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Crime & Punishment

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Doing it right

First post
Adriel Malakai
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#121 - 2013-02-06 05:13:13 UTC
Personally, I enjoy how everyone is saying that it's Floppie's, Monk's, and the rest of Skunkworks' fault that this dude went way over the line here.

Do you people realize that your line of argument is akin to saying that a woman who dresses provocatively, is flirty, and even somewhat of a tease is at fault for getting raped by an unstable dude? You know, she shouldn't have dressed/acted like that because there are crazy people in the world. It's the same line of reasoning- she did things that riled the guy up, possibly infuriated him. The guy then acted out in a way that is not OK, but it's still her fault because she provoked it.

Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with you people? Even if you disagree with griefing, or think it's not ok, the only person responsible for Theory's conduct is Theory. Not Floppie. Not Monk. Not the pizza guy. Just Theory.
Raiz Nhell
State War Academy
Caldari State
#122 - 2013-02-06 05:17:33 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
It's appalling how many of you online do-gooders are leaping to defend the actions etc pp.

This is 100% correct... I am firmly in the Skunkworks camp on this one, nothing someone does to you in a video game should justify threatening that person and their families.

Yes, Skunkworks provoked a negative reaction from someone in game, we all do that, whether its blowing up a ship, or undercutting someones market order. Because of the player content in Eve everything we do will negatively effect someone.

HE chose to react the way he did, HE chose to move it out of game, HE made the decision to attempt to avenge an in game negative effect with out of game threats... Skunkworks in no way provoked an out of game response, it was completely his decision.

Eve is not fair... if it looks fair its a scam or an ambush...
If you find yourself in either one, suck it up, go down fighting, then bounce back and don't do it again.

Never should you threaten someone out of game for in game actions, and never should you be so much of a coward to threaten families.

There is no such thing as a fair fight...

If your fighting fair you have automatically put yourself at a disadvantage.

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#123 - 2013-02-06 05:22:40 UTC
Man it is stuff like this that makes me miss just going out and pirating rather than shooting FW WT's

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Sphere Foundation
#124 - 2013-02-06 05:29:59 UTC
Adriel Malakai wrote:
Personally, I enjoy how everyone is saying that it's Floppie's, Monk's, and the rest of Skunkworks' fault that this dude went way over the line here.

Do you people realize that your line of argument is akin to saying that a woman who dresses provocatively, is flirty, and even somewhat of a tease is at fault for getting raped by an unstable dude? You know, she shouldn't have dressed/acted like that because there are crazy people in the world. It's the same line of reasoning- she did things that riled the guy up, possibly infuriated him. The guy then acted out in a way that is not OK, but it's still her fault because she provoked it.

Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with you people? Even if you disagree with griefing, or think it's not ok, the only person responsible for Theory's conduct is Theory. Not Floppie. Not Monk. Not the pizza guy. Just Theory.

well that women went ahead with the tease on the unstable dude knowing full well someone else just did a number on him in a bad way (for him). sorry if I cant offer my sincere deep heartened sympathy Roll

and whats your point. So Floppie entirely not at fault this time, next time do it again? Or maybe, just tiny bits of maybe, he could realise all of these would not have happened at all if wasn't in part due to some of his own actions, so he would have learned something and gets better at avoiding similar **** next time? (yes I know he's taking the brunt of the heat for someone else , but its "interesting" how he end up in this position isnt it Roll)
Sphere Foundation
#125 - 2013-02-06 05:33:26 UTC
Raiz Nhell wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
It's appalling how many of you online do-gooders are leaping to defend the actions etc pp.

This is 100% correct... I am firmly in the Skunkworks camp on this one, nothing someone does to you in a video game should justify threatening that person and their families.

Yes, Skunkworks provoked a negative reaction from someone in game, we all do that, whether its blowing up a ship, or undercutting someones market order. Because of the player content in Eve everything we do will negatively effect someone.

HE chose to react the way he did, HE chose to move it out of game, HE made the decision to attempt to avenge an in game negative effect with out of game threats... Skunkworks in no way provoked an out of game response, it was completely his decision.

Eve is not fair... if it looks fair its a scam or an ambush...
If you find yourself in either one, suck it up, go down fighting, then bounce back and don't do it again.

