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Crime & Punishment

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Collective front launched against the New Order, James315 and miner bumping.

First post First post
Silus Morde
#601 - 2013-01-18 20:48:00 UTC
Agent Eunoli wrote:
Kuseka Adama wrote:
Silus Morde wrote:
Kuseka Adama wrote:
Anyone believing in this code or 'complying' with this code break rule three of eve and deserve what you get.

James 315 was/is GOONFLEET

  1. Never risk what you cant afford to lose.
  2. Always watch local.
  3. Never trust a goon.

So. Yeah keep trying guys when you turn your 'code' into 'order 66' Everyone will see the truth.

Do your homework. It would take very little for the above anology to be true.

oh, always thought rule 3 was: Trust no one.

If you trust no one you end up alone in a corner. Though for some people that is 3. For me rule 4 is be responsible in your trust. Speaking as someone who in the past basically ran recruitment for more than one null sec organization i can honestly say that's a better rule to live by than trust no one.

How can I believe in your rules when you keep changing them?

First you wrote that there were three rules.

Now, when questions about your rules, you create a fourth rule. Since you don't even respect your own rules how can anyone else? How many other hidden rules do you have?

only 1 rule... It's only a game.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Marius Deterium
Crush Kill Destroy
#602 - 2013-01-18 20:51:39 UTC
I think anyone who uses the term 'griefing' or 'griefer' to refer to another person or his actions should get a special badge in game so we can find them easier and pod them.
Alana Charen-Teng
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#603 - 2013-01-18 20:54:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Alana Charen-Teng
The first rule of gankfleet is: you DO NOT talk about gankfleet.
The second rule of gankfleet is: if this is your first time in gankfleet, you have to gank.

I drew a picture of us valiantly liberating Highsec.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#604 - 2013-01-18 22:02:49 UTC
Marius Deterium wrote:
I think anyone who uses the term 'griefing' or 'griefer' to refer to another person or his actions should get a special badge in game so we can find them easier and pod them.

Hmmmmm, but what if that person goes on and on about harvesting tears, what term of reference does one use to quickly and efficiently define their actions and attitudes, what about a 'Jolly nice chap', nah does not quite do it...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Runeme Shilter
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#605 - 2013-01-18 23:49:58 UTC
Alana Charen-Teng wrote:
The first rule of gankfleet is: you DO NOT talk about gankfleet.
The second rule of gankfleet is: if this is your first time in gankfleet, you have to gank.

I drew a picture of us valiantly liberating Highsec.

I can't like this pic enough! Very nice!

Emperor Crash Zues
Guns N'Ore
#606 - 2013-01-19 01:03:13 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
Emperor Crash Zues wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
If you want to resist just get your butts into a tanked Skiff, sorted, done, finished...

Forget that. Phffft. There are two better methods that have been working better. And as I fly around these NO systems I see it actually happening. 1. Get your single minner butts into a player corp and when you mine join a group with protection. I have seen more and more of this plus I've been accused of being an gankster cause I flew into an Ice field flying the same type of ship NO has been using to enforce this pathetic code. You know how hard it is to convince a Dom and 3 cruisers that you aren't an agent or knight of the order. Anyway 2. Stop mining for just a little while get your corp m8 's together and go hunting in the areas you know they will show up in. Like earier this morning technically eve time we were chaseing NO players in Tolle and the adjacent systems trying give justice to those they killed unjustly didn't catch any cause they were more interested in hiding a station. Lol all 4 of them heck even insulting and mocking there code wasn't enough to bring them out of there holes. And while in Jas we found out a very interesting fact one of the NO alt doesn't follow there own code nothing on her bio say that she bought a permit to mine as is requaired by the code. So if the code makers own word don't follow there own rules then why should the rest of us.

You sir, are absolutely right. Why should you indeed!

But you still risk bump or gank.

The simple fact of you interacting in the game because of NO is in itself a win. Thank you for proving yourself to be an Eve player.

