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Can't believe how many CSM/CCP employees want a theme park

First post
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#201 - 2013-01-17 18:18:00 UTC
Didn't soundwave say that they would never split EVE? High sec no pvp, everyplace else PvP? Didn't soundwave himself say that? He did.

They need to stop trying to find ways to code around human behavior, they can't. Removing wardecs from high sec would be worse for the game then keeping them in, people WILL quit, because that's not EVE.

High sec corps need a reason to want to fight. When you can just abandon your corp and PoS because thre's zero real impact on you, there's a problem.

Abandoning a corp or structure needs to be felt. If it wasn't desirable to do, people would actually fight to keep them.

They're basically allowing the persception of EVE to define EVE, as apposed to reinforcing what EVE is.
They say EVE is cold and harsh, and instead of making it so, they're letting the perception that high sec is were you go when you don't want any pvp drive the game.

But then, this version of CCP seems very clearly focused on "more dollars" and not really interested in trying to make EVE a more fun EVE.

Another studio though that if they just removed more of the PvP, then more people would play.
It didn't work for Origian and EA, it won't work for CCP.

CCP is doing exactly what every other MMO development studio does. Look at what everyone esle is doing, and even though it's not worked for them, it must work for us. Thinking you can be the exception to the rule never works for anyone.

Dear CCP,
If you really want to make "more", if you really want a million subscriber EVE, create NEW content.
Drastic changes have not benefitted any other MMO, it will not benefit you.
Once you make that change, you will never get back what you lose.
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#202 - 2013-01-17 18:22:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
A lot of you are missing the core issue here when it comes to war decs and to a degree, several other parts of the game. There is simply far too many times where docking up and not fighting (going to play another game) is the best course of action. Blue balling. What you should be asking and analyzing is what needs to be changed so the best course of action is to undock and fight.

While making someone not engage and log off will feed that troll side in all of us, it makes for ****** game play and does nothing to help spaceships pew pew and explode. I'm going to a wild stab in the dark and assume most of you would rather be on the edge of your seat sucked into an epic battle than ship spinning or worse, logging off to play another game.
#203 - 2013-01-17 18:28:14 UTC
Tubrug1 wrote:
Removing suicide ganking and non-consensual wardecs does infact turn the game into a theme park.

No, not the entire game. I don't see DUST players as a threat to EVE even when they cannot shoot our space ships directly. For all I care could DUST514 be a theme park.

If then high-sec turns into a theme park and players could mine there forever, then it is also not different from those magically reappearing asteroids that you can find everywhere. And just like miners need to get the ore out of the asteroids would players need to get it into low-sec, where they again can be shot.

If all this fear over a theme park is because of a loss of space in which players can PvP then it really only needs more space and new regions in low- and null-sec.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Scope Works
#204 - 2013-01-17 18:33:44 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
A lot of you are missing the core issue here when it comes to war decs and to a degree, several other parts of the game. There is simply far too many times where docking up and not fighting (going to play another game) is the best course of action. Blue balling. What you should be asking and analyzing is what needs to be changed so the best course of action is to undock and fight.

While making someone not engage and log off will feed that troll side in all of us, it makes for ****** game play and does nothing to help spaceships pew pew and explode. I'm going to a wild stab in the dark and assume most of you would rather be on the edge of your seat sucked into an epic battle than ship spinning or worse, logging off to play another game.

That's a good point to bring up. But the major problem is just what pvp in Eve is. Bring more ships, win, rinse, repeat.

If Corp A dec's Corp B, and Corp A outnumbers Corp B with a fielded fleet that outnumbers Corp B's fleet 3:1, Corp B will dock, plain and simple. It's just the nature of how pvp works in Eve. If the other guy's blob is bigger, the first guy will dock.

And if anybody comes up with that "lololol lern2smallgang pvp nub," you need a reality check. You can enjoy small gang pvp all you want, but when a bigger gang comes, what's going to happen? You either die or dock.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#205 - 2013-01-17 18:36:10 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
some say Eve is becoming a theme park game and others asking for a full pvp server everywhere from VFK-IV up to Jita.

Tranquility currently *is* a PvP server, everywhere.

K, gank my alts pod dock at the station please. Send me an e mail at the bar Lol

When they finally implement WiS I'm sure many people will be quite happy to gank you in a station

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#206 - 2013-01-17 18:41:41 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Tubrug1 wrote:
Removing suicide ganking and non-consensual wardecs does infact turn the game into a theme park.

No, not the entire game. I don't see DUST players as a threat to EVE even when they cannot shoot our space ships directly. For all I care could DUST514 be a theme park.

If then high-sec turns into a theme park and players could mine there forever, then it is also not different from those magically reappearing asteroids that you can find everywhere. And just like miners need to get the ore out of the asteroids would players need to get it into low-sec, where they again can be shot.

If all this fear over a theme park is because of a loss of space in which players can PvP then it really only needs more space and new regions in low- and null-sec.