Never should you threaten someone out of game for in game actions, and never should you be so much of a coward to threaten families.

wow and life is all perfectly fair and 100% wonderland where nothing bad happens and everyone knows how to put their emotions in proper places.
Just cuz you think "he shouldnt have responded in this way" "this that shouldn't happen".....
Now I really begin to think you guys lives in a big hello kitty world.
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#126 - 2013-02-06 06:29:50 UTC
Vegine wrote:
well that women went ahead with the tease on the unstable dude knowing full well someone else just did a number on him in a bad way (for him). sorry if I cant offer my sincere deep heartened sympathy Roll

and whats your point. So Floppie entirely not at fault this time, next time do it again? Or maybe, just tiny bits of maybe, he could realise all of these would not have happened at all if wasn't in part due to some of his own actions, so he would have learned something and gets better at avoiding similar **** next time? (yes I know he's taking the brunt of the heat for someone else , but its "interesting" how he end up in this position isnt it Roll)

Wow. You are full of the dumb. You actually just said that it would be the woman's fault.

You're then saying that there is no line to cross, so when anyone angers anybody, it is reasonable to assume any reaction is possible and that it should not come as a surprise because you angered them. Murder she wrote, eh?

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#127 - 2013-02-06 08:29:44 UTC
Tah'ris Khlador wrote:
You're then saying that there is no line to cross, so when anyone angers anybody, it is reasonable to assume any reaction is possible and that it should not come as a surprise because you angered them. Murder she wrote, eh?

They're justify escalating revenge.

"He said a mean word that made me feel bad, so I'm going to harass him"

"He harassed me, so I'm going to assault him"

"He assaulted me, so I'm going to shoot him"

So long as it comes in increments, it's okay.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Yim Sei
Ontogenic Achronycal PLC
#128 - 2013-02-06 08:39:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Yim Sei
Vegine wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
This entire thread is beginning to give me the opinion that Eve's bad guys are among the better human beings playing the game. It's appalling how many of you online do-gooders are leaping to defend the actions of a person who took a game so seriously that he set out to harass them in real life AND INVOLVE OTHER PEOPLE IN HIS STUNTS.

you just dont get it dont you? most of their arguments boils down NOT about defending the reaction this person had, but YOUR OWN part in which caused this whole fiasco in the 1st place. Its undefinable YOUR OWN actions directly attributed to outcome, however outrageous it is. Get this through that thick skull of yours thats filled with useless defense "but this is a game that guy should know better". Stuff like this happens in real world,. Get over it learn from it and move on. Or are you living in an even bigger hello kitty world than those crazy carebears?

Absolutely perfect comment and exactly what I was trying to say earlier (tho I failed miserably) +1000 Vegine :)

Awesome to see the rest of you howler monkeys are now bringing sexism into the discussion and generally anything that you feel like ranting about.

OP posted a thinley veiled but public comment regarding guy who stalked him because he upset him in a video game.
Numerous forum hardmen try to deny their online actions may have consequences in the real world as deep down it gives them the willies.

Everybody thinks they are intellectualy superior to everyone else and we are all wrong.

Can an ISD please close this cluster**** now?


Post with my main? This is my main - I just overtrain and overplay my alts.

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#129 - 2013-02-06 09:26:09 UTC
Yim Sei wrote:
Numerous forum hardmen try to deny their online actions may have consequences in the real world as deep down it gives them the willies.

What consequences do my in-game actions have in the real world? Making someone feel bad because I outperformed them in a game? Should I make an effort to be less good in Team Fortress 2 because *gasp* I might hurt someone's self esteem when I dominate them repeatedly?

I refuse to accept responsibility for the actions chosen by another individual. He is in control of his own actions.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Sphere Foundation
#130 - 2013-02-06 10:01:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Vegine
oh my this has gotten golden Big smile alright cool the ball was totally in other guys yard. Do keep banging your head against stuff you think you could break though, just remember notify me next time you happen to bang your head on a hard rock that gave you a lil pulp. I promise I wont rain in on your sorry lil victim parade next time and will just silently read all the good stuff like I usually do. The stuff you guys cook up when it happens is absolutely hilarious and amusing to me

Just one thing though , dont bother the cops anymore. Unless you do something really stupid to further provoke the guy I promise you this will die down. It bugs me to no end thinking taxes spent on public services were used on silly little stuff like this that one manages to cook out of an online game.... LOL
Unit CA108AF
Unit Commune
#131 - 2013-02-06 13:47:52 UTC
Eve Terrorist wrote:
Unit CA108AF wrote:

Hope for the best, expect the worst.

That just happens to be one of the "favorite" quotes on this peron's Facebook page.... Curiouser and curiouser.

We already established this, I'm Theory666's alt. Keep up.

FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
This entire thread is beginning to give me the opinion that Eve's bad guys are among the better human beings playing the game. It's appalling how many of you online do-gooders are leaping to defend the actions of a person who took a game so seriously that he set out to harass them in real life AND INVOLVE OTHER PEOPLE IN HIS STUNTS.

