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Our Christmas present to FW

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#101 - 2012-12-25 03:54:48 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:

We tried to offer you guys help fighting Gallente but, you know. It is apparently always AWOX o' Clock in Caldari Militia.

For myself and my corp, we had no blues, wasn't really anything against anyone, but blues just limit targets. I can't speak for other corps though.

Then you can't complain. You are artificially limiting yourself by exchanging potential friends in exchange for more killmails. Obviously I'm not advocating a lo sec NAPfest, there's a huge region between "lol no blues i want more targets" and "blue everyone 'eeryday".

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Hidden Snake
#102 - 2012-12-25 04:12:56 UTC
Xmas over .. No gift under my tree .... U suck
Commander Razama
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-12-25 05:23:45 UTC
I have been in and out of faction war for a very long time. I remember fighting the squids when they were actually tough. Great FC's like Gavin and so on. I remember the Perv's kicking our asses and when the Squids got there Victory medals from the war when we lost Old man star.....Its been a few years now....and the wind has changed....and its high time gallente pilots like X gal, Chatgris, Val, dope and myself got our medals!

The end is near squids, VICTORY! SHALL BE OURS!.

Faction war has never been perfect and it will never be perfect. Its never gonna have a system that takes in account for everything but that shouldn't stop us from trying.

P.S. Its ok squids mabye you will win the tie breaker...we will just have to see wont we?
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#104 - 2012-12-25 06:02:58 UTC
Cory Braum wrote:
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.

point is: why to take those systems?

only reason is roleplay reason, it did not work before so CCP fixed FW on way that Caldari has role play reason and gallente has lp/isk reason, so FW is working really fine !

Current fight is that caldari has to prevent isk farmers without rewards and if you manage to break gallente tier and get better for caldari you may get farmers on your side, but that is really effort job and you get practically nothing for yourself.

So best way to fight this war is to join gallente with alts and farm isk. Your main can do what ever you like.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#105 - 2012-12-25 06:03:51 UTC
Commander Razama wrote:
I have been in and out of faction war for a very long time. I remember fighting the squids when they were actually tough. Great FC's like Gavin and so on. I remember the Perv's kicking our asses and when the Squids got there Victory medals from the war when we lost Old man star.....Its been a few years now....and the wind has changed....and its high time gallente pilots like X gal, Chatgris, Val, dope and myself got our medals!

The end is near squids, VICTORY! SHALL BE OURS!.

Faction war has never been perfect and it will never be perfect. Its never gonna have a system that takes in account for everything but that shouldn't stop us from trying.

P.S. Its ok squids mabye you will win the tie breaker...we will just have to see wont we?

there is no war, only isk farm.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#106 - 2012-12-25 06:43:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Cat Casidy
And then there were seven. Merry Christmas!

-edit- at BM, if you were around or watched the vid I posted earlier you would retract your statement. Happy Endings, Templis, etc are making us fight for every system. I was away from game for about two months and within the first three days had 80 kills in nonstop goodfights ( and a bunch of losses). Again hats off to those who are fighting, it's super fun and only going to get better if you guys can rally up. See you on the field!



#107 - 2012-12-25 07:12:16 UTC
There is no isk farming in FW. None whatsoever. There is some LP farming, but more successful militia is the less those LPs are worth now.
Cory Braum
Dark Circle Enforcement
#108 - 2012-12-25 07:18:28 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Oh and I forgot something. All the caldari leadership are morons.

Back in NSE we were trying to develop a working relationship with Caldari militia in order to defeat some of our enemies who happened to be in gallente faction wars. The Caldari leadership we talked to was indecisive, ineffective, and couldn't even keep track of what their own corpies were doing.

We had an ordeal with Templis who we were blue with. Cory Braum was always confused as to why his corpies were always AWOXing us. Eventually after one of the Caldari fleets that attacked us contained a substantial number of Templis, we just reset them and started killing them on sight.

The hilarity culminated when we got blue standings with Souless Brutor's group, who AWOXed us approximately 18 hours later while we were defending a POCO.

The best part is that we lost a raven who refused to broadcast for reps and killed your armor battleship fleet. Too bad are34's loki was hidden from my overview by the blue standings or we'd have gotten even more awesome kills.

To the caldari: If you actually want to start winning, you should actually make some friends who you won't AWOX. Gallente militia seem to be able to do this, why can't you guys? Do you like not having friends?

