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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#61 - 2012-11-06 18:11:17 UTC
Actually, my best moments in EvE has been loggin in and having fun.

And also, not logging in because I didn't feel it was fun.

It's a game, and I play games to have fun, if I don't have fun, I don't play.

And I still play (19d to my 4:th year ::))

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Aeril Malkyre
Knights of the Ouroboros
#62 - 2012-11-06 19:12:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Aeril Malkyre
Maybe not greatest, but most satisfying.
I had finally gotten into a Maelstrom, was running Level 4's, and starting to make my money back (I'd spent almost every cent on the ship and fit, like a moron). Every wreck and piece of salvage was desperately needed. I've only ever played EvE solo, so there's just my income to keep me playing. I was in a huge mission, spread all to hell and back because I was running arties and had to keep running from the rats to keep them at range (n00b).

I'm wrapping up with the last few rats, and a ninja salvager in a Probe jumps in at the entry point, far side of the mission space. This pilot had been scraping my wreck fields for a few days, and I was so unbelievably pissed at her. She wouldn't loot, just took my salvage. Salvage at that time was around half my income, and every trit bar was a treasure. I knew I couldn't shoot her down. She knew I couldn't shoot her down, and had been taunting me for days over local to that effect. I had spun my wheels in anger, but come up with no way to get back at her.

And then it hit me: she can't salvage a wreck that isn't there. I let the drones continue mopping up the rats while I soaked the damage, and I turned my guns around. I locked on to each wreck in her vicinity up to my max. She finished up with the wreck she was on and started to jet toward the next. I was patient. I even let her start her cycle. Then I sent a 1200mm artillery shell through the hull of the wreck.

She just sat there for a moment, clearly confused. Maybe she thought I was bluffing. Then she moved on to the next wreck. Cycle. Boom. She was usually very chatty in local, needling me for being such a rube, secure in her superior skills as a vulture and her protection under the law. She wasn't saying anything now. I let her get within lock range of the third wreck and blew it up before she could even cycle the Salvager. Then, in one thundering barrage, I laid waste to every other wreck within 50 km of her.

Then she lost her **** in Local. She called me insane, and told me that I was destroying my own loot in the process. Which of course I knew. I told her she wasn't going to profit off my work anymore. That I'd blow up every single wreck she tried to take from me, and damn the expense. That I was still making (admittedly ******) money off the agent bonus, and she couldn't steal that from me. So net profit for me.

She jumped out of the mission, and spent the next half hour bitching to the others in local about what a helpless plebe I was, too stupid to realize she was just taking the (according to her) worthless salvage, that good mod drops would net me plenty to make up for it. And sure, she was right in a sense. I still could have profited off anything that was in the hulls.

But the little harpy never scraped my wrecks again. I won.
Mr Pragmatic
#63 - 2012-11-06 19:50:21 UTC
Doing a giant mining OP with two orcas and a bunch of hulks as well as a bunch of noob pilots mining with vexors.

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#64 - 2012-11-06 21:46:09 UTC
Aeril Malkyre wrote:
Maybe not greatest, but most satisfying.
I had finally gotten into a Maelstrom, was running Level 4's, and starting to make my money back (I'd spent almost every cent on the ship and fit, like a moron). Every wreck and piece of salvage was desperately needed. I've only ever played EvE solo, so there's just my income to keep me playing. I was in a huge mission, spread all to hell and back because I was running arties and had to keep running from the rats to keep them at range (n00b).

I'm wrapping up with the last few rats, and a ninja salvager in a Probe jumps in at the entry point, far side of the mission space. This pilot had been scraping my wreck fields for a few days, and I was so unbelievably pissed at her. She wouldn't loot, just took my salvage. Salvage at that time was around half my income, and every trit bar was a treasure. I knew I couldn't shoot her down. She knew I couldn't shoot her down, and had been taunting me for days over local to that effect. I had spun my wheels in anger, but come up with no way to get back at her.

And then it hit me: she can't salvage a wreck that isn't there. I let the drones continue mopping up the rats while I soaked the damage, and I turned my guns around. I locked on to each wreck in her vicinity up to my max. She finished up with the wreck she was on and started to jet toward the next. I was patient. I even let her start her cycle. Then I sent a 1200mm artillery shell through the hull of the wreck.

