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50 + fittings

First post
#41 - 2011-10-14 23:16:21 UTC
CCP Tuxford, the description field is semi useless because it erases itself all the time. I do use it for listing some ammo links or alt mods links, on occasion for special note.

KEEP descriptions for local storage as they don't even show up anyways to other people (if you can make them not erase themselves every edit on some part of the fitting would be nice)

OMIT descriptions for server side storage.

Please put a search bar in the fitting window sometime when possible, after you got our unlimited fittings back. ppl like myself use abbreviations on shipnames for different purposes, so recalling an assorted list of ships under that name would be nice than expanding and collapsing categories.

Thank you Tuxford.
Tir Capital Management Group
#42 - 2011-10-14 23:45:17 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:

The network traffic is the one that concerns me most especially as we have to consider that you can have a long description on these. So I'll ask you this simple question is there anyone that actually uses the description?

I usually don't on personal fittings.

Corporate fittings however would really benefit from keeping these on here, but even then I'm not sure how many people would read the corp descriptions... people tend to get lazy about reading things.

Other than that... I can say I'd rather have more fitting slots and no descriptions, than the other way around.

Where I am.

#43 - 2011-10-15 01:20:28 UTC
Moving fittings to the server in the first place was wrong. Then arbitrarily punishing us for it was extra wrong. Then rolling it out with a bug that deleted all your fittings was super extra wrong. You think maybe people have fewer fittings now because they have no faith that you're not just going to f*ck it up again? Iconic example of CCP taking something that works beautifully and screwing it up just so they can pad their resumes.

Revert the whole damned thing. Cache, settings, and overview files are all stored locally. Fittings are better stored locally too.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#44 - 2011-10-15 01:25:59 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
It makes me sort of glad that some of you at least are using this feature up to that point that 50 fittings are not enough Smile

The limit that was picked was fairly arbitrary but not the reason for having a limit was not. The fittings are stored on the DB and need to be fetched from there and moved to the client. For exactly how many we can have we have to consider two things. How big is the table actually going to get and network traffic. In addition to that we are doing some fairly poor job at loading them up (tallying up required skills for all fitted types and seeing if you meet the requirements). That however if fairly easily fixed.

The network traffic is the one that concerns me most especially as we have to consider that you can have a long description on these. So I'll ask you this simple question is there anyone that actually uses the description?

Have one tab for local fits, and one tab for server fits.

Problem fixed k thx.

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

Circumstantial Evidence
#45 - 2011-10-15 07:45:36 UTC
I think a 32 char limit on fit descriptions would be sufficient for most cases.
I use lots of abbreviations :)

I had about 150 fits saved, before they became much harder to manage.
CCP giveth, CCP taketh away.

(repeating from earlier post)
Not only do I want to store my own fittings, but, I like to share others that have been recommended, that I can't even fly, with corp-mates who might ask "What's a good _____ fit?"

I definitely like the original concept of server-side storage; makes reinstalling or using another computer much less hassle.

1. Bookmark FOLDERS should be server side, with the bookmarks!
2. Market Quickbar (item references, and folders)
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#46 - 2011-10-15 07:55:50 UTC
I dont use the description personally and I think if people could have more fitting slots rather than have the option of the description box on each fitting they would probably be quite happy to see it go.

The thing I wonder about is WHY ON EARTH did you feel the need to move fittings server side in the first place. Most of the time fittings are used for personal convenience when fitting out ships and I really don't understand the reasoning behind limiting them and making them server side.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Caldari State
#47 - 2011-10-15 08:41:07 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
It makes me sort of glad that some of you at least are using this feature up to that point that 50 fittings are not enough Smile

The limit that was picked was fairly arbitrary but not the reason for having a limit was not. The fittings are stored on the DB and need to be fetched from there and moved to the client. For exactly how many we can have we have to consider two things. How big is the table actually going to get and network traffic. In addition to that we are doing some fairly poor job at loading them up (tallying up required skills for all fitted types and seeing if you meet the requirements). That however if fairly easily fixed.

The network traffic is the one that concerns me most especially as we have to consider that you can have a long description on these. So I'll ask you this simple question is there anyone that actually uses the description?

label yes, description no.

I would really really really like about 100 fittings btw.

I can fly all ships in the game (minus titans) and I really dont like the 50 cap

[u]The nerfs to supercaps will cause more super pilots to join the largest alliances who can properly "support" their deployment, further concentrating firepower/wealth in EVE. The end result will be fewer "fun" fights, and will hurt EVE in the long run.[/u]

Tir Capital Management Group
#48 - 2011-10-15 14:55:03 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:

At this point the easiest solution is probably to simply raise the amount of fittings you can save Smile

More is never enough!

I'd say 100 Fittings is probably reasonable for the average Bitter Vet that you see in here.

I can fly probably 60% of the ships in the game - and have multiple fittings for each. 100 At least rounds out nicely.

Do 100, if we keep complaining, then you can see about appeasing our insane desires further.


Where I am.

