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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Aedh Phelan
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2012-11-07 13:15:18 UTC
Baby steps...

Finishing that (censored) scanning tutorial.

Meeting that player that flips your can, pops your ship, then spends 2 hours in convo giving amazing advice to help you improve in many ways moving forward. You're still in my contacts and I still smile everytime you log in.

Meeting that person that mentors you and gives you a job that makes you feel rich as hell even though looking back it was barely anything. You, too, still make me smile when I see you log in.

That first time I clicked yes on the warning before entering a system with security below 0.5.

Actually clicking jump with the wormhole entrance targetted.

My hulk entering warp at the same time a group of catalysts is landing.

Getting all the stupid (censored) dots moving in the right directions and launching some product from the planet, finally!!!

Assuming the catalyst that snuck up on you is going to win and WTF sending drones to get vengeance...and surviving.

Those folks you still chat with even though they might now be on the other side of the verse, moving in a different direction.

Playing with people I don't know but whom can care about someone they don't know... even if they want with all their heart to blow them up. And want the game to always be getting better. RIP Vile Rat, fly "(input)".

Actually, leaving the WH entrance and wandering around to see what's in there.

Accomplishing something/anything semi-productive in the WH.

The first perfect BPO!!!

That first T2 BPC! Yes, even though your build cost is more than double what you could just buy the silly item for on the market.

Getting wardecced in an indy corp and hearing your FC say "everybody, undock, undock, align...". Win or lose, discovering that it can be fun, (edit: make that a blast).

Blowing something up.

Getting blown up, but at least getting to shoot back Big smile

And, remembering to OH so at least you used what you had.

Logging in knowing the next baby step might just be a click away...
Gallente Federation
#82 - 2012-11-07 13:23:49 UTC
MD-K and our Poor Man's's on Youtube I think...or was a lot of fun being part of that event.
Goran Konjich
#83 - 2012-11-07 14:03:41 UTC
Roime wrote:
... hopelessly ...

keyword. Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

I'm a diplomat. Sometimes i throw 425mm wide briefcases at enemy. Such is EVE.

Naari LLC
#84 - 2012-11-07 14:24:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Xpaulusx
Fcing my first Blops gang long ago, i still loves me panther Twisted


Callic Veratar
#85 - 2012-11-07 15:25:25 UTC
Definitely not the greatest, but definitely memorable:

Just doing my normal thing running mission. Swept through Worlds Collide (Sansha/Angel) and started salvaging. Half way though I opened the can to the Sansha Supervisor: It held 4 True Sasha mods, 1 True Sansha crystal, and a Slave Delta implant.

Probably the luckiest loot table roll I'll ever get.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#86 - 2012-11-07 15:36:46 UTC
The day I stopped being a hobo and raised my poverty line to 10 Bil isk.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2012-11-07 15:57:01 UTC
Definitely the moment we decided to engage in QXW a couple years ago. The fight itself was fun, but the real rush is being in warp to a hostile force which is twice as big as yours with unknown capital assets backing it up and hoping you don't mess up too badly. Big smile
Giant Industrials
Center for Digital Chemistry
#88 - 2012-11-07 15:57:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Servjen
A few years back i logged back in and found out that the station i was in had changed ownership. Stuck with everything i had, close to 3b wat is a lot for a year old, surrounded by red's and no friend there was panick. It took me three day's, 23 jumps and a lot of stress to get to high sec.
And the beauty of it? No scouts, no guards and an enemy who new i was there. And it happend all in a obelix.

This is where I put my signature, right?

Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#89 - 2012-11-07 16:48:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Buhhdust Princess
Fighting 18 cruisers, a couple dictors, a few frigs in my Vindicator worth 1.7biil, and a 2.5bil clone. Killing around 10-12 ships and leaving quite happily afterwards.

FCing a fight we once had in Occupational Hazzard outnumbered against Rooks and Kings, which we won after a really, really tough brawl.

Also, a long time ago, solo roaming in a dual rep hyperion (no links, or scout, or implants) and fighting onyx, gila, tempest, tempest, rapier, vaga and killing rapier, tempest, gila, vaga by myself, and getting out alive :)

Also, dual rep myrm fight vs Rook, HAMdrake and Rupture (no links/scout/imps). and killing rook/rupture.