I take that risk every time i go out I've always known that. So that statement is useless toward me. I was interacting in the game long before I even heard of No. Hence the reason i joined a player corp within the first week of playing and finishing tutorials instead of roaming aimlessly around in a NPC corp where I would have no one to associate with or have a feeling of belonging. Since I joined GNO I feel like i'm part of something.
Celly Smunt
Neutin Local LLC
#607 - 2013-01-19 03:32:21 UTC
Alana Charen-Teng wrote:
The first rule of gankfleet is: you DO NOT talk about gankfleet.
The second rule of gankfleet is: if this is your first time in gankfleet, you have to gank.

I drew a picture of us valiantly liberating Highsec.

+1 for the picture... LOL.
so did the miner actually take the time to turn off his miners so he didn't loose the ore from the cycle before trying to leave?


Sorry, I mine, but my ship is worth more to me than a cycle of ore is...

still love the picture though.


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Eyana Starstruck
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#608 - 2013-01-19 10:48:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Eyana Starstruck
Some interesting posts.
Eyana Starstruck
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#609 - 2013-01-19 11:03:31 UTC
Syaran wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Their code says that whoever is mining and doesn't have a permit is breaking the code thus they can pass judgement and kill them.

Its a code written so that they didn't have to, god forbid, think. James wrote it in such manner that his minions could just line up their scope and shoot. But, this is hilarious, they actually make mistakes and shoot the people that have permits. This shows what kind of pawns James gathers around him. They do not think, they do not question, he just points and they pull the trigger. James did predict this and added that the miners that did have permit but got shot down anyway are reimbursed. Even he knew they could not follow a code that can't be much simpler than what it is nowBig smile

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but unless I missed something in reading all the pages up until now you've not offered a single shred of evidence that these people are actually killing permit holders or even doing anything apart from what they claim to be doing? As the accuser, the burden of evidence falls to you, not the defendant.

(And while we're at it, the Big smile smiley is not a valid form of punctuation. I'm not going to tell you how you can or cannot write, but if you would like to be taken seriously I would suggest not using it every single paragraph...)

In general I approve of this initiative. People need to be taught that EVE is not a safe and cuddly place. I too am sometimes silly enough to believe I can get away with something, but thankfully someone usually manages to stop by and teach me the error of my ways ;)

There is proof if you sift J's blog where he talks about his minions killing a miner that didn't have praise the blah blah in his bio nor did they bother checking their database, after the destruction he asked why was he killed he was given the reasons above and only then did they bother to check their database where they found he actually did pay the permit he was reimbursed for his loss, so yeah they do blow up their own permit holders.

I brought up 2 alt toons which were used solely for he purpose of destroying miners and after they outlived their use they were abandoned and not used in any operations, these 2 have not been used once in 2013 after being so active in December of 2012 just check the kill mails, its all there. After sifting trough more their kill mails you can find many more "disposable" toons which were used only for killing and abandoned after a while.

Interesting enough is how you minions left out the part where J's is reimbursing each any every suicide death? So much for you using solely your own isk...

And still no explanation as to why is there still a lot of afk and bot miners in ice fields of the systems you liberated and why the couple of miners that actually had your permits were afk mining as well? So much for your goal of making high secs free of bots and a place for players that stay behind their keyboard and more like you are just hiding behind a false idea that you yourself don't believe in.
Lin Suizei
#610 - 2013-01-19 14:21:22 UTC
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
i made a badpost.

Current tally of Code Enforcement Actions prevented by Eyana Starstuck: 0.

Lol I can't delete my forum sig.

Emperor Crash Zues
Guns N'Ore
#611 - 2013-01-19 14:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Emperor Crash Zues
Lin Suizei wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
i made a excellent post.

Current tally of Code Enforcement Actions prevented by Eyana Starstuck: 20,000.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#612 - 2013-01-19 16:15:26 UTC
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Syaran wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Their code says that whoever is mining and doesn't have a permit is breaking the code thus they can pass judgement and kill them.

