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Pulling the Plug on WiS

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#1001 - 2013-01-30 20:28:31 UTC
lol barbie lover lol what the christ

arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#1002 - 2013-01-30 20:34:54 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Nah let us all trust CCP ,DUST is the best thing happened to EvE

Considering that if it fails, likely so does CCP, I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt for now: their paychecks are riding on making it work.

not IF, WHEN. WHEN it fails I'll certainly welcome the port of the content to PC so I can get the content in a platform that my 5 subs have paid for the development of. Roll Then it will be pretty and shiny and the handcuffs of 6+ year old tech will be lifted!
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#1003 - 2013-01-30 20:47:50 UTC  |  Edited by: arcca jeth
Lothix VSX wrote:
As a Planetside and Unreal Tournament fan, I'd love to play Dust 514 and spend money on it but I'm not buying ancient hardware like PS3 to do it. If CCP is wise, they would port Dust 514 to PC and instantly gain additional 200-300K players who would at least try the game. Hopefully down the road, CCP could re-use the engine and/or assets from Dust 514 to finish implementing WiS and expand character gameplay to exploration. Seems like it will be another 4-5 years before we are able to properly play such content with constant project/priority de-tours that take place in EvE roadmap.

yes, port to PC and make a deal with STEAM for "market entry"

also, they need to increase their workforce. the 2 expansions a year (granted free) are not really expansions. they should quit using the term if they are not expanding on the game. Call it what it is. "Polishing Patch" "Balancing Patch" or whatever but please quit calling them expansions when they are just polishing/balancing/
Cassius Marcellus
BRG Corp
#1004 - 2013-01-30 20:49:49 UTC
arcca jeth wrote:
not IF, WHEN. WHEN it fails I'll certainly welcome the port of the content to PC so I can get the content in a platform that my 5 subs have paid for the development of. Roll Then it will be pretty and shiny and the handcuffs of 6+ year old tech will be lifted!

I hope they don't port it to PC unless they add a subscription fee for PC users.
Otherwise the whole idea of "bringing in new blood" gets turned into "losing subscriptions from existing customers."

arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#1005 - 2013-01-30 20:52:57 UTC
Cassius Marcellus wrote:
arcca jeth wrote:
not IF, WHEN. WHEN it fails I'll certainly welcome the port of the content to PC so I can get the content in a platform that my 5 subs have paid for the development of. Roll Then it will be pretty and shiny and the handcuffs of 6+ year old tech will be lifted!

I hope they don't port it to PC unless they add a subscription fee for PC users.
Otherwise the whole idea of "bringing in new blood" gets turned into "losing subscriptions from existing customers."

lol well it's free for PS3 players. We already pay for EVE subs, port the game to PC and port it into the EVE client so it can only be accessed by PC/EVE paying suscribers and bam. added revenue, added content. WIN WIN WIN
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#1006 - 2013-01-30 20:56:00 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
lol barbie lover

lol I have a male toon. so Ken lover would be appropriate. you are the dude with a female toon Bear
Cassius Marcellus
BRG Corp
#1007 - 2013-01-30 20:56:57 UTC
arcca jeth wrote:
lol well it's free for potential new subscribers.

Fixed it. Big smile
(I am fine with the other idea; it would be nice if you could have one account subscription that had both EVE Online and DUST 514 characters.)

Caldari State
#1008 - 2013-01-31 21:44:22 UTC
Cassius Marcellus wrote:
arcca jeth wrote:
lol well it's free for potential new subscribers.

Fixed it. Big smile
(I am fine with the other idea; it would be nice if you could have one account subscription that had both EVE Online and DUST 514 characters.)

you mean ,dust is free to play now on the console ,but when it could come to PC we have to pay extra ?
and pay for some aurum item on top of that?

i think ,you work at Sony
