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Ambulation in late december??!!

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Goonswarm Federation
#81 - 2012-12-20 22:19:08 UTC
Vincent Athena
#82 - 2012-12-20 22:29:48 UTC
I could see all Keys turning into Key BPOs and all Villard wheels turning into Mechanical parts. But..maybe CCP will just accept things as they are.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Goonswarm Federation
#83 - 2012-12-20 23:27:24 UTC
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-12-21 00:34:18 UTC
Clearly the easiest thing to do would be open the door.

After all, lets face it, we don't need to worry about too many avatars in stations creating a load
on our machines because clearly no one wants WiS and thus the stations will be empty without
some kind of meaningfull game play. Roll
Vincent Athena
#85 - 2012-12-21 00:44:40 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Clearly the easiest thing to do would be open the door.

After all, lets face it, we don't need to worry about too many avatars in stations creating a load
on our machines because clearly no one wants WiS and thus the stations will be empty without
some kind of meaningful game play. Roll

Ah, if only. I got a feeling the coding needed for that to happen is still a few Dev-years of work away. We just don't know how close they got, or how far away its gotten due to other code changes in the last year.

But it would be nice if we got an update along with the words "we decided to make the rest of the station available. Go out the door, explore, meet each other".

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Fuzzyness Enterprizes
#86 - 2012-12-21 01:08:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Eraza
i haven't really posted much about this, but i actually like the captains quarters, and still dream of one day getting to hang out with corpmates, in station.
for me, the captains quarters increases the immersion of the game, quite a bit.
i could never associate nearly as well with a changing ship and a 2D picture that was not visible unless i opened it

was honestly excited today, at the key, and disappointed, that the door did not in fact, open

yeah, i'm a roleplayer, i used to play quite a lot of D&D for example, the mindset stuck with me :)
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#87 - 2012-12-21 01:14:50 UTC
Eraza wrote:
i haven't really posted much about this, but i actually like the captains quarters, and still dream of one day getting to hang out with corpmates, in station.
for me, the captains quarters increases the immersion of the game, quite a bit.
i could never associate nearly as well with a changing ship and a 2D picture that was not visible unless i opened it

was honestly excited today, at the key, and disappointed, that the door did not in fact, open

yeah, i'm a roleplayer, i used to play quite a lot of D&D for example, the mindset stuck with me :)

I can't imagine NOT having the CQ at this point, way more immersive.
Wu Jiaqiu
#88 - 2012-12-21 01:21:07 UTC
It would be great if they launched even half of he features Ambulation offers like the gambling and board game. Its broken? Fine! It doesnt affect spaceships anyway.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
#89 - 2012-12-21 01:34:46 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#90 - 2012-12-21 01:54:24 UTC
Would be kind of cool if we could gamble our stuff in the hangars.

I see your Large Shield Booster and raise you a T2 Invuln.

(sure it would all be "translatable to ISK" in some manner).

If there is WiS, let is take walks with those exotic dancers. SHWING!

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#91 - 2012-12-21 03:17:45 UTC
I would be happy with this additional WiS extention...

You get the key as a gift!
you rush to the door!
You use the key!
You bypass the warning about the station still being unsafe.
You select override
The door opens and a cloud of deadly gas rushs in
You wake up in your fresh pod one clone down
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#92 - 2012-12-21 03:17:55 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:
dexington wrote:
CCP karkur wrote:

got out of the bag and came here and wrote that post... one smart cat!

Cats writing software for hardware run by hamsters, am i the only one seeing the problem?

Yep. There's a lack of dolphins.

An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Taxisk Unlimited
#93 - 2012-12-23 22:14:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mikhem
Even thought that door opens one day makes me drooling. I could finally gamble with my dear ISKs to point when I have no clothes because I have lost them in poker table. Finally there would be purpose for earning ISKs.

I have pounded so many times my fists to that metal door. As result I can hear metallic sound echo at other side of that door. Also my fists start to hurt after pounding them to the door.

Door just don't open. Cry

Here's me pounding that door.


Link library to EVE music songs.

Felicity Love
#94 - 2012-12-24 00:01:48 UTC
Not so worried about being able to go outside of the CQ, as having the "DOMESTICS" being able to come IN and clean up my place.

Priorities. Blink

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Marcus Caspius
#95 - 2012-12-24 00:13:45 UTC
That's what you get for releasing content that is meaningless and premature!

Attention Tears & speculation.

As much as Mittani & the fanboi's think the rage during the release of Incarna was solely due to "play to win", I suspect a lot of that was due to the fact that WiS was just plain crap!

CCP has to really come back with a whopper to set that one right....

Maybe they are doing a secret Skunk Worx project somewhere?

Oh wait! Its called DUST - so No!

Grammatical error and spelling mistakes are included for your entertainment!

Caldari State
#96 - 2012-12-24 06:59:16 UTC
Marcus Caspius wrote:
That's what you get for releasing content that is meaningless and premature!

Attention Tears & speculation.

As much as Mittani & the fanboi's think the rage during the release of Incarna was solely due to "play to win", I suspect a lot of that was due to the fact that WiS was just plain crap!

CCP has to really come back with a whopper to set that one right....

Maybe they are doing a secret Skunk Worx project somewhere?

