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[CSM8] Ripard Teg for CSM8

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Jeremy Soikutsu
Kite Co. Space Trucking
#301 - 2013-03-07 14:40:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeremy Soikutsu
Jayarr Altol wrote:
hell I'd advocate a nerf to the amount of money made through ice mining, the ultimate lazy mine.

Lazy ice miners already beat them there, it's garbage money right now.

Leonardo Esil wrote:
Currently there is less volume of mining happening in the whole of low sec than there is some systems of high sec.

Hmm, I wonder why that is? Is it because the mechanics of low make mining in it a ******** proposition? Probably not, I mean cause that goes against the narrative that being pushed here.

Leonardo Esil wrote:
If even a third of miners moved out of high and a third quit, it would be a wild success.

I doubt that CCP would agree with losing a third of miners as a success, wild or otherwise.

Leonardo Esil wrote:
Buff null v. nerf high

The problem isn't that the disparity will be that same after no matter what ergo it doesn't matter which they do. The problem is that nerfing high doesn't actually fix null, it just breaks high to make null look comparatively good and then we have another swath of space that's ****** up. Weeee.

"Of course you would choose the fun, but you don't lead a relevant entity which has allies." - Colonel Xaven

Jinrai Tremaine
Cheese It Inc
#302 - 2013-03-07 15:16:29 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Jinrai Tremaine wrote:
Heh, I'm dancing? You're the one who got philosophical with that "you're objecting to real life" stuff.
Not at all. I've answered your question several times: I disagree with you on this issue. You asked me what I thought about this, and I said that I don't think it's a major problem. I believe you are allowing yourself to be victimized by one person, particularly if you have twenty or more allies in system. You're trying to turn my opinion into a personal failing on my part. I assure you it is not. People of good conscience can disagree.

You... do appreciate the irony involved in saying "You're trying to turn my opinion into a personal failing on my part" at the same time as you tell me "I believe you are allowing yourself to be victimized by one person", right? I am honestly confused where I've given the impression that I'm implying a personal failing on your part, because it's not an impression I intended to give, or a view that I personally hold.

I think the reason this has gone on so long is that we're looking at this from opposite sides - you're focusing on the risk the AFK cloaker poses to the residents, I'm focusing on the risk the residents pose to the AFK cloaker. Asking about the latter and only getting a response referring to the former wasn't answering the question I was interested in; I said back in my first post on the subject that I was fine with that side of the equation. Now that you've given an answer to the actual question I wanted, I'll stop asking about it. I can't say I understand why that is your answer, but at least I have it.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#303 - 2013-03-07 15:59:57 UTC
Jeremy Soikutsu wrote:
The problem isn't that the disparity will be that same after no matter what ergo it doesn't matter which they do. The problem is that nerfing high doesn't actually fix null, it just breaks high to make null look comparatively good and then we have another swath of space that's ****** up. Weeee.

No, that isn't how it works.

The issue with null and highsec right now is one of balance. Highsec is much more attractive than nullsec, therefore nullsec suffers. Nullsec is broken because there isn't anyone there.

Re-weighting one or the other is the only way to fix the issue - except that currently highsec is so high that it'd be bad for the game to raise null above that, so the only option remaining is to nerf highsec.
Yuri Wayfare
Suddenly Ninjas
Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
#304 - 2013-03-07 16:46:33 UTC
Ripard, you missed a spot Blink

And because you made me wait I have a further question along that line: what is a game mechanic that you would like to see changed so it does not punish solo players as much anymore?

"Suddenly, trash pickers! HUNDREDS of winos going through your recyclables." -Piugattuk

Be careful what you wish for.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#305 - 2013-03-07 21:22:29 UTC
What is your stance on AFK skill training?
Amyclas Amatin
Goonswarm Federation
#306 - 2013-03-08 03:10:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Amyclas Amatin
Ripard, about your article:
"COTW: Ganking isn't PvP and never was"

and your article on wardecs:
Tears in the big picture

In my honest opinion, Eve online is a war-game, and the only "fairness" in it is that every group of players can and will press every advantage they have to achieve "victory" - whatever that is. It is also my opinion that no player, whether pvp inclined or not, should be sheltered from the consequences of pvp. In a truly connected world, everyone is "fair game".

