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Dev Blog: Happy Safe Fun Time!

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Jokus Balim
Miner At Heart
#141 - 2012-11-27 19:49:46 UTC
Ok, has anyone of the people that think to turn off the safety is too much work for a single gaming session actually tried it? I wonder how you can bear the workload of turning on modules, least to speak of actual flying. Two clicks every time you log in. If you cannot find another reason to hate a new feature / iteration / whatever, then take something totally irrelevant... Roll

And talking about EVE in safe mode: It's not. People still can act stupid. It's just that the stupidity has to be placed with the people and not with an unintuitive user interface.

I like crimewatch 2.0 and the safety system and one of my favourite pastimes was can flipping and getting people involved in semi-consensual pvp for quite some time. You really see how screwed the old system was, if you used it for some time to lure people into certain death. The new system seems to be... unbelievable... both consistent and fairly intuitive.
Yusef Yeasef Yosef
#142 - 2012-11-27 19:51:56 UTC
Raid'En wrote:
OMG safe logoff !!
I won't have anymore a titan's pilot ask me to check that he really disappeared from the POS

Heh, I bet they still will.

You never know when a new bug will show up.
Deornoth Drake
#143 - 2012-11-27 19:53:38 UTC
safe logoff ... as in watch the timer running down while you're lying right there on the plate for each and everybody to scan you down.

#144 - 2012-11-27 19:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: iskflakes
I have some questions about safe logoff:

* It can be interrupted, so if somebody has no timers is it not safer to NOT to use safe logoff? (Once you have logged off by closing the client, nobody can give you an aggression timer and you vanish in 1 minute nomatter what).

* Isn't closing the client safer because you can do it after jumping without decloaking, or in the middle of warp?

* Can you do this inside a bubble? Does the bubble aggress you?

* Can this be done during the 30 seconds invulnerability timer gained after jumping, or undocking?

* Does TiDi increase the timer length?

* You vanish without E-Warping, do you E-Warp when you log back in?

* If you do E-Warp back in, are you still aggressable while in the E-Warp spot but before entering warp?

* Will the existing logoff mechanics remain permanently, or is this a move towards replacing them?

If anybody knows of official answers to these I'd love to see them :)

Edit: As later posters have pointed out, you can actually be flagged after logging out with the new crimewatch.


Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#145 - 2012-11-27 19:57:45 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
I have some questions about safe logoff:

* It can be interrupted, so if somebody has no timers is it not safer to NOT to use safe logoff? (Once you have logged off by closing the client, nobody can give you an aggression timer and you vanish in 1 minute nomatter what).

* Isn't closing the client safer because you can do it after jumping without decloaking, or in the middle of warp?

* Can you do this inside a bubble? Does the bubble aggress you?

* Can this be done during the 30 seconds invulnerability timer gained after jumping, or undocking?

* Does TiDi increase the timer length?

* You vanish without E-Warping, do you E-Warp when you log back in?

* If you do E-Warp back in, are you still aggressable while in the E-Warp spot but before entering warp?

* Will the existing logoff mechanics remain permanently, or is this a move towards replacing them?

If anybody knows of official answers to these I'd love to see them :)

PvP flags can (now) be applied to you by other people, even when you're logged off.

Can't be done while under gate cloak.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#146 - 2012-11-27 20:01:35 UTC
Callic Veratar wrote:
ROXGenghis wrote:
Yusef Yeasef Yosef wrote:
Ra Jackson wrote:

Good points. What comes to mind: What happens if I am in a Guardian capchain, have security on, and my Guardian cap mate gets gcc? /edit: In lowsec.

You notice that you can't rep him, you then choose to adjust your safety, or not.
Adjusting your safety is as easy as activating a module.

Will it be as fast to adjust your safety as clicking through the gcc warning? If so, great. But I suspect not; for the gcc warning I can just hit enter or tab enter (don't remember whether "yes" or "no" is default). To adjust safety, don't I have to open the safety dialogue, then move the mouse to choose one of the safety settings?

Sounds like what you'll want to do most of the time is have your safety partial or off and make judgement calls of what to shoot or rep. It's just a lock to catch you for those weird edge cases.

If you don't like the safety, turn it off and leave it there.

