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Mods, please lock - HOW TO: Ubuntu 12.04 (and 13.04) Desktop with Eve

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2012-11-13 14:53:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kismeteer
Here is how I run Eve with Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop. I recommend 12.04 over 13.04, only because it is more stable. Please note that I assume you got your video card working, as those are somewhat different depending on your card. Installing eve itself is pretty easy with wine, just download the install executable, and run it from your desktop. I recommend downloading the offline verison (for windows).

Note: the launcher is a piece of junk and doesn't work about 50% of the time. CCP, fix this. You need it to patch, and otherwise, run the exefile.exe directly the rest of the time.

  1. Make sure aptitude is installed. It is a front end for apt-get that handles dependencies pretty well: sudo apt-get install aptitude
  2. Install the wine PPA for the latest version: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine
  3. Do an apt update to update the library of software it knows about, I use aptitude to do this: sudo aptitude update
  4. Remove all versions of wine: sudo aptitude search wine # Look for i in the first column and do aptitude remove on those
  5. Install wine1.6 and winetricks: sudo aptitude install wine1.6 winetricks # if this fails, install via Synaptic Package Manager
  6. While that is running, setup a shell script to start the eve launcher, I use alsa-oss as well so: /usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" #Note the low resolution here
  7. After you are patched via the launcher, close it, and start a real game:
  8. /usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe"
  9. If you want a secondary eve instance to play at the same time:
  10. /usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve2,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe"
  11. Install eve or get an install of eve copied over from your windows partition. To install eve, download the eve installer, find it with a file manager, make it executable, and run it. I installed mine to c:\Games\CCP\EVE as above.
  12. Once the install is done, make the shell script executable (chmod a+x ~/bin/eve*) and run your shell script to start eve. (type eve1 to launch eve)
  13. Note: You have to wait several minutes for the EULA to fully populate to scroll down to hit accept.

Optional tricks that previous versions needed. and the current patch doesn't seem to need:

  1. On the EULA, wait for it to load, some people have reported crashes by messing with it early.
  2. Install winetricks hack for d3dx9_36: winetricks d3dx9_36 # Note you run this as yourself, not root
  3. Run winecfg to enable builtin versus native libraries as necessary. Common ones I have had to deal with: msvcr90, msxml3, msvcr100, msvcr80, msvcr90, msvcrt I was able to remove all of these builtin/native mess of libraries with wine 1.5.
  4. Found by Karak Terrel in this entry: To clarify things for the op, the WINEDLLOVERRIDES="*msvcr100,*msvcr90,*msvcr80=n,b" part in that command temporarily sets the libraries for the command that follows. running wineconf and setting the libs (native, builtin) does the same but permanent.
  5. If you have an nvidia card (or any video card), update your drivers! :stare: For nvidia cards, do:
  6. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-current

    from: (thanks to Laxutimor)
  7. An easy way to test overrides without doing winecfg each time: export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="msvcr100,msvcr90,msvcr80=n,b;msvcrt=b,n" (thanks to DrChilli)

Please, if you have comments/additions, please let me know.

If you want something to cut/paste to set all this up for you:

echo Install wine repo
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine
echo Updating all repos
sudo aptitude update
echo Uncomment this line to remove all previous wine versions
#sudo aptitude remove wine wine1.2 wine1.3 wine1.4 wine1.5
# Install wine, winetricks, and the audio library alsa-oss
sudo aptitude install wine1.6 winetricks alsa-oss
# setup a proper user ~/bin directory, and export the path once. Next login should pick it up automatically.
mkdir -p ~/bin ; export PATH="${PATH}:~/bin"
# Setup batch files evepatch, eve1, eve2, eve3. Can change the resolution as well here.
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe"' >~/bin/evepatch
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe"' >~/bin/eve1
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve2,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe"' >~/bin/eve2
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve3,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe"' >~/bin/eve3
chmod ~/bin/eve*
echo Now go install eve, or copy it from a windows computer to C:\Games\CCP\EVE. shows you how to download eve with Linux.
echo Type 'evepatch' to run your first instance of eve, assuming a 'which evepatch' works. otherwise, restart your terminal.

Note: if you want help, paste what it says, not just 'it doesn't work'. You can fix a car that sounds like RRRr-RRRr. You can't fix a car that is 'just broke'.
Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#2 - 2012-11-23 11:06:23 UTC
Kismeteer wrote:
Here is how I run Eve with Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop. Please note that I assume you got your video card working, as those are somewhat different depending on your card. Installing eve itself is pretty easy with wine, just download the install executable, and run it from your desktop. I recommend the full version.