Asymmetric or unbalanced combat is always a fact of war. One side plans better, or has better supply lines and thus fields bigger armies. The smart way to fight is not always to seek fun "decisive battles", but it also involves shutting down trade, industry, and crippling enemy morale. - All of which involves a good deal of ganking and guerrilla style combat / space-ship terrorism.

I see high-sec war-decs as the equivalent of piracy in high-sec. And almost all piracy is predatory or opportunistic in nature. As such the victims of this predation are often the weak, the new players (I still love you, E-Uni...), disorganised industrial corps with "kitchen-sink" defense fleets, mission and incursion runners in blinged out pve ships, etc...

I can empathize with the fact that victims often don't stand a chance - which is why they are victims in the first place. Sometimes people adapt. They learn to fit warp core stabs, they learn their gate and bubble mechanics, and learn to deal with non-consensual pvp situations, and sometimes they don't, they dock up and quit or complain of harassment.

You sir, are trying to gather sympathy for those who refuse to adapt, the lowest common denominators in the player-base. All on the basis of the "value of their subscriptions".

Eve history has shown us that there are many cases in which new players can wreck havoc on veterans. But one could argue that they were all aggressive madmen to begin with. And good leadership is mandatory for inferior groups to defeat superior ones. Groups of victims often lack both: Aggressive madmen who keep them safe at night, and experienced leaders.

There are many heartless pvpers who say that victims should just get involved with the low and null community if they want proper protection. But there are many social difficulties for passive players when dealing with aggressive players - mostly arising from fear and false perceptions. That and you have to deal with politics and sov grinds... and strict background anti-spai checks, and general pvp paranoia.

Game-Balance wise, I believe that enough concessions have been made for passive high-sec players in the form of concord and mining barge buffs. Pvpers are still relentless, and they always will be, no matter how you try to modify the field against them. And in truth, there will be no respite for high-sec "carebears" without a game-breaking war-dec nerf and a complete eradication of high-sec ganking.

Professional pvp, short of dueling and heroic-elite pvp, is mostly the art of ganking, and catching your enemy off-balance. (That, or blobbing and bashing. ) Newbies with suicidal tendencies and the ability to create or get access to endless supplies of ships to whelp themselves in, can thrive in any environment. But my sympathies go out to those who can't.

But I don't believe that the pvp nature of high-sec should be broken even further to accommodate or protect groups of players because they are in a weak or pathetic situation. There are enough avenues for escaping war-decs, and as CCP says, high-sec ganking is at and all time low.

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Ripard Teg
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#307 - 2013-03-08 06:00:52 UTC
Wescro wrote:
I'm surprised by how Ripard is taking this thread. You would think a "professional negotiator" would stick to the point instead of ad-hominem attacks.
By definition, ad hominem attacks by definition are those that attack the person for physical characteristics rather than their arguments. For instance, "you're ugly." In your case, you questioned my knowledge of ganking tactics. I in turn questioned your knowledge, specifically of fitting ships without a guide to do so.

By definition, negotiation is only possible between two rational operators who each have something to gain by the relationship and who both believe that some agreement is possible. Given your manifest and unyielding dislike of me, I don't think we have that just yet...

I respect James 315's position and I am philosophically sympathetic to some of his aims. But you, Starfox, and Kainotomiu are not a good representatives for him, so we're going to have to agree to disagree here. I do appreciate all the bumps on my thread, though!

