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Warfare & Tactics

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Our Christmas present to FW

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Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#21 - 2012-12-20 20:05:11 UTC
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
Y u no understand problem isn't FW but with # of active players?

This is pretty true - FW was amazing with Nulli's brief entry. Constant warfare everywhere.

Having said that, I won't be participating to "show fw is broken", but I will be participating for the glory of the federation :)
Dan Carter Murray
#22 - 2012-12-20 20:46:49 UTC
What mechanic can ccp implement to increase numbers (semi competent capsuleers) in amarr and caldri during both EU and US TZ?

More specifically, what can ccp implement to make amarr or caldari fw corps work together better?

What can ccp implement for the side who can only field 30 people against 100

Nothing needs to be fixed as these cannot be implemented especially with tier 1 providing 50% LP because who the **** wants to be the underdog fighting the blob (why the **** not 10% less LP btw). I mean minmatar were able to blue all e pirate corps in metro to help them conquer asset before iron blobside showed up to finish the blob takeover.

For amarr there is just a lack of EUTZ to compete with iron blobside numbers (not skill).

Also, nothing can be fixed unless somehow the underdog is rewarded for their risk, and no one likes to take risks in eve (exactly why people use links and have large alliances such as iron blobside).

Even if they take over everything ccp shouldn't change anything. I mean... Amarr will still hold eggelhende /facepalm (if it isn't abundantly clear by now, if you live in egg and are in FW then you are completely useless and should just drop FW since you do nothing for your militia) 50GB free space @

Caellach Marellus
#23 - 2012-12-20 20:59:05 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
but Caldari will never let you get a medal for taking every system.

The fact this sums up the mindset of some Caldari FW, that they're more concerned about a few pixels and some flavour text that highlighted a broken mechanic several years ago, than actually fixing mechanics now so they can get out of the T1 rut they're stuck in.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Dan Carter Murray
#24 - 2012-12-20 23:29:14 UTC
on second thought, and possibly more fun, gallente could troll the FW system after maybe taking all the caldari systems by swapping to amarr and taking over all of the minmatar space while iron oxide stays docked and cries since they will have to face equal numbers and get roflstomped 50GB free space @

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#25 - 2012-12-20 23:37:31 UTC
its in better shape as it ever was. just move the frelling flag away from the plex warpin. Its like spawning in WOT at the enemy base with your tank.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#26 - 2012-12-20 23:48:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
jamesoverlord wrote:
Wey'oun wrote:
dont worry squiddies, we will still hotdrop you with Fac bs and triage between our plex drives :P

have you even learnt how to hot drop yet haha good luck with your crusade i cant wait to stamp on a few DnD heads hahaha

Sorry lol, this coming from a guy whos idea of hotdropping consists of 2 dreads 5m30s before downtime lol

I think revelation is my second most used ship this month after thrasher lol

Bienator II wrote:
its in better shape as it ever was. just move the frelling flag away from the plex warpin. Its like spawning in WOT at the enemy base with your tank.

I disagree. Me having to cover 50km in a brawling ship to get to warp in is not as easy as you starting to nano as soon as you see short scan light up. The current situation is better than it used to be, perhaps there is no perfect solution but you just using d-scan fixes the problem.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#27 - 2012-12-21 00:18:09 UTC
Hooray explosions! Or something, I'm fairly certain I'm still drunk from last night but am in no way qualified to assess that....or anything really. Yes.


Sir Prometeus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-12-21 01:51:14 UTC
I support any measure to change the current FW system. Even being Caldari, if it changes the system for the better, I will support it.

My thoughs about it

- Something must be done to encourage T1 militias to fight. I still have to think what, because it's complicated

- Systems must be flipped faster to allow that a small gang (or even a solo player with a lot of time (a couple of hours maybe)) can change the sovereignty of a system. That will split the mega-blobs to fight in many places. That way we can have many small fights everywhere, which is the best of EVE.

- In addition to the last point. Maybe even allowing that the owner of the systems changes within the same day, not needing to wait for the DT

- Plexes must stay. They give the opportunity to have something similar to a fair fight.