Also, Maelstrom (Single t2 XL booster) with blue pill and crystals. Vs a 10 man BC/BS Camp and killing all but one of them.

Also, jumping in a 20 man Guardian/Faction BS gang against a 40 man FA/FCON fleet, then them doubling their numbers with goons, so jumping in a solo, suicide triage nidhoggur. We all got out alive, apart from the nidhoggur,, around 25 kills, 1 loss.

Some good times, shame they were all years ago and its all bullcrap now :/
Sarell Ensa
Estrale Frontiers
#90 - 2012-11-07 23:28:55 UTC
Dunno about "greatest" but certainly "luckiest"...

I was grinding away at some Sleeper sites in a Thanatos, minding my own business and spamming the scan-button like any self-respecting wormhole dweller, when I suddenly saw a capsule appear on D-scan. I immediatly warped myself to a POS, while watching d-scan fill up with various combat ships of one type or another.

I proceeded to question the practicality of scouting a wormhole with a capsule when they respectively informed me that said capsule belonged to a Helios pilot who had been moving towards me with the intention of tackling my carrier. He had, apparently, gotten caught in my smartbomb.

And that's the story of how I almost nearly lost my third Thanatos :) The take-away lesson is that long-points are your friend in Red Giant systems.
Vyktor Abyss
Abyss Research
#91 - 2012-11-08 01:14:30 UTC
Fighting a gang of 20 frigates solo in my dual rep Dominix down in Providence years ago.

By far the most outnumbered but still fighting that I've ever been solo, got a few kills and still escaped.

Probably not that amazing compared to some stories, but even got a friendly respectful convo from the frigate gang FC offering his respect which made it more special for me.
Neo T.E.C.H.
#92 - 2012-11-08 01:29:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Pohbis
Has to be my first cap fight.

After all that training it felt great to finally be part of the 'cap fleet'. Even the mundane pre-fight routines were exiting, it was great to be part of one of the reasons I ventured out into 0.0.

Shortly after, supercaps kinda threw the whole cap fight thing under the bus and I've left 0.0 as well, but it was a great "first" experience.

One day dear Phoenix, one day, we shall go down in flames together again Big smile
The Executioners
#93 - 2012-11-08 01:34:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Maraner
^^ Nice.

I have enough to write a book tbh.

Probably the best (and most nerve shattering) was whilst evacuating from 0.0 sov space that we had lost to Cry Havoc.

we had immediately after the dominion patch launch like many other small alliances / corps run out and grabbed a small pocked of systems for ourselves, it had been great fun and along the way we had destroyed the Maru Kage' alliance, spent time upgrading the systems and had a huge amount of fun with smallish sized fleet fights and roams into deep 0.0.

All of this ended when some friendly neighbors that we were working with decided to drop an outpost. This immediately made the system highly attractive to the local power of the area Cry Havoc (how I miss them, bastards but good ones). No sooner had the Outpost been put up - without a cyno jammer present (not us again I hasten to remind you), than CH moved in smashing all of the resistance we could muster aside and took the outpost system, this left us trapped down a dead end cluster. We evacuated what we could under guns but needed to move a freighter full of goods out. The value was at least 20bil plus in the freighter, so we decided to do it post downtime and try and sneak it out the door.

Our gang consisted of 1 rapier to web the freighter, a few battle cruisers and a probing rapier and the loot laden freighter. This we knew was a desperate move but it really was move it or lose it, so we took the chance. We had some scouts out that we had available but unfortunately as we jumped the freighter into a particularly long 100 au warp to the out gate CH logged into the system in question. (I say logged in not jumped in although we never really confirmed if that was what happened) but the scouts had not seen the hostiles and all of a sudden there is a 15 man fleet sitting on the out gate to where a loot stuffed freighter is in warp to.

