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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#261 - 2013-01-22 04:35:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • Why keep the cap use consistent?
  • The elimination of cap consumption when loaded is a huge advantage of ASBs, but we decided with the AAR to build the strengths in another direction, focusing on greater stability instead. In addition, one downside of the ASB's zero cap use is the inability of one player to influence the tank of another through neuts. This works ok for the ASB but I am not inclined to expand that mechanic further.

    So the module uses cap loaded or not then, the charge just makes it rep more (correct me if I'm wrong please)? Interesting, the only thing I can think of is that since you can't rep while neuted out, so you will still need a regular cap booster but you'll still want the smaller charges in the AAR and the large charges in the booster. Not necessarily a problem in itself I think unless you're really pressed for cargo space. I'm sure my dealer will approve of my worsening addiction to cap charges, but it sounds nice as you can tank very hard early in the fight when damage is highest and kinda try to coast out with whatever you have left once the AAR is empty if you shut off the auto-reload.

    In the meantime, this makes the armor rep amount bonus on Gallente battlecruisers more appealing to me so now the question is if you are not going to give that bonus to both of them which do you take it off of? Honestly I can't decide which one I would like to see lose it and there's a case for either one so if necessary I'll close my eyes while you flip a coin.

    In any event I love my new toys, good changes overall and I get happier every time I see a new sticky thread in Features and Ideas.

    Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

    Liang Nuren
    No Salvation
    Divine Damnation
    #262 - 2013-01-22 04:40:30 UTC
    Zarnak Wulf wrote:
    I say absolutely to the new mods and rigs. They offer fantastic opportunities. The new skill I'm kind of 'meh' about. You could just lower the mass of 400 and 1600 plates by 25% and all others by 45%.

    I understand all too well that the 100m+ SP crowd needs new skills to train. But they need new skills at the top of the pyramid. I have always felt like there was a giant leap between BS and caps for example. And there is lots of room to flesh out the cap field. (After you burn them and supercaps to the ground and start over in that area of course.)

    The introduction of Black Ops was good because it gave a subcapital reason to train for jump skills. We need more things like that and less intermediary support skills. I still haven't finished training the last round of skills. :(


    I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

    Vae Caudex Corporation
    #263 - 2013-01-22 04:47:21 UTC
    Firstly Awesome Job.
    You Fozzie thanks for being a hero at ccp.
    Seriously with all the witch hunt/rage threads(guilty myself) I think people rage when its off and when you guys nail it the response is.......ok cool whats next? So at least from me Thank You for the hard work.

    Now this

    "Change the penalty on all active armor rigs (Aux Nano Pump, Nanobot Accelerator, and the new Nanobot Overcharger) to increase the powergrid use of local armor reps by 10% instead of reducing ship velocity. Note this is increasing the PG use of the reps by 10% (or 5% at Armor Rigging V) not decreasing the total PG of the ship."

    I think that you should look at the PG of this when compared to that of lazorz esp beams, i know meds got downgraded a bit (10%) but with this it can make some modules (beams) more useless than they are now.

    Or maybe not just my .02, I think you have earned at least some trust by doing such a great job so Ill shut up and let you do what you think is best.
    Arazel Chainfire
    Gallente Federation
    #264 - 2013-01-22 04:59:28 UTC
    Initial reaction:

    AAR - gives a 68% bounus over current T2, but you're limited to 1 per ship. Plus it uses more cap boosters, when the only (large) active armor tanks are the hyperion and the myrmidon. Which both currently run triple rep setups, as that is the only way that active armor is actually worth it - otherwise it just has too little rep amount. Remove the limitation of 1 per ship and this might be useful. That would allow a triple rep myrm/hyperion to do the same with only needing 2 reps. As it is, still need 3 reps to be actually useful. Still doesn't have enough rep power for just one rep to be worthwhile, except maybe on frigates (which I don't fly).

    The new armor rig - 20% bonus to rep amount and 30% cycle time when overheated. This causes a T2 armor rep to rep for 960 in 10.5s base. Compare this to an aux. nano pump and overheating. 1012 armor repped over 12.75s. Similar for nanobot accelerator (except cycle time instead of amount). This comes out to a 15% bonus over the standard, but only when overheated. Possibly useful, will withhold judgment.

    Change to armor rig penalty. Meh - you are a smidge faster, but use more PG. But active armor repping still too bad to be worthwhile in most cases.