Marc Callan wrote:
Wow. Those answers exceeded my expectations both in length and quality, as well as providing food for thought and the seeds of a tactic or two. I'm much obliged and very impressed. (And oddly charmed by Garth. Yes, I'm having my head looked at. :) )
Nah, just sounds like you're a sane EVE player. I'm glad you enjoyed the responses. Smile

Yuri Wayfare wrote:
...any reward for group play is a de facto punishment for solo play. You state in your OP that you don't want to punish solo players but you do want to reward groups. I don't see any way to reconcile those positions?
Your surprise is understandable, but it's quite easy to reconcile them. EVE itself is built on this mechanic. If I give you a cookie, and I give your sister a bigger cookie, am I punishing you? Or am I rewarding both of you but to different degrees? If Pure Blind has 27 tech moons, and Venal has 36, is CCP punishing Pure Blind? Some space in EVE is better than others. Some tactics in EVE should be rewarded and be more rewarding than others.

Yuri Wayfare wrote:
And because you made me wait I have a further question along that line: what is a game mechanic that you would like to see changed so it does not punish solo players as much anymore?
I'm not sure I understand this one. Can you clarify it?

Poetic Stanziel wrote:
What is your stance on AFK skill training?
Er... it's called EVE Online? More seriously, I believe EVE should steal DUST's SP/skills mechanic. Passive generation of skill points at a static rate which you then use to buy the skill levels you want. I'd also like to see attributes removed from the game. I don't think they add anything except unneeded complexity. But then again, I also want a Porsche...

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Lin Suizei
#308 - 2013-03-08 06:16:43 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
In your case, you questioned my knowledge of ganking tactics. I in turn questioned your knowledge, specifically of fitting ships without a guide to do so.

Heh, thing is Wescro isn't running for CSM and making comments about how to fit ships, whereas some key arguments around your platform regarding suicide ganking and highsec are based on a demonstrably flawed understanding of how it's actually done.

PS. May as well pre-empt it, I'm also pretty bad at fitting ships.

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

Amyclas Amatin
Goonswarm Federation
#309 - 2013-03-08 06:18:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Amyclas Amatin
I'm not trolling you, I just want to see how you would defend your position when there are swarms of angry pvpers out there who want to gank everybody.

You do have very controversial views on war-decs and ganking after all.

Please respond. I look forward to your post.

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Ripard Teg
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#310 - 2013-03-08 06:25:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ripard Teg
Amyclas Amatin wrote:
Ripard, about your article:
"COTW: Ganking isn't PvP and never was"
Remember when reading this post that the opinions in it were expressed by the commenter, not myself. There is one and only one opinion of mine in that entire post. I do agree a lot of people have been confused by the distinction in a rush to judgement. And that's probably quibbling over semantics in any case.

One of the things I respect about New Order is that while they're not completely ideologically pure in this regard, the bulk of their pilots are not "level 90"s; they've made a deliberate choice to ply their trade with only a few million skill points. I respect that. I'm still not convinced it's anything like a majority stake in suicide ganking, but I can get behind what they do for that reason.

You on the other hand are making a strong argument for the right of "level 90"s to attack all the "level 1"s they want. After all, you paid your dues, got your level 90 and now it is your duty to inflict misery on the pathetic level 1s. I'm sure a lot of people feel that it is a valid argument.

I'm a level 90 myself. Someone just one page back is having some fun at my expense because I'm out there most every night doing what level 90s do, too. I'm just not doing it high-sec, that's all. The irony of that is completely lost on this person. I say it only to remind you. But let's get back to your statements and those two blog posts.

The one and only one opinion I expressed in the first post you listed is that I myself am conflicted about how far and to what extent this should be part of EVE. Because as long as it is part of EVE, then I believe EVE is doomed to a niche that it will never break out of. DUST 514 is very rapidly becoming the tail that wags EVE's dog and 25 years in business has taught me that successful businesses follow the money. If DUST 514 becomes a massive success and EVE continues to languish, then we're going to watch as more and more of EVE's best people leave to develop for DUST. Smart companies and smart people follow the money.

Put another way: it's called "World of Warcraft". Gee. That kind of implies there was a "Warcraft" once, doesn't it? Was that a game of some sort at some point? I wonder what ever happened to that?

So yeah, you bet I'm conflicted. I admit to that readily.