Its a code written so that they didn't have to, god forbid, think. James wrote it in such manner that his minions could just line up their scope and shoot. But, this is hilarious, they actually make mistakes and shoot the people that have permits. This shows what kind of pawns James gathers around him. They do not think, they do not question, he just points and they pull the trigger. James did predict this and added that the miners that did have permit but got shot down anyway are reimbursed. Even he knew they could not follow a code that can't be much simpler than what it is nowBig smile

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but unless I missed something in reading all the pages up until now you've not offered a single shred of evidence that these people are actually killing permit holders or even doing anything apart from what they claim to be doing? As the accuser, the burden of evidence falls to you, not the defendant.

(And while we're at it, the Big smile smiley is not a valid form of punctuation. I'm not going to tell you how you can or cannot write, but if you would like to be taken seriously I would suggest not using it every single paragraph...)

In general I approve of this initiative. People need to be taught that EVE is not a safe and cuddly place. I too am sometimes silly enough to believe I can get away with something, but thankfully someone usually manages to stop by and teach me the error of my ways ;)

There is proof if you sift J's blog where he talks about his minions killing a miner that didn't have praise the blah blah in his bio nor did they bother checking their database, after the destruction he asked why was he killed he was given the reasons above and only then did they bother to check their database where they found he actually did pay the permit he was reimbursed for his loss, so yeah they do blow up their own permit holders.

I brought up 2 alt toons which were used solely for he purpose of destroying miners and after they outlived their use they were abandoned and not used in any operations, these 2 have not been used once in 2013 after being so active in December of 2012 just check the kill mails, its all there. After sifting trough more their kill mails you can find many more "disposable" toons which were used only for killing and abandoned after a while.

Interesting enough is how you minions left out the part where J's is reimbursing each any every suicide death? So much for you using solely your own isk...

And still no explanation as to why is there still a lot of afk and bot miners in ice fields of the systems you liberated and why the couple of miners that actually had your permits were afk mining as well? So much for your goal of making high secs free of bots and a place for players that stay behind their keyboard and more like you are just hiding behind a false idea that you yourself don't believe in.

I encourage you to read the blog at You will realize that with any infestation, it doesn't just end at wave 1, and speaking of waves, that bots and agents are a constant ebb and flow like the tide.

If you really think it's ineffectual, I implore you also to check CODE.'s killboard. You will notice a 98% isk efficiency with their kills, including pods. Most of those kills are in the range of billions of isk.

The biggest way to hurt a bot is to stem that flow of income, which is happening.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Emperor Crash Zues
Guns N'Ore
#613 - 2013-01-20 21:01:00 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Syaran wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Their code says that whoever is mining and doesn't have a permit is breaking the code thus they can pass judgement and kill them.

Its a code written so that they didn't have to, god forbid, think. James wrote it in such manner that his minions could just line up their scope and shoot. But, this is hilarious, they actually make mistakes and shoot the people that have permits. This shows what kind of pawns James gathers around him. They do not think, they do not question, he just points and they pull the trigger. James did predict this and added that the miners that did have permit but got shot down anyway are reimbursed. Even he knew they could not follow a code that can't be much simpler than what it is nowBig smile

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but unless I missed something in reading all the pages up until now you've not offered a single shred of evidence that these people are actually killing permit holders or even doing anything apart from what they claim to be doing? As the accuser, the burden of evidence falls to you, not the defendant.

(And while we're at it, the Big smile smiley is not a valid form of punctuation. I'm not going to tell you how you can or cannot write, but if you would like to be taken seriously I would suggest not using it every single paragraph...)

In general I approve of this initiative. People need to be taught that EVE is not a safe and cuddly place. I too am sometimes silly enough to believe I can get away with something, but thankfully someone usually manages to stop by and teach me the error of my ways ;)

There is proof if you sift J's blog where he talks about his minions killing a miner that didn't have praise the blah blah in his bio nor did they bother checking their database, after the destruction he asked why was he killed he was given the reasons above and only then did they bother to check their database where they found he actually did pay the permit he was reimbursed for his loss, so yeah they do blow up their own permit holders.

