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Suggestion, More BS T2s

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2013-01-09 23:09:39 UTC
My theory.

There is already a t2 version of the tier 1 and 2 battleships.

tier 1 bs's are black ops, while tier 2 are marauders.

So, with that in mind.

Rebalance and rename Marauders. The do not currently fit their description, nor do they really fit their intended role when compared to navy and pirate ships.

Take the existing tier 3 battleships and design them as Marauders. They would basically be a mix of what black ops and the old Marauders were. They would have black ops jump drives, weak tanks in comparison to black ops or Marauders, but have massive dps. High bonuses to turret damage, but with tracking penalties... Not designed for engaging small ships, but more designed for mixed tactical assault fleets. Good agility, good mobility.
They could covert cyno in, bash a pos, and cyno out before the enemy even knew what hit them.(assuming you had a decent fleet of them).
Their designs would be covert POS and capital bashing, but, they would also fit as a new ship for bashing high sec POS's.

This means you'd have your high damage, high tank ships. You're covert ships, and your sub capital heavy attack vessel with covert cyno capability.
Rintrah alSaayid
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#42 - 2013-01-10 01:55:49 UTC
Balance concerns aside as this thread has plenty of such input already... if for no other reason but giggles, an Amarr BS with Zealot bonuses would be all sorts of beautiful. Though people love the khanid ships too. Amarr in white and black is prettty as all sin.

Not to mention the models themselves of some of these tier3 BSs are quite nice. Navy versions or alternative corp versions would be pleasing even if the increase was marginal.

Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#43 - 2013-01-10 06:11:06 UTC
It would be nice to shake up the Amarr BS line with a weapon system other than lasers.

But I am.still of the opinion that there is a gap in the BS lines in.general for a T2 attack boat, rather than another brawler.

Also, the Marauder does suit its role, which is solo boat. Given its bonuses, sacrificing one slot for an ECCM is not that bad a deal. Thanks to Hans.dropping a hint in the BC update thread, I'm betting that there will either be an Ancillary Armour Repper incoming or active tanking bonuses will be applied in some way to remote reps. Maybe both.
That would change the playing field dramatically.
Without that sort of change, I suggest droping active bonuses on ships in favour of resistance.
(I would also like to see an armour repair amp, like the shield boost amp.)
Mole Guy
Rage Confederacy
#44 - 2013-01-10 16:01:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Mole Guy
Hakan MacTrew wrote:
It would be nice to shake up the Amarr BS line with a weapon system other than lasers.

But I am.still of the opinion that there is a gap in the BS lines in.general for a T2 attack boat, rather than another brawler.

Also, the Marauder does suit its role, which is solo boat. Given its bonuses, sacrificing one slot for an ECCM is not that bad a deal. Thanks to Hans.dropping a hint in the BC update thread, I'm betting that there will either be an Ancillary Armour Repper incoming or active tanking bonuses will be applied in some way to remote reps. Maybe both.
That would change the playing field dramatically.
Without that sort of change, I suggest droping active bonuses on ships in favour of resistance.
(I would also like to see an armour repair amp, like the shield boost amp.)

ancilliary armor rep? dewd, do u have a link? that would rawk!
and yes, the active tank vs resist bonus change would make them go a long way towards what i am hoping for.
ok, maybe i spoke out of line about the zealot bonuses...i forgot the laser range extension. that would be kewl, but maybe a lil much. i was just thinking about the ship, resists and whatnot and about the khanid torp boat. thats what i want most of all...the sacrilige in a bs form.

i like the marauder as is..i think it could use a little love as ive stated in other posts. but i have a paladin and am about to build a vargur.

and changing the marauder active tank to apply to rr as well would mean we could tank the bottom and use the high slots for repping.
depending on another ship for life support when they get jammed so easily is scary...but doable, and it would be adding to our ability to use them in pve multi groups and not JUST SOLO. it would become a bitchen worm hole ship and null sec sanctums/complexs... and yes, sometimes i do run an eccm II so i dont get jammed by tin foil.

