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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Atomic Heroes
#821 - 2013-01-24 22:18:29 UTC
Captain Semper wrote:
Sinzor Aumer wrote:
Holly war Shield vs Armor keeps rolling...
But among those graphs of reps per second and HP calculation of LSE and 1600 - I dont see almost none comments about Reactive Armor Hardener.
Do you think it's fine, so no need to worry? Or do you think it's so fail that not even worth considering? Did you even try it - in EFT or in EVE itself?

Let's be honest. When RAH appear it was terrible (1% per activation 10 sec cycle). Now its better but with ridiculous skill (-10% cycle and -5% cap need) its only useful on BS (and sometimes not even on BS). It eating cap realy fast ( 6\s, for example hardner eat 1,5 cap\s ) and it gives 30\30% after 3 cycle if you are get shots from 2 source. Yeah it works like damage control (no stacking penalty) but with that cap appetite its horrible. I better fit EANM.

It does stack - with the damage control - something every gallente ship and the huge majority of others fit as standard. So no, it doesn't even give the full 15/15/15/15 people keep quoting Shocked
Mund Richard
#822 - 2013-01-24 22:54:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mund Richard
Jojo Jackson wrote:

How can a Legion with usual fitted MED REP (39 armor/sec) compet against Tengus usual fitted LARGE BOOSTER (105 shield/sec) this way?
It is simply IMPOSIBLE to get a armor tank compareble to the values of a shield tank :(.

Problem 1: fitting cost for oversized moduls
Problem 2: pure power of same size shield moduls

Before you bring any new moduls CCP, fix the existing one!!!

There's also the disparity between achievable resists with faction/deadspace modules further strengthening the position of shield tanking, as if they had a built-in 5% resist all if you need omnitanking, and in fact, while individual shield resist modules give the same % as their armor counterparts, two Pithum A invulns give more resist to EACH, than the specific Pith X-type module for each different resistance...
With armor, you need one more module to be just 0.1% ahead in EM resist and 0.4 in Explosive (to compare, 2 invulns give a headstart of 4.5% on EM and 2.3% on Exp).
Plugging in a resist hole with a specific module afterwards makes one of the EAMNs work only at the 4th stacking penalty's value, while with shields it would be still at the 3rd.

But no one cares, that's bling so doesn't count, and besides only affects PvE (and Tengu and Loki ect)... Roll

"We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#823 - 2013-01-24 23:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Dragon Khamez
CCP Fozzie wrote:
A few updates:

We're switching the AAR to use nanite repair paste instead of cap boosters. What we're looking at now is for them to hold 8 reps worth of paste, with the smalls eating 1 per cycle, the mediums eating 5 and the larges eating 10.

I'm also investigating our options for reducing the base powergrid need for medium and large armor reps a bit.

We're aiming to have all of this on Sisi before the weekend. Please note that just because things are on Sisi doesn't mean they can no longer change. It just means we want to give people a chance to try it out in the game client.

Thanks Fozzie, after all of the feedback on this thread a post like this proves that you really are listening and that you value customer feedback. Excellent.

One quick point. I don't understand why armour has a PG requirement at all. After all it's just welding plates to an already existant hull, it's not like it's energised or anything, but just adding more buffer (it's a different argument for EANM's etc). Also armour realistically shouldn't affect top speed so speed penalities should not apply. Armour adds mass understandably enough but this should only affect acceleration and inertia/agility etc not final velocity. An acceleration penalty can still be significant in pvp so I'd like to suggest this instead.

Also why aren't armarr ships really fragile in the hull. I envisage a really simple, stripped down hull with less EHP being built on the assumption that it will soon be fitted with vast amounts of Armour, thus armarr ships should be just as fast as their traditional enemies the Minmatar with the hulls standard armour and plates fitted. Gallente are the traditional race for hull tanking which indicated more structure inside the hull and as such a heavier hull that will accelerate more slowly than those of other races etc. If we extend this principle to the Caldari and Minmatar then both races ships will be really agile and effective (for shield tankers) which is exactly how their are described as being in the official eve canon/wikki and backstory etc.