You didn't link the post that prompted the philosophical discussion, Conflict of self-interest

Read it and you will be reminded that I'm not the only one who's conflicted about this. CCP IS TOO. They were the ones that brought it up. I'm not alone in this boat.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Ripard Teg
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#311 - 2013-03-08 06:34:33 UTC
Lin Suizei wrote:
Heh, thing is Wescro isn't running for CSM and making comments about how to fit ships, whereas some key arguments around your platform regarding suicide ganking and highsec are based on a demonstrably flawed understanding of how it's actually done.
The other differences between Wescro and myself is that I'm trying to learn about this perspective on the game, and I respect what the New Order is doing for the reasons I've stated many times.

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Ariadne Invictus
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#312 - 2013-03-08 07:05:30 UTC
In a recent blog post you wrote about making mining a more engaging game mechanic, I believe, at a fundamental level. Something more complex than - Get Close Enough to Rock ---> Turn on Strip Miner ----> Wait -----> Point Strip Miner at other rocks until cargo hold is full ----> Repeat. I'd love to see mining turn into its own sort of sub-game where the rock is more like a PvP target and it takes some skill on the part of the pilot to make it surrender its ores. Any ideas on that yet? Or do we have to wait for a blog post about it?
Amyclas Amatin
Goonswarm Federation
#313 - 2013-03-08 07:17:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Amyclas Amatin
Ripard Teg wrote:
Amyclas Amatin wrote:
Ripard, about your article:
"COTW: Ganking isn't PvP and never was"
Remember when reading this post that the opinions in it were expressed by the commenter, not myself. There is one and only one opinion of mine in that entire post. I do agree a lot of people have been confused by the distinction in a rush to judgement. And that's probably quibbling over semantics in any case.

One of the things I respect about New Order is that while they're not completely ideologically pure in this regard, the bulk of their pilots are not "level 90"s; they've made a deliberate choice to ply their trade with only a few million skill points. I respect that. I'm still not convinced it's anything like a majority stake in suicide ganking, but I can get behind what they do for that reason.

You on the other hand are making a strong argument for the right of "level 90"s to attack all the "level 1"s they want. After all, you paid your dues, got your level 90 and now it is your duty to inflict misery on the pathetic level 1s. I'm sure a lot of people feel that it is a valid argument.

I'm a level 90 myself. Someone just one page back is having some fun at my expense because I'm out there most every night doing what level 90s do, too. I'm just not doing it high-sec, that's all. The irony of that is completely lost on this person. I say it only to remind you. But let's get back to your statements and those two blog posts.

The one and only one opinion I expressed in the first post you listed is that I myself am conflicted about how far and to what extent this should be part of EVE. Because as long as it is part of EVE, then I believe EVE is doomed to a niche that it will never break out of. DUST 514 is very rapidly becoming the tail that wags EVE's dog and 25 years in business has taught me that successful businesses follow the money. If DUST 514 becomes a massive success and EVE continues to languish, then we're going to watch as more and more of EVE's best people leave to develop for DUST. Smart companies and smart people follow the money.

Put another way: it's called "World of Warcraft". Gee. That kind of implies there was a "Warcraft" once, doesn't it? Was that a game of some sort at some point? I wonder what ever happened to that?

So yeah, you bet I'm conflicted. I admit to that readily.

You didn't link the post that prompted the philosophical discussion, Conflict of self-interest

Read it and you will be reminded that I'm not the only one who's conflicted about this. CCP IS TOO. They were the ones that brought it up. I'm not alone in this boat.

About the whole level 90 vs level 1 thing...

I also believe that it's a noob's duty to give the enemy vets hell whenever they can. War isn't about raw skill points or who has the better ship. I have just over 2 million skill-points, and I can't out-brawl a kitten. If I wanted to kill someone, I'd have to catch him napping or travelling... Or fly with friends who attract more fire than I do.

There are plenty of newbies who are all too happy to charge the enemy, knowing that they are all going to die.

The main issue is not the difference in level. It's about non-consensual combat, and killing people who are unprepared. Predators come in all sizes. No one really cares that some gankers have 50M SP, and others have 0.5M SP. But you do care that they ruin the lives of those who avoid fights and losses like the plague. That, and outside of raw SP, they often have better training and social connections than their victims.

