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Cipreh for CSM8! Make our voices heard! [QUALIFIED]

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Rafari Katelo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#121 - 2013-02-21 13:34:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Rafari Katelo
Cipreh is a candidate that will in my eyes give the wormhole community a solid voice within CSM. As a CEO of Clann Fian and respected diplomat of Transmission Lost, he has provided the leadership to make both very respected entities within wormhole space and Eve alltogether. While many strong wormhole candidates exist, his knowledge of many different parts of Eve make him a very viable candidate to not only wormholers, but also to K-space residents.

Cipreh is a very knowledgable and honest capsuleer that will advance the interests of all space and in particular shed more light to CCP about potential areas where wormholes can be specifically improved. I for one love Cipreh's enthusiasm of running for CSM. If Cipreh can go out their and try his hardest to get a position within CSM, then I am 99% assured that he will work his butt of for the community as a whole within CSM.

Cipreh does not provide empty promises and I believe CSM can use his skills to further advance the interests of the Eve community. In many groups such as CSM, having too many people pushing their Alpha personalities upon each other is rather destructive. This is where Cipreh exceeds other candidates in my opinion because he is a very level headed leader with a knack for getting his points across in a very unobtrusive way. CSM needs someone like Cipreh.

+1 For Cipreh and good luck to all wormhole candidates!
Dividing by Z3r0
#122 - 2013-02-21 15:11:34 UTC
i would like see some more w-space sysetems get introduced , that would kick it for me . AS far as i know to few remain empty thus giving more corps or people less of a chance to move in .

If more systems get added i think the w-space resident number will grow segnificantly

all of this is from my perspective at least

I will vote aswell if i remember to do so , but not sure who atm . still good luck !
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#123 - 2013-02-22 12:08:03 UTC
I'm grateful for all the support I've received, and I will be going through and adding more information to my posts, and clarifying my views throughout the thread. Keep checking back for updates!

I've updated my original post so far.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#124 - 2013-02-22 12:21:48 UTC
There are a lot changes coming for eve. While I live in w-space, one of the most interesting for me personally will be to see how nullsec will change / evolve. For exemple, there's ideas that sov should be based on activity and not based on who owns certain structures. Another is beeing able to build/shape a system, placing your mark on it for everyone to see when they jump into the system. I can see some mechanics like that working in wspace to.

I would like to know your views on this. Both from a nullsec persepective and from a wspace persepective, and do you think this increase interaction between nullsec/wspace systems or not. If so, would you consider it good or bad.

I'll post the same question in a couple of other csm-topics to.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2013-02-25 23:49:32 UTC
Bloemkoolsaus wrote:
There are a lot changes coming for eve. While I live in w-space, one of the most interesting for me personally will be to see how nullsec will change / evolve. For exemple, there's ideas that sov should be based on activity and not based on who owns certain structures. Another is beeing able to build/shape a system, placing your mark on it for everyone to see when they jump into the system. I can see some mechanics like that working in wspace to.

I would like to know your views on this. Both from a nullsec persepective and from a wspace persepective, and do you think this increase interaction between nullsec/wspace systems or not. If so, would you consider it good or bad.

I'll post the same question in a couple of other csm-topics to.

First of all, I want to be very clear on this: I do not want wormhole space to become the new null sec, complete with sov mechanics and the build a bloc workshop. That being said, I feel that an activity based sov system for null would be a tremendous improvement over the current structure based mechanics.

I feel that the structure grinds required for the hostile takeover of sov in its current iteration is a large part of the current stagnation in 0.0. I personally wouldn't want to grind hundreds of millions of structure hit points for any reason, and from my understanding, neither do the majority of players from most of the larger sov holding organizations.

I feel that a usage based system, whether it's based off NPC kills, player kills, or some combination of both would drastically change the landscape in null sec for the better. You would no longer see organizations gathering whole regions to themselves then letting them sit empty, it simply wouldn't be feasible. This in turn, would open up vast tracts of space for other organizations to gain a foothold and begin building themselves up, similarly to how wormhole space allows smaller groups to gain a foothold rather easily, and build up their activity and member bases with less risk of getting stomped to pieces on a whim.

By allowing these newer or smaller organizations to get a foothold in null, that will increase the activity in previously unoccupied areas of space, which are currently held by massive power blocs who make very little or no use of the space they contain. That will mean, more targets, more fights, and more activity throughout that area of the game, and no one can complain about that being a bad thing for the game, or the community.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Kayomi Tenkima
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#126 - 2013-02-27 05:19:32 UTC
Hey there Cipreh! Just a question or two from a newer player. Reading up on the forums, there's lots of talk about Hi-Sec being too good or Null being too bad, but never any talk about W-space. What's your take on how W-space stacks up with the rest of the game risk/reward wise.