Just my thoughts.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Mund Richard
#824 - 2013-01-25 00:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Mund Richard
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Also why aren't armarr ships really fragile in the hull. I envisage a really simple, stripped down hull with less EHP being built on the assumption that it will soon be fitted with vast amounts of Armour, thus armarr ships should be just as fast as their traditional enemies the Minmatar with the hulls standard armour and plates fitted. Gallente are the traditional race for hull tanking which indicated more structure inside the hull and as such a heavier hull that will accelerate more slowly than those of other races etc.

Well, if you ask questions about racial differences, how about I ask you about what you wrote...
Why do the Gallente ships have so much hull? As if they would plan to lose.
Why should the guys favoring the shortest range weapon system in game also be the slowest?

Armor tankers having more hull than shield tankers makes sense: if you get repairs (external or internal), every time damage seeps over, you get closer to your own shiny explosion, while shields are irrelevant for you.
If you take amarr resistance bonuses into account, they are best off with as much armor as they can get, for each point is worth more on a bonused hull.

Gallente need hull more than armor until they get their average resistance above the DC's level, as that is the safety net of their active tanking bonus. Though fitting for a buffer that is not your primary makes your primary tank weaker... Roll "Luckily", stacking penalty makes DC a better choice compared to T2 at a point (magical three, ofc deadspace modules scale differently and DC has none of that).
Of course, if you can fit more than 60% avg resist to your ship, it suddenly makes less sense. Such as,as if we had amodule that shifts your average resistance to where it's needed the most, at best putting you over 60% (kinetic only missiles for instance) by itself. Going with the luck sentence just a moment ago, sure would be less lucky if these two were penalized the same way. Well, if a third one isn't likely, it wouldn't be TOO bad.

"We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#825 - 2013-01-25 00:20:13 UTC
Also I've always thought that ship's should work best as their designers intended with racially compatible technology . For example amarr are supposed to be the best at armour tanking (or they were when I started) and firing lasers. Yet all I see is amarr ships firing minmater projectiles whilst gallente fly around tanking sheild and use nos/neuts instead of rails/blasters and drones.

The only race that tends to stay true to form is the Caldari because hybrids/missiles/shield tank and light drone use represents the most sensible choices for their hulls. The same principles should apply to all racial designs.

I love the fact that eve is a mixed up world and these things are possible, they might even give you an edge if you really know what you are doing but it's a bit backward. Incompatible technologies should be penalised in some way or another so that it doesn't really work for you if it's not your ship designers tech. It's a bit like sticking Japanese guns on a US warship in WW2. It's possible, it might even improve performance, but really it's unthinkable.

Also, the cap bonus to armarr ships counts for nothing when you are up against an enemy that doesn't use cap, which these days is most of them.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#826 - 2013-01-25 00:26:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Dragon Khamez
Mund Richard wrote:
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Also why aren't armarr ships really fragile in the hull. I envisage a really simple, stripped down hull with less EHP being built on the assumption that it will soon be fitted with vast amounts of Armour, thus armarr ships should be just as fast as their traditional enemies the Minmatar with the hulls standard armour and plates fitted. Gallente are the traditional race for hull tanking which indicated more structure inside the hull and as such a heavier hull that will accelerate more slowly than those of other races etc.

Well, if you ask questions about racial differences, how about I ask you about what you wrote...
Why do the Gallente ships have so much hull? As if they would plan to lose.
Why should the guys favoring the shortest range weapon system in game also be the slowest?

Armor tankers having more hull than shield tankers makes sense: if you get repairs (external or internal), every time damage seeps over, you get closer to your own shiny explosion, while shields are irrelevant for you.
If you take amarr resistance bonuses into account, they are best off with as much armor as they can get, for each point is worth more on a bonused hull.

Gallente need hull more than armor until they get their average resistance above the DC's level, as that is the safety net of their active tanking bonus. Though fitting for a buffer that is not your primary makes your primary tank weaker... Roll "Luckily", stacking penalty makes DC a better choice compared to T2 at a point (magical three, ofc deadspace modules scale differently and DC has none of that).
Of course, if you can fit more than 60% avg resist to your ship, it suddenly makes less sense. Such as,as if we had amodule that shifts your average resistance to where it's needed the most, at best putting you over 60% (kinetic only missiles for instance) by itself. Going with the luck sentence just a moment ago, sure would be less lucky if these two were penalized the same way. Well, if a third one isn't likely, it wouldn't be TOO bad.