Level 1s can kill level 90s - but it's a matter of organisation and strategy, not raw SP.

My point, (as a level 2), is that we don't need protection from the level 90s. Some of us will shoot them on sight as readily as they will shoot us. (and consequences be damned of course) The right of a level 90 to shoot a level 1 is also equal to the right of a level 1 to shoot a level 90. Don't take that from us noobs.

Now the tears are not coming from just level 1s, but they come from high-sec dwellers with all levels of experience who seek to avoid pvp... And as a politician, you want to protect them. My concern is that the only way you can save those who won't adapt to a pvp situation is to break the game for those who will.

(and... personally, I'm not a U-Mad alt, or a James alt, or a Goon alt...
I'm not personally connected to the New-Order, though I can appreciate their activities. )

For more information on the New Order of High-Sec, please visit:

Remember that whenever you have a bad day in EVE, the correct reponse is "Thank you CCP, may I please have another?"

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#314 - 2013-03-08 07:34:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Wescro
Ripard Teg wrote:
I do appreciate all the bumps on my thread, though

From the slavery/rapists/nazism saga, we already know you are an ardent believer of "any publicity is good publicity." Smile

Ripard Teg wrote:
Given your manifest and unyielding dislike of me

Let me stop you right there. I have nothing against you personally, it's your platform that I dislike, and the occasional insensitivity to rl attrocities for blog traffic. There are many great people with terrible ideas, and vice versa.

Ripard Teg wrote:
In your case, you questioned my knowledge of ganking tactics. I in turn questioned your knowledge, specifically of fitting ships without a guide to do so.

I could be the worst ship fitter in the galaxy, (and I probably am), but how is that in any way a valid defense for your ignorance about ganking? Straight

By pivoting to me, you are essentially saying, "my critics suck, therefore I must be right." If we were brawling in a schoolyard, you would probably get points for that nice comeback. Running for CSM involves a slightly more professional form of discourse than some of us might be accustomed to in Local chat.

It's all the more confusing in light of your sales pitch in the OP, where you claim to be a professional negotiator. Tell me how many negotiations you have been a part of where you highlight a completely unrelated weakness of your critic to defend your viewpoint. Is that what we can expect of Ripard the CSM? "Anyone who sucks in my eyes has no right to question me!" X

Ultimately, you seem to be missing the necessarily defensive nature of this relationship. You are the (prospective) representative, I am the constituent. I don't have to defend any of my (unrelated) views or lack of skills, since I am not claiming to be your representative, or your advocate, or anyone's advocate but my own. You on the other hand are and must defend your positions, clarify them, present justifications, etc.

Ripard Teg wrote:
The other differences between Wescro and myself is that I'm trying to learn about this perspective on the game, and I respect what the New Order is doing for the reasons I've stated many times.

Uh, not sure where you're going with that, but don't let anyone say I don't respect that green "elite-non-gank-pvp" killboard of yours. And if you'll read past the critique of your assertions about ganking, I have tried at least three times to get you to clarify your support for ISK tanking, so when you are done guffawing at my terribad fittings, feel free to drop some of your perspective on that.
Jensaro Koraka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#315 - 2013-03-08 08:55:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jensaro Koraka
What I know about Ripard Teg.

  • James says Ripard said he wants to turn high sec into Trammel on a podcast.
  • Despite having been around a while, he completely fails at basic game mechanics.

  • Sounds like an ignorant carebear. Do not want.

    "Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -H.L. Mencken

    Kainotomiu Ronuken
    #316 - 2013-03-08 10:50:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Kainotomiu Ronuken
    Ripard Teg wrote:
    But you, Starfox, and Kainotomiu are not a good representatives for him

    I'm surprised that you'd include me in that list, since the few contributions I have made to this thread are either defending your '****' comments or asking legitmate questions about your platform. Perhaps the reason you've not bothered to answer any of those questions is because you're assuming that because I'm a member of the New Order I hate you? Because that seems like a bad assumption to make. Or perhaps it's just because I've disagreed with a few of your ideas? Because treating people who are unsure about your platform with hostility doesn't seem like the best way to conduct a campaign.

