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Piracy & You: A Beginner's Guide To The Darker Side Of Eve.

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-12-17 05:23:51 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
I guess we could blob targets to death like you, that would be fun.

Yeah that is fun Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Liam Inkuras
Meta Reloaded
#22 - 2012-12-17 05:57:57 UTC
Very nice post my good sir. The only issue i ever encounter is it is nowhere near as easy as it sounds. All in good time i guess Pirate

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#23 - 2012-12-17 11:05:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Part 10. Humble Beginnings:

Now that we've discussed things such as logistics, ransoming, and the very building blocks of understanding exactly what Piracy is and it's many forms, we can discuss starting your journey into devilry and death. The one tip i can give is do NOT become discouraged. Eve is a game of experience and lessons. Rather than getting frustrated over a particular loss, one can take wisdom from what they did wrong and correct it.

Sometimes there really is no lesson. Sometimes you just explode and it's to be expected. You WILL lose ships. Even to this day I am loathe to fly faction fitted vessels for this sole reason. The question of not if but WHEN you will lose a ship is the attitude you must have. Whenever you undock expect to die in a glorious ball of fire. Being a true brawler means going down with guns melting to the last and taking it in stride.

No one likes a whiner. Complaining in local will only garner more tears from either a botched ransom or just combat. Get used to losing ships. The sooner you can accept the fact that this will happen, the better a player you will be and the better for it. We often idolize players who make fancy videos in faction fitted ships taking on gangs and unsuspecting persons.

I still drool over Farjung's Vindicator "Waves Of Mutilation" video watching the very definition of a Pirate vessel stalking it's prey and going toe to toe with anything he squared off with. What people fail to realize is that ship with the fitting today still costs around 8 billion isk.

That's a LOT of battlecruisers or even regular battleships and for many an excessive amount of isk to be wasted on a single vessel. Even capital ships are half the cost. Just because EFT may say you "can" tank a certain amount of dps or can deal a certain amount it is just numbers.

EFT warriors often fail to connect the dots when it comes to utility of a ship or it's function. Sure the Vindicator can dish out 1600 DPS with blasters yet it has to catch the target first. Any experienced small gang would simply kite the slower vessel and grind it into dust with neuts and nano'd ships.

The point being is all of those fancy numbers are for nothing if you cannot utilize what the ship was intended for. I would rather take a pilot with a ship he knows can be useful rather than someone in something shiny and niche. It opens risks unwarranted, makes the person a liability, and screams foolishness without proper support.

Then again some of us are crazy and want a cheap laugh. But since this guide is to aide newer players I strongly recommend against dropping your 401K on PLEX and losing something in a matter of minutes.

Part 11. The Overview And Why It Makes Us Mad:

The overview is the most convoluted and often frustrating thing about Eve. A new player undocking for the first time will literally almost **** themselves trying to understand the flood of information coming to them. This rings true for Pirates. The less clutter the better and myself am OCD when it comes to having things perfect for my own comfort.

Many tutorial guides on the overview are available and I suggest looking one up. The best thing I can recommend is to have LESS clutter. Tabs are your best friend. For example I have my tabs set into different categories and settings.

"Combat" is simply showing me the enemy and nothing else. Brackets are hidden for this reason and no friendly or member of my fleet will be in view. Very helpful when trying to keep focused without a flood of information coming in.

"Gates" Similar to the combat tab yet reveals Stargates. I often travel with this tab ready to pounce on someone without being hindered by clutter.

"Drones" is simply enemy drones or fighters. useful for popping say a Dominix's Ogres or sentries.

"D Scan" This will show me everything. Essentially it's the "all" default setting yet condensed. Here I can seperate things by distance, type, name etc for whatever I need in a moments notice.

"Celestial" I hate it when an FC says warp to sun and you have to **** around finding it with hidden brackets. My celestial tab only shows objects in space such as Asteroid Belts or the Star.

Local Chat And Why It NEEDS To Be Sepreate:

I made this separate sub section for one simple reason. Local chat NEEDS it's own box period. Don't lump it in with separate tabs for speaking with corp or intel. Those too need to be separated and imo placed above local in another designated spot. The reasoning for this is because local is your news feed. It tells you who is in and who is out of a system and warns you of spikes when people flood in.