  1. Install the wine PPA for the latest version: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine
  2. Do an apt update, I use aptitude to do this: sudo aptitude update
  3. Remove all versions of wine: sudo aptitude search wine # Look for i in the first column and do aptitude remove on those
  4. Install wine1.5 and winetricks: sudo aptitude install wine1.5 winetricks # if this fails, install via Synaptic Package Manager
  5. While that is running, setup a shell script to start eve, I use: /usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" #Note the low resolution here
  6. If you want a secondary eve instance to play at the same time: /usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve2,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe" # Note the 'eve2'
  7. Once the install is done, run your shell script to start eve.

Optional tricks that previous versions needed:

  1. On the EULA, wait for it to load, some people have reported crashes by messing with it early.
  2. Install winetricks hack for d3dx9_36: winetricks d3dx9_36 # Note you run this as yourself, not root
  3. Run winecfg to enable builtin versus native libraries as necessary. Common ones I have had to deal with: msvcr90, msxml3, msvcr100, msvcr80, msvcr90, msvcrt I was able to remove all of these builtin/native mess of libraries with wine 1.5.

Please, if you have comments/additions, please let me know.

If you want something to cut/paste to set all this up for you:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine
sudo aptitude update
#sudo aptitude remove wine wine1.2 wine1.3 wine1.4 wine1.5
sudo aptitude install wine1.5 winetricks
mkdir -p ~/bin
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve1,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe"' >~/bin/eve1
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve2,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe"' >~/bin/eve2
echo '/usr/bin/env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" DISPLAY=":0.0" /usr/bin/aoss wine explorer /desktop=eve3,1024x768 "C:\Games\CCP\EVE\eve.exe"' >~/bin/eve3
echo Run 'eve1' to run your first instance of eve.

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2012-12-10 15:16:16 UTC
Please note that wine is currently up to 1.5.19 in this setup, and they are continuing to update it. I'll keep mine up to date and note any problems I have, just in case they get a little too aggressive in updating it.
Mr M
Sebiestor Tribe
#4 - 2012-12-11 04:07:30 UTC
Kismeteer wrote:

  1. Remove all versions of wine: sudo aptitude search wine # Look for i in the first column and do aptitude remove on those

# aptitude search ~iwine

This lists all installed packages with wine in the name.

Share your experience

Write for the EVE Tribune

#5 - 2012-12-13 19:56:21 UTC
I tried doing this an hit issues here

sudo aptitude update
sudo: aptitude: command not found
After Shok
Ruthenia Co
#6 - 2012-12-13 21:31:07 UTC  |  Edited by: After Shok
aptitude is a front-end to the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) - need install separately - sudo apt-get install aptitude

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#7 - 2012-12-13 21:52:09 UTC
Well I didn't get any errors running that series, but I'm still missing something because I can't get EVE installed let alone running.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#8 - 2012-12-14 20:25:03 UTC
Yesterday I had to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch, so here's what I did to get Eve running again - might help, might not.

(Disclaimer: I only use Wine for Eve, I only ever run a single client, and I know practically nothing of the theory behind what I'm doing.)

1. Go here, and follow the instructions "Adding the WineHQ PPA Repository" and "Installing Wine". Install the Wine 1.5 beta package.

2. Open a terminal and paste the following:

winetricks corefonts d3dx9_36 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010

(I don't know if this is still necessary, I did it anyway).

3. Download the Eve Windows installer from here.

4. Run it. It should pop up in Wine, and takes a while to install. Go away and come back later. When the EULA window appears it will be blank for about 5-10 minutes. Don't panic.

5. In the Settings / Graphics menu, untick "Load Station Environment" to stop Captain's Quarters from trying to appear. You can safely retick this later on if you want to spin your ship around inside a station. For now, leave it unticked.

6. Theoretically, as of this date, Eve should now work. If it doesn't I've probably missed something vital, but fingers crossed.
#9 - 2012-12-14 23:20:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Waruiko
Ran into problems running the .exe

I think right clicking and selecting wine fixed it tough. I'll get back to you.

Thanks though.


