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Warfare & Tactics

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Our Christmas present to FW

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Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#81 - 2012-12-24 07:19:29 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Seems there is a general consensus on these forums that FW is broken again. The factions that are on a downward spiral can’t recover, the farming is going rampant and generally everything is broken, imbalanced or biased.

With that in mind, we decided to put everyone out of their misery and accelerate the ongoing process of collapse that Faction Warfare is experiencing. Over the next months we intend to take all caldari systems, followed by helping minmatar to take all amarr systems. Most of the doctrines we will deploy will be tech 1, giving everyone a fair chance to counter us.

And when there are no more Caldari or Amarr systems left, maybe a new FW can be built, one more in tone with the rest of Eve, without emphasis on PVE and instanced PVP.

Typical gallente plan, fight when war is over and everyone has left, kicking ball to empty goal after match.


a) The caldari still have more pilots.
b) The caldari right now have a few pvp gangs out that are larger than anything I can put together atm based on comms numbers.
c) The difference in VP yesterday between Gallente and Caldari is - 1.1%. We're *barely* winning the occupancy war.

Seriously, if the Caldari had a little less "the sky is falling" and a little more "lets spread out and use our superior numbers to take plexes" well, there'd be 0 chance of the gallente taking all the systems.

Thing is that no one want to fight war that does not just simply work. So when CCP manages to fix FW things may get better, but as we have seen it is impossible to fix FW.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#82 - 2012-12-24 07:36:35 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
I still am amazed that CCP restricted Gals ability to log in and undock after downtime. This truly is astonishing for CCP to grant this obvious favoritism to Caldari.

inb4 Mutnin actually logs in and fights.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#83 - 2012-12-24 07:37:49 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
Thing is that no one want to fight war that does not just simply work. So when CCP manages to fix FW things may get better, but as we have seen it is impossible to fix FW.

Cool. It'll make it less painful for us if you move aside to Yvangier. Moving on to next system which I think Hykanima.(?)
Verge of Collapse
#84 - 2012-12-24 11:09:09 UTC
Meh I give it 7 days, 10 tops before they get bored and go back to the only thing they are capable off, sitting on a Titan and hotdropping small gangs with triage support.
Balkan Kings
Goonswarm Federation
#85 - 2012-12-24 11:36:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Trendafil
Gibbo5771 wrote:
Meh I give it 7 days, 10 tops before they get bored and go back to the only thing they are capable off, sitting on a Titan and hotdropping small gangs with triage support.

Show me on doll where the bad hotdrop got you?

As we are getting closer to the end of the year, only few systems remain under state control. The last strongholds of caldari FW promise great fights and many emotions in local chat :) So I will be there, with my fleet behind me. Our carrier will blot out the stations and our dreds will dispense indiscriminate justice. All that stands against us will be posted on eve-kill.

This will be OUR christmass present!

For The General !
#86 - 2012-12-24 11:40:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
chatgris wrote:


a) The caldari still have more pilots.
b) The caldari right now have a few pvp gangs out that are larger than anything I can put together atm based on comms numbers.
c) The difference in VP yesterday between Gallente and Caldari is - 1.1%. We're *barely* winning the occupancy war.

Seriously, if the Caldari had a little less "the sky is falling" and a little more "lets spread out and use our superior numbers to take plexes" well, there'd be 0 chance of the gallente taking all the systems.

I'll tell you what the difference is.. When you guys plex you are getting 25k LP for a novice, 40 something k for a minor & 63k I think it was for a med. Added to this if there is a Caldari out there plexing he's certainly not there to earn LP's. That means he's likely there to fight and try to defend the system. This means you get PVP because our guys are there to fight, meanwhile we get boredom of chasing farmer alts.

When we see a Gal in a plex it's almost certain he's just one of the hundreds of farmer alts that is stabbed & will run the second we enter. It's simply no fun to chase farmers away all day and undo what they did, which will just be redone by the next farmer, because you can't watch every system 23.5/7. That's not fighting back, that's just running around sticking your finger in the crack of a dam hoping to keep the water from rushing in. You guys have won by boring us to death. Congrats it works well.

It's much simpler just to toss an alt in Gal militia and Awox your farmers because at the very least we can steal their LP's. We still get kills and we get paid for killing you. FW is broken, it's not worth fighting for so making ISk and harvesting tears is pretty much the only reason to stay involved.

Let us not forget you Gals also rolled over and played dead when it wasn't worth while for you to fight back, the difference was then is that the broken Game Mechanics didn't stop you from playing as they were easily ignored. Why would you expect it to be any different, when the shoe is on the other foot and we face broken game mechanics which directly hinder our ability to fight back?
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2012-12-24 12:34:27 UTC  |  Edited by: ahktallid
Massive xmas troll and you guys are biting like this > CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP.

