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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Announcing the first player run full season of competitive EVE tournaments.

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Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#1 - 2012-12-04 03:23:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Dradius Calvantia
Announcing the creation of the Syndicate Competitive League! (To be clear this is an EVE wide competitive league and not limited to the inhabitants of the syndicate region.)

The Syndicate Competitive League is being created in order to complement CCP run tournaments as EVE continues to develop into a mature E-sport. The SCL looks to fill the need for a more consistent and accessible competitive environment for tournament format play. We intend to accomplish this by hosting frequent events, to be run over the course of a weekend, with a focus on developing the competitive EVE community.

Why is the SCL needed?

As CCP moves forward in its attempts to bring EVE to the forefront of the E-sports scene, a number of obstacles have presented themselves. Among the concerns voiced by the tournament community, the spectators, and the media the most common are derived from the vacuum in which EVE tournaments seem to exists. The game play is not relatable to game play which is available to the average spectator, the teams lack permanence and are not well know outside of the small community around the tourneys, and there is no good way to determine which teams compete in tourneys or to bring new teams into the community.

It is our goal to address these obstacles by hosting a series of frequent and accessible tournaments, in the format of existing EVE tournaments, with a focus on developing a community which is passionate about EVE as a competitive E-sport.


The SCL will be run as a series of small, 8 team double elimination bracket tournaments with teams accruing season points based on their placing. Each match up will be run as a best of 3 set. At the end of the season, the teams with the highest amount of points accrued will be invited to participate in the championship tournament. In addition to normal season matches, we intend to run amateur and pick up team matches as a means of getting the community involved in the tournament game play.

Each individual match will follow the same rules and guide lines as the recent NEO, with the potential for a few modifications if the need arises. They will follow the same 8 man format , picks and ban method, ect.

We feel this format is the best possible for encouraging a dynamic meta game, and competitive community. However, due to the large number of matches teams will be asked to purchase ships for we will be holding all matches on the test server. This will hopefully allow us to streamline the set up process for matches, and keep the matches moving along as swiftly as possible.


Any player in game with an active account will be eligible to create or participate on a team. Teams will be allowed to be created throughout the season, and will consist of 8 characters and up to 4 alternates (which may be other players or alt accounts.) Team rosters may be changed up to one week prior to each event, and any player on the team my be dropped or replaced except for the team captain. Once a player (the actual person not the account) is registered with a team they may not be registered with any other team for the season.


SCL will be seeking a partnership with in order to stream the matches. We will also be looking to partner with EVE radio in order to have them carry audio coverage of the events. All broadcast matches will be commentated, and we are going to look to include giveaways and other competitions for spectators to participate in.

We will be talking with CCP to find out if access to tools such as their current tourney UI will be possible.


To start, the prize pool for events will be limited to in game isk and items, however we are hopping to be able to offer cash prizes for season championship tournaments. The viability of this is going to depend on availability of sponsorship and potentially on ad revenue from the match streams. SCL will be looking to work with EVE and gaming related partners in order to raise in game and out of game funds for prize pools.

The SCL is being brought to you by the same group responsible for the Syndicate Alliance Tournament, which has been the longest running and most successful player run tournament to date. We are very excited to be able to expand on out previous format, and look forward to seeing just how far we can push player competition in EVE. Expect to hear more information regarding the SCL following the holidays, and we are going to be aiming to start hosting events sometime around February 2013.

As a lot of the specifics of the format is going to depend greatly on the level of interest and participation we get from the community and especially the number of teams competing, we would greatly appreciate if anyone considering participating as a team captain would contact us in order for us to get feedback. We want to make this a collaborative effort with the teams involved.

If you are considering participating or feel that you would like to contribute to the task of running SCL events please contact me in game or at

For general feed back, please use this thread.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-12-04 05:05:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Sunoccard
Sounds Like a cool Idea, I like that you put it on the test server, as any tournament would drain isk from smaller teams that would want to compete.

After further thought, How are you going to do the 'Edge of Glory' - the boundary of the arena? You don't exactly have the ability to CONCORDOKEN things that exit the range, would the player just be announced and have to leave the arena?
#3 - 2012-12-04 06:23:21 UTC  |  Edited by: BadAssMcKill
I assume limited edition ships like the Adrestia and what not will be banned cause they're easily available on the test server?
Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#4 - 2012-12-04 06:50:02 UTC
Yes, limited edition ships will likely be disallowed.
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#5 - 2012-12-04 09:01:30 UTC
Well you have my interest.
Bei ArtJay
Side Kicks
Unspoken Alliance.
#6 - 2012-12-04 09:18:18 UTC
Registering interest as a potential team captain with very limited CCP tournament experience who would like to bring some new players into the tournament scene and try my hand at captain for the first time.

In general I think it sounds like an excellent idea and the NEO tourney format looks good. It seems like a LOT of effort tho so good luck to you!

I think being on the test server will me a bit encouragement for people who are a bit cash strapped to join, but the obvious concern is that every tom **** and harry will want to to join in and overwhelm you a bit. What will be the selection process to let teams in in the first place?

Thanks for attempting this!
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#7 - 2012-12-04 10:46:28 UTC

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Velicia Tuoro
Light Speed Interactive
#8 - 2012-12-04 11:20:00 UTC
Talk to the Monocle Madness guys to see if they can support you. They've shown interest in some player run tournament stuff before. I've made them aware of this thread!

Senior Representative Light Speed Interactive

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#9 - 2012-12-04 12:52:06 UTC
Registering interest... make this happen!

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Tony Two Bullet
Monocle Madness
#10 - 2012-12-04 14:21:16 UTC

Let me know how Monocle Madness can help you guys out with this. We have plenty of experience with generating in game interest for Tournaments. Blink

Logan of Rote Kapelle is a good buddy of ours as well.
Resolute Supremacy
#11 - 2012-12-04 15:07:35 UTC
This seems like an interesting venture indeed.