found the link, forget the request for it...
thanks in advance!
Mole Guy
Rage Confederacy
#45 - 2013-01-10 16:18:53 UTC
take the abaddon, add some missile slots, turn it into a t2 ba hac, give it the resist bonus (like it already has), the damage bonus of the sac, and the cap recharge of the sac and u prolly wont hear from me again..=)
Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#46 - 2013-01-10 16:40:29 UTC
Mole Guy wrote:
take the abaddon, add some missile slots, turn it into a t2 ba hac, give it the resist bonus (like it already has), the damage bonus of the sac, and the cap recharge of the sac and u prolly wont hear from me again..=)

This I doubt anyone has a problem with.
Ager Agemo
Rainbow Ponies Incorporated
#47 - 2013-01-10 18:00:14 UTC
T2 Tier 3 marauders would be ALL out war machines designed as brawlers, quite expensive, very skill intensive, and with the sole purpose of doing the most damage possible, but without the benefits of the current marauders of saving ammo and being able to apply damage easily to far away targets, with the exception of the t2 rokh, being a true sniper ship.

I m thinking of something like:

T2 Abaddon... Unstoppable.
8 launchers, 5% launcher rof bonus, 10% explosion speed bonus, 5% all damage bonus, 5% Armor resist.

T2 Rokh... One shoot, one kill.
8 Guns, 7. 5% Damage bonus, 7.5% Tracking bonus, 10% optimal bonus, 5% shield resist.

T2 Hyperion... Go get em my minions!
125 Drone control, 1250 Drone bay, 25 Control per level, 10% Drone bonus per level, +1 drone control per level, 5% armor resist

T2 Maelstrom... Blending machine
8 Turrets, 5% Rof turrets, 5% Damage, 5% Shield resistance, 7.5% Tracking.

End Result: Pure DPS and Tank, perfect brawlers.

No Role bonuses.
also to whoever said something about current marauders being brawlers, current marauders are a piece of crap on pvp, specially given their sick low EHP. Weak Sensors, Weak Capacitors
Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#48 - 2013-01-10 18:17:54 UTC
DJ P0N-3 wrote:
Mal journ wrote:
t2 abaddon .... tempting

Khanid Abaddon please.

I second this motion, motion carries.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#49 - 2013-01-21 13:27:59 UTC
So with some Black Ops tweaking going on, getting 4 more Black Ops ships ready for when the existing ones are properly balanced seems like a good idea to me.

Make it happen CCP
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#50 - 2013-01-21 13:54:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Vulfen
Id rather see a normal BS with just turret damage bonuses and tank bonuses with a jump drive, give them a small cargo bay and no drone bay something like this;

T2 Abbadon

5% Launcher ROF 5% Missile Damage 5% resistance bonus to armour 10% increase in jump range per level

T2 Rokh

5% shield resists 10% turret optimal 5% turret damage 10% increase in jump range per level

T2 Mael

5% Turret Damage 10% falloff 5% Turret ROF 10% increase in jump range per level

T2 Hyperion

10% Turret damage (2 5% bonus's stacked) 7.5% Turret tracking 10% increase in jump range per level

base jump range should be that of a titan. thus allowing these to go alot further than a fleet just siting there on a titan.

note on jump cap with caps it needs 70% jump cap to jump bit hard for a brawl BS to build this up therefore i think that these should all be able to jump with 50% cap.

As for HP i think they should get good resist bonuses (unlike the existing T2 bs) but only have the same/slightly higher hp as the existing T2 BS

also they should suffer with a lack of grid/CPU making it harder to fit the top guns on a full rack but it still be possible if you make cuts in other areas
Hakan MacTrew
Konrakas Forged
Solyaris Chtonium
#51 - 2013-01-21 16:14:42 UTC
Ager Agemo wrote:
T2 Abaddon... Unstoppable.
8 launchers, 5% launcher rof bonus, 10% explosion speed bonus, 5% all damage bonus, 5% Armor resist.

Unstoppable is right. Try over 2000 DPS of unstoppable! And thats without Drones. Admittedly thats rage ammo, but all the same.
This is the reason why no ship, (other than the Raven State Issue,) has 8 launcher hard points. Especially on a BS level.
Even 7 launchers is pretty ceefy at over 1800 dps. Range would be problematic, making missile range rigs a necessity. Would be a very CPU intensive ship.
I like the idea of a Khanid BS using the Abaddon hull. But this is too OP. That seconds damage bonus is far too much, maybe swap it for a range bonus and drop it to 7 or even 6 launchers.

