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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Advice: So, what should be my next ship?

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Pierre Dumonte
Mortis Noir.
#281 - 2011-10-12 16:48:18 UTC
Vetruvius Valinor wrote:
I've always been partial to the Vexor myself. Easy to get into and fairly light training to make it a good Mission runner. It's a great start anyways.

People suggesting BC and higher need to think, we are talking about the next ship for a Noob. Those ships aren't really realistic to move into quickly, not if you want to fly it with any of the skills needed to fit it properly and not if you want to be able to afford to loose it and get another one and fit it with no trouble.

the vexor is a great ship. however drone skills are required to make it truly effective. But you are correct that this is a good starter ship for missions etc.

The Thorax however is also a great ship. Good damage, especially with the drones, its maneuverable and fairly fast.

Both of these Gallente cruisers are a must in your hanger at any level of the game in my opinion.

Mortis Noir. is recruiting" "any ship in space will eventually explode" ~ Minmatar Proverb

Det Som Engang Var
#282 - 2011-10-12 20:39:26 UTC
for PvE:
- Train a Drake for lvl 3 missions. Also train probing and hacking skills... Because missions are really boring and its nice to take a break and run combat sites or hacking sites. The drake can also handle C2 WHs fine. If you have a buddy in another drake, C3 WHs are doable.

- Next train for the Tengu to do lvl 4 missions and be more efficient in WHs (if you wanna risk it).

- You already trained Caldari Cruiser to 5 to get into a Tengu, so go ahead and train for a Basilisk next. Now you can get into incursion fleets easily.

By this point you should have a good amount of ISK but be bored out of your mind. PLEX a second account and train Minmatar ships for PVP and leech ISK off your PVE character.
000Freedom Fighter000
State War Academy
Caldari State
#283 - 2011-10-12 21:00:00 UTC
The Drake. Its not only a swiss army knife in terms of flexibility (good for up to level 4 missions as well as solo and fleet PVP) but is known to some as a 'Pocket Battleship' - both destructive power and superior survivability in a surprisingly agile package. For new pilots, the Drake is an essential step on the way to conquering the EVE universe.
ELOW Sat-Com Control
#284 - 2011-10-12 22:53:24 UTC
OK so i am going to through my view

i am focusing on two ideas at the moment...solo missions and earning plex to yes keep playing

so i am going to simply address a few ideas i hold important

number matter what ship you fly, the slowest part of eve is free flight in normal or dead space

to increase your income per hour and to just speed things up train your science skill to level four immediately

first off this game is rocket science...train science...keep it at the end of your queue training to level 5 until its done then look at your skills available period

back to my point
science level four gives you small tractor beam...that means 19 km less free flight SLOW PLAY per wreck or wreck group to pull those SOLID triangles to you...empty triangles are exactly that empty wrecks

second...learn to fly the destroyer of any / all races...i actually like the Gallente because of the

three DRONE

this is space...we are human...there are no monsters here but other humans...humans in space use robots...robots kill for you ...robots don't demand you target more than once...they don't even need that if set aggressive

train all kinds of robots in time...but for sure you need drones to level three for and scout drones to at least two or three

but this is for ships.. so yes other than those ideas on top of any ship i agree destroyers battle-cruisers and cov-ops (someday soon )
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#285 - 2011-10-13 00:02:26 UTC
This thread is as useless as the in game help channel. Doomsday ibis ftw!
But if you insist : frigate> destroyer> cruiser> battlecruiser> battleship.
Its not rocket science. Do not go for t2 ships until you are comfortable in understanding, fitting and piloting a t1.
Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#286 - 2011-10-13 02:00:46 UTC
New destroyer hull. something so that t2 destroyers arnt fully dedicated to 0.0 ****. how bout a lolsec dessie?

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

David Grogan
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#287 - 2011-10-13 02:12:39 UTC  |  Edited by: David Grogan
CCP Fallout wrote:
As a new capsuleer, we almost always go through the new player experience tutorial and then ask ourselves, "what's next? I want to blast everything I come across!" EVE has quite a number of ships that a new or young capsuleer could fly... but what should he or she choose? What ships do you recommend, for what purpose, and why is that ship better than any other?

honestly battlecruiser after finishing noob school

destroyers even with high skill points are rubbish unless u got swarms of them and even then only trashers are good

destroyers need a tad more hp and a lil bit more speed & the amarr coercer needs another mid slot (for noobs a cap recharger and ab) & (for higher sp players a mwd and a point)

most t1 cruisers are very role specific and for noobs that presents its own problems. while they are fine for higher sp players most of the t1 cruisers dont really cut it for noobs........ perhaps a generic mission grinder cruiser for noobs should be looked at.

Everytime you buy something that says "made in china" you are helping the rising unemployment in your own country unless you are from china, Buy locally produced goods and help create more jobs.