    Reduction in mass from plates. Plated ships still fat and slow. Net effect - everyone will still try to fit a 1600 on everything that can, but they will now be marginally more agile, but still not enough to actually catch shield tanked ships.

    Overall - Not impressed with changes. Come back to us when you have some changes that may actually be useful to show us.

    Monks of War
    #265 - 2013-01-22 05:21:18 UTC
    t1 - 240 armor boost
    t2 - 320 armor boost

    ancilary armor rep - 540

    are you f****ing kidding?

    Caldari State
    #266 - 2013-01-22 05:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Sekket
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    fukier wrote:

    how come you avoid talking about scaleability of active armor rep bonus and how its useless in fleet warfare?

    its an easy fix just make the skill affect external incomming armor RR!

    presto now the bonus is usefull for anything larger then 5 ships!

    And also super overpowered.

    Are resist bonused boats OP when they are remote repped?
    • CQ isn't a refuge, it's a cage.

    Vae Caudex
    Vae Caudex Corporation
    #267 - 2013-01-22 05:48:16 UTC
    Freighdee Katt wrote:
    Galatea Galilei wrote:
    Coming from a PvE perspective, active armor tanking is not unusable, but it's so bad relative to shield tanking that I can easily fit a cap-stable shield tank on my Myrmidon that tanks more DPS than a cap-stable twin-MAR armor tank, even though the Myrm has bonuses for armor tanking! You're better off ignoring the bonuses and fitting a shield tank to maximize your sustained tank.

    The new rig only helps when overheating, and besides I can't very well use it when I need three CCC rigs, two cap rechargers, and a cap power relay just to make the dual MAR fit stable. The other rig changes just remove the speed penalty, and do nothing to affect the fact that even a twin-MAR setup on a bonused ship doesn't heal as much damage as a passive shield tank on a ship that doesn't even have resist bonuses.

    The proposed changes don't seem to come anywhere close to putting a dent into the inferiority of armor tanking...

    Pretty much this. This whole set of changes seems like just throwing a weird, needlessly tweaky and kinda useless new module and yet another batch of one-off "must train to V" skills at the problem instead of just making a balance pass on the fundamentals.

    If you wanted to get armor tanking back on track, you should have been looking at fundamentals like:

    - Having the rep hit at the start instead of the end of the cycle
    - Making standard reppers run faster with the same cap use, or just rep more
    - Buffing hull active rep bonuses across the board to 10%
    - Buffing base armor resist values across the board to give armor tanking some sort of basis for seriously competing with shield features like passive recharge and dual/triple/quad/lolASB tanking

    If you wanted to get clever dealing with the speed disparity, how about something really nice like a role bonus for some hulls that negates 80% of the armor rig / plate speed penalty for the designated buffer tank / PvP boats?

    As it is, this doesn't feel like "balance" at all, just a random set of things that will bring a bunch of unintended consequences, aggravate the already out of control SP bloat that is going on with the "rebalancing," and not even touch the fundamental issues that have been discussed over and over here for ages.

    The Public Enemy.
    #268 - 2013-01-22 05:51:24 UTC
    Many of people in here still don't understand what is tha main concept of these new stuffs and changes.

    It's not a boost for armor reps in your favourite ratting ships.. (u get the resistance shifting stuff for it)
    It's not a boost afterall.. it's introducing the burst tanking style into armor tank.

    With these new stuff you can boost your tank for a short while, on the cost of long time (perma) tanking. It's your choice when fitting, you made a long time permanen tank, or a burst tank, which tank harder when u need it.. ofcourse in PVE it's useless like ASB.

    I only can repeat myself, it's made for PVP(!!!!).. Who don't do PVP can't understand what the hell is this, and why it will be awesome.

    oh, and the cry about new skill: if u compare shield skills with armor skills, u can see there are more skill points needed for max your shield skills.. maybe until now.

    (btw I'm a 100M+sp so i like new skill.. almost out of subcap skillz ^^)
    Goonswarm Federation
    #269 - 2013-01-22 05:52:50 UTC
    progodlegend wrote:
    Fozzie, can we please get the armor rep to occur at the beginning of the cycle, or the shield rep to occur at the end of the cycle? One or the other, but right now, Armor tanking and shield tanking become further and further unequal the larger the fight gets, and once TiDi kicks in, shield tanking has a massive advantage with shield logi getting their reps in almost instantly.

    If TiDi is here to stay, and I think its a great addition, than something needs to change with the armor reps and shield reps occuring at opposite ends of the cycle.