Also, another hot topic, is Sov issues. There's been a couple decent articles floating around the webs about how CCP could fix it. One such was that you could tie Sov structures hp/defenses to an Sov usage index. From what I understand about w-space, is there is no sov, therefore would have no index to improve on the structures in the system. Would you be in favor of a use-based sov index like that, and what would you suggest to CCP to help W-space in relation? Thanks for reading!
Endeavour Starfleet
#127 - 2013-02-27 07:10:14 UTC
Hello there!

I would like to name several situations that I feel are detrimental to the game. Give a solution and ask you for your stance on both. I do need answers to all the situations for my vote(s)

POS those three letters bring nightmares to just about anyone having the misfortune of having to operate one. The solution in the long term is obviously modular POS. Yet CCP seems to be backpedaling on implementing this despite the MANY benefits. What is your stance on the possibility of a near term bandage of a form of player POS that is only designed to be the equilivant of a Secure Container for ships until modular POS is ready?

Overpowered passive cloaking. It is now to the point where people are now beyond AFK cloaking but running streams of enemy stations and systems! Would you support balancing cloaking to punish those who go AFK (Eventually able to be scanned down for decloak) while maintaining the benefits to people actively cloaking (Remaining at their keyboard)

Lack of Ring Mining. Again with the CCP backpedaling despite the many benefits for nullsec and other areas for the game. What is your stand on the crap that is moon mining?

The silly push by some in the community to end or delay "Local" or any effective means for those in a nullsec system to determine if a hostile or unknown is in system in them. This obviously needs no solution but I want your thoughts.

The horrible state of missions in hisec. The solution in my opinion is a complete rewrite to allow for a more incursion like approach that rewards those who want to train up logistic frigs and cruisers or be a specific role in a fleet. Also providing a way for newer players to experience group play in EVE.

Incursion suckage. With the nerfs to Incursions fleets have slowed to a trickle and it was sad to see CCP willing to spend more development time nerfing entire expansions instead of doing what was right being making other aspects of EVE better. Modular POS and Ring mining need dev time sooner so I will admit this ought to be looked at later however I wanted to get your views on them and have this to be some context to the next aspect of Logi.

Logi suckage. Logis do not have the tools to do their job. They need to be able to tell who is locked and taking damage and in large fleets the watchlist can't handle that leading to dependence on broadcasts that most of EVE seems to not know or refuse to use right. Look at any average HQ incursion fleet where people don't broadcast right stressing out logi or in fleet fights where following FCs orders makes it harder to broadcast properly. A solution is a logi only screen that is completely configurable to show who is taking the most DPS and who has the most locks in fleet.

Logi Suckage #2 Reps don't get you on mails? Wut? Solution obviously is to have repping those in fleet land you on killmails generated from fleet.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#128 - 2013-03-02 02:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
Your questions cover a broad range of topics, however some of them are closely linked, so I am going to break it down and address them in smaller chunks. I am specifically going to start with the "AFK" cloaking and "Local" questions, and explain my stance a bit better on this common subject.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

Overpowered passive cloaking. It is now to the point where people are now beyond AFK cloaking but running streams of enemy stations and systems! Would you support balancing cloaking to punish those who go AFK (Eventually able to be scanned down for decloak) while maintaining the benefits to people actively cloaking (Remaining at their keyboard)

The silly push by some in the community to end or delay "Local" or any effective means for those in a nullsec system to determine if a hostile or unknown is in system in them. This obviously needs no solution but I want your thoughts.

I am going to preface my statement by saying this, I feel that cloaking is not overpowered, I'm more inclined to say that local is overpowered. 

(That statement might make you decide to skip past the rest of this post, and not read what I have to say, but I really hope that you take the time to consider the alternative.) 

I say this, realizing that I might be biased from my time in w-space, where we don't have the luxury of using local as an intelligence gathering tool. People who want to complain about AFK cloaking, are wanting less risk for themselves. There is no game breaking reason for this to be an issue, and I honestly don't feel that it is. The problem actually lies in the fact that local chat updates immediately upon someone jumping into a system, and from your phrasing, you're claiming that ending or delaying local will remove "any effective means for those in a nullsec system to determine if a hostile or unknown is in system with them."