This is same bullshit you fed tenaka it was always an issue with your guys awoxing us. same stupid lame excuse after another our FC is stealthwear so we just shoot primary sorry or this guys overview isnt set up or you shot an alt and on and on . all your other blues said the same thing untill stealth wear got fed up with it and wiped you out
#109 - 2012-12-25 07:19:42 UTC  |  Edited by: masternerdguy
Cory Braum wrote:

This is same bullshit you fed tenaka it was always an issue with your guys awoxing us. same stupid lame excuse after another our FC is stealthwear so we just shoot primary sorry or this guys overview isnt set up or you shot an alt and on and on . all your other blues said the same thing untill stealth wear got fed up with it and wiped you out

LOL. You weren't blue to SWEAR, and we warned you they wouldn't ever be blue to you. Facts are every time a militia blob fought us it had a fair portion of your guys shooting at us.

Besides you couldn't exactly guarantee your buddies wouldn't shoot us either.

SWEAR didn't wipe us out either actually, our alliance's 'Epic AFK Leadership' did because someone who never actually logged into the game got angry that we were growing (she wanted us to do nothing but build dreads or something) and started a conspiracy to retake control of the alliance that caused epic drama and an eventual failcascade.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Cory Braum
Dark Circle Enforcement
#110 - 2012-12-25 07:26:35 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
Cory Braum wrote:

This is same bullshit you fed tenaka it was always an issue with your guys awoxing us. same stupid lame excuse after another our FC is stealthwear so we just shoot primary sorry or this guys overview isnt set up or you shot an alt and on and on . all your other blues said the same thing untill stealth wear got fed up with it and wiped you out

LOL. You weren't blue to SWEAR, and we warned you they wouldn't ever be blue to you. Facts are every time a militia blob fought us it had a fair portion of your guys shooting at us.

Besides you couldn't exactly guarantee your buddies wouldn't shoot us either.

SWEAR didn't wipe us out either actually, our alliance's 'Epic AFK Leadership' did because someone who never actually logged into the game got angry that we were growing (she wanted us to do nothing but build dreads or something) and started a conspiracy to retake control of the alliance that caused epic drama and an eventual failcascade.

oh yeah 1 SWEAR dude and 20 NSE guys can awox there blues and its ok because they had a single non blue member in there fleet. all im saying is anyone from NSE saying anything about Awox is full of **** because you guys did it over and over again
Cory Braum
Dark Circle Enforcement
#111 - 2012-12-25 07:42:24 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Cory Braum wrote:
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.

point is: why to take those systems?

only reason is roleplay reason, it did not work before so CCP fixed FW on way that Caldari has role play reason and gallente has lp/isk reason, so FW is working really fine !

Current fight is that caldari has to prevent isk farmers without rewards and if you manage to break gallente tier and get better for caldari you may get farmers on your side, but that is really effort job and you get practically nothing for yourself.

So best way to fight this war is to join gallente with alts and farm isk. Your main can do what ever you like.

the whole point is that this is a game and games are meant to be won there no other reason to play any game at all but to win if you join a faction you join a team and in order for you to win is for your team to win. you wouldnt join a baseball team to run around bases all day you play to win thats it . Joining a faction to gain a bunch of fictional internet spaceship money is the real roleplaying
Amarr Empire
#112 - 2012-12-25 10:13:57 UTC
Seems there is a general consensus on these forums that FW is broken again. The factions that are on a downward spiral can’t recover, the farming is going rampant and generally everything is broken, imbalanced or biased.

With that in mind, we decided to put everyone out of their misery and accelerate the ongoing process of collapse that Faction Warfare is experiencing. Over the next months we intend to take all caldari systems, followed by helping minmatar to take all amarr systems. Most of the doctrines we will deploy will be tech 1, giving everyone a fair chance to counter us.

And when there are no more Caldari or Amarr systems left, maybe a new FW can be built, one more in tone with the rest of Eve, without emphasis on PVE and instanced PVP.

In many respects you're totally right, so I put 2 alt's in to help the process on both fronts.

I see no reason to plex in Amarr space now we are T1 when I can do a medium T4 and get 60K+ LP...

The "Amarr" PvP fleet will soon be full of SFI's....

Merry Christmas to you all!
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#113 - 2012-12-25 10:20:16 UTC
And inb4 masternerdguy joins FW and Mutnin logs in.
Caellach Marellus
#114 - 2012-12-25 10:49:06 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
Caellach Marellus wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Seems there is a general consensus on these forums that FW is broken again. The factions that are on a downward spiral can’t recover, the farming is going rampant and generally everything is broken, imbalanced or biased.