Remember information is critical, and anything to give you an advantage against an enemy is invaluable. Don't be the one caught due to a local spike because you had tunnel vision during a ransom.

The Scanner:

The scanner is what you will use 100% of the time when you are in space. Getting a fundamental grasp on it is essential for your survival in Eve and your effectiveness as a Pirate. Again there are specific tutorials on youtube or other sites to help you setup a scanner as well as use it.

Just remember now with Retribution there is a tick box next to "use active overview settings" that when clicked will align your camera to said celestial you have selected in space. No more holding down alt for that white box to appear around your ship trying to steady it to get a good focus on something you are hunting. CCP basically made it scanning for dummies.

Miscelaneous Overview Information:

As much as I hate to admit it the Overview is your friend. With a lot of patience and time invested you can tweak it to your satisfaction with almost limitless ways to do so. They key is getting a fundamental grasp on what it is showing you and what information you need to be fed. Take the time to do it.

Look For Page 5 Soon
Darth Lytz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-12-18 09:33:40 UTC
we love furry pirates...

Wheres the section on furry pirates?

i know you wrote it....
Freundliches Feuer
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-12-18 10:35:00 UTC
so epic. keep it going!
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#26 - 2012-12-18 12:34:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Part 12. Ship Types And The Roles They Serve:

I'm no theorycrafter, but having a basic understanding of what certain ships roles and their uses are is paramount to having a fundamental grasp on what you will encounter. I suggest you look through certain roles and ship types to familiarize yourself. For the purpose of saving time I will only cover a few main classes of ship type. Others such as Electronic Attack Ships, Black Ops, etc may be added at a later time yet since this is a beginning guide we will stick to the relative basics.

1. Frigates: Frigates are quick agile ships with high speed and mobility. You will mostly see frigates being used as designated fast tackle, or in gangs often used to swarm a bigger target. Never underestimate a good Frigate pilot to sit and hold down a bigger target.

The ability to keep point on a target means the difference between catching a juicy prize or being left empty handed. Often pilots see Frigates as whimsical or for "new" players. Make no mistake that those players are often those that fail to grasp basic roles and whom assume "bigger is better." Those people are the ones being held down by tackle in a battleship as others come in to pick away at the fool who decided to pay no mind.

NOTE: Gaining aggression on a gate will mean a blown up frigate. Gate guns will chew you up. You've been warned.

2. Cruisers: Cruisers are a bigger equivalent of their Frigate based cousins. As a new Pirate rejoice that you can fly such amazing ships as the Vexor and the Thorax. You think I'm kidding? With Retribution you have Cruisers which can do the dps of a Battlecruiser and still maintain wonderful tracking and agility. Vexor fleets are such a blast to fly and there's nothing like a swarm of them ripping apart an expensive battleship like a pack of wild dogs to a dying beast.

Coupled with their relative inexpensive costs compared to that of a BC, they are the perfect Piracy vessel. I will post fittings later in another section.

3. Battlecruisers: Battlecruisers or "BC's" rather are the mainstay of any significant force. Coupled with high EHP or "effective hit points", high dps, and the ability to fit energy Neuts as well as such things as webs they are a must and one of the most common flown ship types in Eve. They do however require dedicated training to be effective.

Useful fits often require perfect fitting skills and with the inflation of prices even a humble Drake will run an average player 80 million isk. Keep this in mind as a lone Battlecruiser will do little against a gang. They do however pack a punch. A handful of BC's can take on a Battleship and tear it to shreds unless the pilot knows how to counter or is faction fitted.

4. Battleships: Battleships are the heavy hitters and are noticed immediately in any enemy fleet. Battleships are often bastions of a force. With their massive amounts of EHP, hard hitting dps, and ability to chew through targets they are deadly and I must admit my favorite ship to fly.

They are however terribly slow and lack tracking. Even a Megathron with its tracking bonus will find itself unable to hit a fast moving frigate or a kiting cruiser outside it's guns which is the main weakness of flying such ships. BS's often require dedicated tackle and support ships to make them truly effective. They are also susceptible to jamming easily and therefore vulnerable and nothing but floating coffins if unable to lock.