    What is your opinion of this? I can show some pretty interesting evidence as to why shield tanking is just massively overpowered compared to armor tanking whats TiDi kicks in, especially at high TiDi levels.

    Since i'm the only one talking about this, and this thread is filled with people talking about significantly more illrelevant things, I'm just going to keep quoting this massive issue until a dev reads it or more people who have some sense read it and keep posting the same thing. If you have some sense and know how massively unbalanced the difference between shield tanking and armor tanking can get at TiDi levels, then feel free to help me out by posting this message as well.
    The Public Enemy.
    #270 - 2013-01-22 05:57:57 UTC
    Vae Caudex wrote:
    Freighdee Katt wrote:
    Galatea Galilei wrote:
    Coming from a PvE perspective, active armor tanking is not unusable, but it's so bad relative to shield tanking that I can easily fit a cap-stable shield tank on my Myrmidon that tanks more DPS than a cap-stable twin-MAR armor tank, even though the Myrm has bonuses for armor tanking! You're better off ignoring the bonuses and fitting a shield tank to maximize your sustained tank.

    The new rig only helps when overheating, and besides I can't very well use it when I need three CCC rigs, two cap rechargers, and a cap power relay just to make the dual MAR fit stable. The other rig changes just remove the speed penalty, and do nothing to affect the fact that even a twin-MAR setup on a bonused ship doesn't heal as much damage as a passive shield tank on a ship that doesn't even have resist bonuses.

    The proposed changes don't seem to come anywhere close to putting a dent into the inferiority of armor tanking...

    Pretty much this. This whole set of changes seems like just throwing a weird, needlessly tweaky and kinda useless new module and yet another batch of one-off "must train to V" skills at the problem instead of just making a balance pass on the fundamentals.

    If you wanted to get armor tanking back on track, you should have been looking at fundamentals like:

    - Having the rep hit at the start instead of the end of the cycle
    - Making standard reppers run faster with the same cap use, or just rep more
    - Buffing hull active rep bonuses across the board to 10%
    - Buffing base armor resist values across the board to give armor tanking some sort of basis for seriously competing with shield features like passive recharge and dual/triple/quad/lolASB tanking

    If you wanted to get clever dealing with the speed disparity, how about something really nice like a role bonus for some hulls that negates 80% of the armor rig / plate speed penalty for the designated buffer tank / PvP boats?

    As it is, this doesn't feel like "balance" at all, just a random set of things that will bring a bunch of unintended consequences, aggravate the already out of control SP bloat that is going on with the "rebalancing," and not even touch the fundamental issues that have been discussed over and over here for ages.


    "- Having the rep hit at the start instead of the end of the cycle"
    if u want to make armor reps like shield reps.. maybe you should simple learn shield stuffz ^^

    I think until now you only learned armor tank, and u wanted it's moar powerfull.. maybe your skills doesn't lvl5 yet.. and don't want to learn shield.. because it's time.. yes, I play since 6 years.. i had all lvl5 at each tanks.. and uses armor and shield tank ships too.. You (and everyone who crys standard armor rep boost) only want a win button instead of prove your skillz (in your character sheet and playing skillz too)
    Minmatar Heavy Industries
    #271 - 2013-01-22 06:11:10 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

    Expect at least most of these changes to make it into the next Sisi build for playtesting (the AARs might not catch this upcoming build but they should at least be in the one after that).

    The best way to test this will be with a multi ASB fit shield Gnosis against a single AAR fit armour Gnosis
    What ya think is going to happenQuestion
    An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
    The Public Enemy.
    #272 - 2013-01-22 06:18:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Shaak'Ti
    DarthNefarius wrote:
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

    Expect at least most of these changes to make it into the next Sisi build for playtesting (the AARs might not catch this upcoming build but they should at least be in the one after that).

    The best way to test this will be with a multi ASB fit shield Gnosis against a single AAR fit armour Gnosis
    What ya think is going to happenQuestion

    I usually fit active armor tank ships with min 2 reps.. so more like an AAR + a standard rep fit ..
    Don't be fool.. becouse only 1 can fit by AAR u still can fit standard armor reps.

    (edit: also, armor rep cyrcle longer, so u can burst tank longer with AAR than ASB)
    Iyacia Cyric'ai
    Lai Dai Counterintelligence
    #273 - 2013-01-22 06:45:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Iyacia Cyric'ai
    Shaak'Ti wrote:
    DarthNefarius wrote:
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

    Expect at least most of these changes to make it into the next Sisi build for playtesting (the AARs might not catch this upcoming build but they should at least be in the one after that).