FW has issues but it's in MUCH better shape than it ever has been. It's a small ship PVPers paradise and if your not pulling 100s of kills a month (if not a week) your doing it very, very, very, very wrong.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#88 - 2012-12-24 18:09:44 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Hidden Snake wrote:
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
Awesome, can you hurry through the Caldari please!

Flipped 5 systems in the last 24 hrs, that qualifies as a hurry

ofc with famville horde u flipped the systems without stations and resistance ... enjoy .... Spiritus Draconis can tell you stories about Ladistier and OMS :) .... I think Xgal promised some docking rights for Gallente too .... well months ago. Bear

And yes please come with ur hotdrops .... Twisted

inb4 Hidden Snake joins FW. And Trendafil. And inb4 Mutnin logs in too.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#89 - 2012-12-24 18:21:56 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Hidden Snake wrote:
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
Awesome, can you hurry through the Caldari please!

Flipped 5 systems in the last 24 hrs, that qualifies as a hurry

ofc with famville horde u flipped the systems without stations and resistance ... enjoy .... Spiritus Draconis can tell you stories about Ladistier and OMS :) .... I think Xgal promised some docking rights for Gallente too .... well months ago. Bear

And yes please come with ur hotdrops .... Twisted

inb4 Hidden Snake joins FW. And Trendafil. And inb4 Mutnin logs in too.

Trend is supporting us in our endeavours more than you'd think. Including the FW releated ones discussed in this thread.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#90 - 2012-12-24 18:33:01 UTC
He probably is. I just find it funny how many non-FW players are involved in FW and on the FW forums. Big smile
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#91 - 2012-12-24 19:26:17 UTC  |  Edited by: chatgris
Bad Messenger wrote:
Thing is that no one want to fight war that does not just simply work. So when CCP manages to fix FW things may get better, but as we have seen it is impossible to fix FW.

Except yesterday, the Caldari plexed more VP than the Gallente. Seems like the Caldari are fighting back. Which has been confusing for me all along - a few vocal Caldari are sitting here on the forums with "We can't fight back, we're outnumbered" and "screw you, we'll show you and just stop" yet, the caldari even when losing were behind by around 1% VP, and now are ahead in VP.
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2012-12-24 21:46:44 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Bad Messenger wrote:
Thing is that no one want to fight war that does not just simply work. So when CCP manages to fix FW things may get better, but as we have seen it is impossible to fix FW.

Except yesterday, the Caldari plexed more VP than the Gallente. Seems like the Caldari are fighting back. Which has been confusing for me all along - a few vocal Caldari are sitting here on the forums with "We can't fight back, we're outnumbered" and "screw you, we'll show you and just stop" yet, the caldari even when losing were behind by around 1% VP, and now are ahead in VP.

So the question is: is the Gallente militia re-enacting the Russians marching on Berlin in 1945 ... or the Germans marching on Moscow in 1941?

Of course, once the agreement with the Jov[CENSORED BY CONCORD]

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Cory Braum
Dark Circle Enforcement
#93 - 2012-12-24 22:51:49 UTC
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.
#94 - 2012-12-24 23:42:38 UTC
The problem with FW is nothing to due with game mechanics, shocking I know.

The problem is the caldari does not have, and essentially never had, a talent pool of good PVPers. The gallente militia have DnD. QCATS. etc and the caldari have freaking Templis.

Most of the good PVP groups have left caldari militia and either defected to you, moved to nullsec, or became independent lo sec groups. I was there back in the day when the internal caldari drama was killing our talent pool one by one.

If you guys really want ~gudfites~ and to fix the death spiral, send DnD or QCATS to caldari militia. The problem has nothing to due with the game mechanics CCP can fix, the problem has everything to do with all the competent people in the same side.

It's like the Colts playing football against a middle school baseball team at this point.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Shaalira D'arc
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2012-12-24 23:50:25 UTC
masternerdguy wrote:
If you guys really want ~gudfites~ and to fix the death spiral, send DnD or QCATS to caldari militia. The problem has nothing to due with the game mechanics CCP can fix, the problem has everything to do with all the competent people in the same side.


Even if people were so inclined, FW regulars have generally wrecked their standings with the opposing side too much to swap. The only alternative, really, is to swap warzones and fight for your allied faction.

And anyways, we still get lots of pew pew right now.
#96 - 2012-12-25 00:02:20 UTC
Oh and I forgot something. All the caldari leadership are morons.

Back in NSE we were trying to develop a working relationship with Caldari militia in order to defeat some of our enemies who happened to be in gallente faction wars. The Caldari leadership we talked to was indecisive, ineffective, and couldn't even keep track of what their own corpies were doing.

We had an ordeal with Templis who we were blue with. Cory Braum was always confused as to why his corpies were always AWOXing us. Eventually after one of the Caldari fleets that attacked us contained a substantial number of Templis, we just reset them and started killing them on sight.