She just sat there for a moment, clearly confused. Maybe she thought I was bluffing. Then she moved on to the next wreck. Cycle. Boom. She was usually very chatty in local, needling me for being such a rube, secure in her superior skills as a vulture and her protection under the law. She wasn't saying anything now. I let her get within lock range of the third wreck and blew it up before she could even cycle the Salvager. Then, in one thundering barrage, I laid waste to every other wreck within 50 km of her.

Then she lost her **** in Local. She called me insane, and told me that I was destroying my own loot in the process. Which of course I knew. I told her she wasn't going to profit off my work anymore. That I'd blow up every single wreck she tried to take from me, and damn the expense. That I was still making (admittedly ******) money off the agent bonus, and she couldn't steal that from me. So net profit for me.

She jumped out of the mission, and spent the next half hour bitching to the others in local about what a helpless plebe I was, too stupid to realize she was just taking the (according to her) worthless salvage, that good mod drops would net me plenty to make up for it. And sure, she was right in a sense. I still could have profited off anything that was in the hulls.

But the little harpy never scraped my wrecks again. I won.

I've been on both ends of this scenario :)
#65 - 2012-11-06 21:54:49 UTC
Mining for 3 months to build me a raven - 2004 so first had to mine an apoc to have uber mining ship - and then loosing it within an hour because i jumped into ecp thinking nothing could really go wrong on such a powerfull ship.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Jovian Labs
Jovian Enterprises
#66 - 2012-11-06 22:03:55 UTC
Getting scanned by MoO for the first time in Passari
Complex Potential
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2012-11-07 07:13:14 UTC
I started up a pirate corp when I was about a year old in 2007 after learning my trade from an older player. The only recruits I could get were between a month and 3 months old but I didn't care because I was a big fish in a small pond and enjoyed passing knowledge on to others.

Our play style was simple: stick to frigates and roam around low sec. Stay nimble, stay alive.

One night we formed up a roaming party heading out of Maila which consisted of 4 T1 frigates and me in an AF (think it was a Blaster Harpy).

In the first system we did the usual of warping from planet to planet scanning belts, looking for ratters but this time I kept noticing a ship that appeared to be following us. It was a Vagabond and would sometimes appear on grid, always at about 100km away from us.

I knew that Vagabonds were dangerous (they still are) but I also knew that, at the time, they were normally nano fit with no tank and speed being their main advantage. So I decided to take a risk.

I gang warped my group to the next planet at 100km instead of 0 and waited. 2 minutes later the Vagabond lands about 5km from us and gets double webbed and scrammed. He went down pretty quick after that.

In the eyes of my 3 month old team we were gods that day since a Vagabond was something most of them had never even seen, let alone killed, and I was a hero for making it happen.

That was my best moment.

The Vaga pilot actually posted into our corp forum thread the next day saying simply: "These guys know what they are doing, signed - a vaga pilot who got too cocky"
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2012-11-07 07:17:30 UTC
Complex Potential wrote:
I started up a pirate corp when I was about a year old in 2007 after learning my trade from an older player. The only recruits I could get were between a month and 3 months old but I didn't care because I was a big fish in a small pond and enjoyed passing knowledge on to others.

Our play style was simple: stick to frigates and roam around low sec. Stay nimble, stay alive.

One night we formed up a roaming party heading out of Maila which consisted of 4 T1 frigates and me in an AF (think it was a Blaster Harpy).

In the first system we did the usual of warping from planet to planet scanning belts, looking for ratters but this time I kept noticing a ship that appeared to be following us. It was a Vagabond and would sometimes appear on grid, always at about 100km away from us.

I knew that Vagabonds were dangerous (they still are) but I also knew that, at the time, they were normally nano fit with no tank and speed being their main advantage. So I decided to take a risk.

I gang warped my group to the next planet at 100km instead of 0 and waited. 2 minutes later the Vagabond lands about 5km from us and gets double webbed and scrammed. He went down pretty quick after that.