I brought up 2 alt toons which were used solely for he purpose of destroying miners and after they outlived their use they were abandoned and not used in any operations, these 2 have not been used once in 2013 after being so active in December of 2012 just check the kill mails, its all there. After sifting trough more their kill mails you can find many more "disposable" toons which were used only for killing and abandoned after a while.

Interesting enough is how you minions left out the part where J's is reimbursing each any every suicide death? So much for you using solely your own isk...

And still no explanation as to why is there still a lot of afk and bot miners in ice fields of the systems you liberated and why the couple of miners that actually had your permits were afk mining as well? So much for your goal of making high secs free of bots and a place for players that stay behind their keyboard and more like you are just hiding behind a false idea that you yourself don't believe in.

I encourage you to read the blog at You will realize that with any infestation, it doesn't just end at wave 1, and speaking of waves, that bots and agents are a constant ebb and flow like the tide.

If you really think it's ineffectual, I implore you also to check CODE.'s killboard. You will notice a 98% isk efficiency with their kills, including pods. Most of those kills are in the range of billions of isk.

The biggest way to hurt a bot is to stem that flow of income, which is happening.

unless there plex buyers then that just becomes pointless
Eyana Starstruck
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#614 - 2013-01-21 01:36:37 UTC
Well their kills do not range in billions, their kills are mostly around 200-250mil, bot capsules are usually worthless, by that meaning that most bot users will not plug their bot toons with expensive implants.

I don't disagree with the attacking of the bots, that is against the rules and that should be punished, however I do disagree with them targeting players that are at keyboards and extorting Isk from them. If they killed 1 non bot in 100 kills, for the reason of getting rid of bots, it is one to many.

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#615 - 2013-01-21 02:35:57 UTC
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
however I do disagree with them targeting players that are at keyboards and extorting Isk from them. If they killed 1 non bot in 100 kills, for the reason of getting rid of bots, it is one to many.

First of all, 10 million a year is a much better deal than if you were a nullsec renter (which also involves having to follow a code of sorts), and secondly, high sec is not meant to be safe, only safer. Dead ships are the best kind, especially if you're an industrialist. If it happens to be your ship that dies, think of it as taking one for the team. Lol

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#616 - 2013-01-21 02:39:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Syaran
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Well their kills do not range in billions, their kills are mostly around 200-250mil, bot capsules are usually worthless, by that meaning that most bot users will not plug their bot toons with expensive implants.

I don't disagree with the attacking of the bots, that is against the rules and that should be punished, however I do disagree with them targeting players that are at keyboards and extorting Isk from them. If they killed 1 non bot in 100 kills, for the reason of getting rid of bots, it is one to many.

You're forgetting something. Something that's been said over and over again but you conveniently choose to ignore it. Your way of playing this game is NOT the only one. High-sec is NOT safe, only safer. Every time you undock, you run the risk of losing whatever you undocked. If they are not completely on the straight and narrow...well that's eve for you. Personally, having once been part of a pirate corp, I know that it's not at all easy to keep a leash on pirates that are hungry for blood.

In the end, all I see here is a bunch of people trying to have their own brand of fun. It's obviously not your brand of fun but it is still well within the boundaries of this sandbox world we all choose to dwell in. We all have our opinions on how this game should be, but that doesn't change the rules of the game in any way. The options open to people here are very clear and very limited: either deal with this aspect of the way you chose to play this game, or avoid it. Losing stuff is a part of EVE, if it wasn't your very way of playing the game would not be viable, as there would be little to no demand for the ore you mine.

(Incidentally, I'm not a part of this New Order in any way, I'm just amused by what they do and I enjoy a good discussion. Unfortunately it seems you are unwilling to entertain the thought that there might be other ways of viewing this issue that are just as legitimate if not even more legitimate than your own. That makes it hard to have a good discussion...)
Emperor Crash Zues
Guns N'Ore
#617 - 2013-01-21 13:38:45 UTC
Syaran wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Well their kills do not range in billions, their kills are mostly around 200-250mil, bot capsules are usually worthless, by that meaning that most bot users will not plug their bot toons with expensive implants.