If you would like any assistance in anyway regarding this contact me please.
C C P Alliance
#12 - 2012-12-04 15:40:59 UTC
Let's get in touch soon and talk about this Smile

eSports Coordinator for the EVE Universe & Community Specialist

#13 - 2012-12-04 15:54:17 UTC
Sound very interesting, i think team DeepWater will take part.
Apathetic Brent
#14 - 2012-12-04 15:55:38 UTC
Thanks for all the interest so far guys! Seladrine, you're not allowed Blink
Aducat Ragnarson
Blootered Bastards
#15 - 2012-12-06 17:49:04 UTC
First of all I want to say that I really enjoyed all the EvE tournaments I have wathced so far and what you are trying to pull off with this tournament league is awesome.

Some friends of mine and I where wondering what kind of entry fee you would take into view and what types of groups these tournaments would be aimed at. Do you want this to be more of an entry level tournament league for people who maybe in the future want to take part in the alliance/NEO tournaments, or do you want this to be additional tournament training for the already established and experienced tournament teams? Or maybe both? And what kind of controls do you envision to ensure that it will not just be established teams roflstomping newer contestants, in case you want to involve newer players into the tournament environment?
Lets say suppose there was a group of 8 players, realtivly new chars, with limited fiscal possibilities, rudimentary understanding of game mechanics and pvp tactics and very little pvp experience but a wilingness to learn and improve. Does such a theoretical team have any chance of becoming established in this, or do you need a bunch of at least 5 year old chars to be competetive?
I can understand if the tournament league is aimed at older players with experience, but looking at the long term goal of such a tournament league, creating hurdles so that only people that already have years of pvp experience in 0.0, LS or W-space can be competetive, will slow down the establishment of the league itself. PvP in each area of new eden is different from the other areas. If you could train in a tournament environment from the beginning of your PvP career you would become better at tournament pvp faster than training in 0.0, LS or W-space.
I guess what I am aiming at with this overtly complicated rabble is, whether you will only provide hosting for tournaments or whether you will also engage in the surrounding areas of training people for tournaments.

Will you just be hosting tournaments (basically just saying: "we meet at XX:XX and rules are XXX and Fee is XXX and price is XXX) and everyone has to see for himself how to do the rest, or are you willing to put the extra effort in and REALLY create kind of an e-sport league of EvE tournament style PvP by also providing the surrounding services.

PS: With surrounding services i do not only mean possible organised Tournament training, but also for example keeping contacts with sponsors, maybe engaging in dialouge with CCP and Own3d (from the OP i guess so), providing a place for opinion exchange and other such community fostering services.
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#16 - 2012-12-07 02:50:21 UTC
Intresting idea,

Looks like this might just work :D
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-12-07 04:47:17 UTC
I'm certainly interested! Not sure how, but somehow. :)

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

DHB WildCat
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#18 - 2012-12-07 15:40:56 UTC
I completely agree with seld on this one. You will have e full support of the suddenly spaceships tournament teams. Contact any of us if you need any assistance or ideas.

C C P Alliance
#19 - 2012-12-09 18:30:32 UTC
Aducat Ragnarson wrote:
Will you just be hosting tournaments (basically just saying: "we meet at XX:XX and rules are XXX and Fee is XXX and price is XXX) and everyone has to see for himself how to do the rest, or are you willing to put the extra effort in and REALLY create kind of an e-sport league of EvE tournament style PvP by also providing the surrounding services.

PS: With surrounding services i do not only mean possible organised Tournament training, but also for example keeping contacts with sponsors, maybe engaging in dialouge with CCP and Own3d (from the OP i guess so), providing a place for opinion exchange and other such community fostering services.

With regular tournaments held on the test server to reduce the ISK cost for teams participating you will have a lot of practice fighting against other teams in an actual tournament environment. On top of that there is nothing preventing you from doing all your training in between the tournaments on the test server, and what I really want to see is teams contacting each other for scrims. Testing out new setups and possibly testing some tricks while not showing their full hand should they have to face them in the tournament.

I think the best venue for practice for each team is against other teams, it will make you more adaptable to different ways of flying and in the end benefit both teams.

eSports Coordinator for the EVE Universe & Community Specialist

Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#20 - 2012-12-10 02:35:11 UTC
CCP Bro wrote:
Aducat Ragnarson wrote:
Will you just be hosting tournaments (basically just saying: "we meet at XX:XX and rules are XXX and Fee is XXX and price is XXX) and everyone has to see for himself how to do the rest, or are you willing to put the extra effort in and REALLY create kind of an e-sport league of EvE tournament style PvP by also providing the surrounding services.

PS: With surrounding services i do not only mean possible organised Tournament training, but also for example keeping contacts with sponsors, maybe engaging in dialouge with CCP and Own3d (from the OP i guess so), providing a place for opinion exchange and other such community fostering services.

With regular tournaments held on the test server to reduce the ISK cost for teams participating you will have a lot of practice fighting against other teams in an actual tournament environment. On top of that there is nothing preventing you from doing all your training in between the tournaments on the test server, and what I really want to see is teams contacting each other for scrims. Testing out new setups and possibly testing some tricks while not showing their full hand should they have to face them in the tournament.

I think the best venue for practice for each team is against other teams, it will make you more adaptable to different ways of flying and in the end benefit both teams.

In addition, we intend to include a section on the forums we will be launching with this for the express purpose of teams being able to organize scrims against each other. We would like to be able to provide someone to officiate the scrims on weekends in which we do not have events, however I can not make any promises there as of right now. It is on my list of "wants" for the SCL though.

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