Many players believe the Battleship to be the be all of all ships. Remember paper numbers mean nothing to utility. If a swarm of frigs or cruisers engage you and your guns cannot track you are useless.

5.Carriers: Carriers are not only capital platforms for aiding fleet members with repairs or fielding a variety of drones and fighters. but also a logistical necessity. Often a Carrier is used more as a space Uhaul more than anything else so for a player it's a personal comfort.

For those whom field capitals often they are a staple of fleet doctrine. From fielding fighters to transferring cap to others as well as repairs, they are a mobile bastion in space and can quickly turn the tide in any engagement. Yet with anything these space fortresses are nothing against a dedicated capital force and will die quickly to a hot drop.

Like anything in Eve there's always a bigger fish. So it is best to remain wise and alert at all times as any Pirate loves a good capital gank.

Dreadnoughts: A Dread is a terrifying sight to behold with their buff a few patches ago. In siege mode these vessels do more dps than a Supercarrier, able to chew through capital ships like a hot knife through butter. A blaster fit Moros with T2 Siege and proper skills can see dps as high as 12000+ meaning an enemy Carrier will soon see itself hurting under the awesome firepower of one of these monsters.

However like all things in Eve there is a counter. Out of siege they do little more dps than a Battleship and the tracking is utterly useless. Seige mode also means you are committed to an engagement for 5 minutes meaning you cannot align, move, warp or anything making Dreads particularly vulnerable. with the changes to the Moros it can no longer field drones making a support fleet crucial to it's survival.

These ships are not only the primary dps for capital engagement but POS warfare. Often Pirates field capitals if they see a pesky alliance messing around in their space or will do it in hopes of baiting the enemy for a good fight. Like all things in Eve they serve a purpose and remembering proper utility is again paramount when piloting in any ship.

(Continued on page 6)
Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#27 - 2012-12-18 12:57:18 UTC
Great read. Not exactly my play style but may inspire me to greater acts of villainy.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2012-12-19 07:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Part 13: Basic Piracy Fittings.

Each fit is up to the scrutiny of the user. I will list some basic examples of fittings to help point pilots in a general direction as well as emphasize why a ship is fitted the way it is.

NOTE: Fits may be nerfed or adjusted after the time of this post. Please refer to patch notes and changes via dev blogs to ensure relevance. All numbers listed are under EFT's latest version with all skills to 5 for maximum effectiveness if other pilots choose to use these.

Thorax [Tech1 Gallente Cruiser]:

Heavy Power

5x Heavy Ion Blaster II

Medium power

1x Large Shield Extender II
1x Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
1x Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
1x Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I

Low power

1x Damage Control II
1x Power Diagnostic System II
3x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Rig Slot
2x Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
1x Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I


Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Void M

5x Warrior II
5x Hornet EC-300

With the release of Retribution, the Thorax is now the gold standard with anything Piracy. From solo roaming in belts, to engaging in fleets, the Thorax is a tried and true favorite of mine, and a wonderful ship to get your feet wet with. If you find yourself unable to use T2 guns, the T1 named equivalent will work as well.

Hard Numbers:

EHP: 27,026

DPS: 574 [493.1 guns 80.4 drones] Volley: 1222

Speed: 2028 M/S [Overloaded] 2891

Capacitor Lasts: 2 minutes 20 Seconds

Purpose: This ship is just brilliant in design and function. With CDA for ammo, tracking remains tight and with it's blistering almost 3k M/S overloaded can tackle a target and punish it with blasters. This ship begs to be flown in small gangs, and any person solo hunting in it can use it's speed to close in on an unsuspecting target as well as the ability to burn quickly out of point and neut range if need be.

A perfect ransom boat if there ever was one, you'll soon be opening convo with a poor sap with a big grin on your face.

Vexor: [Tech 1 Gallente Cruiser]:

Again with the release of Retribution we see a buff to Cruisers which means big happy smiles on our faces for those of us in the dirty business of Piracy. It's all about speed and the ability to lay on damage while maintaining the ability to run circles around your enemy. A lone Battlecruiser or even Battleship will soon be a heaping pile of junk with only a handful of these. Couple these with a few Thorax's and you'll soon be chewing through Faction fitted BS's and scooping shiny stuff.

