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Character Bazaar

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.
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Tengu/Falcon/Rook/Covert Cyno/ECM 14.2mil SP

Paul Seow
#21 - 2013-01-30 22:33:06 UTC
i don't get it. you asked for a 6b b/o and i've met that, then you ask for a mail to confirm interest and I did that and yet your are still playing the market. what gives?
Shadow Pumpkin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-01-30 22:36:42 UTC
I've had a lot of buyers shifting. If you are willing to pay 6bil I will accept it now. Nothing personal just trying to assure a sale. I am online now if you wish to message me ingame.
Shadow Pumpkin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2013-01-30 22:49:44 UTC
Sale Closed, In game offer met at 6bil b/o to Paul Seow.

Character transfer will be intiated 2 hours.
Shadow Pumpkin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-01-31 15:27:44 UTC
Transfer Character

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Shadow Pumpkin

Will be completed after: 2/1/2013 1:26:46 AM
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