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DUST 514 Live on Tranquility - Issues & Feedback

First post
Dex Thunakar
Evil Genius Organisation
#121 - 2013-01-14 16:07:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Dex Thunakar
unbless83 wrote:
well done for all your hard work CCP, world firsts are always epic

Yes so much epicness I haven't even noticed anything new in-game xD

Well, I guess the FW players do get a tiny taste.

PS. how is connecting one server to another server a "world first"?
Berluth Luthian
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2013-01-14 16:08:39 UTC
If we are starting to bring DUST to highsec, will anyone be able to fire down on planets and what kind of timer will it give you if any? Just a weapons? Will you get a sec penalty?
Dex Thunakar
Evil Genius Organisation
#123 - 2013-01-14 16:13:28 UTC
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Thorian Crystal wrote:
I too thought that I could get to do some orbital bombardment, but no, I am not in FW. That feels not so good as game developers advertise big things years before release and when it is finally released nothing happens, because the FPS part is only on PS3. Then after some more time, again nothing happens, because the Eve part is on the test server. Then later nothing happens, because it is only in FW.

So far what I have got out of Dust 514 is that first I noticed Dust players can join Eve chat. Now I actually saw one Dust player on Eve chat. That is pretty much it. Then I went back to mining some more ore.

Small improvements over time is good - though even there we got for example round aiming sights to replace the old square ones. Really? What was wrong with the square ones? Were they too square? I think there was more urgent things to improve than the sights, and I even liked the square ones more, so it wasn't even an improvement.

and who's fault is that? Not CCP's for your lack of research. Hell I have only been playing EVE now for almost 2 months and I know more about DUST 514 and EVE than most season vets because of one of the many things people fail to do......research. Try it some time.

Ehm what does your reply have to do with your quote? I don't see the relation...

The guy says that after years of development, there's still almost no DUST features in EVE (and quite frankly I think it'll take alot more years before we see anything interesting lol), and your reply is "do more research"? I don't get it....
vice vortex
#124 - 2013-01-14 16:38:38 UTC
how bout fixing current issues before moving on to the next thing, dimwits
Vincent Athena
#125 - 2013-01-14 19:09:37 UTC
Eisenhornx wrote:
The crime watch system is nice, but changing the gate/dock flag so it stays after your ship is destroyed is something that should be changed. There should be no reason your pod should keep the same crime status especially since it is fragile and unarmed.

The crime status is not on the ship or pod, its on the pilot. A criminal does not stop being a criminal just because his ship explodes.

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Lost True
Caldari State
#126 - 2013-01-15 13:52:08 UTC

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#127 - 2013-01-15 20:03:06 UTC
I'm experiencing total Video Card "Kernel Crashes" when I enter the game.

Again, to be clear: Eve's Launcher is fine.
Opening an Eve client and login screen is fine.
The character selection screen prior to entering the game as that character is fine.

...BUT, when I enter into the EVE game, it appears to flash my screen either white or black, the Eve client freezes, and my Win7 notification for my NVIDIA card states an alert that the card "experienced a crash/failure and has successfully restarted"... after a minute or so (while monitoring my Task Manager), the Eve client for my character goes from "Not Responding" to "Running".

Then I try to play some more and after a few keys of typing or clicking a contract closed (or anything), within about 1-3 minutes, the entire Eve Client/Video card crash happens again... and again.. even when minimized.

So, in response to:

CCP FoxFour wrote:

As with all other crash/performance issues PLEASE submit bug reports from within game. It helps us unbelievably and if you can include system specs along with any other information you can it is double helpful.

...I can't submit a bug report IN game and sadly that means a difficult time taking a "snapshot" for submission as any image capture that is taken during the odd crash gets "deleted" after the video card recovers and restarts itself.

Currently, the game is unplayable. (Just to let you know...)

I will attempt to file a bug report through the website itself.

Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit
NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO
Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#128 - 2013-01-16 03:24:05 UTC
Confirmed follow-up:

I have now completely lost the ability to log in with my Windows machine:

The launcher is stable, but after you click PLAY, it's a downward spiral from there.

I spent all day today rooting through my machine, trying to figure out event errors, etc, filed am extensive bug report... wasted hours back-tracking by restoring my system to a backed up state about 6 days ago...
Same old problems. Inexorably leading to the blue screen of death crash.

I've filed a bug report (#151686)

Recreation is simple:

Open EVE Launcher.
Click "PLAY".
The Login screen appears.
Wait for about 2-7 seconds.
The screen flashes white, then black, then attempts to "restart and recreate" the screen, but if it is not successful, it will crash as a BLUE screen crash.

Sadly this means any attempt at saving a logserver file or a screen capture simply are not available, as those files are lost when my system reboots from a fatal crash.

I found one in particular that included detailed error information on an "Application Hang":

The program ExeFile.exe version 2012.12.45.7575 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed.
Process ID: 1068
Start Time: 01cdf356f0ae0a05
Termination Time: 25
Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\bin\ExeFile.exe
Report Id: 73b2ef51-5f4a-11e2-8e61-0021856397ee

After more testing tonight (10 hours later), Eve simply is not playable, and nothing has been changed with my software or hardware setup since my last successful log in several days ago.