Heavy power

4x Heavy Electron Blaster II

Medium power

1x Small Capacitor Booster II
1x Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
1x Warp Disruptor II
1x Stasis Webifier II

Low power

1x Damage Control II
1x 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
2x Drone Damage Amplifier II
1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II

Rig Slot

3x Medium Trimark Armor Pump I


Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Void M
Navy Cap Booster 400


1x Hobgoblin II
2x Hammerhead II
5x Warrior II
3x Ogre II

Hard Numbers:

EHP: 35,809

DPS: 644 [222.8 Guns 420.8 Ogre II] Volley: 481

Speed: 1339 M/S [Overloaded] 1895

Capacitor Lasts: 7 Minutes 3 Seconds with Cap Booster 200 Charges.

This is probably one of the most underrated ships in Eve. With the patch changes to drones being utilized on gates, you now have a drone boat that can hold it's own dishing out a massive amount of DPS. Again a solo boat similar to the Thorax, this is the perfect ship if you are a fan of drones, or simply just love versatility.

Talos: [Tech 3 Gallente Battlecruiser]:

I am extremely reluctant to give out this fitting. However anyone (who had a brain) could just go to my battleclinic and look up the one Talos loss I've suffered in eight months for the fitting and there's a reason why. It's deadly. So deadly and such a joy to fly it wreaks havoc on any battlefield. I've gone up against TEST, Tribal Band, Nulli Secunda, Li3 and other affiliates in this ship with a demented grin on my face.

Couple this ship with boosts or Snakes and you have something that is in spirit the perfect Pirate vessel. Well for myself at least. I've always dreamed of a ship that would come along to give me the sheer raw damage of a Megathron and the speed and tracking of a Cruiser. Make no mistake, this is one of the BEST ships in Eve by a long shot.

If you come down to Khanid and see me in local 9 times out of 10 it will be in one of these. Just yesterday I engaged a few station game kids up in the northern regions of low sec with myself in a Talos and two others in a Hurricane. We engaged two Drakes and knew it was bait because a Legion soon undocked as well as a Jaguar.

We made short work of the Drakes and as the Legion pointed me I overloaded my MWD chuckling as I warped off. But the fun wasn't over yet. My two comrades died in a glorious ball of fire (we just wanted a fight) and I lived due to the Talos's incredible agility.

I eventually landed on the out gate with the Jag on the other side. His buddies were with me and as soon as they locked me I jumped through knowing full well I may be caught by the Jag. To my elation and astonishment of the Jag pilot I aligned out before he could point me and they gave chase. I landed on the out gate the next system over and turned around gunning for the station.

As I safely docked I received a mail with less than stellar comments of my evasiveness. To my hilarity these guys were PISSED. I simply wrote the previous page to this guide and got safely home later on.

(Look for fittings continuation on page 7)
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#29 - 2012-12-19 08:59:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Fittings Continued:


Heavy Power

8x Neutron Blaster Cannon II

Medium power

2x Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
1x Warp Disruptor II
1x Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I

Low power

1x Damage Control II
1x Nanofiber Internal Structure II
2x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
1x Tracking Enhancer II

Rig Slot

3x Medium Core Defense Field Extender I


5x Warrior II

Hard Numbers:

EHP: 21,833

DPS: 1078 (CDA) [998.0 Guns 80.4 Drones] Volley: 4602
875 (Null) [795.5 Guns 80.4 Drones] Volley: 3668

Speed: 1755 M/S [Overloaded] 2482 M/S

Capacitor Lasts: 3 Minutes 20 Seconds.

Let's talk briefly on why this ship is so excellent. On paper is seems like nothing to scoff at. Sure it does dps but it's assumed the tracking stinks on it and that with blasters it can't hit very far. Never could an assumption be so wrong.

With Null you can hit out to 50km (Confirmed I've done it multiple times) and as long as you pulse your MWD or burn away from said target you can still lay on significant dps all the while kiting a target like no tomorrow. Ship after ship has fallen prey to an experienced Talos pilot so it's no surprise why at this very minute there is a 14 page thread on people (no doubt on the receiving end of it's guns) crying for the ships nerf.