I like your reply as it's well considered, but I'm a bit old school in the belief that if it says in the Eve Canon that Armarr are the best for lasers/armour etc then the game should reflect that. Currently it doesn't. What I was trying to get across perhaps clumsily is that armarr should be allowed to fit as much armour as they currently do without a speed penalty because it would be envisaged that the ships hull (structure) would be more fragile to reduce mass and as such boost acceleration (not speed as I also suggested that speed should not be limited by mass after all space is a vacuum) when the hulls own armour and any fitted plates are installed.

Also I still do not understand why plates need powergrid at all... They are just plates, now an electrified plate that boost resists can be justified as using PG, but when you are adding buffer I don't see any justification at all.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#827 - 2013-01-25 01:08:26 UTC
In case it has not been suggested yet
resists rigs should also be moved to power grid penalty they are currently rarely used and that would be just the thing to make them useful

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

MuraSaki Siki
#828 - 2013-01-25 02:01:49 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
A few updates:

We're switching the AAR to use nanite repair paste instead of cap boosters. What we're looking at now is for them to hold 8 reps worth of paste, with the smalls eating 1 per cycle, the mediums eating 5 and the larges eating 10.

I'm also investigating our options for reducing the base powergrid need for medium and large armor reps a bit.

We're aiming to have all of this on Sisi before the weekend. Please note that just because things are on Sisi doesn't mean they can no longer change. It just means we want to give people a chance to try it out in the game client.

As size of nanite is 0.01m3, you can put a lot of nanite in the cargo hold, while compare the cap charges much larger size.

would it mean that you will nerver run out of nanite while compare with the limited amount of charges you can carry with normal cargohold?
Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#829 - 2013-01-25 03:54:25 UTC
MuraSaki Siki wrote:
As size of nanite is 0.01m3, you can put a lot of nanite in the cargo hold, while compare the cap charges much larger size.

would it mean that you will nerver run out of nanite while compare with the limited amount of charges you can carry with normal cargohold?

Yes, and good luck running your 3-rep ship cap-stable.
Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#830 - 2013-01-25 05:41:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Iyacia Cyric'ai
Crazy KSK wrote:
In case it has not been suggested yet
resists rigs should also be moved to power grid penalty they are currently rarely used and that would be just the thing to make them useful

Resist rigs are rarely used? What? A lot of non-t2 amarr buffer fits still use an anti-explosive pumps to plug the hole. Quite a few armor frigs also use anti-explosive pumps given the popularity of warriors.
Azn Empire
#831 - 2013-01-25 08:15:55 UTC
Does anyone else get the feeling that the speed penalty changing to the PG penalty, is like getting out of the frying pan into the fire?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Liandri Industrial
#832 - 2013-01-25 08:21:45 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
A few updates:

We're switching the AAR to use nanite repair paste instead of cap boosters. What we're looking at now is for them to hold 8 reps worth of paste, with the smalls eating 1 per cycle, the mediums eating 5 and the larges eating 10.

I'm also investigating our options for reducing the base powergrid need for medium and large armor reps a bit.

We're aiming to have all of this on Sisi before the weekend. Please note that just because things are on Sisi doesn't mean they can no longer change. It just means we want to give people a chance to try it out in the game client.

Thanks Fozzie, after all of the feedback on this thread a post like this proves that you really are listening and that you value customer feedback. Excellent.

One quick point. I don't understand why armour has a PG requirement at all. After all it's just welding plates to an already existant hull, it's not like it's energised or anything, but just adding more buffer (it's a different argument for EANM's etc). Also armour realistically shouldn't affect top speed so speed penalities should not apply. Armour adds mass understandably enough but this should only affect acceleration and inertia/agility etc not final velocity. An acceleration penalty can still be significant in pvp so I'd like to suggest this instead.

Also why aren't armarr ships really fragile in the hull. I envisage a really simple, stripped down hull with less EHP being built on the assumption that it will soon be fitted with vast amounts of Armour, thus armarr ships should be just as fast as their traditional enemies the Minmatar with the hulls standard armour and plates fitted. Gallente are the traditional race for hull tanking which indicated more structure inside the hull and as such a heavier hull that will accelerate more slowly than those of other races etc. If we extend this principle to the Caldari and Minmatar then both races ships will be really agile and effective (for shield tankers) which is exactly how their are described as being in the official eve canon/wikki and backstory etc.