To make matters worse the freighter had been webbed to increase it's align time so was aggressed, this meant that although we had logged it off it would still show in space and sure enough an Arazu dropping probes was seen with the hostile fleet. We were left with a true wtf moment. If we logged on the freighter it would likely land on the outbound gate or get caught during it's ewarp, so we knew we had to kill the probing / tackle ship and try to get it out.

But ofc it was logged off in space so how to warp to it? The answer was to probe it our ourselves, the friendly rapier got it very fast (wolfman13 ftw) and sat waiting for the CH Arazu to land, sure enough it dropped out of warp pointed the Freighter and in turn got tackled, we warped our fleet in, killed the Arazu and re-logged in the freighter and warped it off in time to the outbound gate as the hostile fleet landed, most of us got xploded at that point but the 20 bill freighter made the gate, jumped into low sec and got to a station.

Dominion was an amazing expansion, never had so much fun. sniff.

Be amazing if any of the old CH guys spot this and want to comment.
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#94 - 2012-11-08 06:36:22 UTC
Exploding a covert ops to find an absolute ton of capital ship skillbooks and assorted blueprints. Ah good times! Lol

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Alavaria Fera
#95 - 2012-11-08 06:47:58 UTC
First real bombing run. Got a bunch of killmails. PvP was never the same afterwards.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Fairy Iwaira
State War Academy
Caldari State
#96 - 2012-11-08 07:23:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Fairy Iwaira
Hey guys,

my heartbeating moment was this (on my Main, I have the Killmails somewhere, I'll post 'em when im at home):

Explaining the Situation:

I used to be a canflipper and suicide ganker. Once I flipped a retriever and suicided him after smacktalking me.
Three or four days after that i saw the same person, sitting in belt in a merlin, next to his can.

I knew it was a trap, so i decided to give him a chance to pay back. I jumped into my ASB-Hawk and flipped him,
as soon as his can vanished he attacked me, and 4 ships were warping into the belt.

My first thought was "****, why now?" I knew i cant run, cause ASB-Hawk is slow as ****.. so I decided to accept the
fact that I might lose my Hawk (44m, who cares?).

And this is how it went:

Merlin attacked me, I fired back. Seeing I will break his tank fast. 2 Drakes and 1 Omen warped in. I knew that the Drakes aren't really dangerous for my ASB-Hawk so i ignored them.

I killed the Merlin and switched to the Omen. He died pretty fast as well. (I was surprised!)

So, 2 Drakes and a few drones to handle left... thats what I thought.
And then the "LOL-MOMENT". Manticore declaoking and agressing me...
SB AGAINST HAWK, cool thing.

I didnt really thing about attack him, because usually Bombers try to stay on distance, not this one.. he landed 10k next to me.
That was the second "LOL-MOMENT". I killed the Manticore as well and went on the Drakes.

I knew that the Drakes would easily tank me out... still, scrammed one and engaged him. The other Drake ran, and the guy I was pinning down convoed me, begging for mercy.

"I just got this Drake, please dont kill it" As a Merc, I wanted something, Killmail or Money!

End of the story, Drake paid me 50mill and I let him warp off.

5v1 - ASB-Hawk is ******* awesome!

After I checked the KM's I realized what happend... they were all shitfit and one of the Drakes attacked the Omen instead of me :'D.

That was my heartbeating moment... :)

Edit: I found the KM :)


Hope u like it
Peter Tjordenskiold
#97 - 2012-11-08 08:07:42 UTC
Doing a bombing run and getting 60 killmails
Shang Fei
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2012-11-08 09:52:26 UTC
Fighting in ATX and landing on a 5th place first time participating!

The smugness will never leave me :]
Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#99 - 2012-11-08 11:37:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Presidente Gallente
Peter Tjordenskiold wrote:
Doing a bombing run and getting 60 killmails

Greetings Peter,

yes, I remember those Drake wrecks at top of this POS in Fountain Cool
Peter Tjordenskiold
#100 - 2012-11-08 16:04:27 UTC
Presidente Gallente wrote:
Peter Tjordenskiold wrote:
Doing a bombing run and getting 60 killmails

Greetings Peter,

yes, I remember those Drake wrecks at top of this POS in Fountain Cool

You are wrong mate, that was in Stain long ago. I miss Dark. Come back