CCP has already hinted at nerfing the vessels agility which is no surprise. Yet to any hard and determined Pirate boosts as well as Snakes will more than suffice for it's shortcomings in the future. The ship is just such a joy to fly you can't understand until you do it yourself.

When other people ask me what ship to fly I always say Talos. When there is anything from roams to gatecamps I say Talos. When I make sweet love to someone after I'm finished I cry out Talos.

Yes the ship is incredibly squishy and why 100% of the time they end up being primary. However the ability to kite, burn away, align and outrun a bigger force (like 50 man Nulli fleets) all the while popping the tackle they throw at you makes for good laughs and makes you feel like a badass.

Just remember gate guns DO hurt and to not over exert yourself. The ship is incredibly fragile. However speed tanking is the name of the game with this ship. Don't say I didn't warn you if you too end up salivating over this ship.

Megathron: [Tech 2 Gallente Battleship]:

If it hasn't become blatantly obvious I'm a fan of Gallente it should now. The Megathron is my all time favorite ship in Eve and I even had a model that cost 70 USD of one before my cat knocked it off my shelf. The Mega with it's slight revamp by increasing it's power grid and cpu has led to me being a mad scientist fitting it in some ways that make people think I'm crazy.

I love squeezing what I can out of a ship. And seeing armor boosts coupled with a set of LG Slaves makes me smile like a kid during Christmas. I also do not run HG's simply because cost wise I find the gain minimal with the recent spikes in inflation. But enough of that. I will post a cookie cutter fitting and then something that will mostly anger people since the thought of a Mega with zero damage mods a cardinal sin.

It also makes hilarious Cyno bait and was flown when I baited the Carrier pilot I mentioned in an earlier section. I still received second place in damage on the kill so it's up to the player if they choose to fly it like a brick or not. Also YES T2 Plates are worth it now. They give more armor hp than rolled tungsten so give them a shot.

7x Neutron Blaster Cannon II

1x 500W Infectious Power System Malfunction

Medium power

1x Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
1x Heavy Capacitor Booster II
1x Warp Disruptor II
1x Stasis Webifier II

Low power

1x Damage Control II
2x Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
2x 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
2x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Rig Slot

3x Large Trimark Armor Pump I


5x Ogre II

EHP: 119,449

DPS: 1190 [873.2 Guns 316.8 Drones] Volley: 4027

Speed: 900 M/S [Overloaded]: 1286 M/S

Capacitor Lasts: 4 Minutes 50 Seconds With Cap Booster 800 charges.

This is the typical cookie cutter Mega. with a Heavy Neut this ship can start to cap out an enemy while pummeling it and shrugging off damage due to it's high buffer.

Quad Plate Megathron:

This is an unconventional fit but one I like if not just for laughs. It's the equivalent of a Tiger tank in space and with LG Slaves has more raw armor than an Abaddon and more dps than it's Amarrian counterpart. A perfect example of this was when I tested the ships tank against a friend of mine. At optimal his Tornado doing roughly 800 DPS could only take out 1% of my total armor hp per volley.

In his words if he came up against this it would quote "Scare the **** out of me." This ship basically turns into a cheaper Navy Mega and for a quarter of the price. People generally can't grasp a regular T2 Mega to have such buffer yet I fought against one and I can tell you. They hurt. Alot.

NOTE: This fit is with LG Slaves.

Heavy Power

7x Neutron Blaster Cannon II
1x Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Medium power

1x Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
1x Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
1x Warp Disruptor II
1x Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I

Low power

4x 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1x Energized Armor Layering Membrane II
1x Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
1x Internal Force Field Array I

Rig Slot

3x Large Trimark Armor Pump I


Cap Booster 800
Null L
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L


Ogre II

EHP: 206,825 [Raw Armor]: 75607

DPS: 911 [594 Guns 316.8 Ogres] Volley: 3368

Speed: 855 M/S [Overloaded] 1219 M/S

Cap Lasts 2 Minutes 51 Seconds (MWD should be off when at target)
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#30 - 2012-12-19 10:32:10 UTC
Fittings Continued:

Hyperion: [Tech 3 Gallente Battleship]:

The Hyperion is an odd one in relevance to other Battleships. However, for the sake of Piracy a fast gank variant provides terrifying DPS as was proved in a Macherial kill I took part in a little over a week ago. Many are caught unawares as they assume a Hyperion is active tanked with armor reps and only minimal dps.