I disagree, some of the best engagements I have ever been in, have come from someone getting the drop on us, or us getting the drop on someone else, and if we had local chat out here in w-space, I can almost guarantee that they wouldn't have happened. I can understand how such a change might be disconcerting, or even scary for people who have come to depend upon local to tell them when to stop farming their sanctum in null, or to dock up in low sec. That's because you've formed a dependency on that intelligence it gives you. Learn to directional scan, because most times, if you're watching your directional scan, you will have time to get safe before a hostile fleet lands on you, even if you have it set at a close range. There's also the option of posting scouts on the gates leading in and out of the system, to watch for traffic, or even going so far as to setup strategic warp bubbles to slow down incoming fleets. 

I feel that removing local would likely increase the quantity and quality of conflict in all sections of space, with the exception of empire.

Next, I am going to tackle the POS question, because that's something I've spoken about extensively in my interviews and in various posts in this thread, it's one of the key issues, not just for w-space, but for all areas of space. They could potentially rework the current POS system and address a multitude of issues, that are common complaints across many different play styles and almost every aspect of the game.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

POS those three letters bring nightmares to just about anyone having the misfortune of having to operate one. The solution in the long term is obviously modular POS. Yet CCP seems to be backpedaling on implementing this despite the MANY benefits. What is your stance on the possibility of a near term bandage of a form of player POS that is only designed to be the equilivant of a Secure Container for ships until modular POS is ready?

I feel that if CCP were to work on increasing the granularity of the corporate roles system, and looking at the current POS modules, perhaps going as far as changing how they interact with each other, and re-balancing their roles within the industrial ecosystem of EVE, it would be far better use of development time then building a new system from the ground up. I understand that there is some issues regarding legacy code, and how the POS code interacts with the corporate roles system, so I feel that any changes to the current iteration of towers, would require work on the corporate membership interface. As far as your proposal of a “of a near term bandage of a form of player POS that is only designed to be the equilivant of a Secure Container for ships until modular POS is ready,” I'd love to see something implemented similar to the tab system that we currently have in the Corporate Hangar Array or Ship Assembly Array, would go a long way to easing some of the security concerns and issues that I've come across.

In addition, CCP has stated on several different occasions that they want to revitalize industry in null sec, and I feel that looking at the risk versus reward ratio of working in a POS compared to an outpost, or a station, considering the substantially increased vulnerability of a tower compared to either of those structures, and adjusting the industrial modules to bring the rewards of using them into line with the risk, of keeping your assets and running your industry in something that could get destroyed rather easily, when compared to an outpost.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2013-03-02 02:07:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
Next thing I am going to tackle is your questions about PVE mechanics, for both high sec missions, and incursions. I get the feeling from the tone of your questions that you're a bit upset about the perceived incursion nerf.

Endeavour Starfleet wrote:

The horrible state of missions in hisec. The solution in my opinion is a complete rewrite to allow for a more incursion like approach that rewards those who want to train up logistic frigs and cruisers or be a specific role in a fleet. Also providing a way for newer players to experience group play in EVE.

Incursion suckage. With the nerfs to Incursions fleets have slowed to a trickle and it was sad to see CCP willing to spend more development time nerfing entire expansions instead of doing what was right being making other aspects of EVE better. Modular POS and Ring mining need dev time sooner so I will admit this ought to be looked at later however I wanted to get your views on them and have this to be some context to the next aspect of Logi.

These two topics are also closely interconnected, and in your first question, you make a vague statement about the “horrible state of missions in hisec,” and state that you'd like missions to implement a system that rewards people who choose to train into a support role. I personally don't think that missions in high sec are really in that bad of a place, though I think the risk versus reward for high sec in general needs to be reevaluated. They have, over the last couple expansions, taken broad steps to reduce the risk for the average high sec player. The changes to the crimewatch system, insurance, and wars, have all had a somewhat positive impact in lowering the risk of living and working in high security space. This extends to miners, mission runners, industrialists, haulers, basically anyone who spends any time at all in empire.

The flip side of that though, is that with the increased safety that these new mechanics offer, the rewards have remained fairly stable, which has unbalanced empire in comparison with other areas of the game in terms of risk to reward ratio. This ties into the incursion “nerf” you mentioned above as well. When they implemented incursions, they were horribly broken, the mechanics were flawed and people, as they always do, took great advantage of that. The same thing happened with the new faction warfare mechanics, and many other times throughout the history of EVE. You claim that “incursion fleets have slowed to a trickle,” I disagree, they have just become a tightly knit sub-community in the game, and if you're willing to put forth the time and effort, you can almost always find someone willing to run them. I have members of my corporation who regularly go run incursions in high sec, and they always have people in their fleets, so I am not sure where you're getting your information from.

