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EVE General Discussion

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In your opinion what do you think draws players away,

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#101 - 2012-12-11 20:20:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Ritsum wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ritsum wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ritsum wrote:
The hate people receive for playing differently to others.
folowed by a quote of being a proud high sec player.

Are all high sec players crazy?

Kind of proving my point by bringing it up, but that is there because I am a Proud High Sec player and do not care what others think of me. Just by having it there most of you will disregard anything I say and try to troll/flame me at any given chance, but I don't mind since I am proud of what I bring to the community and will continue to do my best in what I do whether or not I am hated for it.

And on que, Mr. High Sec misses the point lol.

No one cares how you play. Just like no one cares that most nights I end up shooting red Xs in anomalies/plex, LvL 5s and incursions rather than shooting Xs piloted by people. The whole "they hate use because we live in high sec and mine (or whatever you do) is just a dodge people use to salve their egos. I'm pretty sick of hearing it.

In other words, we don't hate you because of how you play a video game, we hate you because of how you think lol.

Hating us for how we think? That is just the same as hating us for how we play since we do have to think a bit while playing. Also I know I should not be responding to you since I know you for being a troll but I took the bait anyway. This will be my last response to you in this thread.


I declare General Discussion victory! (lol)

And no, it's not the same. Allow me to retort (sry, just watched pulp fiction).

Many people (my self inculded) mine, mission, incursion, haul, build etc etc in high sec. It's not the activity that draws the hate, it's the thinking of SOME people doing those activities that says "I should be able to do this as much as I want without interference". Those activities are interactions with the game and thus the rest of us, so if you can affect the rest of us, the rest of us can affect YOU with suicide ganking, bumping and other assorted douche-baggery.

Again, the majority of high sec living people understand this (and understand that they are in a harsh pvp game where viloence is everywhere), and thus we have no problems with them. The people we have a problem with are the kind who will come to the forums and hide behind the "you just don't like me because of how I play" lie.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#102 - 2012-12-11 23:28:16 UTC
The gaming market has changed

a lot.

When I started playing computer games, they were hard and in some cases pre-programed to be impossible to complete (ie you HAD to cheat to win), 60 hours of gameplay was a 'lite' title.

Today games are done with in 4-12 hours,
MMO endgame content is just a few weeks of lazy grinding ... not even hardcore, pissing in a bottle, ginding.

eve has retained almost all of it's oldschool concepts, including it's total lack of mmo endgame. you cant 'win' at eve
only survive .... modern gamers dont a) understand that, b) like it.
Alzhara Industries
#103 - 2012-12-12 08:59:26 UTC
Even with the addition of the training time readout on the Prerequisites tab, a lot of players still believe that you have to play for months or years to get anywhere or do anything, because they aren't used to MMO's where you can be useful from the get-go, and many of them are also bad at following directions or have short attention spans and are used to scripted gaming experiences. Oh, also because they never actually see the prerequisites tab because they don't know about right-click, show info.

Make right-click, show info the first thing you have to do in the game.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2012-12-12 10:07:24 UTC
Math, math and more math. The main reason why Eve has always been called a spreadsheet game, (also why so many spreadsheets are made for it).

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#105 - 2012-12-14 11:19:33 UTC
Oh my, it's nice to have a thread where all the whiners and negative people and general 'I hate this game it's a pile of bollocks but I won't unsubscribe because otherwise I'd have to find something new to whinge about' people are brought together in one giant negativewhinymodeON - fest!

Now... the 100 million dollar question is... Can you guys restrict yourselves to this thread ONLY? I guess not, there's a serious lack of crying and whining in other threads... GOGOGO!

ps. ISD, can you consolidate all the other whine-threads into this one?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#106 - 2012-12-14 11:24:40 UTC
lollerwaffle wrote:

ps. ISD, can you consolidate all the other whine-threads into this one?

If they did, the forum server would crash.