Ager Agemo wrote:
T2 Rokh... One shoot, one kill.
8 Guns, 7. 5% Damage bonus, 7.5% Tracking bonus, 10% optimal bonus, 5% shield resist.

Just under 940 DPS/4800 Alpha with rails using CN-AM, applied to about 60+km. Not bad...
But that becomes 1540 DPS/6500 Alpha with Blasters and Void, hitting 10+km
Hybrids need to be looked at and thats no mistake. This ship would have range over the other ships your suggesting and thats it.

Ager Agemo wrote:
T2 Hyperion... Go get em my minions!
125 Drone control, 1250 Drone bay, 25 Control per level, 10% Drone bonus per level, +1 drone control per level, 5% armor resist

Please god, dont even get me started with increasing drone amounts. With these bonuses, your looking at the equivelant of 15 Garde II's... That's 1500 DPS/6000 Alpha with just 3 Drone damage amp II's!!! You would be making an afk ratting machine! Throw in some turrets and I doubt anything would ever compare to the sheer gank potential!
Extra drones are an issue. Bandwidth and the control maximum of 5 were introduced because of the problems so many drones were causing for the server. Not sure how much of an issue that would be now, but still.
Maybe, give the boat a +1 drone and +25mb at secondary skill level 4 and another +1/25mb at level 5. That could probably go for a 12.5% drone bonus per level.

Ager Agemo wrote:
T2 Maelstrom... Blending machine
8 Turrets, 5% Rof turrets, 5% Damage, 5% Shield resistance, 7.5% Tracking.

Now a double bonus to 8 turrets come out at 1370 DPS on 800mm AC and 970 DPS/15600 Alpha ( O.o ) with 1400mm Arty, bith using T2 ammo. This doesn't seem all that bad, although I would be tempted to swap the resist bonus for a falloff bonus, to keep in line with the Minmatar HAC's and allow for better applied DPS.

All of those figuress I used were based from all V's skills and 3 or 4 faction damage mods, (or T2 in the case of drones.) Thats because no one in their right mind is going to fit a ship like this with less.

Ager Agemo wrote:
End Result: Pure DPS and Tank, perfect brawlers.

No Role bonuses.
also to whoever said something about current marauders being brawlers, current marauders are a piece of crap on pvp, specially given their sick low EHP. Weak Sensors, Weak Capacitors

This is because Marauders are not brawlers. They are lone wolves designed to be the be all and end all of PvE boats. They do that job pretty well.

HAC's don't have much in the way of increased damage compared to their T1 equivelants. Its their tank thats the biggest asset. They also lose a lot of their mobility. I can see this being an issue when they are scaled up to BS class. These brawlers will just get kited.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of the weapon choices you have put forward as well as the hulls. But I'm just not sure about some of the numbers. Alsom, the sheer EHP of these bricks would be massive and I'm not sure how that would affect the state of the battlefield.

Thats the main reason I was suggesting Attack style ships, more in the vein of the Vaga than the Zealot.

As for Vulfens idea about jump BS's, just no. Hell no.
Casalt Corp
#52 - 2013-02-04 14:36:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Decaneos
marauders have there place but the Black ops ships are not doing what they are made for, there made for stealth sneaking in behind enemy lines, making hit and run tactics on mining ops and supposed safe havens deep in null sec. Make black ops have covert ops cloak and extend the range jump bridge and make it cost no fuel for them to jump or add a skill to reduce it by 99%. Make them a platform to lead strikes deep behind enemy lines using covert ops ships.

There should not be about firepower, thats the job of the bombers and other covert ops ships and should include a t3 ships that are fitted for that mission, give them skills that allow for them to use warfare links, make black ops more a platform and cordination system with good defence.
colera deldios
#53 - 2013-02-04 15:08:18 UTC
decaneos wrote:
marauders have there place but the Black ops ships are not doing what they are made for, there made for stealth sneaking in behind enemy lines, making hit and run tactics on mining ops and supposed safe havens deep in null sec. Make black ops have covert ops cloak and extend the range jump bridge and make it cost no fuel for them to jump or add a skill to reduce it by 99%. Make them a platform to lead strikes deep behind enemy lines using covert ops ships.

There should not be about firepower, thats the job of the bombers and other covert ops ships and should include a t3 ships that are fitted for that mission, give them skills that allow for them to use warfare links, make black ops more a platform and cordination system with good defence.

lmao wait for the new buff
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