- In general, missile boats (with some exceptions) suck. So maybe changing the weapons of the caldari faction ships to hybrids will help to see more caldari pilots using their own race's ships (I have to use an Algos, and I love it, but it doesn't make me feel inmersed in the lore) At least, the hookbill should be changed, because it's DPS is crap compared to the merlin (suposedly the hookbill is an upgrade of the merlin)
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#29 - 2012-12-21 03:57:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
Crosi Wesdo wrote:

Bienator II wrote:
its in better shape as it ever was. just move the frelling flag away from the plex warpin. Its like spawning in WOT at the enemy base with your tank.

I disagree. Me having to cover 50km in a brawling ship to get to warp in is not as easy as you starting to nano as soon as you see short scan light up. The current situation is better than it used to be, perhaps there is no perfect solution but you just using d-scan fixes the problem.

as somebody said in one of the many threads discussing this issue: less good fights, higher risk to die to blobs. A warpin is nothing else as a spawn point, other games try to fight spawn camping, eve motivates it by encouraging camping while doing pve.

The change took a lot away from plexes and solved nothing. (i can only guess that the reason why it was introduced was to fight pure pve plexer, but this is the wrong way to do it IMO, the right way would be to encourage fights by implementing a timer reset if you warp off)

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#30 - 2012-12-21 04:59:36 UTC
Sir Prometeus wrote:
I support any measure to change the current FW system. Even being Caldari, if it changes the system for the better, I will support it.

My thoughs about it

- Something must be done to encourage T1 militias to fight. I still have to think what, because it's complicated

- Systems must be flipped faster to allow that a small gang (or even a solo player with a lot of time (a couple of hours maybe)) can change the sovereignty of a system. That will split the mega-blobs to fight in many places. That way we can have many small fights everywhere, which is the best of EVE.

- In addition to the last point. Maybe even allowing that the owner of the systems changes within the same day, not needing to wait for the DT

- Plexes must stay. They give the opportunity to have something similar to a fair fight.

- In general, missile boats (with some exceptions) suck. So maybe changing the weapons of the caldari faction ships to hybrids will help to see more caldari pilots using their own race's ships (I have to use an Algos, and I love it, but it doesn't make me feel inmersed in the lore) At least, the hookbill should be changed, because it's DPS is crap compared to the merlin (suposedly the hookbill is an upgrade of the merlin)

Not sure if serious.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

The Church of Awesome
#31 - 2012-12-21 05:03:09 UTC
Tiffy Mezzier wrote:
Dear Caldari and Amarr factions,

I think you're all missing the point here.

Instead of being upset over fake internet politics, take a look at the bigger picture here and how it affects EVE as well as FW in particular.

The end result of a push like this, will be to prove to CCP that the mechanics for FW need to be adjusted.

As well our effort would provide hard data, critical to identifying which mechanics need the hardest look.

So we openly encourage you Caldari, and you Amarrians, to fight us. As hard as you can, bring it on.

If you don't, then your not only doing a disservice to yourselves, but to CCP, and everyone else in FW.


I agree that the Gallente taking everything will show CCP some more work is needed on FW balance.
But I don't agree that fighting back is the way.
Leaving no content for the Gallente is the answer.

There will be no fights, no sov war or bad smack talk.
A few other negative effects should kick in for the Gals that I won't post. But I am sure some of the Gallente have already worked out these possible long term effects.

The way CCP seem to have responded to fw in the last few months is:
If the winners are crying for change - there must be a big problem = OH HERE GAIZ NINJA PATCH4U XOXOXOXOXO.
If the losers are crying for change - its just tears = HTFU BIATCHEZ WORKIN AZ INTENDED.

So we need to get it to the point where someone outright wins and screams at CCP for balance changes to FW.

As for Amarr/Minny - I don't know enough about it here yet.
But it doesn't seem to be in the same 'steamrolled' state as Caldari.

Honestly - Congrats to the Gallente.
In my opinion they have effectively already achieved victory and now will only consolidate their position and shine their possible new medals until ......