I would love to, except that it won't be off the next time I log in. Unless there's some secret "set default safety level" inherent in this that I missed, every time I log out it'll default to green. This is not optimal.
#147 - 2012-11-27 20:04:02 UTC  |  Edited by: iskflakes
Steve Ronuken wrote:

PvP flags can (now) be applied to you by other people, even when you're logged off.

Can't be done while under gate cloak.

Thanks for that info. Can you link the dev blog/post? I can't find any mention in the crimewatch dev blog (


Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#148 - 2012-11-27 20:10:36 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:

PvP flags can (now) be applied to you by other people, even when you're logged off.

Can't be done while under gate cloak.

Thanks for that info. Can you link the dev blog/post? I can't find any mention in the crimewatch dev blog (

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#149 - 2012-11-27 20:11:36 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Steve Ronuken wrote:

PvP flags can (now) be applied to you by other people, even when you're logged off.

Can't be done while under gate cloak.

Thanks for that info. Can you link the dev blog/post? I can't find any mention in the crimewatch dev blog (

Yeah, it's a threadnaught. You're looking for this:


"CCP Masterplan" wrote:

* PVP flags CAN be created and further extended after log-off even if the owner did not have a PVP flag at the time of disconnect.. If Char A logs off in space (with or without a PVP flag), and then char B attacks A, then A will get a PVP flag. Char A's ship will then remain in space for as long as that PVP flag exists.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#150 - 2012-11-27 20:14:45 UTC
Deornoth Drake wrote:
safe logoff ... as in watch the timer running down while you're lying right there on the plate for each and everybody to scan you down.

With a safe log off you can watch and make sure the timer counts down without being found and reaggressed. If you are found you can then react.

With a normal log off your ship is still sitting there in space, but you have no idea if you have been scanned out and reagressed or not... until you log back in to your new clone.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#151 - 2012-11-27 20:16:15 UTC
Thanks Steve Ronuken and Dersen Lowery. It sounds like these changes make people even less safe, despite the introduction of the so-called "safe" logoff.


Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#152 - 2012-11-27 20:21:59 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Thanks Steve Ronuken and Dersen Lowery. It sounds like these changes make people even less safe, despite the introduction of the so-called "safe" logoff.

In some way's yes, but doing it this way also solves some serious issues... not the least of which being to make the life of ratting bots much more difficult.

When they rat they get a NPC aggression timer.
When someone comes into system, the bot auto logs off immediately.
But now they have that timer going, and if scanned out and aggressed again they never dissappear from space and will be relatively easy to kill.

Now, it also makes the lives of ratters and such that normally log off at the first sign of a hostile in local, but to be honest I'm strangely okay with that.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#153 - 2012-11-27 20:23:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
iskflakes wrote:
Thanks Steve Ronuken and Dersen Lowery. It sounds like these changes make people even less safe, despite the introduction of the so-called "safe" logoff.

That's the explicit goal.

The old way of just logging off is now quite dangerous, in order to prevent logoffski tricks; the "safe log off" feature is a way to log off in space with some reasonable assurance of safety if you are totally clear of danger--i.e., if you aren't pulling a logoffski because a red just appeared in Local. It's basically only "safe" because you are at the keyboard until your ship disappears.

Note that NPC aggro counts as "danger," so if you log off in a sanctum your carrier will hang around until the NPC timer expires 5 minutes later. If you warp out of the sanctum to safe-log-off, you still have to wait out that timer before you can start the 30 second "safe log off" timer. You also have to wait for any slow-cycling modules to shut off.

If another player managed to tag you with a PVP flag, you have to wait out the 15 minute PVP timer to safe-log-off; if you just DC, your ship will hang out for 15 minutes after it was tagged, and that timer will be reset every time your ship gets shot at.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

#154 - 2012-11-27 20:28:27 UTC  |  Edited by: iskflakes
Dersen Lowery wrote:
iskflakes wrote:
Thanks Steve Ronuken and Dersen Lowery. It sounds like these changes make people even less safe, despite the introduction of the so-called "safe" logoff.

That's the explicit goal.