Yes, the better people enjoy causing and enjoying other's suffering then hiding and saying "oh it's just a game get over it." Stop trolling and maybe you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

Stop living in a dream where "online actions can never beget real actions." You're an adult, act like it and realize every action has a reaction. It's up to you to manage your actions and, in turn, the reactions it brings.
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#132 - 2013-02-06 13:49:07 UTC
Vegine wrote:

Just one thing though , dont bother the cops anymore. Unless you do something really stupid to further provoke the guy I promise you this will die down.

I see....

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2013-02-06 14:19:56 UTC
Jint Hikaru wrote:
Vegine wrote:

Just one thing though , dont bother the cops anymore. Unless you do something really stupid to further provoke the guy I promise you this will die down.

I see....

He promises... and of course, he has the power to make that promise become reality...
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2013-02-06 14:38:21 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
I frequently use the Monopoly analogy, but let me use two others and see if that resonates with you.

1) You've bought a movie ticket. The movie you went to see is depressing. You went to it anyways and underestimated exactly how sad the movie is. You find yourself feeling actually super sad. What do you do? Do you just sit there and being soul-crushingly depressed? Do you go to the theater manager or the studio that made the film and demand a reissue or an apology or a refund? Do you simply leave?

In my opinion, only one of those is an appropriate reaction.

2) You've entered into an MMA tournament. You get hit. It hurts. Do you harass your opponent's family and friends after the match? Do you make sure you harden up before the next fight? Do you immediately surrender the match and quit the tournament? (Two of these are appropriate responses.)

Eve is a cutthroat game. No one has ever tried to sell it as anything else. It is the brain equivalent of a full contact sport. If you don't wanna get punched you don't get into a boxing ring. If you can't tolerate having your ships blown up and you carebear assumptions that you brought in from somewhere else questioned, then don't play eve.

There's are thousands of non-contact MMOs. We only have one full-contact MMO.

A paraphrase of this is making my signature.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#135 - 2013-02-06 14:53:24 UTC
Vegine wrote:

Just one thing though , dont bother the cops anymore. Unless you do something really stupid to further provoke the guy I promise you this will die down.

I missed this bit in my original reading of the last few pages. Sounds a lot like attempted extortion to me. Or maybe attempted tampering with a witness (which is a felony in the US).

"Just do what I say and nothing (else) bad will happen to you."

Are you sure you really want to go there? In this particular thread?

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Unit CA108AF
Unit Commune
#136 - 2013-02-06 14:58:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Unit CA108AF
De'Veldrin wrote:
I missed this bit in my original reading of the last few pages. Sounds a lot like attempted extortion to me. Or maybe attempted tampering with a witness (which is a felony in the US).

"Just do what I say and nothing (else) bad will happen to you."

Are you sure you really want to go there? In this particular thread?

It sounds like you're trying to twist the words of a valid TAX PAYERS opinion into some kind of scare tactic. He can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

"Sounds a lot like attempted extortion to me." Do you know what extortion means? I don't think you do, at all. Learn the meaning of a word before trying to sound like a "threatening" intellectual.

He can go wherever he wants to go in this thread and his opinion and concern are far more valid than any of the closet sociopaths here covering for each other, so stop yapping like a toothless pup.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2013-02-06 15:13:30 UTC
Lots of altposts in this thread, trying to damage control...
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2013-02-06 15:15:07 UTC
Unit CA108AF wrote:
so stop yapping like a toothless pup.
Else what?
You start harassing him in reallife,
because actions on a forum provoke reactions in reallife?
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#139 - 2013-02-06 15:16:00 UTC
Unit CA108AF wrote:

It sounds like you're trying to twist the words of a valid TAX PAYERS opinion into some kind of scare tactic. He can say whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

"Sounds a lot like attempted extortion to me." Do you know what extortion means? I don't think you do, at all. Learn the meaning of a word before trying to sound like a "threatening" intellectual.

He can go wherever he wants to go in this thread and his opinion and concern are far more valid than any of the closet sociopaths here covering for each other, so stop yapping like a toothless pup.

You're pretty angry, for a pacifist.

Unit CA108AF
Unit Commune
#140 - 2013-02-06 15:21:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Unit CA108AF
Solstice Project wrote:
Else what?
You start harassing him in reallife,
because actions on a forum provoke reactions in reallife?

Boy you sure like jumping to conclusions. Does the big mean Unit scare you? Cry

Get over it. I don't care enough to bother finding anyone here. Not worth the time, hassle, and to me, it's simply unnecessary. So stop trying to twist words like the other poster to suit your needs and poorly paint me as the sociopath 90% of C&P is.

Vojk wrote:
You're pretty angry, for a pacifist.

Who said I'm a pacifist?