Also, GD would have like 9 threads plus the 10000000000000000000000000000 pages consolidated whine thread.
Randolph Rothstein
whatever corp.
#107 - 2012-12-14 12:31:42 UTC
to start a LOL game takes about two or three minutes

doing something in eve takes days,weeks,months, years...aint nobody got time for that Cool
Alexi Talva
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#108 - 2012-12-14 22:31:39 UTC
When I first started playing EVE in 2004, it was here's a rookie ship, a civilian gatling gun, a civilian miner, and 5000 isk, and "have fun storming the castle". You mined forever to get your first frigate, skill books, not to forget those all important learning skills, then you mined for your cruiser, then you joined a corp.

Now a new toon comes away with ~2 million in ISK, 3 - 4 frigates, an industrial and several skillbooks which does a lot to ease the start, however there is much left to learn once you finish the training missions. Where do I go, what do I do, who do I trust. Let's try mining - geez this is boring.
Let's run missions - Nice, but I'm doing the mission again after running it 20 missions ago.
Let's try PvP - OMGWTFBBQ I just lost my ship
Let's find a corp - OMG I just got scammed out of xxxxx.

I'm not knocking any of those career paths, I've done them all and had all those fates, I 'quit' 5 years ago and now I'm back for more.

Unless you personally know someone in game, or know where to look for a corp or help, that transition from total nubbins to a vet is difficult. Making that transition is what separates the vets from the quitters.
Irya Boone
The Scope
#109 - 2012-12-14 22:39:14 UTC
CCP doesn't understand How to keep them ...

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

YoYo NickyYo
#110 - 2012-12-14 23:06:32 UTC
Eve lacks a true dynamic universe.

One where things are constantly in motion, planets, moons, asteroid belts all orbiting in their proper paths. A real auto-pilot to deal with the complexity of plotting orbits. (No more bookmarks except for safes)
Incursions should be more random in their attacks, if they aren't fought, they escalate the battle and start camping stations and gates, seriously. Perhaps even take over the constellation if not stopped.
SuperNovas that wipe out entire systems. The various factions then have to come in and rebuild any stations that were destroyed. If stations were destroyed, debris is blasted all over the system, probers then have a whole new profession, cleaning up after the explosion. In highsec, Concord would broadcast warnings of an impending Nova, giving pilots a chance to clear out their belongings, but as we know, their are likely hidden treasures in some stations that have been there for years. In Low-sec, their might be a local broadcast notification, but unless you're in the area, you might not know your POS is about to be vaporized, or the station where you park your caps.....
0.0...well, you better be watching the sun....because you never know when you might lose a significant part of your fleet. Lol

Change the map back to islands of highsec, with lowsec between all factions. Make these areas a part of FW, with the ability of FW to upgrade systems and create in effect, a highsec route thru lowsec. Controlled by FW, nuets are taxed, reds are attacked.
The ramifications for trade would be great, prices for certain racial items/ores would run much higher in other faction areas, causing more danger for traders, but much higher profits.

It's only a sandbox, if the sand isn't cemented in place.

I am not, nor will I ever be...Nicky Yo.... The question you should ask is.....When will they release the NICKY!

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#111 - 2012-12-14 23:08:01 UTC
xxVastorxx wrote:
Topic title.
in your opinion what do you think draws players that first start out away from subbing their accounts ?

Awesome gank and fluff fps buff expansions.


removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

#112 - 2012-12-15 01:52:10 UTC
xxVastorxx wrote:
Topic title.
in your opinion what do you think draws players that first start out away from subbing their accounts ?

to much reading needs more cinamatics and or voice tutorals.

to many bugs in the tutorals getting mods and no skills for it :) there a few of those.

no help from local... can baiting in noob systems and blowing them up 5 min after playing eve is never any good

having to mine and wait for respawn because system is cleared of all ore in the 1st hour after it spawns can't complete mission unless they know how to go to an o7 system and niga mine before the rats kill ya :)

just a few off the top of my head

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#113 - 2012-12-15 02:16:58 UTC
Joseph Dreadloch wrote:
EVE Online is the whiskey to World of Warcraft's Budweiser.

un-ironically, I don't like Budweiser or World of Warcraft.. Cool
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#114 - 2012-12-15 02:40:06 UTC
It being hard to make reasonable money as a low-SP pilot makes it difficult for newbies to resubscribe.