Valari Nala Zena
Caldari State
#49 - 2011-10-15 15:38:39 UTC
I don't care where it is saved, as long as i can have more then 50.
#50 - 2011-10-15 18:04:21 UTC
When ship fittings first was introduced I gave it a try and found it very very useful.

I can use/deploy a ship in many different roles so this was excellent functionality for someone like me who don't own a lot of ships but would like to quickly change fittings for different scenarios depending on adversary.

So 50... it's not a lot because for me a ship can have a pvp fitting for each of the different races, and in role.

I.e gallente shipType vs (Amarr, Caldari, Minmatarr or gallente) shipType

and then there is the role variable I would like to factor in

Let roles be of (pvp, pve, ew, bait, gank, mining, exploring etc)

gallente shipType Role vs (race shipType role)

so quickly it accumulate different setups I would like to store.

So, for a ship like the Astarte I hit the limit pretty fast, deemed the fitting functionality useless because I can't use more than X fittings (should be unlimited :)

instead I refit as fast as I can for the proper scenario which sometimes cost me the fight..
Circumstantial Evidence
#51 - 2011-10-15 18:41:35 UTC
Fitting Validation:

You can reduce server hit for the check against skills, by making the player request it: add a "validate" or "check skills" button to the fitting window. I certainly don't care about this, when I'm linking fits for other people.
Tanya Powers
#52 - 2011-10-15 18:43:06 UTC
Miilla wrote:

Yeah when are we getting more CONVENIENCE items such as FITTING SERVER SIDE STORAGE SLOTS in the NEXT STORE?

When you'll stop posting.
Kronos TEchnologies
#53 - 2011-10-15 19:44:17 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
It makes me sort of glad that some of you at least are using this feature up to that point that 50 fittings are not enough Smile

The limit that was picked was fairly arbitrary but not the reason for having a limit was not. The fittings are stored on the DB and need to be fetched from there and moved to the client. For exactly how many we can have we have to consider two things. How big is the table actually going to get and network traffic. In addition to that we are doing some fairly poor job at loading them up (tallying up required skills for all fitted types and seeing if you meet the requirements). That however if fairly easily fixed.

The network traffic is the one that concerns me most especially as we have to consider that you can have a long description on these. So I'll ask you this simple question is there anyone that actually uses the description?

I use the description occasionally to track who I got the fitting from and what it's for. PvP solo, PvP fleet, PvE... etc. I keep track of who I got it from to weight the merits of the fit given what I know of the pilot (or in the case where I may face them in combat). Most of the time, though, I try to put this information in the fitting name.

Be careful in Pulsar systems, you might get Pod Flu.

(Bio for YouTube reading)

Sofia Bellard
#54 - 2011-10-15 20:06:54 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
So I'll ask you this simple question is there anyone that actually uses the description?


Poor sad little pirates,  why you so mad?

rootimus maximus
Caldari State
#55 - 2011-10-15 20:33:07 UTC
The only issue with raising the number of fittings we can store on the server, is that we're going to be back here in a few months because lots of people have managed to hit 100 (or 150, or 9,000) fittings saved.

Having some server-side is convenient, but I'd really like the option to save them locally instead.
Vincent Athena
#56 - 2011-10-15 20:52:53 UTC
CCP Tuxford, I never even noticed the description tab. I usually just use the fitting name as my description.

I think many people do not max out to 50 fittings so if they suddenly need to save one more, there is a place for it. Later they go and clear out some old ones to insure they got the room. Saying no one needs bigger hard drives because very few people have used up every byte on their drive is not a good argument.

If we had say 200 fittings and very few made use of the extra fittings, would it be a big DB hit?

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#57 - 2011-10-15 21:13:46 UTC
Obvious is Obvious.

More fittings for AUR.

Lets make some cash.
Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2011-10-15 21:21:11 UTC
at first fix save fitting.

i like to have my grouping and charges as well fitted before i stripped evrything down if i load a saved fit.
then include a dropdwon menu local for saving your fit. make fitting convienant for using...
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2011-10-15 22:16:39 UTC
i have 20 tengu fittings alone for all the different things i like to use them for, would love some space for less used fits.

Used to be handy to ask in corp or alliance if someone had a fit for your bizarre idea, generally someone had already thought of it and had some ideas for you, now its just standard fits that most people seem to save.

Bring back unlimited saved loadouts!!!
#60 - 2011-10-15 23:05:48 UTC
Bloodpetal wrote:

I'd say 100 Fittings is probably reasonable for the average Bitter Vet that you see in here.

I can fly probably 60% of the ships in the game - and have multiple fittings for each. 100 At least rounds out nicely.

Do 100, if we keep complaining, then you can see about appeasing our insane desires further.



- massive sighs -

People don't read or understand, read, or obviously don't use the fitting system.... _100_ fittings enough for vets? Obviously you are far from VET.

_1000_ / unlimited. Nobody is interested in threadnaughts over fittings and everyone doesn't want to fight CCP for basic functions back and forth on the forums.

It certainly doesn't help when randoms post "lols if ccp makes it 51 fittings i will be happy" or "lols ccp I'll pay you money for more" Stop encouraging CCP to make poor decisions.