We knew Gallente would gain some ground after the ninja patch. It was slow at 1st but some tipping point has now been passed causing a cascade of systems to fall - attempting to plex it back right now would be a waste of in game time.
Shaalira D'arc
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-12-21 07:55:36 UTC
Today was the first time in a while that I spent a full afternoon and evening in EVE, and it was nonstop pew pew action. Keep up the good fight.
Hidden Snake
#33 - 2012-12-21 09:33:10 UTC
so .... xmas?

or week after?

or week after?

or .... just TROLOLO?
Hidden Snake
#34 - 2012-12-21 09:51:48 UTC
Ok ... I was asked by friend to post on his behalf ... so in this case I am the messenger ;) He is quite truth in his message. Pirate

What OP tries to do is basicly snag a PR victory for DnD (and probably get even bigger blob to roll around with new recruits) because the farmers do 95% of the work and probably take most systems over christmas holidays (since farmers wont be away while rest of us will). DnD will simply try to wave that it was "only because of them" it could have happened. This of course is just another gallente bullcrap on top of everything else since previous farmville incarnation saw exactly the same happen that systems were vulnerable for weeks and farmed to hearts content.

After all, on this list DnD does not even feature as a plexing force but the heavy lifting is done by two other alliances and of course the locust swarm of FDU alts:

As for Caellach comments, it would seem this person suffers from serious case of hubris. That it is only now that broken mechanics of FW have been revealed (and not years or months ago by everyone participating in it) by the gallente wisdom that descended from the sky in a fiery chariot or that allowing CCP's pet militia to take everything would cause CCP to change mechanics.

Are you on crack? In case you didnt notice devs are playing and/or waving flag for gallente militia (Including CCP Soundwave) and they most likely want every Amarr/Caldari player out of the game because some marketing department guy has probably calculated more money is made by the company if there are only two farmer militias and everyone and their dog gets another account to farm isk in them.

Even more deluded is Tiffy's comments. He demands that people fight him because showing to CCP that ships explode on an spreasheet would cause mechanics to be worked out and that massive farming will get highlighted by the fact. Newsflash! The farmville already happened once and only thing CCP did to adjust it was to hand most systems to gallente with ninjapatch.

Ibanez is quite right on his comment. Giving fights to gallentes where they already have multiple times the numbers of opposition, higher payout and parent company working on their behalf would be a worst thing people could do. "Good fights", dont make me laugh. Nobody in eve is after good fights. Everybody is only concerned about how much isk he can make, how safely it can be done and how quickly.

You dont believe me? Just look on how many turncoats jumped the fence to easier ISK (Like Gunnyt31) or how many "Lol, FW is for nooblets" like Percussive Pizza people returned to FW and yes, to the side which makes more money out of it.
Dan Carter Murray
#35 - 2012-12-21 11:23:36 UTC
Capitol One wrote:
Dan Carter Murray wrote:
Seems there is a general consensus on these forums that FW is broken again. The factions that are on a downward spiral can’t recover, the farming is going rampant and generally everything is broken, imbalanced or biased.

With that in mind, we decided to put everyone out of their misery and accelerate the ongoing process of collapse that Faction Warfare is experiencing. Over the next months we intend to take all caldari systems, followed by helping minmatar to take all amarr systems. Most of the doctrines we will deploy will be tech 1, giving everyone a fair chance to counter us.

And when there are no more Caldari or Amarr systems left, maybe a new FW can be built, one more in tone with the rest of Eve, without emphasis on PVE and instanced PVP.

Y u no like plex fighting?
Y u no like killing 1 rat?
Y u want everyone to pvp like u with BS and carrier/dread?
Y u so mad?
Y u no understand problem isn't FW but with # of active players?
Y u no have plan to take eggelhende? (lols)

Most of the doctrines we will deploy will be tech 1, giving everyone a fair chance to counter us.

That seemed so clear to me Roll

Although it would be so cool if more people could fly more expensive and risky doctrines in lowsec! :)

They want to take over to make changes like more BS/cap fights. That seemed so clear to me Roll.