Just my thoughts.

I agree completely.

How about plates use no PG and add a massive agility/acceleration penalty with no top speed penalty while active hardeners use a moderate amount of CPU/PG, energized membranes use a copious amount of PG but little CPU, and passive hardeners use a fraction of what active hardeners use.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#833 - 2013-01-25 09:10:13 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Does anyone else get the feeling that the speed penalty changing to the PG penalty, is like getting out of the frying pan into the fire?

It's massively better than speed penalty in burst tanking, but yes, it will cause problems.

Still the PG needs of medium and large reppers are ridiculously out of whack compared with their repping amount.

If the incredibly low base rep amount, yes- the core, origin and reason of every whine about active armor tanking is not fixed, then maybe balance the fitting so that people can start flying dual LAR Myrmidons? Or nerf oversizing shields.

90 hp/s.

That's the raw "power" of LAAR + Heavy Capacitor Booster II.
Two slots, both a low and mid.
3925 PG. Battleship size module.
Hard limit of 1 per ship.
Can be neuted out.

196 hp/s.

That's what you get with a single mid slot and 500 PG if you go shield. Twice as good, almost eight times easier to fit. Fit as many as you like. Cruiser size module. Cap immune.

Now it's up to you to decide what is the correct measure of balance:

ASB rep amount
LAR rep amount
ASB fitting
LAR fitting

but something has to change, the relative balance is just too bizarrely out of whack.

My suggestion would be to fix:

- ASB fitting so that oversizing is not possible
- Lift the base rep amount of all ASBs and armor reppers (so that < 3 appropriate sized mods are actually viable on current TQ)
- Decrease cycle time of armor reps because the repping happens at the end of cycle
- Decrease cap usage of armor mods *
- Then base the AARs on these stats because 2.25 times way too little != enough

* damage reduction if opting for armor tank is two-fold; you need to downgrade guns, and you can't fit dmg mods. So why shouldn't there be a concrete advantage then in the form of more efficient reps?

In the end, AAR really does not fix any of the core issues. It simply accepts the core issue - armor reps rep too little, and tries to work around it by turning one module into 1.68 modules for 8 cycles. Active armor hull bonuses are left as they are, barely better in their niche than universally good resist bonuses. Cool, we'll take this if that's the only option, but what we still have is lower damage with less reps if we opt for active armor tank instead of shields.


darkness reins
Siberian Squad
Siberian Squads
#834 - 2013-01-25 09:14:04 UTC  |  Edited by: darkness reins
i like the idea of the new AAR mod. but is there no way to keep the incursus' 10% rep amoint per level but if fitted with an AAR incursus bonus reduces to 7.5 % . itll give people more option for fitting and keep the dual rep uber rep incursus fit in use.
Azn Empire
#835 - 2013-01-25 09:39:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Roime wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Does anyone else get the feeling that the speed penalty changing to the PG penalty, is like getting out of the frying pan into the fire?

It's massively better than speed penalty in burst tanking, but yes, it will cause problems.

Still the PG needs of medium and large reppers are ridiculously out of whack compared with their repping amount.

If the incredibly low base rep amount, yes- the core, origin and reason of every whine about active armor tanking is not fixed, then maybe balance the fitting so that people can start flying dual LAR Myrmidons? Or nerf oversizing shields.

90 hp/s.

That's the raw "power" of LAAR + Heavy Capacitor Booster II.
Two slots, both a low and mid.
3925 PG. Battleship size module.
Hard limit of 1 per ship.
Can be neuted out.

196 hp/s.

That's what you get with a single mid slot and 500 PG if you go shield. Twice as good, almost eight times easier to fit. Fit as many as you like. Cruiser size module. Cap immune.

Now it's up to you to decide what is the correct measure of balance:

ASB rep amount
LAR rep amount
ASB fitting
LAR fitting

but something has to change, the relative balance is just too bizarrely out of whack.