The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

High sec was never intended to be safe, and the only reason to make it "safer" is the idea that it will bring in many more players and make CCP more money.

It didn't work for anyone else that ever made those kinds of drastic changes that altered the cor principles of the game. It didn't work for EA, it didn't work for SoE, it didn't work for DAoC.

Marlona Sky gets it very well.
The problem isn't the need for more safety, it's a need to make it WOTHWHILE to go to war. People are docking up becuse there's nothing to lose, there's no reason to fight.

They could start by eliminating the one man corp. People might not like that, but the fact is that that is chief among the reason why high sec wars do not work. High sec corps should be growing like a null sec or low sec one; they're far to many people who use the corporations as a "guild" so that they can access "housing" in the form of a PoS, and then don't care about disbanding because it effects no one.

One man corps are rediculous, that's not a CORPORATION. You should have to gather people around you first.
No one disbands a 100 man corp because of a wardeck.

The solutions seem obvious to me, but that means a slightly more difficult game, and we all know that a lot of people are simply tring to make things as easy as possible; especially in high sec. The moment a little effort is required, people will regect it.

Corporations, both NPC and player run, are being abused. You should not be able to form a one man corp to avoid tax in high sec, Or to build a PoS. The fact one guy can run a PoS is silly. if they aren't going to do the PoS revamp, then PoS's (from the get go) should have been a group endevour.
#207 - 2013-01-17 18:45:37 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

It is a free economy. How is this unfit for anything?

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#208 - 2013-01-17 18:45:56 UTC
CCP will never do this, this type of change already happened on another great sandbox mmo-rpg's (Ultima Online), and it killed the game.

To all the themepark carebears players that want to kill our beloved EvE, get the facts straight , you are not playing a themepark game, If you're not willing to fight for what you have in EvE Online, you don't deserve it, and you will lose it.


The Tears Must Flow

#209 - 2013-01-17 18:46:50 UTC
are we to let you people run more than 5 bil in freighters and officer fit your mission ships with impunity? lol what the christ

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#210 - 2013-01-17 18:48:49 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

It is a free economy. How is this unfit for anything?

A free economy has nothing to do with it.

It's a cycle of creation and destruction, and high sec is as much a part of the destruction part as anyplace else. It's intended to be, an the economy depends upon it being so.

And WTF man.
That was the only thing out of all I wrote that you felt warranted quoting and repsonding too?

Or do you think my suggestion was actually good?
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#211 - 2013-01-17 18:50:23 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

It is a free economy. How is this unfit for anything?

Supply and Demand?

The reason for the sucess of EvE economy is the rutless pvp centric sandbox environment.

The circle of Creation vs Destruction is the engine, crush the destruction part and you will see what happens (Trammel part 2...)

The Tears Must Flow

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#212 - 2013-01-17 18:50:53 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
pretty much a strawman argument, as no one is suggesting doing anything like that in EVE.

In return I'm telling you your argument is a strawman one since in this very same forum and thread some say Eve is becoming a theme park game and others asking for a full pvp server everywhere from VFK-IV up to Jita.


Reading this kind of thread and answer really proves me I'm better at the bar having a nice paint rather than waste my time around here.


Paint? Don't go killin yerself over it, it's just a game.....

A PVP game.....

#213 - 2013-01-17 18:52:37 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
are we to let you people run more than 5 bil in freighters and officer fit your mission ships with impunity?

You already allow players, who sit docked at Jita and who you cannot shoot, to transfer trillions safely.

If players dock up in a station, logout or jump into a theme park then makes what difference?

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#214 - 2013-01-17 18:54:48 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
are we to let you people run more than 5 bil in freighters and officer fit your mission ships with impunity?

You already allow players, who sit docked at Jita and who you cannot shoot, to transfer trillions safely.

If players dock up in a station, logout or jump into a theme park then makes what difference?

WiS was planed to solved this, i would assassinate your character in captains quarters and take our stuff.

The Tears Must Flow

#215 - 2013-01-17 18:55:05 UTC
Whitehound wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
are we to let you people run more than 5 bil in freighters and officer fit your mission ships with impunity?

You already allow players, who sit docked at Jita and who you cannot shoot, to transfer trillions safely.

If players dock up in a station, logout or jump into a theme park then makes what difference?

it's like moby **** or the one that got away, thrill of the hunt. lol what the christ

Luke Visteen
#216 - 2013-01-17 19:00:01 UTC
First off, I'm sorry if this won't be on topic but....

I like turtles Shocked


Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#217 - 2013-01-17 19:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

Marlona Sky gets it very well.
The problem isn't the need for more safety, it's a need to make it WOTHWHILE to go to war. People are docking up becuse there's nothing to lose, there's no reason to fight.

They could start by eliminating the one man corp. People might not like that, but the fact is that that is chief among the reason why high sec wars do not work. High sec corps should be growing like a null sec or low sec one; they're far to many people who use the corporations as a "guild" so that they can access "housing" in the form of a PoS, and then don't care about disbanding because it effects no one.

One man corps are rediculous, that's not a CORPORATION. You should have to gather people around you first.
No one disbands a 100 man corp because of a wardeck.

The solutions seem obvious to me, but that means a slightly more difficult game, and we all know that a lot of people are simply tring to make things as easy as possible; especially in high sec. The moment a little effort is required, people will regect it.

Corporations, both NPC and player run, are being abused. You should not be able to form a one man corp to avoid tax in high sec, Or to build a PoS. The fact one guy can run a PoS is silly. if they aren't going to do the PoS revamp, then PoS's (from the get go) should have been a group endevour.

You're right, one man corps are a little ridiculous, but eliminating them totally would be a bad move, there are several players like myself that offer corp creation services, that by it's very nature requires a one man corp for the standings gain to be effective. Possibly a change to POS mechanics so that you need a certain amount of corp members to place a POS would be a partial solution that doesn't kill the possibility for players to offer the standings service.

It's also handy as a tax dodge, which is the initial reason I started creating my own corps, while one man corps are a possibility in Eve I will continue to use them to dodge the taxes, but I would have no problem with needing a minimum number of members in the corp to erect a POS (more than the amount of alts you can have on one account would be a good starting point), of course it'll get abused by a corp full of one players alts, but that's Eve and they should need more than one account to do it.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

#218 - 2013-01-17 19:04:58 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

It is a free economy. How is this unfit for anything?

Supply and Demand?

So what?

As long as something stays inside the theme park is it of no consequence for the rest of EVE. And once it leaves the theme park can it be shot. There is no problem unless you have made yourself depend upon Jita for your low- and null-sec needs. If so then there is still a bit of a carebear in you who needs to be killed.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#219 - 2013-01-17 19:12:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaju Enki
Whitehound wrote:
Vaju Enki wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
The games economy is not built on that vision of EVE.

It is a free economy. How is this unfit for anything?

Supply and Demand?

So what?

As long as something stays inside the theme park is it of no consequence for the rest of EVE. And once it leaves the theme park can it be shot. There is no problem unless you have made yourself depend upon Jita for your low- and null-sec needs. If so then there is still a bit of a carebear in you who needs to be killed.

Have fun selling anything to anyone, since no one needs anything, since nothing gets destroyed.

Ups, i just made a summary of what happened in UO.

The Tears Must Flow

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#220 - 2013-01-17 19:15:00 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

Marlona Sky gets it very well.
The problem isn't the need for more safety, it's a need to make it WOTHWHILE to go to war. People are docking up becuse there's nothing to lose, there's no reason to fight.

They could start by eliminating the one man corp. People might not like that, but the fact is that that is chief among the reason why high sec wars do not work. High sec corps should be growing like a null sec or low sec one; they're far to many people who use the corporations as a "guild" so that they can access "housing" in the form of a PoS, and then don't care about disbanding because it effects no one.

One man corps are rediculous, that's not a CORPORATION. You should have to gather people around you first.
No one disbands a 100 man corp because of a wardeck.

The solutions seem obvious to me, but that means a slightly more difficult game, and we all know that a lot of people are simply tring to make things as easy as possible; especially in high sec. The moment a little effort is required, people will regect it.

Corporations, both NPC and player run, are being abused. You should not be able to form a one man corp to avoid tax in high sec, Or to build a PoS. The fact one guy can run a PoS is silly. if they aren't going to do the PoS revamp, then PoS's (from the get go) should have been a group endevour.

You're right one man corps are a little ridiculous, but eliminating them totally would be a bad move, there are several players like myself that offer corp creation services, that by it's very nature requires a one man corp for the standings gain to be effective. Possibly a change to POS mechanics so that you need a certain amount of corp members to place a POS would be a partial solution that doesn't kill the possibility for players to offer the standings service.

It's also handy as a tax dodge, which is the initial reason I started creating my own corps, while one man corps are a possibility in Eve I will continue to use them to dodge the taxes, but I would have no problem with needing a minimum number of members in the corp to erect a POS (more than the amount of alts you can have on one account would be a good starting point), of course it'll get abused by a corp full of one players alts, but that's Eve and they should need more than one account to do it.

The thing is, most of your reasons are WHY that ability needs to go.

Corp cration services?
Why does anyone need you to form a corp for them? Becaue they're trying to circumvent something.

I understand that you found some emergent way to play the game, and that's cool, but it still boils down to abusing the corporation mechanic. The reason to form a corporation should not be for the purpose of circumventing other game mechanics.

Being able to game the system isn't helping the game. You should have a vested interst in forming a corp in EVE . The only way to do that is to make you responcible for other people.

CCP lets you get like 3000 guys in a single corp.
Yet EVE is overrun by one man, and alt corps who just disband when they get decced. You should be growing your corporation, and if you don't want to deal with a war dec, you shouldn't have formed it in the first place.

The fist step in fixing it, is removing one man corpations form the game.
I'm sure that the way people are using corporations in EVE, is not what CCP intended.