Oh wait! Its called DUST - so No!

i hope you mean Pay to Win ,only a botter would be angry if he had to play this game to win something Blink


Epic Ganking Time
#97 - 2012-12-24 17:51:03 UTC
Today I leaned: Villard Wheels are really big. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Neptunis Enr.
#98 - 2012-12-30 06:09:46 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Clearly the easiest thing to do would be open the door.

After all, lets face it, we don't need to worry about too many avatars in stations creating a load
on our machines because clearly no one wants WiS and thus the stations will be empty without
some kind of meaningfull game play. Roll

Yes that would be awesome and the Door ''animation'' that the CSM talked about was cool is just old toughts that I had know I play EVE til 2008 and at that time they where talking already about WiS (Ambulation)......I remember way down in 2002 talking with Anarchy Online Developpers about creating cities on Rubi-KA planet...and the year after or two they MADE IT! Yes My dream was made....but now Anarchy online is almost dead due to lack of budget and gamers.....Anarchy Online was even suposed to get a new game engine with a beautifull graphic system.....but it was not launched due to lack of finance.....I remember knowing that the president of Funcom had moved to EVe online team.....

Anyway I guess Ambulation would be a great upgrade to EVE online and let's face it....people dont like trollers that are negative about new patches of EVE ....we must look from the basic...WE CANT STOP EVOLUTION that we like it or not.....

Even if ANY reasons that YOU beleive would fail....well they will not will be EPIC beleive me.....

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#99 - 2012-12-30 06:25:26 UTC
Shoguno wrote:
Soulpirate wrote:
Clearly the easiest thing to do would be open the door.

After all, lets face it, we don't need to worry about too many avatars in stations creating a load
on our machines because clearly no one wants WiS and thus the stations will be empty without
some kind of meaningfull game play. Roll

Yes that would be awesome and the Door ''animation'' that the CSM talked about was cool is just old toughts that I had know I play EVE til 2008 and at that time they where talking already about WiS (Ambulation)......I remember way down in 2002 talking with Anarchy Online Developpers about creating cities on Rubi-KA planet...and the year after or two they MADE IT! Yes My dream was made....but now Anarchy online is almost dead due to lack of budget and gamers.....Anarchy Online was even suposed to get a new game engine with a beautifull graphic system.....but it was not launched due to lack of finance.....I remember knowing that the president of Funcom had moved to EVe online team.....

Anyway I guess Ambulation would be a great upgrade to EVE online and let's face it....people dont like trollers that are negative about new patches of EVE ....we must look from the basic...WE CANT STOP EVOLUTION that we like it or not.....

Even if ANY reasons that YOU beleive would fail....well they will not will be EPIC beleive me.....

AO is a great example of what happens to a company that waves a shiney carrot in front of people and NEVER deliever. People start to realise that the game is in maintainence mode andthe population stalls, then slowly bleeds dry.

AO showed a video of their new up-coming engine 6 years ago, it still isn't out. They "almost" had it ready with the Ogre engine, but then decided they could make a better engine themselfs. Sound familiar? It's funny, I check those forums all the time for a good laugh, they keep saying this and that is cooming soon, yet nothing has changed much in 2 years yet the few hardcore fanbois they have left eat that **** up, and continue to pay enough to keep it on life support while they release other teribad games.

CCP could really take a good look at Funcom to learn how not to destroy a company slowly and painfully.
Caldari State
#100 - 2012-12-30 08:28:36 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
Shoguno wrote:
Soulpirate wrote:
Clearly the easiest thing to do would be open the door.

After all, lets face it, we don't need to worry about too many avatars in stations creating a load
on our machines because clearly no one wants WiS and thus the stations will be empty without
some kind of meaningfull game play. Roll

Yes that would be awesome and the Door ''animation'' that the CSM talked about was cool is just old toughts that I had know I play EVE til 2008 and at that time they where talking already about WiS (Ambulation)......I remember way down in 2002 talking with Anarchy Online Developpers about creating cities on Rubi-KA planet...and the year after or two they MADE IT! Yes My dream was made....but now Anarchy online is almost dead due to lack of budget and gamers.....Anarchy Online was even suposed to get a new game engine with a beautifull graphic system.....but it was not launched due to lack of finance.....I remember knowing that the president of Funcom had moved to EVe online team.....

Anyway I guess Ambulation would be a great upgrade to EVE online and let's face it....people dont like trollers that are negative about new patches of EVE ....we must look from the basic...WE CANT STOP EVOLUTION that we like it or not.....

Even if ANY reasons that YOU beleive would fail....well they will not will be EPIC beleive me.....

AO is a great example of what happens to a company that waves a shiney carrot in front of people and NEVER deliever. People start to realise that the game is in maintainence mode andthe population stalls, then slowly bleeds dry.

AO showed a video of their new up-coming engine 6 years ago, it still isn't out. They "almost" had it ready with the Ogre engine, but then decided they could make a better engine themselfs. Sound familiar? It's funny, I check those forums all the time for a good laugh, they keep saying this and that is cooming soon, yet nothing has changed much in 2 years yet the few hardcore fanbois they have left eat that **** up, and continue to pay enough to keep it on life support while they release other teribad games.

CCP could really take a good look at Funcom to learn how not to destroy a company slowly and painfully.

CCP has to listen to the CSM a bit more ......... oh wait......