My suggestion would be to fix:

- ASB fitting so that oversizing is not possible
- Lift the base rep amount of all ASBs and armor reppers (so that < 3 appropriate sized mods are actually viable on current TQ)
- Decrease cycle time of armor reps because the repping happens at the end of cycle
- Decrease cap usage of armor mods *
- Then base the AARs on these stats because 2.25 times way too little != enough

* damage reduction if opting for armor tank is two-fold; you need to downgrade guns, and you can't fit dmg mods. So why shouldn't there be a concrete advantage then in the form of more efficient reps?

In the end, AAR really does not fix any of the core issues. It simply accepts the core issue - armor reps rep too little, and tries to work around it by turning one module into 1.68 modules for 8 cycles. Active armor hull bonuses are left as they are, barely better in their niche than universally good resist bonuses. Cool, we'll take this if that's the only option, but what we still have is lower damage with less reps if we opt for active armor tank instead of shields.

Great post mate and points out the issues quite nicely. Couldn't agree more tbh.

Edit: So as the AAR is based on rep amounts from the t1 reppers, when compared to officer reps, the gap must be vastly reduced.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#836 - 2013-01-25 09:49:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Gosti Kahanid
The biggest Problem ist that both, active- and buffer-tank, benefit from a resist-bonus.
How about the Idea to change resist-bonuses to a bonus to HP for Armor and Armor-plates (same with Shild and extenders). With this, the EHP would stay the same on a buffertank, but active or RR wouldn´t be so effective as before.
This also would make the bonus to repair more interesting, because then it realy would make a difference if you have a bonus to rep or not

Sorry for bad english
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#837 - 2013-01-25 11:53:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Gosti Kahanid wrote:
The biggest Problem ist that both, active- and buffer-tank, benefit from a resist-bonus.
How about the Idea to change resist-bonuses to a bonus to HP for Armor and Armor-plates (same with Shild and extenders). With this, the EHP would stay the same on a buffertank, but active or RR wouldn´t be so effective as before.
This also would make the bonus to repair more interesting, because then it realy would make a difference if you have a bonus to rep or not

Sorry for bad english

That isn't really a problem. It only looks that way if you look at the 7.5% rep or 5% resist bonus without paying attention to the ship hulls.

Most ships with a 5% resist bonus are not that good for active tanking because they happen to be laser ships with at most 3 mids and cap hungry weapons. They can do it, but then have to deal with severe cap issues. The exception are Khanid ships, which have have low dps to compensate for their extraordinary defenses.

In practice, the ships with a 7.5% rep bonus are already the best at active tanking, and the ships with a 5% resist bonus cannot compete with them except for Khanid ships, which have other downsides.

The Prophecy isn't technically a Khanid ship but has the same limitation of low dps.
Mund Richard
#838 - 2013-01-25 12:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mund Richard
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
That isn't really a problem. It only looks that way if you look at the 7.5% rep or 5% resist bonus without paying attention to the ship hulls.

Most ships with a 5% resist bonus are not that good for active tanking because they happen to be laser ships with 3 mids and cap hungry weapons. They can do it, but then have to deal with severe cap issues. The exception are Khanid ships, which have have low dps to compensate for their extraordinary defenses.

In practice, the ships with a 7.5% rep bonus are already the best at active tanking, and the ships with a 5% resist bonus cannot compete with them except for Khanid ships, which have other downsides.

Cruiser and below, you are right for amarr ships.
BC and above, you are wrong, Prophecy and Abaddon will have 4 mids.
Prophecy possibly with capless weaponry now.
The Abaddon does suffer more compared to the Gallente Hyperion on cap consumption, but has an extra low in return. Making it tripple rep with Mega Pulses with it's grid as it is could be futile, but with a repper less (LAAR+LAR) it has more cap life than a Hyper with a repper more (LAAR+2*LAR), and if both have 1 damage upgrade module, the Abaddon has quite superior resist though...
EFT shows one T2 repper giving a tank of 296 for the Abaddon, 247 for the Hyper.
Over time, WCS the new module reps about 35% better than a T1? ( 2,25*8*11,25 / (60+8*11,25) = 1,35 ), so with the random fit I came up with (downgraded to Dual Heavy so it fits without a mod/implant): 246*1,35 + 328 = 660 before rigs vs 185*1,35 + 2*247 = 743
So far the Hyper is winning, only issue is, that even with electrons, it's over the grig before the PG penalized new rigs, while the Abaddon has enough for a full more LAR...