Therefore many FC's will not call the ship a primary in a fleet engagement if say a Megathron or another traditional high dps ship is fielded. I must admit the Hyperion is a blast to fly, and is a monster if flown right. This variant has no point so designated tackle is needed.

Heavy power

8x Neutron Blaster Cannon II

Medium power
2x Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
1x 100MN Microwarpdrive II
1x Large Shield Extender II
1x Heavy Capacitor Booster II

Low power
1x Damage Control II
3x Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
2x Tracking Enhancer II

Rig Slot
3x Large Core Defense Field Extender I


4x Ogre II

EHP: 102,626

DPS: 1376 DPS [1122.1 Guns 253.4 Drones] Volley: 4865. This is with CDA. For lulz overloaded 1544 DPS.

Speed: 1041 M/S [Overloaded]: 1490 M/S

Capacitor Lasts: 9 Minutes with Cap Booster 800 charges.

This is essentially a pure gank boat. With the same relative dps as a faction fitted Vindicator, the Hyperion proves to be a monster in it's own right. Most fly the Hyperion double reps. However flying it gank like this is a load of fun and will ensure the target called as a primary will burn and burn fast.

Typhoon: [Tech 1 Minmatar Battleship]:

The Typhoon is the Swiss Army knife of Eve battleships. You want to put on multiple weapons platforms feel free. The world is your oyster with the Typhoon yet it makes skilling for one particularly challenging if going for maximum effectiveness if you use both Autocannons and Torpedo's. I use a Phoon with Nuets and love it.

This particular setup can cap out a Battlecruiser in two cycle's flat leaving the poor bastard at the mercy of Torpedo's and drones. Coupled with LG Slaves as before with the Megathron, it is now an effective asset especially if you have a few of these in a Capital fight.

Fielding these instead of Bhaalgorn's not only makes the fight more isk efficient, but you also have the means to throw on considerable dps on a primary target. This is my own personal fitting and feel free to adjust either for more tank or gank depending upon your taste.

Also this fitting requires perfect fitting requirements. I am sitting with exactly 0 CPU available in this which is why it's a boat mainly for those with the skills to fly it properly.

NOTE: This is with LG Slaves.

Heavy Power

5x Torpedo Launcher II
1x 50W Infectious Power System Malfunction
2x 500W Infectious Power System Malfunction

Medium power

1x Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
1x Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
1x Warp Disruptor II
1x Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I

Low power

1x Damage Control II
3x 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1x Ballistic Control System II
2x Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating

Rig Slot

3x Large Trimark Armor Pump I


Caldari Navy Mjolnir Torpedo
Scourge Rage Torpedo
Mjolnir Rage Torpedo
Mjolnir Javelin Torpedo
Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo
Cap Booster 800


Warrior II
Ogre II

EHP: 183,817 [52439 raw armor]

DPS: 1008 DPS [Torps 690.9 Ogres 316.8]

Speed: 959 M/S [Overloaded] 1367 M/S

Cap Lasts: STABLE with the medium Neut on and MWD and Heavy Nuets off. The key is to cap out your target as quickly as possible while being in range of torps. Once done your cap will remain stable as the medium keeps said target capped out while your torps and drones pommel the target.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-12-19 12:02:22 UTC
You should of posted this a few days ago before I started playing eve again. THEN MAYBE I WOULD OF KNOWN HERPICANES suck now.

Wrecking Shots
#32 - 2012-12-19 12:43:01 UTC
Un Sanyo wrote:
Great post, thumbs up for putting one together.

I'm interested in why pirates stress honouring ransoms so much. I mean sure in some cases there's not much else to do once you collect the isk or assets and chances are slim at best to get it again from the same target if you do not honor ransom the first time. But what if you're there just for the tears, damage and bragging rights? Why not blow up the poor bastard anyway? That'll bring double the tears. At least..

