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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Infinite Force
#1101 - 2013-05-31 15:46:43 UTC
Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar wrote:
On tranquility I have had every skill for Amarr Titan except Amarr Titan trained since last year. I didn't train it because I haven't got the money for the skillbook. Now, this morning, I log into Sisi and find that I have over 12 days to train before I can train Amarr Titan, which would have only taken an hour or two.

I see the humor here, but I am also very angry!

Yes, I could have paid more attention when I read the dev blog and could have planned ahead better.

I was all excited that I would be able to fly a titan after I got Sisi set up, and then this.

How do you call that fair? I'm ready to go, 1 hour 46 minutes away from a Titan on Tranq - for 6 months or more - and log into Sisi with the new and improved ship balancing and all of a sudden I'm 11 days and 18 hours away.



If you can fly it now, you can fly it after that patch.

You can't fly a titan now, so you won't be able to fly a titan after the patch. Fair & balanced.

Now, quit whining and go sell a few things (or beg for the ISK from someone nice), buy & inject the skillbook -- problem solved.

HROLT CEO Live Free; Die Proud - The only way to go!

Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar
#1102 - 2013-05-31 17:20:50 UTC
Infinite Force wrote:

If you can fly it now, you can fly it after that patch.

You can't fly a titan now, so you won't be able to fly a titan after the patch. Fair & balanced.

Now, quit whining and go sell a few things (or beg for the ISK from someone nice), buy & inject the skillbook -- problem solved.

I think I covered the scenario pretty accurately. I also saw the humor in the situation and still do. Not really worried about it, things will work out. It would have been nice if there was a bit more of a transition rather than the cliff approach. I mean really, 106 minutes of training left and I get socked with an 11 day 16+ hour penalty? Thats like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not a total success in the finesse department, lol.

I'm ok with it, no harm done. I admit I do have a short fuse on computer stuff sometimes. You write code for 40 years and see how long your fuse is :) Anyway, sometimes it's a good idea to speak up on minor matters like this, it could get one of the devs thinking and they might have a cool new idea to make things better.
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#1103 - 2013-06-03 18:16:58 UTC
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
Regarding the skills in queue: Can we expect the skill transition during a regular downtime (which will be extended in case of problems) or will the maintenance start earlier for the summer patch? I.e. if the battlecruiser skill in my queue will be finished before 10:59 EVE time, will the queue continue regularly as long as the next skill is one that's not affected by the patch?

So, i asked this freaking 10 days ago.

And today:

So, the pressing question: is the deadline for BC V the BEGINNING or the END of your downtime?
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#1104 - 2013-06-03 21:26:44 UTC
Probably sometime in the middle--whenever they run the script.

Given that skill queues containing BC or destroyers will be paused during downtime, you're probably best off switching it to something else before downtime. You'll be able to finish off all the races within a couple of days anyway, and you won't lose training time from having your queue paused.
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#1105 - 2013-06-04 06:38:18 UTC
Chris Winter wrote:
Probably sometime in the middle--whenever they run the script.

Given that skill queues containing BC or destroyers will be paused during downtime, you're probably best off switching it to something else before downtime. You'll be able to finish off all the races within a couple of days anyway, and you won't lose training time from having your queue paused.

Yeah, i will probably do that.

Could have been avoided though, if not for the moronic behaviour of neither answering my question for 10 f***ing days in their own feedback thread, nor even contradicting the apparently wrong estimate i was given by a player during that time in same.
Tiger Armani
#1106 - 2013-06-04 06:49:26 UTC
Subrahmaya Chandrasekhar wrote:

I think I covered the scenario pretty accurately. I also saw the humor in the situation and still do. Not really worried about it, things will work out. It would have been nice if there was a bit more of a transition rather than the cliff approach. I mean really, 106 minutes of training left and I get socked with an 11 day 16+ hour penalty? Thats like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not a total success in the finesse department, lol.

These skill changes were announced almost a year ago. If you still haven't managed to figure out which skills you have to train before this change, it's your own fault.

Flash Bomb
Forgotten Union of Knackered Tradesfolk
#1107 - 2013-06-05 11:37:42 UTC
I find it sad that CCP has encouraged the new players to get into ships quicker and yet totally forgot about its dedicated players and the time they have spent, (seeming waisted) on skills no longer necessary.
e.g. the iteron V can now be trained by a noob in less than a day as preq's are same as the iteron I which they should get in tutorial. The interon range is abit of a joke now don't u think. And what will come of the value of the ships in between?
Eve is about space ships but investment, and trade is a factor driving players to play eve aswell.
If these skill changes have been thought about at all it wasn't deep enough.