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Pirate Faction Rookie Frigates - On Sisi (screenshots inside)

Silivar Karkun
#61 - 2013-01-20 20:35:25 UTC
Romvex wrote:
Silivar Karkun wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
This would be awesome> Is it still ingame?

yeah, he just got revampe in V3 graphics, but all the traditional ships for the pirate factions still exist, the Ixion, the Medusa, etc..

according to Gogela's every ship page it's been removed, and i've never seen it before anyway

they got a graphic revamp, i only know the angel ships

look at here for the info in the revamp of the Angel Ships:
Epic Ganking Time
#62 - 2013-01-20 20:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Romvex wrote:
Silivar Karkun wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
This would be awesome> Is it still ingame?

yeah, he just got revampe in V3 graphics, but all the traditional ships for the pirate factions still exist, the Ixion, the Medusa, etc..

according to Gogela's every ship page it's been removed, and i've never seen it before anyway

No it's still there... the ones in black are just ships that are only available to Devs. (You won't find it amongst the frigs b/c on TQ it's classified as a cruiser) You can still pull up the stats by clicking on the ship in your in-game browser. My list represents the TQ database... not SiSi

Signatures should be used responsibly...

#63 - 2013-01-20 20:44:59 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Romvex wrote:
Silivar Karkun wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
This would be awesome> Is it still ingame?

yeah, he just got revampe in V3 graphics, but all the traditional ships for the pirate factions still exist, the Ixion, the Medusa, etc..

according to Gogela's every ship page it's been removed, and i've never seen it before anyway

No it's still there... the ones in black are just ships that are only available to Devs. (You won't find it amongst the frigs b/c on TQ it's classified as a cruiser) You can still pull up the stats by clicking on the ship in your in-game browser. My list represents the TQ database... not SiSi

Ah i see it, just has the red crossbones and skull saying removed from database. Can't seem to pull up info in IGB either
Epic Ganking Time
#64 - 2013-01-20 21:37:53 UTC
Romvex wrote:
Gogela wrote:
Romvex wrote:
Silivar Karkun wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
This would be awesome> Is it still ingame?

yeah, he just got revampe in V3 graphics, but all the traditional ships for the pirate factions still exist, the Ixion, the Medusa, etc..

according to Gogela's every ship page it's been removed, and i've never seen it before anyway

No it's still there... the ones in black are just ships that are only available to Devs. (You won't find it amongst the frigs b/c on TQ it's classified as a cruiser) You can still pull up the stats by clicking on the ship in your in-game browser. My list represents the TQ database... not SiSi

Ah i see it, just has the red crossbones and skull saying removed from database. Can't seem to pull up info in IGB either

*$%& #@*@!!!!!

Yah my bad you are right. They took it out of the TQ DB! Gah. Bummer. Sorry. The list is right I was wrong... :/

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2013-01-20 22:59:00 UTC

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Arkenai Wyrnspire
#66 - 2013-01-20 23:15:09 UTC
Violator is sexy.
Those bonuses.


Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#67 - 2013-01-20 23:31:43 UTC
Echo bonuses also looks very nice. It would be one of the few T1 ships in the game with a small projectile falloff bonus.

I beg of CCP to let us use these things, rather than have them be some sort of one-time gift.

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#68 - 2013-01-21 00:53:57 UTC
One thing that would really help PVP and faction warfare would be specifically combat capable rookie ships for member of FW militias. As it is now, for everybody, you lose a ship or dock in a pod, you get a free rookie ship. Not much you can do with a rookie ship (unless you are a drone boat leetmeiser fielding 2 T2 drones from a velly and giving short-timers a shock) in FW, but it would probably be a good incentive for FW when they get combat frigates for being in FW.

Just a thought.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

#69 - 2013-01-21 01:40:24 UTC
Stegas Tyrano wrote:

yo dude i thought the same thing
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2013-01-21 18:02:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Stegas Tyrano
The Ixion has been V3'd

Please give it an Artillery/Railgun Bonus and a nice Tracking Link bonus Smile

EDIT: Blog it was taken from

2nd EDIT: Not V3'd but just a premium client model.

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

#71 - 2013-01-21 18:04:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Romvex
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
The Ixion has been V3'd

Please give it an Artillery/Railgun Bonus and a nice Tracking Link bonus Smile

EDIT: Blog it was taken from

2nd EDIT: Not V3'd but just a premium client model.

that is assuming they're making it flyable. and why a hybrid bonus? and a link bonus used on logis?
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-01-21 18:12:36 UTC
Romvex wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
The Ixion has been V3'd

Please give it an Artillery/Railgun Bonus and a nice Tracking Link bonus Smile

EDIT: Blog it was taken from

2nd EDIT: Not V3'd but just a premium client model.

that is assuming they're making it flyable. and why a hybrid bonus? and a link bonus used on logis?