Dr Djago
EnTech Technology
#288 - 2011-10-13 03:19:36 UTC
I got SO excited reading the title of the news, I thought CCP was letting us pick the next new ship in game.... Then as i read on... meh..
Ender Bloodclaw
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#289 - 2011-10-13 05:01:51 UTC
it all depends on what you want to do. its a hard thing to say use THIS ship, instead of all the others.
I would say if you are working towards a pvp career, go with your race's battlecruiser, pve the BC's aint bad either.
Being pretty new to the game myself, I went with a cov. ops platform first because i felt i could learn more by sitting on the sidelines of the fight and watching, instead of actually fighting. I was wrong.
Vyl Vit
#290 - 2011-10-13 08:21:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Vyl Vit
Good question. Let's capsuleer...hardly any training, hardly any dough ray mi...

The progression is frigate/destroyer/cruiser. Battlecruiser ices the cake, but your skills should be up to par...depending on the race (Caldari - shield skills, Minmatar/Amarr - armor skills, Gallente - drone skills).

So...Minmatar (start with the best ;-) As was said above, the frigate target for Min is the Rifter. It's a fabulous ship. Newer players may have to use mods for cap/power. It's fast and rat-a-tat-tats with those auto-cannons.

Destroyer class? The Thrasher of course. This is a serious ship - a real frig popper. Though your Rifter will be forever your buzzing little MG, the Thrasher gets you started thinking in terms of warship. The skills you need for this one gets you started on understanding skill progression visa vis fitting a ship. With all those extra guns, the Rifter starts seeing a lot of time in the garage.

Cruiser class...Min has two good choices, but you come to a fork in the road here. I like both. The Stabber is honestly one of the best looking ships in the game. The Rupture is honestly one of the oddest looking (imagine a Spanish galleon with the front end sawed off.) The Stabber calls for shield skills. The Rupture wants armor tanking, but can use shield tanking (toss a coin). Since the tendency is to work toward that Battlecruiser, and the Min BC of choice is the Hurricane, armor tanking training starts in earnest about now. The Rupture is tougher, can hit at range with some force and doesn't require quite the skill the Stabber needs. But, I kept flipping back and forth with these two because, well, they're both FUN.

My staff car now is the Fleet Issue Stabber. So, I guess it won out in the end. Pick one???

Stabber. Hands down.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Nick Bison
Bison Industrial Inc
Cat Scratch Fevers
#291 - 2011-10-13 13:19:05 UTC
As I started as Gallente, I decided early on, to stay with their ships initially.

The destroyer Catalyst was my favorite for early mission running. It's combination of good speed and the 125mm rails allowed me to dictate the range of engagements and walk thru all level 1 missions and most level 2's.

Then I got a Thorax. Still had my rails and added drones. I stuck with railguns as blasters are so horribly borked (then and now). Good ship, watch your tank, nice firepower, solid drones and respectable speed. ran most of my level 2 and 3 missions in this one.

As I was still focusing on rails and drones, my next step was a Myrmadon. It can shield or armor tank (I experimented a lot) had good firepower, a little slow but with the large drone bay, a good selection could always be carried. I ran the Myrmidon in level 3's and also level 4's initially. Can be done but, sure can get dicey and some level 4 missions you just can't do. All in all, a good boat.

Nothing clever at this time.

Pandemic Horde
#292 - 2011-10-13 15:58:59 UTC
My standard answer to this is "Get a rifter" because they are the most fun you can have for the price. Or a Merlin if you must be Caldari.

If you'd rather go straight to T2 I'd recommend the Taranis as they are very versatile and have an amazing ability to survive fights in the right hands.
Zillam Reynardine
Stargazer Holdings
#293 - 2011-10-13 22:01:34 UTC
Anshio Tamark wrote:
Mostly because anything you can do, you can do in Rifters. Maybe except for soloing a Titan...

You just need more Rifter.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#294 - 2011-10-14 04:04:42 UTC
Zillam Reynardine wrote:
Anshio Tamark wrote:
Mostly because anything you can do, you can do in Rifters. Maybe except for soloing a Titan...

You just need more Rifter.

Don't fly ships worth more than a 1-2 bil ISK. A new player should not even think about flying a capital ship for at least a year after committing to training all core skills to 5 and then many expensive cap skills to 4-5. If you try to fly one before then, you will probably lose it soon, and get poor performance until then.

Caldari for the ECM, Amarr for the omni armor tanks, and Minmatar for the long range webs. Armor fleets tend to be slow.