    The best way to test this will be with a multi ASB fit shield Gnosis against a single AAR fit armour Gnosis
    What ya think is going to happenQuestion

    I usually fit active armor tank ships with min 2 reps.. so more like an AAR + a standard rep fit ..
    Don't be fool.. becouse only 1 can fit by AAR u still can fit standard armor reps.

    (edit: also, armor rep cyrcle longer, so u can burst tank longer with AAR than ASB)

    I think when a MEDIUM AAR provides more HP than a 1600 plate over a full set of cycles even before overheating or any nano pump rigs, you a very good module and the 1 per ship restriction is thoroughly justified. I can just imagine what a larger repper does with one of the new rigs, some nano pump rigs and some good overheating. Add in the fact that you can hybrid build some buffer and with a slave set, you'll likely survive the reload too assuming you haven't derped into a full-on fleet.

    Given that small armor reppers are already decent, I wonder what a SAAR will do to armor frigs and dessies...
    Sinzor Aumer
    Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
    #274 - 2013-01-22 07:09:33 UTC
    Ancillary armor repairer is BORING! It's just a copy-paste of ASB with some tweaks, you should be ashemed, Fozzie.
    ASB is relevant, because it combines SB and cap-booster, which both take med slots. On contrary, this new module is an abomination.
    It devaluates hi-meta reps.
    It also breaks metagame. Armor reps are never supposed to be burst-tanking.
    Also, you substitute armor tanking with cargohold tanking, which makes me sick.
    Not that I'm really a role-player, but that is a kind of tanking I'll never use, for ideological reasons.

    I know it's too late, but check out how it really could be:
    Nanite injector pump
    Takes low slot, max 1 per ship.
    Should be loaded with nanites, consumes them when cycling. Also consumes capacitor.
    Each cycle gives additional +3% bonus to armor repairer amount. These bonuses are cumulative, from cycle to cycle.
    Cycle time = 10 sec. Accumulated bunus is reduced by 3% every 20 seconds.
    (number are for the sake of example only)

    This module adapts philosophy of reactive armor hardener (which is generally fine imo), but makes it usable only for active tanking. You can adjust the amount of nanites consumed (or nano-paste, or whatnot), so it would not be profitable for PVE.

    But FFS, why do you publish details when everything is decided?!
    Apostrof Ahashion
    #275 - 2013-01-22 07:15:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Apostrof Ahashion
    Personally, i dont like this. ASB already made old shield boosters practically obsolete. I dont feel that adding new stuff to the game before fixing things already in it is a good practice.

    edit: and i agree with post above, if it still uses cap and charges only make it repair more nanite paste is more logical "ammo" than cap boosters.
    Minmatar Heavy Industries
    #276 - 2013-01-22 07:25:03 UTC  |  Edited by: DarthNefarius
    Philsophically the nano paste fuel makes more sense.
    That stuff is pretty expensive though,no? It would take upless space though.
    An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
    Sinzor Aumer
    Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
    #277 - 2013-01-22 07:31:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Sinzor Aumer
    DarthNefarius wrote:
    Philsophically the nano paste fuel makes more sense.
    That stuff is pretty expensive though,no? It would take upless space though.

    PVP is expensive, yes. And no, I still dont want cargohold-tanking.
    Apostrof Ahashion
    #278 - 2013-01-22 07:42:37 UTC
    DarthNefarius wrote:
    Philsophically the nano paste fuel makes more sense.
    That stuff is pretty expensive though,no? It would take upless space though.

    Navy cap booster 400 ~80k
    Nanite rapair paste ~20k

    Both are cheap, and nanite takes much less space. And it makes sense. Using batteries to boost repair amount makes no sense. ASB work without batteries but take crapload of cap to operate and that is a logical mechanic. This is silly.
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #279 - 2013-01-22 08:00:08 UTC
    Я считаю что AAR слишком дешево, этого не должно быть, чтоб опять как и в случае с ASB с этим говном летали 100% нищебродов, как вариант, добавьте эту штуку в пиратский ЛП-шоп, чтоб использование AAR было бы дорогим, но эффективным.

    I think it AAR too cheap. Use it in pirate LP shop. I think I'ts too owerpowered If it will be cheap. It must be expensive.
    Corben Arctus
    Future Corps
    Sleeper Social Club
    #280 - 2013-01-22 08:04:57 UTC
    Off-topic, but why didn't you just limit the ASB to 1 per ship instead of nerfing it?