I don't disagree with the attacking of the bots, that is against the rules and that should be punished, however I do disagree with them targeting players that are at keyboards and extorting Isk from them. If they killed 1 non bot in 100 kills, for the reason of getting rid of bots, it is one to many.

You're forgetting something. Something that's been said over and over again but you conveniently choose to ignore it. Your way of playing this game is NOT the only one. High-sec is NOT safe, only safer. Every time you undock, you run the risk of losing whatever you undocked. If they are not completely on the straight and narrow...well that's eve for you. Personally, having once been part of a pirate corp, I know that it's not at all easy to keep a leash on pirates that are hungry for blood.

In the end, all I see here is a bunch of people trying to have their own brand of fun. It's obviously not your brand of fun but it is still well within the boundaries of this sandbox world we all choose to dwell in. We all have our opinions on how this game should be, but that doesn't change the rules of the game in any way. The options open to people here are very clear and very limited: either deal with this aspect of the way you chose to play this game, or avoid it. Losing stuff is a part of EVE, if it wasn't your very way of playing the game would not be viable, as there would be little to no demand for the ore you mine.

(Incidentally, I'm not a part of this New Order in any way, I'm just amused by what they do and I enjoy a good discussion. Unfortunately it seems you are unwilling to entertain the thought that there might be other ways of viewing this issue that are just as legitimate if not even more legitimate than your own. That makes it hard to have a good discussion...)

If this type of gameplay is allowed encourage then I should be allowed to shoot bombs in highsec and lowsec
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#618 - 2013-01-21 13:50:17 UTC
It is amusing that this thread has lasted three weeks longer than the Tolero Guard itself.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#619 - 2013-01-21 15:11:58 UTC
Emperor Crash Zues wrote:
Syaran wrote:
Eyana Starstruck wrote:
Well their kills do not range in billions, their kills are mostly around 200-250mil, bot capsules are usually worthless, by that meaning that most bot users will not plug their bot toons with expensive implants.

I don't disagree with the attacking of the bots, that is against the rules and that should be punished, however I do disagree with them targeting players that are at keyboards and extorting Isk from them. If they killed 1 non bot in 100 kills, for the reason of getting rid of bots, it is one to many.

You're forgetting something. Something that's been said over and over again but you conveniently choose to ignore it. Your way of playing this game is NOT the only one. High-sec is NOT safe, only safer. Every time you undock, you run the risk of losing whatever you undocked. If they are not completely on the straight and narrow...well that's eve for you. Personally, having once been part of a pirate corp, I know that it's not at all easy to keep a leash on pirates that are hungry for blood.

In the end, all I see here is a bunch of people trying to have their own brand of fun. It's obviously not your brand of fun but it is still well within the boundaries of this sandbox world we all choose to dwell in. We all have our opinions on how this game should be, but that doesn't change the rules of the game in any way. The options open to people here are very clear and very limited: either deal with this aspect of the way you chose to play this game, or avoid it. Losing stuff is a part of EVE, if it wasn't your very way of playing the game would not be viable, as there would be little to no demand for the ore you mine.

(Incidentally, I'm not a part of this New Order in any way, I'm just amused by what they do and I enjoy a good discussion. Unfortunately it seems you are unwilling to entertain the thought that there might be other ways of viewing this issue that are just as legitimate if not even more legitimate than your own. That makes it hard to have a good discussion...)

If this type of gameplay is allowed encourage then I should be allowed to shoot bombs in highsec and lowsec

You can. Just the repercussion of that is you might get concorded.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

eddie valvetino
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#620 - 2013-01-21 15:26:27 UTC
Tippia wrote:
LeHerp Aggin wrote:
Noone should interfere with how i want to play Eve in High Sec.

Lol Humour.

I lol'd too