Also, you wouldn't engage anyway without a 100% chance of taking no losses so w/e 50GB free space @

Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2012-12-21 11:47:44 UTC
Also, too:

Calling a roflstomp offensive a "Christmas present" to the game at large sounds like an attempt to be clever. Google John Scalzi on "the failure mode of clever" for how it comes across.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Dead's Prostitutes
The Initiative.
#37 - 2012-12-21 13:34:19 UTC
I agree with op that fw is pretty crappy about now but I disagree in that there is anything ccp can do. If op believes that there is something ccp can change to make it better i would like to hear what those are. As I see it (and i can't speak for the amarrians) caldari's problem is we have less players, are not as well funded (we've never had a titan) and there is only a handful of small corps and alliances that work together.

I don't see anyway ccp can change this. Even before all the changes to fw all caldari fw drew was carebear alts to run missions for isk for their main who was in gallente or in null sec. For whatever reason caldari cannot draw the amount of dedicated corps/alliances that stay in fw and build. I mean hell one of the most balanced times was when we had wolfsbrigade and 4 horsemen and wolfsbrigade is just sotf's lacky's. Basically you had to put a gallente corp in caldari to make it balanced.

Nothing you do can change the fact that caldari for whatever reason cannot draw substantial pvp corps/alliances. Taking all the systems or giving us all the systems wouldn't change a thing to make better pvp. Say we had all the systems all it would mean is there would just be more farmer in caldari not anymore pvp pilots. I think the only thing you could do is put wolfsbrigade back into caldari then at least you would have them to fight.

Anyway would like to hear what gallente thinks would fix these problems or what they see as the problems and fixes.
Caellach Marellus
#38 - 2012-12-21 15:43:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Caellach Marellus
Hidden Snake wrote:
Ok ... I was asked by friend to post on his behalf ... so in this case I am the messenger ;) He is quite truth in his message. Pirate

Tell him he should put whatever he's smoking down, and try to avoid strawman arguments in future Lol

Also that tinfoil hat doesn't suit him.

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Eclipse Strike Unit
#39 - 2012-12-21 15:53:29 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
jamesoverlord wrote:
Wey'oun wrote:
dont worry squiddies, we will still hotdrop you with Fac bs and triage between our plex drives :P

have you even learnt how to hot drop yet haha good luck with your crusade i cant wait to stamp on a few DnD heads hahaha

Sorry lol, this coming from a guy whos idea of hotdropping consists of 2 dreads 5m30s before downtime lol

I think revelation is my second most used ship this month after thrasher lol

Bienator II wrote:
its in better shape as it ever was. just move the frelling flag away from the plex warpin. Its like spawning in WOT at the enemy base with your tank.

I disagree. Me having to cover 50km in a brawling ship to get to warp in is not as easy as you starting to nano as soon as you see short scan light up. The current situation is better than it used to be, perhaps there is no perfect solution but you just using d-scan fixes the problem.

Whats a matter mad because you failed to catch my dreads in an easy trap oh thats right your titan wasnt online at the time oh and i do recall you losing a triarge carrier and a few faction bs to my fleet a few months ago in yet another fail hot drop of yours peace out bro :)
Morgan Torry
Arma Purgatorium
#40 - 2012-12-21 16:05:17 UTC
Posting as a Caldari pilot who wouldn't mind seeing everything fall, just so we can laugh at how farming =/= success.

Do have to give the Gallente some props though, they are fairly coordinated and the fact that total domination is imminent they're full of excitement and motivation. Most Caldari are just sitting in stations waiting for the final pushing, or just hunting the farmers instead of plexing.

I'm still a little upset at the state of things that encourage the stereotype of Gallente being mostly farmers, though. I went into a novice last night as a Breacher, a **** fit I made testing how well it's kiting would do with an ASB/DC as the only defensive items. I went in against a Dramiel, fully expecting a good fight and to head home in a pod. The Dramiel ran immediately. There were two other Gallente in system, I was the only Caldari.


Arma Purgatorium - What is Podded May Never Die