Frigates are great ships out in 0.0 but not in low sec as gate guns tend to pop them fast. If you want to fly in 0.0, then most any frig is a good idea with 2-3 Nanofibers and an mwd/ab, but one with a covert ops cloak is an especially good idea. Get the Sentinel or Kitsune to level 5s on all helpful skills, and then move to the corresponding cruiser: Curse/Pilgrim or Rook/Falcon. Put simply, no one likes a red Rook, though few people notice a blue Rook. You see, a blue Rook gives no direct logi aid, so people don't see your role in keeping them alive by protecting every fleet member from dps by jamming the reds. ECM is high on the primary list, and given that they tend to have no tank, logi struggle hard to keep them alive. They typically pop in seconds after they appear, usually. An expensive occupation unless you fly with high tank and logi support., which almost never happens. The best you will see typically is a Scorpion with its gimped, but long-range ECM, or a blackbird, which doesn't even have the range. EWar could be great, but it tends to lag out and get alpha'd before you even notice it on the field

If you go for the popular battlecruiser, then get it to level 5 with all related skills and proceed to the command ship. I would suggest the Harbinger and then Damnation. Everyone loves the bonuses of their command ship pilots. You will be high on the primary list, sometimes rivaling the logis, and as such must be continually locked up by the logis for immediate support.

But if you want to be THE most important ship in the fleet, train LOGISTICS to 5 and get into the Guardian with all related skills to 5. You will be the top of the primary list, the top of the new fleet formation wish list, the top of the jam and damp list, and the BOTTOM of the killboard list.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Amarr Empire
#295 - 2011-10-14 10:19:15 UTC  |  Edited by: DIVINE INQUISITOR
If you are stepping into eve and been playing for little bit I strongly recommend skilling for Bc class ship.. Probably best to date will be hurricane, due to its versatility i.e can be armor tank can be shield tank plus you can have lot of customizations such as neuts, missile launchers, warfare links and a lot more plus not to mention its great DPS! It is one of the Best ships for any occasion ;-) .

Second place I would advice drake, yes its boring but don't let drake to be under estimated it has one of the strongest tanks and its great for missions and pvp. In fleets it can act as bait ship due to its tank, it has great range with missile launchers and you will feel comfortable in battle when you don't need to worry much about range with your heavy missile launchers ;-).

After that I recommended myrmidon for a bit more exp pilots that can control their speed and multitask very well.. Its versatile since it can be customized for your needs and can be deadly for tacklers with having duel webs fitted on it. And if you pimp out correctly it can have very nice tank or buffer of 80k ;-)

And lastly Harbinger is not very popular since it really lacks much versatility and its cap usage but it has great potential for its dps which can be compared to hurricane and very good buffer.

Whatever the choice there is always ship for any situation ;-) I prefer T3, vindicator or nightmare for fighting outnumbered or males for fleets. But everyone develops their tastes as they progress through game.

Whatever the ship makes sure you have the skills to fly it sufficiently good cruiser pilot can take down bad bc pilot anytime or even bs ;-)

Worst thing most eve players fail at doing is they train for ship and don't train other skills to fly it sufficiently and people like me end up destroying them in matter of seconds...
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#296 - 2011-10-14 13:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
And lastly Harbinger is not very popular since it really lacks much versatility and its cap usage but it has great potential for its dps which can be compared to hurricane and very good buffer.

Whatever the choice there is always ship for any situation ;-) I prefer T3, vindicator or nightmare for fighting outnumbered or males for fleets. But everyone develops their tastes as they progress through game.

The cane, with all its "choices" simply requires that much more training to make use of those "choices." Advising new players to get into the cane (or most other Minmatar ships) is the equivalent of asking them train forever before they can effectively do anything. Minmatar ships are great, but not for the new player with low skills.

The harby is probably first on my list because it armor tanks and leads to the powerful armor command ship, the Damnation. The T3 is a bad recommendation because any new player is bound to lose it and besides the huge ISK lost (emo quit) there is skill point loss for those who cannot leave their ship before it is destroyed, which is most people. Vindicator is just a bil ISK asking to be popped and so is a Nightmare. When outnumbered, those are the last ships on my list to jump into, and NOT EVEN then. Sounds like someone has a bit too much extra ISK on their hands.

Expensive ships is bad advice, especially for the new player. For example, Test alliance could make you red and then kill your ships, as they did with a Titan recently less than a day before expected completion. That's between 45 and 85 bil ISK. Never take pvp or 0.0 advice from individuals who demonstrate great skill getting popped, trolling, and wasting ISK.

edited: to be a little nicer to Test alliance and focus more on the op's topic.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Amarr Empire
#297 - 2011-10-14 15:56:39 UTC  |  Edited by: DIVINE INQUISITOR
Andy Landen wrote:
And lastly Harbinger is not very popular since it really lacks much versatility and its cap usage but it has great potential for its dps which can be compared to hurricane and very good buffer.