The hilarity culminated when we got blue standings with Souless Brutor's group, who AWOXed us approximately 18 hours later while we were defending a POCO.

The best part is that we lost a raven who refused to broadcast for reps and killed your armor battleship fleet. Too bad are34's loki was hidden from my overview by the blue standings or we'd have gotten even more awesome kills.

To the caldari: If you actually want to start winning, you should actually make some friends who you won't AWOX. Gallente militia seem to be able to do this, why can't you guys? Do you like not having friends?

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#97 - 2012-12-25 00:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: SAJUK NIGARRA
We have our fair share of drama too tbh, we just learned to laugh it off and to a degree even enjoy it. Luckly we're km whores so if we need to fleet up to get kills, we'll fleet up no matter how much we trolled eachother on forums or comms the previous day :)

Also as I previously mentioned, me, Tek, Ammon, Chat, Hawk, Juan, X G, all knowing eachother for 3+ years helps with keeping the drama in check.

But yeah, best advice I can give in dealing with internal drama is learn to embrace it and enjoy it.
#98 - 2012-12-25 00:59:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Cory Braum wrote:
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.

When I first joined Cal Militia we were one of the only corps living in low sec because most lived in Nourv. We lived in Suj with Snuff Box for a few months. We were then the 2nd or 3rd corp to move to Enaluri and lived their up until it was lost with the station lock outs the first time. I've spent most of my game time living in low sec, in fact most of my ships were locked up in Kinakka after I came back from my break until the system was taken back and I was able to retrieve them.

We kept a base in Onn for new guys to stay in and of course I kept a fair number of ships there as well, because it was a good location that allowed us to get to any part of Black Rise with-in 2 or 3 jumps. Why is it you focus on high sec when the truth is you were always mad I wouldn't focus my corp on plexing.

Trust me I can also remember you guys whining because we would take gangs out to null sec, instead of orbiting buttons all day. In fact I used to get a lot of flack from various people in Cal Mil for not making our corp's main purpose orbiting buttons and hearing that if you don't plex you shouldn't be in Militia.

The reason I'm vocal about the down turn that has come from these changes, is because I was among the few that said in the beginning that forcing Sov War on FW, was going to turn it into null sec lite and encourage even more blobage, as well as take away the casualness of it.

See some of us at least myself, are not so happy that CCP took away our sandbox and filled it with dirty kitty litter.
#99 - 2012-12-25 01:13:29 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
Cory Braum wrote:
What is this the caldari pity party where all the sad loser's come to whine. If you people would spend more time fighting in low sec and less time complaining the caldari would have more systems. I really dont understand why guys like mutin are even posting on the fourms representing caldari militia at all, he was never active and when he was he spent most his time based in high sec complaining about everything. Its funny that you dont seen any of the constructive caldari organizations posting in here day in and day out whining about cpp and the gallenta. The fact is that chatgris is right we do have more members then the gallenta they just have to get the sorry ass's out of high sec and to start working with the actual constructive organizations out there and stop listing to the caldari whine show in here.

When I first join Cal Militia we were one of the only corps living in low sec because most lived in Nourv. We lived in Suj with Snuff Box for a few months. We were then the 2nd or 3rd corp to move to Enaluri and lived their up until it was lost with the station lock outs the first time. I've spent most of my game time living in low sec, in fact most of my ships were locked up in Kinakka after I came back from my break until the system was taken back and I was able to retrieve them.

We kept a base in Onn for new guys to stay in and of course I kept a fair number of ships there as well, because it was a good location that allowed us to get to any part of Black Rise with-in 2 or 3 jumps. Why is it you focus on high sec when the truth is you were always mad I wouldn't focus my corp on plexing.

Trust me I can also remember you guys whining because we would take gangs out to null sec, instead of orbiting buttons all day. In fact I used to get a lot of flack from various people in Cal Mil for not making our corp's main purpose orbiting buttons and hearing that if you don't plex you shouldn't be in Militia.

The reason I'm vocal about the down turn that has come from these changes, is because I was among the few that said in the beginning that forcing Sov War on FW, was going to turn it into null sec lite and encourage even more blobage, as well as take away the casualness of it.

See some of us at least myself, are not so happy that CCP took away our sandbox and filled it with dirty kitty litter.

We tried to offer you guys help fighting Gallente but, you know. It is apparently always AWOX o' Clock in Caldari Militia.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

#100 - 2012-12-25 01:21:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
masternerdguy wrote:

We tried to offer you guys help fighting Gallente but, you know. It is apparently always AWOX o' Clock in Caldari Militia.

For myself and my corp, we had no blues, wasn't really anything against anyone, but blues just limit targets. I can't speak for other corps though.