I suggest CCP tweak the tutorial to imply that being in a corporation is extremely important. Making great ISK as a lowbie is a terrible idea and shouldn't happen, but they should be able to help and make decent ISK if they join a corporation.

It's the main reason why CCP hasn't captured a bigger slice of the "hardcore" audience yet. It's because people think this is a single-player MMO and should be nudged (roughly) into joining a good corporation.
Anemonae Ambrosia
Royal Order of Security Specialists
#115 - 2012-12-15 03:00:41 UTC
In my opinion people are turned off to EvE primarily because they can't directly advance their character. There is not a typical skill or xp grind that players are used to or even anything you can do to make your character improve, you just have to allow time to pass. For many people this has two negative effects, one being a lack of positive reinforcement. There is no "ding" of a level up after killing a bad guy. The other affect is it leaves people not sure what to do, many gamers are used to the game providing them with tasks or activities. Logging on and knowing you need to do some activity to improve is comfortable, EvE just says "find something to do" and that's uncomfortable for many.
Space Mermaids
#116 - 2012-12-15 04:01:34 UTC
For the same reason we don't leave.

I've tried several other games, they are good games, I just don't have it in me to spend 2 years establishing myself. Other games are a little more subtle about it but between leveling, gear grinding, getting all the raid loot, knowing your templates like the back of your hand they aren't so different from EVE.
Digital Messiah
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2012-12-15 10:29:12 UTC
Most of the hardcore veterans I know are the people who get drunk while listening to eve radio on the reg. I get the feeling alcoholics get this game more than other people.

Something clever

Atmel Corporation
#118 - 2012-12-15 12:14:52 UTC
The game basically consists of 2 parts. The playing part and the waiting part while the waiting part makes around 75% of the game. Skills, Mining, Missions, Crafting,PvP, no matter what you do you will spend most of the time waiting.

For example a 30 min lvl 4 mission consists of maybe 5-10 mins of actively playing (pressing buttons) and 20-25 mins of waiting for the outcome. Mining is even worse. Comes down to maybe 1 min of actively playing and 30 mins of waiting

I think that is what drives a lot of ppl away from the game.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2012-12-15 13:25:55 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ritsum wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ritsum wrote:
The hate people receive for playing differently to others.
folowed by a quote of being a proud high sec player.

Are all high sec players crazy?

Kind of proving my point by bringing it up, but that is there because I am a Proud High Sec player and do not care what others think of me. Just by having it there most of you will disregard anything I say and try to troll/flame me at any given chance, but I don't mind since I am proud of what I bring to the community and will continue to do my best in what I do whether or not I am hated for it.

And on que, Mr. High Sec misses the point lol.

No one cares how you play. Just like no one cares that most nights I end up shooting red Xs in anomalies/plex, LvL 5s and incursions rather than shooting Xs piloted by people. The whole "they hate use because we live in high sec and mine (or whatever you do) is just a dodge people use to salve their egos. I'm pretty sick of hearing it.

In other words, we don't hate you because of how you play a video game, we hate you because of how you think lol.

who are you again? some deep 0.0 sec ratting bot? Lol
you know: here from empire your 0.0 is far far away and almost invisible.

So again: who are you? (it's not that anybody care anyway but you wanted answer)

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#120 - 2012-12-15 16:25:59 UTC
the skill system
the time investment required to do a lot of things
trying playing eve as a SP game
being told "your playing the game wrong n00b, play it my way"
The Interface & Control Mechanism

being told "Eve is a sandbox game, that you have to play like this, or your not doing right, your an idiot, your a ******, your an inbred pikey polak etc etc etc etc etc"