Does it use projectiles? Artillery then. The link bonus is there for err because it's different and because they took it off the scytheBear

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

#73 - 2013-01-21 18:15:50 UTC
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
Romvex wrote:
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
The Ixion has been V3'd

Please give it an Artillery/Railgun Bonus and a nice Tracking Link bonus Smile

EDIT: Blog it was taken from

2nd EDIT: Not V3'd but just a premium client model.

that is assuming they're making it flyable. and why a hybrid bonus? and a link bonus used on logis?

Does it use projectiles? Artillery then. The link bonus is there for err because it's different and because they took it off the scytheBear

interesting idea, like a faction logi sort ofUgh Although with any of the currently unflyable angel ships, the stats would have to be overhauled. The medusa has speed less than half that of a battleship, the ixion has 1 lowslot and the lynx is just an overall awful ship based n the stats. also i would want more frigs and cruisers for other pirate factions as well to balance it out
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#74 - 2013-01-21 19:14:46 UTC
It would be interesting if this was the theme for the next series of expansions... namely Pirates vs The Man.

Players able to bring in new characters aligned with the different Pirate factions vs Faction Militia pilots... with access to properly balanced versions of their ships available for our consumption.

Perhaps even including freeing stations (and whole systems) from Faction control and docking regulations, and possibly involving the ability to shift security status of disputed systems up and down.

It's been hinted at, it would be nice to see it done in this fashion.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Epic Ganking Time
#75 - 2013-01-21 21:33:43 UTC
Stegas Tyrano wrote:
The Ixion has been V3'd

Please give it an Artillery/Railgun Bonus and a nice Tracking Link bonus Smile

EDIT: Blog it was taken from

2nd EDIT: Not V3'd but just a premium client model.

There is still the model in the TQ database for that (used for NPC ships), but not the player flyable ship. If you get on some of the development builds (sisi or buckingham) some of the ship in red on my list will pull up a player flyable ship's stats. I don't know why that is or how that works. A few expansions ago CCP Greyscale went on a tear removing 'unused' stuff from the TQ database and with that went the ships. This was never applied to the development servers though. Don't ask me how that's even possible I don't know. That said, concord cruisers, the Ixion, and even the Infested Dominix could still be pulled up for many builds after the TQ purge. I don't know if that's still the case, I haven't tested it recently. I don't generally remove the link or itemID from my ship list when they remove a ship from the TQ database, so if it's still there the link should work in the test client. Maybe they'll bring it back at some point? You could check sisi to find out...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#76 - 2013-01-23 14:41:35 UTC
Has there been any comment from CCP regarding these things? Really eager to hear what they have to say about em!

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

bufnitza calatoare
#77 - 2013-01-23 21:28:59 UTC
I think its safe to say with 99.99% certainty that the Gnosis will be a tourney ship.
god knows what 2nd prize will be.

pirate rookie ships for 10th eve birthday pressies to the populace.
Epic Ganking Time
#78 - 2013-01-23 21:57:36 UTC
bufnitza calatoare wrote:
I think its safe to say with 99.99% certainty that the Gnosis will be a tourney ship.
god knows what 2nd prize will be.

pirate rookie ships for 10th eve birthday pressies to the populace.

I think that you are wrong about the Gnosis, for 3 main reasons.

1) Apotheosis for 5th. Gnosis for 10th. Same ship line and works w/ the lore.

2) Everyone is testing the Gnosis on sisi. CCP is seeking feedback and really trying to balance it into the game's ecosystem. That's not something they do with limited 50-run tourny ships.

3) The logical next iteration of faction warfare is to take it to the pirate factions. CCP has been talking about that since the inception of FW. That would be the vector for distributing pirate rookie ships. Either that or letting people choose a pirate bloodline when they create a character (also a possibility).

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Streya Jormagdnir
Alexylva Paradox
#79 - 2013-01-24 16:21:25 UTC
Gogela wrote:
[quote=bufnitza calatoare]

3) The logical next iteration of faction warfare is to take it to the pirate factions. CCP has been talking about that since the inception of FW. That would be the vector for distributing pirate rookie ships. Either that or letting people choose a pirate bloodline when they create a character (also a possibility).

I wonder how that will work? Where will the pirate militias fight? Will they be at war with all the hisec empires (and thus pirate militia pilots will get shot at from the navies in hisec)? It will certainly be interesting to see!

I am also a human, straggling between the present world... and our future. I am a regulator, a coordinator, one who is meant to guide the way.

Destination Unreachable: the worst Wspace blog ever

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#80 - 2013-01-24 16:54:04 UTC
Streya Jormagdnir wrote:
Gogela wrote:
[quote=bufnitza calatoare]

3) The logical next iteration of faction warfare is to take it to the pirate factions. CCP has been talking about that since the inception of FW. That would be the vector for distributing pirate rookie ships. Either that or letting people choose a pirate bloodline when they create a character (also a possibility).

I wonder how that will work? Where will the pirate militias fight? Will they be at war with all the hisec empires (and thus pirate militia pilots will get shot at from the navies in hisec)? It will certainly be interesting to see!

I imagine that they will fight in the same systems as FW currently does, but if they win it simply free's them from Faction control. In a sense they could call themselves Freedom Fighters instead of Pirates... which would be true, from a certain point of view. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.