    In any case, I'm certainly not representing James in this thread. All my comments are made with my own worries about your platform in mind.
    Jinrai Tremaine
    Cheese It Inc
    #317 - 2013-03-08 14:03:11 UTC

    The first one isn't something you know about Ripard Teg, it's something you know about James 315. Having listened to the podcast in question I can say that there is no correlation between what Ripard said and turning highsec into a consensual-PvP-only zone. On the other hand, I'm just a guy on the internet, not even a contributor on, so why should you trust what I'm saying over what James has said? The answer is you shouldn't; you should go to the podcast interview in question and listen to it for yourself. If you are considering voting for James 315 then you may wish to take into consideration the... artistic license he's taken with the content of that interview when you decide if he is a good candidate; bear in mind that he is not being elected as a junior game designer to push through the changes he proposes, but as a community representative to pass on your views to CCP. Would you be OK with him taking a similar degree of artistic license with your own views when he does so?

    For the second thing you know, definitely a fuckup on Ripard's part but not "completely fail[ing] at basic game mechanics" - this post from a year ago includes accurate understanding of the tracking/signature maths. It's a long post, if you just want the relevant line it would be "Further, the math states that this dreadnought will do at least 50% of its base damage to that pod before sig radius is taken into effect." - that's the mechanic Ripard forgot in the "Signature" post. Anyway, my point is that forgetting something is not the same as ignorance. If you have a problem with him for forgetting about said mechanic then fair enough.

    As for being a carebear, I understand it's now possible to be a carebear regardless of ones own attitude to or record in PvP, based purely on your opinions about other players. It's a murky enough definition that I'm not getting involved on that one.

    Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!
    Aren Madigan
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #318 - 2013-03-08 17:16:44 UTC
    Wescro wrote:
    Let me stop you right there. I have nothing against you personally, it's your platform that I dislike, and the occasional insensitivity to rl attrocities for blog traffic. There are many great people with terrible ideas, and vice versa.

    I do have to say this is the thing that would make me most uneasy about voting for Ripard... even if there is the similarity in the whole desire for power and control over others in the comparisons he made, its kind of a matter of respect and scale. I'm not sure I'd be able to respect someone who makes such strong comparisons like that in things involving a game. Don't need a repeat of the kind of comments that were made by a certain drunken Mittani at a previous Fanfest. I think character is just as or even more important than platform. While I agree with certain aspects of his platform, that bit alone makes me worry he takes it way too much to an extreme level.
    Syds Sinclair
    #319 - 2013-03-08 19:42:59 UTC
    ..Teg, you mentioned something about a "gankmas." This is where you and your corp/alliance make a trek to highsec for three weeks during Christmas and gank haulers.

    My question is, does the version of the sandbox that you are vying allow that kind of activity?

    Will your version of the sandbox protect every highsec pilot except the ones that you and your troupe like to gank for sport?

    Why did you take part in such activities, and why do you mingle with pilots who take part in such activities?
    Capt Starfox
    Goonswarm Federation
    #320 - 2013-03-09 06:05:54 UTC

    Ripard Teg wrote:

    I respect James 315's position and I am philosophically sympathetic to some of his aims. But you, Starfox, and Kainotomiu are not a good representatives for him, so we're going to have to agree to disagree here. I do appreciate all the bumps on my thread, though!

    I was a bit puzzled to see this as I've posted one comment directly concerning you explaining why I believe ganking, either as a group or solo activity, is a legitimate part of Eve and should continue. Also when you entered our channel I greeted you with hello; I didn't trash talk you, I didn't tell you to leave, I was interested in what you had to say and why you were there... it's actually sad that you would dub me so quickly as not good representation for James and NOL when I actually haven't done anything to warrant such description. No, I do not support your campaign, however, that does not mean I'm not willing to listen. I believe what you wrote here supports the argument that if someone appears to not share your views, then they are automatically wrong and you dismiss them.

    Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet