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CCP: Making a better tomorrow, tomorrow. ...starting tomorrow.

Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#41 - 2013-01-17 20:44:22 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
If they aren't willing to take on the difficult stuff, they'll never grow EVE.

This tbh.

EvE needs Re-volution, rather than E-volution.
Epic Ganking Time
#42 - 2013-01-17 20:44:36 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
[breaking the 4th wall]

This game so much is about the individual achievements,
but most individuals lack any will to reach *actual* achievements.

I am totally discarding small things everybody can do, like being +5 or -10.
I'm also discarding things like reaching the first billion isk or building up a POS.
That's generic crap.

What i'm talking about is the fact that most people don't want to be famous or, at least, well known.

Every other corp seeks members and "plans to go to 0.0" ... why ?
Because that's what CCP has laid out for people to do.
Grow and move to the lawless land, as if it meant anything.

What happens to these corps ? Nothing. They might grow, they might move to 0.0,
but they'll vanish into unknowingness just like 99% of all the people out there.
Except, of course, the headline makers like the GOONS, TEST, PL, etc.

Although nice, that simply isn't good enough. In other MMOs, people level up because of
the (fake) feeling of accomplishment. They kill dumb AI and feel awesome because of that.

CCP has the same stupid stuff with missions and agents and creates the same idiots
with fake self esteem believing they are great (until they get blown up by a player),
but what CCP doesn't provide is a way to get known by PEOPLE. To actually accomplish something
that PEOPLE recognize and what makes e-famous.

I don't even think it's possible for CCP to integrate something that makes people WANT to be e-famous.
Otoh, i'm noticing way too many people simply not being interested in being e-famous. There is no incentive
for people to have impact onto the lives of others. They don't want to do it on a grander scale and most ignore
that they are doing it on a smaller scale, every time they undock.

The whole issue bogs down to people wanting to have fun, instead of trying to achieve something bigger.
Of course, i don't blame anybody for playing to have "fun", but it's not mutually exclusive to have fun AND
do hard work and actually achieve something that gets recognized by thousands of other people.

Well ... anyway. These are my *observations* about people, collected since around last april,
when i started doing the "resident outlaw of hek" storyline, which made me semi eve-famous.

Nowhere do i want to make you think that i'm talking about *everybody* out there,
but i have talked to manymanymany people out there over the last 10 months and
that's the information i've gathered. It's saddening me, tbh, because i can't keep going with my storyline,
as i lack people actually interested in playing the game in a way it is very well meant to be played:
On a grand scale, with lots of impact on the lives of others.

Simply adding more crappy content won't cut it in the long run, unless the content is totally
player-driven and puts the player into the actual middle of it ... so he has reason to try and
achieve that he'll get recognized by everybody else.

[/end of break]

Now go **** off, i hate you all.


Signatures should be used responsibly...

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-01-17 21:00:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Gogela wrote:

u dumb ?

What this game needs, is incentive for people to become known by others.

That's the one thing that EvE has over any other game out there. You can do things that make
you known by hundreds of people and even if it's just eve-fame, it's still more of a goal to have and
more of an achievement than reaching +5 and shooting a million dumb NPCs.

I'm just trying to adress one of the actual selling points of EvE.

The one-universe-aspect, where everybody is involved with everybody else
and where there's actual news to be had, that even makes it to CNN, BBC, etc.
Where on can gain fame, just by being different.

The only problem is ... most people are the same and rather be sheep in this game,
just like they are in real life.
Epic Ganking Time
#44 - 2013-01-17 21:01:17 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Gogela wrote:

u dumb ?


Signatures should be used responsibly...

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2013-01-17 21:11:06 UTC
Gogela wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Gogela wrote:

u dumb ?


Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#46 - 2013-01-17 21:13:57 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:
Gogela wrote:

u dumb ?

What this game needs, is incentive for people to become known by others.

That's the one thing that EvE has over any other game out there. You can do things that make
you known by hundreds of people and even if it's just eve-fame, it's still more of a goal to have and
more of an achievement than reaching +5 and shooting a million dumb NPCs.

I'm just trying to adress one of the actual selling points of EvE.

The one-universe-aspect, where everybody is involved with everybody else
and where there's actual news to be had, that even makes it to CNN, BBC, etc.
Where on can gain fame, just by being different.

The only problem is ... most people are the same and rather be sheep in this game,
just like they are in real life.

I think the problem is, that you're going on about EVE and the INDIVIDUAL, and that idea that EVE is all about the one guy.

It's not.
It's about groups of individuals. It allows for the lone person to make a name for themselves, but overall EVE is about what we do as groups.

CCP is pretty clear about this.
Burseg Sardaukar
Free State Project
#47 - 2013-01-17 21:13:59 UTC
In the meeting minutes and the Dev Blog there was a lot of talk about "themes" that everyone can get around.

The problem with Incarna (and a bunch of the expansions leading up to it) is that it focused on a minority, and then didn't even deliver on its promises to that minority.

CCP mentioned that the success from Apocrypha came from a little bit of everything for everyone. Incarna could have been that.

For example:
Finish their WiS protoype for the PVE/explorer types. You get out of your ship, find **** in complexes and steal it. Do it in groups even.
Let this crap be usable by industrial types to build things for use in the promised establishments, or new boosters, or new implants, or DUST stuff.
Let the establishments generate money through use of the things inside of them: minigames, gambling, illicit material trade.
Let the PVPers raid/steal unoccupied ships while their pilots are running these EV missions, or provide security for them in space. Torfi had an amazing quote from a few fan fests ago talking about being stuck in a sleeper complex with no way out but the end of your own gun.

Even if they make it impossible to PVP as avatars for the time being, the fact that you can hijack someone's ship or leave them stranded in a complex is fun and unique in its own way. Currently DUST boarding parties don't exist, but who's to say they can't or shouldn't?

Can't wait to dual box my Dust toon and EVE toon on the same machine!

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2013-01-17 21:23:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:
Gogela wrote:

u dumb ?

What this game needs, is incentive for people to become known by others.

That's the one thing that EvE has over any other game out there. You can do things that make
you known by hundreds of people and even if it's just eve-fame, it's still more of a goal to have and
more of an achievement than reaching +5 and shooting a million dumb NPCs.

I'm just trying to adress one of the actual selling points of EvE.

The one-universe-aspect, where everybody is involved with everybody else
and where there's actual news to be had, that even makes it to CNN, BBC, etc.
Where on can gain fame, just by being different.

The only problem is ... most people are the same and rather be sheep in this game,
just like they are in real life.

I think the problem is, that you're going on about EVE and the INDIVIDUAL, and that idea that EVE is all about the one guy.

It's not.
It's about groups of individuals. It allows for the lone person to make a name for themselves, but overall EVE is about what we do as groups.

CCP is pretty clear about this.

Then nothing will change, because all the people see are themselves.
You know that. Just look at all these small minded morons in highsec who'll never achieve anything.

What highsec and lowsec people have in common is the fact that they lack vision
and a greater goal that's worth achieving. And i am not talking about going to 0.0,
because that's not even worth consideration as goal of a grander scale.
Going to 0.0 is just what CCP has thought out for people who lack any kind of greater vision.
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#49 - 2013-01-17 21:30:39 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:

Then nothing will change, because all the people see are themselves.
You know that. Just look at all these small minded morons in highsec who'll never achieve anything.

What highsec and lowsec people have in common is the fact that they lack vision
and a greater goal that's worth achieving. And i am not talking about going to 0.0,
because that's not even worth consideration as goal of a grander scale.
Going to 0.0 is just what CCP has thought out for people who lack any kind of greater vision.

Can't say I disagree with you.

However, I think the OP is bringing up the way in which CCP will show off awesome new content, and then never do anything with that content.

No so much anything to do with the players.
Epic Ganking Time
#50 - 2013-01-17 21:35:13 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:

Then nothing will change, because all the people see are themselves.
You know that. Just look at all these small minded morons in highsec who'll never achieve anything.

What highsec and lowsec people have in common is the fact that they lack vision
and a greater goal that's worth achieving. And i am not talking about going to 0.0,
because that's not even worth consideration as goal of a grander scale.
Going to 0.0 is just what CCP has thought out for people who lack any kind of greater vision.

Can't say I disagree with you.

However, I think the OP is bringing up the way in which CCP will show off awesome new content, and then never do anything with that content.

No so much anything to do with the players.

This ^

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2013-01-18 03:29:38 UTC
Gogela wrote:
So, pretty much everything that CCP talked about happening in 2013 last year, took feedback on, etc... isn't coming until after 2013 now. I'm bringing this up because it was two years of this kind of 'general idea of what we want to do in a few years but no actual plans now' that lead to the years preceding Incarna. Let me show you what I mean by that and you tell me if you agree.

  • Walking in stations is critical to the future of EvE.
  • So, at some point in the future, we're apparently going to get establishments, right? Sure. And maybe the Jove will be playable. How old do you think the concept of WiS is? Check out this devblog from 2006. Over six years ago... still no good delivery.
    EDIT: TO BE CLEAR - I'm psudo-quoting from dev interviews from when incarna was being developed. That was the line they sold and the implication I was angling at was despite the fact that CCP believed that WiS was critical they still didn't deliver. Apparently that wasn't clear in the OP.

  • Well... the NEXT one will be like Apocrypha!
  • They've been pretty much saying that ever since Apocrypha. Looks like that's still the case... given the CSM minutes.

  • I have an idea! Modular POSs!
  • Yah. 2006 is on the bananaphone again, and they want their modular POS's and ambulation prototypes back.

Now to be fair... Retribution is up there as one of the best expansions to date because it fixed a lot of broken stuff. To be fair to previous expansions though, it could have just as easily been an after-expansion patch to Apocrypha or Trinity. The teory I'm reading on the forums is that all this great new stuff will be revealed a month before the next expansion at fanfest. I wonder what is really going to be in it? Re-balancing? That's not an expansion. That's a line in the patch notes. I'm not sure if I'm just having a bittervet day or if I'm genuinely getting pi****... was kind of looking forward to POSs. Now I feel like an idiot because I thought that was going to happen.

Do you think we can count on anything coming up, or do you think CCP is going to just ditch their bold talk of an expansion that's 1.5x what Apocrypha was (CCP having said 'well we did Apocrypha in just 4 months and we have six now at the CSM meeting) for quick fixes and re-balancing this year?

EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

  • Qolde
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