Platform: Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, 8G RAM
Processors: AMD Phenom II X2 545 (2 CPUS), ~3.0GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO (~4Gb on-card graphics RAM)
Scarlet Pimpernel
Clan Eshin
#129 - 2013-01-16 11:37:30 UTC
deathpain wrote:
I have been looking everywhere, and I have found some forum posts but nothing official. If I missed something I appologise.

We want to start adding our bunnies to our eve corp, but we require a api key to do so to work within our ecm system. I have seen information saying that dust uses a crest api system but I cant find anything anywhere about where someone can get there crest api from. Is this something that is not implimented yet, or am i missing something, or does dust not have a api system at all ?

I appologise for wasting your time on something like this, but thanks for the work on the dust system and look forward to shooting them at some time soon.

Oh and also, is there a timeframe in ccp's mind to when dust will effect fw sov, or is it too early to have a rough idea ? Im sure everyone is working hard at bugfixes now anyhow...

Fyrr Deerdan
#130 - 2013-01-17 01:25:34 UTC
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh
Pud Li
#131 - 2013-01-21 19:08:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Pud Li
Can we get decals on our ship for every target killed? Like WWII bombers etc?

Tanks and such are easy decal symbols to decide on. However I am not sure whether decals for DUST personnel should be specific by infantry equipment type worn -- or after including tank and bunk installation crews...

maybe DUST personnel killed should just be represented by tiny little generic bunny symbols. The kills sure will multiple rapidly to fill decal space on side of ship. Maybe 4 bunny symbols per regular decal space. Twisted
Nightlund Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2013-01-21 22:03:00 UTC
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh

Do not speak as if you include everyone.
Fyrr Deerdan
#133 - 2013-01-22 14:44:13 UTC
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh

Do not speak as if you include everyone.

Lawl. I'm so sorry that you couldn't read my post properly.

*I* think it sucks. Better, Nancy?
Nightlund Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2013-01-22 23:44:13 UTC
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh

Do not speak as if you include everyone.

Lawl. I'm so sorry that you couldn't read my post properly.

*I* think it sucks. Better, Nancy?

Much better! I am glad you came to realize the error that you made. Next time you will hopefully remember this lesson we shared together.
Fyrr Deerdan
#135 - 2013-01-23 12:46:37 UTC
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh

Do not speak as if you include everyone.

Lawl. I'm so sorry that you couldn't read my post properly.

*I* think it sucks. Better, Nancy?

Much better! I am glad you came to realize the error that you made. Next time you will hopefully remember this lesson we shared together.

Well, no, not really. You actually misunderstood my post, so I had hoped you'd reread and get a clue which, obviously, isn't the case.

I do however understand not everyone has the same level of English on these forums, so I'm including the following link, hoping it will help you :

You're welcome Smile
#136 - 2013-01-23 19:05:13 UTC
Why do we not have ability to turn off Infantry Chat in our locals?

I want to see EvE chat, not the test tube bunnies.

They are not paying for my local, I am.
Nightlund Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2013-01-24 01:17:25 UTC
MeagerMiner wrote:
Why do we not have ability to turn off Infantry Chat in our locals?

I want to see EvE chat, not the test tube bunnies.

They are not paying for my local, I am.

Well aren't you a bit of a hard ass huh?
Nightlund Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2013-01-24 01:19:49 UTC
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Fyrr Deerdan wrote:
This orbital strike deal is cute but it feels like :

  1. ... it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;
  2. ... it has too few incentive to do;
  3. ... isn't really cool because you act on a merc's remote control;

Blegh. Ugh

Do not speak as if you include everyone.

Lawl. I'm so sorry that you couldn't read my post properly.

*I* think it sucks. Better, Nancy?

Much better! I am glad you came to realize the error that you made. Next time you will hopefully remember this lesson we shared together.

Well, no, not really. You actually misunderstood my post, so I had hoped you'd reread and get a clue which, obviously, isn't the case.

I do however understand not everyone has the same level of English on these forums, so I'm including the following link, hoping it will help you :

You're welcome Smile

Hey man you can say whatever helps you sleep at night. "it is a waste of time for a capsuleer;" <---- means everyone in general. NOW if you said "It is a waste of time for a capsuleer like me." THEN your comment would hold some value. Sorry pal.
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2013-01-24 16:51:39 UTC
Why isn't it a waste of time for an EVE capsuleer. What's the value in EVE of DUST (and reverse). I've tried the game and I don't see/understand where CCP wants to lead that.
I'd love to explore planets and find rare material that I could export to EVE, build stuff, defend my stuff against others .. but as I don't own anything I do,n't see the point of defending anything in a small map. EVE is immense and I feel (so far) that DUST is "small".
Gallente Federation
#140 - 2013-01-24 17:23:16 UTC
I'm getting enthusiastic... idea.
If you want EVE capsuleers to get interested into planetary interactions ...
Remember starship troopers ? Why not waking a hostile alien corp that could shoot at structures in the eve environments. Destry JITA, DODIXIE and you will have capsuleers send missions on those planets to pacify them. Loot new techno from those aliens ...
Wow .. I'd love that. Capsuleers not willing to engage would pay guys on PS3 to go on mission ... to get something done you have to hurt the eve economy.