Whatever the choice there is always ship for any situation ;-) I prefer T3, vindicator or nightmare for fighting outnumbered or males for fleets. But everyone develops their tastes as they progress through game.

True to Test, this is utter fail. The cane, with all its "choices" simply requires that much more training to make use of those "choices." The harby is probably first on my list because it armor tanks and leads to the powerful armor command ship, the Damnation. The T3 is a bad recommendation because any new player is bound to lose it and besides the huge ISK lost (emo quit) there is skill point loss for those who cannot leave their ship before it is destroyed, which is most people. Vindicator is just a bil ISK asking to be popped and so is a Nightmare. When outnumbered, those are the last ships on my list to jump into, and NOT EVEN then. Fail.

Fail Test. Similar to their fail of aborting their own Titan build. Never listen to Test for pvp or 0.0 advice. They have good practice with pve on the other hand, getting popped, trolling, and wasting ISK.

Are you raging about the fact TEST kicked you out or you actualy trying to make valid points?... Please leave your personal feelings out of the way. Also since you are new in cryptonym sleepers you probably havent done research I was one of your lead fc in cryptonym sleeprs and this is perfect example why I left cryptos due to people like you showing your immaturity... This post is to help newer players and I never suggested they should use nightmares I simply stated this is what i prefer...

Learn to read and further more looking at your killboard you should be last person giving mouth on how to pvp and what ship to fly.. so go back to hole you crawled back little low sec pilot...Moon warrior.....----------> LOOOOOL
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#298 - 2011-10-14 22:27:04 UTC

Are you raging about the fact TEST kicked you out or you actualy trying to make valid points?... Please leave your personal feelings out of the way. Also since you are new in cryptonym sleepers you probably havent done research I was one of your lead fc in cryptonym sleeprs and this is perfect example why I left cryptos due to people like you showing your immaturity... This post is to help newer players and I never suggested they should use nightmares I simply stated this is what i prefer...

Learn to read and further more looking at your killboard you should be last person giving mouth on how to pvp and what ship to fly.. so go back to hole you crawled back little low sec pilot...Moon warrior.....----------> LOOOOOL

TEST didn't kick ESC, they simply offered us the option of leaving with no option of staying. Ironically, it was all about another really good FC (like you), ShadowandLight.

My valid point is that a new player should be careful about flying expensive ships, because an alliance like Test can just go back on their word and destroy your Titan before the build is even completed. Yes, an entire alliance can change you from blue to red, and then nullify their promises and destroy your Titan, even though you play by all the rules and follow the agreement honorably. If you train for an expensive ship, be prepared to watch friends destroy it for the lols. Applies to all expensive ships.

PS: Good logi pilots don't have much of a killboard. I am one such.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Dutch Legions
Solyaris Chtonium
#299 - 2011-10-15 17:57:30 UTC
Takatii wrote:
tinman44 wrote:
Caldari t2 cruisers are merciless, as well and the Tech 2 nighthawk. Don't blaster fit a Deimos, you will just lose it right away.
Rifter is the best cheap ship in the game, no contest. many of the minny ships are outstanding in their class. it takes less than a week to have a rifter peaking in performance, and it shines. However for money making, you cant beat a drake. Myrmidon is great for gallente L3 and L4 missions as well.

A lot of people are mentioning Tech 3s... The proteus is a useless brick, usefull only for Cyno bait. Skill for a tengu/loki if you want to solo large PVE engagements. You can tank ANY L4 in a properly fitted T3, however, the tanking can be confusing for some players, and I've seen a lot of newer pilots lose their 1 bil isk ship because they had small shield boosters or were relying on speed tank and fast dps. to preserve your sanity/iskies, go for pure tank, which should be able to boost 600-800 shield every 3 seconds with 80s-90s resists.

Poor Amarr.

Useless brick, huh? LOL! You obvioulsy never used one for PVE. A blaster Prot will out mission a Tengu any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

As for what ship a new pilot should head for, DEFINITELY a Strategic Crusier! Tanks like a BS, has the DPS of a BS, but moves like a standard cruiser. Yes, it's expensive, but you'll thank yourself after you're sitting in one. Obviously, get your racial cruiser skill to 5, because that opens up a LOT of doors into the PVP world. Frankly, Minmatar T2 cruisers and T1 battlecruisers are the way to go, IMHO. (and I started out GALLENTE, and then cross trained)

i wouldn't say a proteus is a useless brick. but for running missions Caldari ships are way more populair to use.
i started as amarr, trained caldari to the max but had to train another race because most pvp fleets prefer armor over shield fittings.

tempest and loki have impressed me much. the dps they pour out and the long range of the tempest made me choose to go for hybrid and projectile guns.
Starlight Moly
#300 - 2011-10-17 02:16:14 UTC
For Drones..... go for T3.... you will NOT be sorry.