Another statement you made regarding missions is that you would like to see them rewritten to take “a more incursion like approach that rewards those who want to train up logistic frigs and cruisers or be a specific role in a fleet.” This is already in-game, and it's called... incursions. The only thing that is preventing people from getting new pilots involved, are the people themselves. This game is a sandbox, we don't want CCP taking the wide open aspect of the game out of the hands of the players, that is one of the major draws to EVE for many players in all aspects of the game.

You want to get new players involved in fleets, go out there and start a new player friendly corp and teach them to run incursions, there's no limit to the number of people you can bring, the only thing stopping it from happening is the people themselves. Be one of the content creators, the instigators, don't make CCP do it.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Endeavour Starfleet
#130 - 2013-03-02 06:43:51 UTC
Nullsec in not W-space. The advantages of W-Space is what makes no local worth it. And AFK Cloaking is just as overpowered in that space as it is in null. Zero risk in hostile territory. While going out to dinner or to school or anything one can do before downtime.

Removing or delaying local will not improve nullsec.

Tho I agree that there are some bandaids they could do with the current POS system until there is enough chance to do something bigger.

However, I can't support you will such views on local and overpowered cloaking. I encourage you to go on Twitch.TV to learn more about how big the issue with cloaking has gotten.
Frying Doom
#131 - 2013-03-02 12:45:51 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Nullsec in not W-space. The advantages of W-Space is what makes no local worth it. And AFK Cloaking is just as overpowered in that space as it is in null. Zero risk in hostile territory. While going out to dinner or to school or anything one can do before downtime.

Removing or delaying local will not improve nullsec.

Tho I agree that there are some bandaids they could do with the current POS system until there is enough chance to do something bigger.

However, I can't support you will such views on local and overpowered cloaking. I encourage you to go on Twitch.TV to learn more about how big the issue with cloaking has gotten.

I always love that statement "The advantages of W-Space is what makes no local worth it."

What advantages? The fact that you can suddenly be jumped by 20 battleships with no warning at all?

But in all honesty Null needs local, they just would never undock with out it.

Thats why the order of risk vs reward is
WH space

Null sec would never take on the extra risk no local causes.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#132 - 2013-03-02 12:57:55 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
What advantages? The fact that you can suddenly be jumped by 20 battleships with no warning at all?

NOW you're getting it! Big smile

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2013-03-04 04:01:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#134 - 2013-03-04 04:36:28 UTC
Cipreh wrote:

for awesomeness

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#135 - 2013-03-04 18:22:25 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Nullsec in not W-space. The advantages of W-Space is what makes no local worth it. And AFK Cloaking is just as overpowered in that space as it is in null. Zero risk in hostile territory. While going out to dinner or to school or anything one can do before downtime.

Removing or delaying local will not improve nullsec.

Tho I agree that there are some bandaids they could do with the current POS system until there is enough chance to do something bigger.

However, I can't support you will such views on local and overpowered cloaking. I encourage you to go on Twitch.TV to learn more about how big the issue with cloaking has gotten.

I always love that statement "The advantages of W-Space is what makes no local worth it."

What advantages? The fact that you can suddenly be jumped by 20 battleships with no warning at all?

But in all honesty Null needs local, they just would never undock with out it.

Thats why the order of risk vs reward is
WH space

Null sec would never take on the extra risk no local causes.

I'm afraid that is an ignorant comment. The one word that invalidates your analysis is: cynos

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2013-03-07 16:57:24 UTC
Just did Declarations of War Podcast with Chitsa Jason, and CSM 7 member Alekseyev Karrde! Should be out in the next couple of days.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2013-03-07 21:22:23 UTC
What is your stance on AFK skill training?
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2013-03-07 22:07:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipreh
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
What is your stance on AFK skill training?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this question, could you please clarify what "AFK skill training" is? Skill training is a completely passive form of progression in this game, so the phrasing has me a bit confused.

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2013-03-07 22:24:39 UTC
Cipreh wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
What is your stance on AFK skill training?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this question, could you please clarify what "AFK skill training" is? Skill training is a completely passive form of progression in this game, so the phrasing has me a bit confused.
Enough with passive progression in this game. Mining. Skill training. Moon goo. Enough with being able to ignore a 50 day skill train!
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2013-03-08 17:39:03 UTC
Declarations of War is up! Thanks to Alekseyev Karrde and Ninjaturtle for hosting us!

Blog: Twitter: @Cipreh I am also available on Skype, details available upon request. Feel free to contact me via any of the above methods,or in-game.