Actually you would be surprised. I have collected ransoms from the same target twice in the same day before. Certainly many times from the same pilot. Some folks are just not that observant of where they are in eve when traveling and dont realize that they are crossing the same system where they were caught before. Or they just dont care.

However, that being said, I am not always in the mood to look for ransoms. If I dont ask for one then the target is not getting one. Sometimes in the past we demanded ransoms that could not possibly be paid "i.e give us your monocle or you die",

If you ask for it and receive it I believe in honoring it. And generally its only demanded when we have the pod trapped. The ships gonna die no matter what.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#33 - 2012-12-20 02:22:24 UTC
Section 13 needs moar Rifters.

Otherwise we approve.

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#34 - 2012-12-20 02:36:27 UTC
I wish I could ransom but I get so excited I finally caught something that I forget Sad

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Aria Ta'Rohk
Boundary Experts
#35 - 2012-12-20 04:20:36 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
I wish I could ransom but I get so excited I finally caught something that I forget Sad

"GUYS GUYS I caught a... POOF!" P

I'll take 2 carebears to go, with extra tears

W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#36 - 2012-12-20 09:08:48 UTC
If you want to earn isk via piracy (and dont do anything else for isk) join neg teng/tundragon or some other no risk corp!!

Or join some highsec suicide ganking corp!

Thats pretty much what there is to piracy, the traditional roaming and ransoming targets isnt really valid anymore (as in piracy = earning isk not as in piracy=actual pvp)!
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#37 - 2012-12-20 10:36:45 UTC
Are you planning to do some kind of "encyclopaedia piratica" in pdf-format like the Pilot handbook?? If you compile all the posts together with some graphics and screenshots that could be THE training handbook one would recommend warmly to a new recruit for cold long nights in front of the screen...

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#38 - 2012-12-20 10:40:27 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
If you want to earn isk via piracy (and dont do anything else for isk) join neg teng/tundragon or some other no risk corp!!

Or join some highsec suicide ganking corp!

Thats pretty much what there is to piracy, the traditional roaming and ransoming targets isnt really valid anymore (as in piracy = earning isk not as in piracy=actual pvp)!

I have a different approach. In my view roaming is "hunt to kill". Ransoming is something you can do in a situation where you control the environment and can take the time to negotiate.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Solomar Espersei
Quality Assurance
#39 - 2012-12-20 17:57:19 UTC
Epic thread. Have some "likes".

I think it's funny how people's sense of honor in this game is so varied. The OP tells a story about ganking a carrier (not sure if pulled into his/her corp to do so or not) through chicanery, encourages Scamming as a principle way of earning ISK, yet somehow, profiting from Scamming Ransoms is BAD™. During my long association with Suddenly Ninjas, I've seen some countless billions made via this scam and yet, people keep paying. I can totally see E Honor pirates who stick to it (and more power to them if that's how they wish to play), but for the run of the mill scum, you're missing out on some pretty crazy ISKies. A scam is a scam is a scam.

Quality Assurance Recruiting intrepid explorers and BlOps/Cov Ops combat enthusiasts

Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#40 - 2012-12-21 01:46:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tara Read
Eugene Kerner wrote:
Are you planning to do some kind of "encyclopaedia piratica" in pdf-format like the Pilot handbook?? If you compile all the posts together with some graphics and screenshots that could be THE training handbook one would recommend warmly to a new recruit for cold long nights in front of the screen...

It had not crossed my mind before as this guide was just my own rough draft on covering broad issues with Piracy as a whole. I suppose if people thought it a good idea I could do it. I'm assuming Adobe easy enough to make it with? This is also a slow ongoing project when I have time to write it.

I was also going to mention any other Pirates who have other information to add please feel free to contribute and if you are a player looking for more information on this topic feel free to ask questions. The purpose of this thread is for a meaningful discussion among the dishonorable. If you guys want this added as a sticky feel free to request it.

I'll start working on the permanent .PDF tonight. Bare with me though because I have a hectic work schedule and that is why updates are slow.