EVE runs now, but has weird graphics and crashed on character load. Frame rate was also super slow.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#10 - 2012-12-15 12:01:32 UTC
Good start. Try lowering all the graphics settings from the log in screen as much as you can, ie:

Anti-aliasing: Disabled
Post Processing: None
Shader Quality: Low
Texture Quality: Low
LOD Quality: Low
Shadow Quality: Low
Interior Effects: Low
Interior Shader Quality: Low

If it's playable with those settings you can start increasing them again until you find a happy middle ground between working and looking good.
#11 - 2012-12-15 15:51:05 UTC
I set all graphic settings to low or off and while my curser is no longer lagging everything on the start screen is still rendered weird. It's almost like all the objects were built of obsidian. Beyond that logging in still freezes the client up and I need to force wine closed.

I should have no issues running at full settings anyway. I'll go hunting for my specs. I think I might have something wrong with wine.
FumbleFamily Corp
#12 - 2012-12-15 16:20:38 UTC
Have you installed the proprietary drivers for your graph card ?
#13 - 2012-12-15 17:08:10 UTC
I'm going to assume no. This is he first system Ive owned that isn't windows, more over I'm use to that sort of thing happening on it's own.

my rig uses these (transcribed from someone else handwriting)

Ivy Bridge 3.4 GHz Quad Core

Gigabyte GA-Z77-UP4 TH LGA Intel Z77

4x Patriot Intel Extreme Master
DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)
timing 9-9-9-24 Cas Lat 9

(1) Seagate Baracuda Green
STD 1500DL003 1.5 TB 5900 RPM SATA
[currently unused]
(2) Transcend SSD320 256GB SATA III
Solid State Drive
[in use]

750W Thermal take
Daisai Investments.
#14 - 2012-12-16 16:53:56 UTC
Perhapse this guide is a bit outdated because when using the command : sudo aptitude update
It doesnt work since there is no such command.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#15 - 2012-12-16 21:00:07 UTC
Good point, Hosedna. If you haven't installed the proprietary drivers for your graphics card you'll need to do that.

There's a good article here that might help with this, and also suggests some other things to do in order to get the most out of Ubuntu.

Additional reading:
#16 - 2012-12-17 07:13:32 UTC
Got some useful stuff from those links, but nothing that will get eve running right. my drivers also seem updated, though I don't have a separate graphics card right now.
Peri Simone
Black Rebel Rifter Club
The Devil's Tattoo
#17 - 2012-12-17 14:39:34 UTC
I guess this the cause of the problem. Minimum/recommended system requirements for running Eve are here.
#18 - 2012-12-17 17:08:12 UTC
well i guess i might need a dedicated card then. I had hoped the built in bits would work without because of all the ram, bit I guess not...
After Shok
Ruthenia Co
#19 - 2012-12-17 19:14:39 UTC
glxinfo | grep shading
OpenGL shading language version string: 4.20

minimun version 3

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Тот самый Мюнхгаузен

Золотая орка

Nebu Retski
Lead Farmers
#20 - 2012-12-18 11:55:34 UTC
Waruiko wrote:
well i guess i might need a dedicated card then.

You're graphics card is most likely powerfull enough to run eve, just not on Linux due to the drivers not being properly implemented yet. I've had the same issue with my onboard intel graphics card on my laptop. The game runs in windows ok-ish, but can't start on Linux.

Waruiko wrote:
I had hoped the built in bits would work without because of all the ram, bit I guess not...

That's not how computers work. RAM only allows more data to be stored in a fast access mode (compared to accessing it from the HD), but if you don't have a good processor/graphics card that can handle that data fast, then it doesn't matter if you can store more data in the fast buffer.

Technically it is possible to store the entire eve client in RAM (if you have enough of it) which could reduce some of the loading times due to less access to the HD, but the performance of the client will still be limited to the power of the CPU and graphics card (+ interface bandwidths, ...).

If you want to play eve on Linux it is definately recommended to have a dedicated graphics card, but it is not required. It all depends on how much work you want to put into getting it to run properly. There is a lot more development done on NVIDIA and ATI linux drivers than on intel graphics drivers. Before you would go out and buy a graphics card you should do some research into what graphics card would be a good choice (performance/$, budget) and what operating system you will mostly be using. My personal preference is to stick to NVIDIA cards mostly because based on my 'personal forum dwelling experience' it looks like NVIDIA tend to have less issues on Linux (and eve on Linux) than ATI. Just don't take this as NVIDIA is THE ONLY way to go, really check on forums, ask people what their opinions are and ONLY THEN make an educated decision!
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