And as far as shield 5% resists go, the Drake has in fact 1 extra mid compared to the Cyclone, Rokh and Mael are currently tied, but I suppose we are talking about armor 5% resists.

"We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#839 - 2013-01-25 12:26:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Mund Richard wrote:
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
That isn't really a problem. It only looks that way if you look at the 7.5% rep or 5% resist bonus without paying attention to the ship hulls.

Most ships with a 5% resist bonus are not that good for active tanking because they happen to be laser ships with 3 mids and cap hungry weapons. They can do it, but then have to deal with severe cap issues. The exception are Khanid ships, which have have low dps to compensate for their extraordinary defenses.

In practice, the ships with a 7.5% rep bonus are already the best at active tanking, and the ships with a 5% resist bonus cannot compete with them except for Khanid ships, which have other downsides.

Cruiser and below, you are right for amarr ships.
BC and above, you are wrong, Prophecy and Abaddon will have 4 mids.
Prophecy possibly with capless weaponry now.
The Abaddon does suffer more compared to the Gallente Hyperion on cap consumption, but has an extra low in return. Making it tripple rep with Mega Pulses with it's grid as it is could be futile, but with a repper less (LAAR+LAR) it has more cap life than a Hyper with a repper more (LAAR+2*LAR), and if both have 1 damage upgrade module, the Abaddon takes less than two-third of the damage the Hyper does...

And as far as shield 5% resists go, the Drake has in fact 1 extra mid compared to the Cyclone, Rokh and Mael are currently tied, but I suppose we are talking about armor 5% resists.

So in your opinion dual rep Abaddons are making Hyperions obsolete? Have you ever even seen a dual rep Abaddon?

As for the Prophecy, it's basically a T1 Khanid ship just with drones instead HAMs. They are designed to be great tanks both buffer and active tank fit. The downside is low dps, so they have problems breaking other active tanks.

This fear that ships with 5% resists per level are making dedicated active tanking ships with a 7.5% rep bonus obsolete isn't justified in practice.
Thorne Zyman
Golden Goose Research
#840 - 2013-01-25 12:26:38 UTC
Here's my version of armour tanking 2.0.

Buffer Tanking:

For all plates:

1 Increase the PG required by a factor of 2 - 2.5 (eg, 1600 now takes 1250 pg)
2 Add 5 to the CPU required.
3 Increase the mass by a factor of 1.5.
4 Increase the HP gained by a factor of 2 (eg, 800mm plate will provide the benefit of the old 1600mm).

This will provide a sharp line between low mass, low hp and high mass high hp plates at each ship level (except Battleship level where the mass difference between 800 & 1600 is lower).

50mm plates will still be more or less unused, but 100mm/200m will do the same job the 200mm/400mm do at frigate level but with a sharper mobility difference. 400mm/800mm will provide a genuine choice at Cruiser level. 1600mm becomes a Battleship only module (though fitable on some niche bait cruiser / battlecruiser fits), with 800mm also being viable for a more mobile Battleship.

Active Tanking:

I personally don't think there's much wrong with active tanking, except the modules take too much pg to fit. SAR are fine, MAR could be taken down a touch in pg(15%?), and LAR down a bit more(20%?).

Rep amount is ok, maybe increase MAR and LAR a touch (10%?).

For short term burst tank, significantly increase the heat bonuses to something like +100% rep amount, with no change to duration.

In addition to this, look into the deadspace options for shield and armour tanking and bring them closer together (but still leave shield boosting more) by nerfing deadspace shield boosters down and bumping deadspace armour reps up. In addition, look into the resists provided by high end deadspace modules.

Reduce the cap use of the RAH to make it usable on cruisers. Introduce a T2 version with higher resists.


Change shield rig penalty to -10% armour and armour rig to -10% shield. This makes the penalty pretty much a non-issue, but it has a nice symmetry to it. Add a stacking penalty to CDFE & Trimarks.

Change astro rigs to -10% structure, to make them usable with an armour tank if desired.