The old way of just logging off is now quite dangerous, in order to prevent logoffski tricks; the "safe log off" feature is a way to log off in space with some reasonable assurance of safety if you are totally clear of danger--i.e., if you aren't pulling a logoffski because a red just appeared in Local. It's basically only "safe" because you are at the keyboard until your ship disappears.

Note that NPC aggro counts as "danger," so if you log off in a sanctum your carrier will hang around until the NPC timer expires 5 minutes later. If you warp out of the sanctum to safe-log-off, you still have to wait out that timer.

If another player managed to tag you with a PVP flag, you have to wait out the 15 minute PVP timer to safe-log-off; if you just DC, your ship will hang out for 15 minutes after it was tagged, and that timer will be reset every time your ship gets shot at.

Preventing botters from logging off is great, but the real losers here are supercap pilots. Under the current system if you're cloaked in a safe spot you can close the client to safely logoff. With the new system you need to decloak for 30 seconds in order to logoff, which is easily enough time to get probed and aggressed (alternatively e-warp then be probable for 60 seconds). The bad news is that this means we will be killing fewer supercaps this year, because people will simply use them less often (exactly what happened with the previous nerfs). Too bad.


Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#155 - 2012-11-27 20:32:05 UTC
iskflakes wrote:
Preventing botters from logging off is great, but the real losers here are supercap pilots. Under the current system if you're cloaked in a safe spot you can close the client to safely logoff. With the new system you need to decloak for 30 seconds in order to logoff, which is easily enough time to get probed and aggressed (alternatively e-warp then be probable for 60 seconds). The bad news is that this means we will be killing fewer supercaps this year, because people will simply use them less often (exactly what happened with the previous nerfs). Too bad.

I've seen people lobbying for the timer to be reduced to 20 seconds for that reason. Supercaps aren't my bailiwick, but I imagine that with something that huge, it's kind of hard to strike a balance between "always safe log off" and "always dead supercap."

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Mirima Thurander
#156 - 2012-11-27 20:32:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mirima Thurander
Why do we need a safety switch that in the description makes you feel as if JUST by clicking it bad things are going to happen to you?

Good job promoting more carebears CCP.

All automated intel should be removed from the game including Instant local/jumps/kills/cynos for all systems/regions.Eve should report nothing like this to the client/3rd party software.Intel should not be force fed to players. Player skill and iniative should be the sources of intel.

Shovi Chen-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#157 - 2012-11-27 20:36:06 UTC
And what happens if i just quit the game or close the window game? Does my ship get removed from space after a while or instantly ( i doubt it) ? And if it's after a while what is the timer?
Some Rando
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2012-11-27 20:39:14 UTC
Can we have an option to hide the safety button and permanently leave it "red"? I thought this was EVE...

CCP has no sense of humour.

#159 - 2012-11-27 20:40:34 UTC  |  Edited by: iskflakes
Dersen Lowery wrote:
I've seen people lobbying for the timer to be reduced to 20 seconds for that reason. Supercaps aren't my bailiwick, but I imagine that with something that huge, it's kind of hard to strike a balance between "always safe log off" and "always dead supercap."

Yeah it's a difficult balancing act for CCP. Every time they nerf supers it leads to fewer super deaths and people complain. Every time they buff them (well ok, It's never happened) people complain that 35 billion shouldn't make you as powerful as 20 drakes. But making it 20 seconds seems like a good trade-off to me, in my opinion if you're cloaked in a safe spot you should be able to log off completely safely. That applies to all ships.


Serious Desire
#160 - 2012-11-27 20:41:08 UTC

I haven't been playing this game because it's easy. I could care less about all the "new" players that are stupid. Pain is a very good teacher. Everyone that's played this game for a year or longer has learned not to shoot people in high sec. If they haven't then they don't shoot people anyway so who cares.

Your doing these thing for the nubbins. This is a game. You make mistakes and get blown up. Its how you get EXPERIENCE that other people are looking for to fly with.

WHY DUMB THIS WONDERFUL GAME DOWN FURTHER? Instead of wasting VALUABLE development time on a completely STUPID feature that's only going to be broken when you release it, why not FIX all the crap that people have been screaming about? These new features will be broken or will break something else upon release. So then, not only have you wasted the Dev time coming up with these useless features, now you have to use MORE Dev time fixing it afterwards. What a waste.