon will become a missile boat
2. Raven will be buffed
3. Large missiles, particularly cruise missiles, are getting looked at
4. Megathron will lose some tank, but become faster
5. small changes to Hyperion

That's more or less it. There are some other rumours and hints about, such as designers working on the new Apocalypse model, but there's no major details yet.

When? Summer expansion. No sooner than May.

EDIT: fixed a bug where my reading comprehension failed on Megathron info.
Hulasikaly Wada
#3 - 2013-02-28 12:02:50 UTC

If i am not wrong, faction ships will not be touched in the tiercide round
and look like there is a work in progress ( or just an idea , boh ) for new hulls for Bs to fill the E-war role ( Caldari already have it , maybe they get a another combat Bs if you consider Ravens as attack one )
Will no expect to see anything short

Claire Raynor
#4 - 2013-02-28 12:20:48 UTC
Thanks all!

That's all very reassuring!
Daniel Plain
#5 - 2013-02-28 12:22:46 UTC
any news on the material requirements?

I should buy an Ishtar.

Galactic Rangers
#6 - 2013-02-28 13:14:41 UTC
whats this about touching the apocalypse model ??? O_O
Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-02-28 13:17:07 UTC
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
whats this about touching the apocalypse model ??? O_O

The quote is here.
Drake Doe
88Th Tax Haven
#8 - 2013-02-28 16:24:03 UTC
No dominix pg/cpu increase?

"The homogenization of EVE began when Gallente and Caldari started sharing a weapon system."---Vermaak Doe-- "Ohh squabbles ohh I love my dust trolls like watching an episode of Maury with less " Is he my Dad " but more of " My Neighbor took a dump on my lawn " good episode! pops more corn" ---Evernub--

Claire Raynor
#9 - 2013-02-28 16:52:44 UTC
Well I assume that they'll all be brought up to line with the top teir battleships like what they did with all the cruisers and frigates. So I am expecting the less well specified ships to get boosts - but what I wanted to know was that they were not going to too massivly change what the shuips actually do. Like, I dunno, turn the Maelstrom into a drone boat, or the Hyperion into a Missile boat or sommat!
Galactic Rangers
#10 - 2013-02-28 16:59:51 UTC
as long as it remains the biggest badest looking golden beast in space ill be ok with an upgrade, but i have lvoed its look ever since i first saw it in early 2005 ... made me pick amarr actually
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#11 - 2013-02-28 17:04:52 UTC
I'm partial to the Abbadon myself. The Apoc looks too structurally unsound. Much like the Armageddon, but at least that one has a nicer profile.
Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#12 - 2013-02-28 17:34:21 UTC
Hulasikaly Wada wrote:

If i am not wrong, faction ships will not be touched in the tiercide round

Well, in all fairness, faction ships don't have tiers, there's one per skill pair/faction.
Blodhgarm Dethahal
8 Sins of Man
Stray Dogs.
#13 - 2013-02-28 17:44:41 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
whats this about touching the apocalypse model ??? O_O

The quote is here.

Plz no touch my Apoc and Paladin looks... Plz...
Krell Kroenen
The Devil's Shadow
#14 - 2013-02-28 19:52:56 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Read the second part of this blog:

Back to the Balancing Future

1. Typhoon will become a missile boat
2. Raven will be buffed
3. Large missiles, particularly cruise missiles, are getting looked at
4. Megathron will get tougher, faster
5. small changes to Hyperion

That's more or less it. There are some other rumours and hints about, such as designers working on the new Apocalypse model, but there's no major details yet.

When? Summer expansion. No sooner than May.

A correction to your Mega Info.. seems that it will get a down grade to it's tank in some form or fashion

"Megathron: just like the Thorax on the cruiser level, the Megathron role will be changed slightly to make it less resilient, but more mobile so to make proper use of blasters. Think of it as a ship closer to the Typhoon in terms of speed and agility. Next to a Talos, it will be more durable, more flexible, but still cumbersome to have in small gangs."
Ark Destroyer
#15 - 2013-02-28 20:01:06 UTC
I find it odd so many changes are geared more towards Solo PvP... but like 99.9% of combat in eve is fleet. Making a megathron abit faster won't affect a fleet fight much... they would all die trying to close in on the one ship they're trying to get into blaster range with lol.

Neutral Talent CEO Specializing in "complete" super-capital packages

Complete supercapital packages

Perihelion Olenard
#16 - 2013-02-28 20:16:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
Drake Doe wrote:
No dominix pg/cpu increase?

I sure hope the dominix, dominix navy issue, and eventually the vexor navy issue get PG and CPU increases. They need it.

One reason the megathron does so well is because it has plenty of PG from when rails needed so much. I hope the base PG of the megathron isn't reduced. The hyperion needs a price reduction for sure.

Claire Raynor wrote:
... Like, I dunno, turn the Maelstrom into a drone boat, or the Hyperion into a Missile boat or sommat!

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#17 - 2013-03-01 00:17:58 UTC
Ark Destroyer wrote:
I find it odd so many changes are geared more towards Solo PvP... but like 99.9% of combat in eve is fleet. Making a megathron abit faster won't affect a fleet fight much... they would all die trying to close in on the one ship they're trying to get into blaster range with lol.

CCP's misguided attempts to fix BS's revolve around assuming that you can turn a sluggish, brick-like flailing fail whale of a ship class into anything moderately useful by giving it cheesy ECM modules (target sspectrum breaker) or altering the maneuverability of it with the Micro Jump Drive.

CCP's idea is that you use the MJD to offset the cruddy maneuverability of your fleet of BS. You are supposed to figure out a novel and unique way of using MJD's in a fleet to teleport your sluggish blaster BS into range of kitey nano drakes, 100MN Tengus, alpha fleets, tier 3 BC's going 2km/s, or out of range of said foes and/or blap dreads or supers.

In reality...nope.

The MJD isn't meant for solo PVP
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-03-01 00:27:52 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:

4. Megathron will get tougher, faster

I have to take my pants off right now or I'll have some trouble with in a couple seconds after reading this.

Frack...too late...

You owe me a new boxer and trousers now!!

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

#19 - 2013-03-01 00:30:30 UTC
Looks at the Rokh. Looks the post-tiericide Ferox. Repackages Rokh.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

#20 - 2013-03-01 03:25:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Songbird
4. Megathron will get tougher, faster

Actually if you read the text in it's entirety you'll notice that megathron will become less tough.

I'm quoting from memory here but the dev said: The megathron will be less tough but faster. Compared to a talos it will be tougher but still too fat for small gangs.

Edit: just in case you were doubting me :
the Megathron role will be changed slightly to make it less resilient, but more mobile so to make proper use of blasters....
Next to a Talos, it will be more durable, more flexible, but still cumbersome to have in small gangs.
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