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PI Question, I'm SO sorry

Styth spiting
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-11-29 04:22:35 UTC
Van Kuzco wrote:
Styth spiting wrote:
Van Kuzco wrote:

Yeah, the numbers you provided really helped me in calculating mass and quantities.

Luckily Nano Robots is an easier P4 so I can go a bit longer without having to refill my factories. I'll probably stop at CC IV just because I have too many other things I need to train. I usually can't play on the weekends so unfortunately my factories will lie dormant for probably half a day to a day a week. I havent calculated how much this will actually hurt me in the long run.

I do 22 p4 cycles which is 24 hours (1 hour for p3 factories to start up, 1 hour for p4 factory to start up).

I put in 3200 P1 of each type required (8 P1 types x 3200) which comes out to something like 9680m3, or basically enough to fill 1 launch pad. So generally if you have 1 launch pad full of P1 mats you should get 22 units over 24 hours. If you want more you'll need to utilize more storage space.

Just a question, why wouldn't you use 2 launchpads to store 4 P1s each? If i'm not mistaken you'd be able to double the time before refilling and the number of the random P2 is inconsequential enough to be stored where the P4s get routed to. Then again I'm just getting started in all of this...

I do with my alt that has CC 5, but not the one with CC 4.

I use the 2nd launch pad to store several days worth of P3 for the P4 items that require 3 P3's and just run everything on a 4 day cycle. But with CC 5 there is enough power to have more then enough storage for 2 days of material + P3 and P4 / p2 etc.
Van Kuzco
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-11-29 06:30:44 UTC
Styth spiting wrote:

I do with my alt that has CC 5, but not the one with CC 4.

I use the 2nd launch pad to store several days worth of P3 for the P4 items that require 3 P3's and just run everything on a 4 day cycle. But with CC 5 there is enough power to have more then enough storage for 2 days of material + P3 and P4 / p2 etc.

Thanks! I knew there had to be a reason.
Van Kuzco
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-12-16 18:22:04 UTC

This is my factory world setup.

8 p1 - p2 on the wings
4 p2 - p3 inside that
1 p3 - p4 in the center

2 launchpads hold 4 of each p1 and route to the factory planets.
Each launchpad can hold about 6500 of each p1 (each holding 4 p1), which allows for about 40 hours of nonstop production. The reactive metals are at the storage facility.
Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#24 - 2012-12-16 20:41:39 UTC
Van Kuzco wrote:

This is my factory world setup.

8 p1 - p2 on the wings
4 p2 - p3 inside that
1 p3 - p4 in the center

2 launchpads hold 4 of each p1 and route to the factory planets.
Each launchpad can hold about 6500 of each p1 (each holding 4 p1), which allows for about 40 hours of nonstop production. The reactive metals are at the storage facility.

I see 21 factory pins on that image, while you seem to be discussing 13. Conceptually, 13 should be sufficient, so that image is odd.
Van Kuzco
Caldari State
#25 - 2012-12-16 23:42:48 UTC
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Van Kuzco wrote:

This is my factory world setup.

8 p1 - p2 on the wings
4 p2 - p3 inside that
1 p3 - p4 in the center

2 launchpads hold 4 of each p1 and route to the factory planets.
Each launchpad can hold about 6500 of each p1 (each holding 4 p1), which allows for about 40 hours of nonstop production. The reactive metals are at the storage facility.

I see 21 factory pins on that image, while you seem to be discussing 13. Conceptually, 13 should be sufficient, so that image is odd.

Whoops totally messed it up.

16 p1-p2
4 p2-p3
1 p3-p4

13 isn't enough. 21 is the absolute minimum to have it running 24/7 from p1s.
Niyon Miromme
#26 - 2012-12-17 09:52:13 UTC
Van Kuzco wrote:
So I've spent the last few days browsing threads and I have a paper full of notes and scribbles of calculations and my head is about to explode. I apologize that my math and/or logic skills have failed me and I'm hoping someone can help me.

So I'm going to be making Nano-Factories in a WH. I have already planned out what worlds I will be settling.

I will be using extractor planets for P0->P1 and then factory planets for P1->P4.
I'm also using 2 accounts and 6 characters.

I'm trying to figure out how much of each resource I need to extract to keep a factory planet(s) producing 1 Nano-Factory per hour.

My factory planet will have 1 HTPP, 4 P3 Advanced Factories, 16 P2 Advanced Factories, 1 launchpad, and 2 storage facilities.

So if I calculated things out right I will need 64 Basic P1 Factories on my extractor planets to keep everything running. And to power each basic factory I will want to extract 6000 raw P0 units per hour.

So 64 x 6000 = 384000 units of P0 per hour of all raw materials or 48000 P0 per resource per hour? That seems too much for 1 nano-factory per hour?

I'm pretty sure I'm not factoring in something really important. Where did I go wrong?

Sorry i can't help you but was just gooing to say i was going to get back into PI. Now i'm not so thanks :)

[u]Don't hate me for beeing scottish, hate yourself for not beeing scottish[/u]

Van Kuzco
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-12-28 18:01:06 UTC
And now I think my math is wrong again. Are nanofactories really that much more worth it than coolant on a single planet?


Nanofactories - 760,000isk * 24 hours * 30 days * 3 factory planets = 1.64 billion.

I use 2 accounts to run this so 1.64 billion/2 accounts = 820 million per account

Coolant (single planet wtf?)

4 basic p0->p1 factories requiring 12,000 p0 each (24,000 p0 total) per hour (easy in a wormhole) which feed into 2 advanced p1-p2 factories. This (should?) run for 24/7, producing 10 units of coolant per hour.


Coolant - 9,500isk * 10 units per hour * 24 hours * 30 days * 5 p0-p2 planets * 3 characters = 1.03 billion per account

Someone please tell me where my math went wrong?
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