With that in mind, we decided to put everyone out of their misery and accelerate the ongoing process of collapse that Faction Warfare is experiencing. Over the next months we intend to take all caldari systems, followed by helping minmatar to take all amarr systems. Most of the doctrines we will deploy will be tech 1, giving everyone a fair chance to counter us.

And when there are no more Caldari or Amarr systems left, maybe a new FW can be built, one more in tone with the rest of Eve, without emphasis on PVE and instanced PVP.

Typical gallente plan, fight when war is over and everyone has left, kicking ball to empty goal after match.

Reminds me of the time the Squids took everything by logging in when there were no Gallente around post downtime. Didn't stop them doing it though.

I still am amazed that CCP restricted Gals ability to log in and undock after downtime. This truly is astonishing for CCP to grant this obvious favoritism to Caldari.

Terrible argument, unless you're saying CCP is stopping Caldari players from being able to log in and undock, in which case this probably explains why you're never logging in.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

#115 - 2012-12-25 11:55:34 UTC
Cory Braum wrote:
masternerdguy wrote:
Cory Braum wrote:

This is same bullshit you fed tenaka it was always an issue with your guys awoxing us. same stupid lame excuse after another our FC is stealthwear so we just shoot primary sorry or this guys overview isnt set up or you shot an alt and on and on . all your other blues said the same thing untill stealth wear got fed up with it and wiped you out

LOL. You weren't blue to SWEAR, and we warned you they wouldn't ever be blue to you. Facts are every time a militia blob fought us it had a fair portion of your guys shooting at us.

Besides you couldn't exactly guarantee your buddies wouldn't shoot us either.

SWEAR didn't wipe us out either actually, our alliance's 'Epic AFK Leadership' did because someone who never actually logged into the game got angry that we were growing (she wanted us to do nothing but build dreads or something) and started a conspiracy to retake control of the alliance that caused epic drama and an eventual failcascade.

oh yeah 1 SWEAR dude and 20 NSE guys can awox there blues and its ok because they had a single non blue member in there fleet. all im saying is anyone from NSE saying anything about Awox is full of **** because you guys did it over and over again

When I was FC I never once allowed that to happen. I saw it happen once and yelled at the guy all night afterwards and made him apologize to leadership. I take shooting blues very seriously, and I was one of your advocates when everyone else was yelling to reset you guys.

If you had issues you really should have reported them to me. I never got any reply about join ops and you never sent me any messages inviting us on anything either.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#116 - 2012-12-25 12:25:41 UTC
Inb4 this FW thread devolves to insults and bickering...

...wait a second...
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2012-12-25 13:22:59 UTC
Over the next months....

just one complaint here.... this could be far too long time to even remember about this thread.

Could you hurry up a little? Cool I've heard that gallente is almost 100% and minmatar too. So it should not be too difficult?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Grouchy Rediculous Ugly Man Pigs
#118 - 2012-12-25 14:59:20 UTC
I remember Templis being a whiny bunch of pilots. But that's just the end that I got to hear about.

I do have to give them credit, they do put up some gud fites from time to time.
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#119 - 2012-12-25 15:08:07 UTC
And people wonder why no-one takes militia seriously Roll

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#120 - 2012-12-25 15:09:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Bad Messenger
Cory Braum wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Cory Braum wrote:
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.

point is: why to take those systems?

only reason is roleplay reason, it did not work before so CCP fixed FW on way that Caldari has role play reason and gallente has lp/isk reason, so FW is working really fine !

Current fight is that caldari has to prevent isk farmers without rewards and if you manage to break gallente tier and get better for caldari you may get farmers on your side, but that is really effort job and you get practically nothing for yourself.

So best way to fight this war is to join gallente with alts and farm isk. Your main can do what ever you like.

the whole point is that this is a game and games are meant to be won there no other reason to play any game at all but to win if you join a faction you join a team and in order for you to win is for your team to win. you wouldnt join a baseball team to run around bases all day you play to win thats it . Joining a faction to gain a bunch of fictional internet spaceship money is the real roleplaying

Fact is that no one can win FW, CCP will prevent it on way or another. Caldari once won it because CCP reaction were too slow, CCP has admitted that.

Only reason why caldari does not anymore have all systems is that CCP changed FW.