In the eyes of my 3 month old team we were gods that day since a Vagabond was something most of them had never even seen, let alone killed, and I was a hero for making it happen.

That was my best moment.

The Vaga pilot actually posted into our corp forum thread the next day saying simply: "These guys know what they are doing, signed - a vaga pilot who got too cocky"

Well done sir.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#69 - 2012-11-07 07:27:38 UTC
Another good one is myself in a Jaguar and two corpmates in an Enyo and Malediction. We roamed lowsec looking for juicy targets and we came across a Fleet Issue Stabber. We followed the FI Stabber for a couple systems until he seemed to stop in this one system I can't recall the name of. The three of us split up to search for him. The Malediction pilot and myself were mid-warp when the Enyo pilot shouted at us that he found the FI Stabber and was fighting with him. By the time we finished out current warp and finished warping to the Enyo's position, he was at hull and the FI Stabber barely lost any shields. A few seconds after engaging him the Enyo popped and we were left to take down a barely scratched FI Stabber with drones out. The Malediction focused on drones while I whittled away on the FI Stabber. Slowly but surely, we managed to take him out.

As far as PvP is concerned, no ship provided more success than the Jag. Makes me wonder what I can do with the Wolf that's in station collecting dust.
Complex Potential
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#70 - 2012-11-07 08:12:06 UTC
Hakaimono wrote:
Another good one is myself in a Jaguar and two corpmates in an Enyo and Malediction. We roamed lowsec looking for juicy targets and we came across a Fleet Issue Stabber. We followed the FI Stabber for a couple systems until he seemed to stop in this one system I can't recall the name of. The three of us split up to search for him. The Malediction pilot and myself were mid-warp when the Enyo pilot shouted at us that he found the FI Stabber and was fighting with him. By the time we finished out current warp and finished warping to the Enyo's position, he was at hull and the FI Stabber barely lost any shields. A few seconds after engaging him the Enyo popped and we were left to take down a barely scratched FI Stabber with drones out. The Malediction focused on drones while I whittled away on the FI Stabber. Slowly but surely, we managed to take him out.

As far as PvP is concerned, no ship provided more success than the Jag. Makes me wonder what I can do with the Wolf that's in station collecting dust.


It seems that the bigger and more expensive ships I fly the less fun I have.

Funnily enough, the vagabond is about the only "elite" ship I can think of which captures the feel of flying in cheap frigs (although with slightly higher inhibitions cos of the cost involved).

Maybe I should just join RvB and head out in a Wolf. I could afford to lose 50 of them these days.

Joining up in a specialist stealth bomber group also looks like a tremendous laugh.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2012-11-07 08:18:32 UTC
Complex Potential wrote:
Hakaimono wrote:
Another good one is myself in a Jaguar and two corpmates in an Enyo and Malediction. We roamed lowsec looking for juicy targets and we came across a Fleet Issue Stabber. We followed the FI Stabber for a couple systems until he seemed to stop in this one system I can't recall the name of. The three of us split up to search for him. The Malediction pilot and myself were mid-warp when the Enyo pilot shouted at us that he found the FI Stabber and was fighting with him. By the time we finished out current warp and finished warping to the Enyo's position, he was at hull and the FI Stabber barely lost any shields. A few seconds after engaging him the Enyo popped and we were left to take down a barely scratched FI Stabber with drones out. The Malediction focused on drones while I whittled away on the FI Stabber. Slowly but surely, we managed to take him out.

As far as PvP is concerned, no ship provided more success than the Jag. Makes me wonder what I can do with the Wolf that's in station collecting dust.


It seems that the bigger and more expensive ships I fly the less fun I have.

Funnily enough, the vagabond is about the only "elite" ship I can think of which captures the feel of flying in cheap frigs (although with slightly higher inhibitions cos of the cost involved).

Maybe I should just join RvB and head out in a Wolf. I could afford to lose 50 of them these days.

Joining up in a specialist stealth bomber group also looks like a tremendous laugh.

The most fun I've ever had was in a frig hull. Going from cruiser to BS caused a declination of the amount of fun I was having.
Then I hopped in to a Tengu and Dramiel. Fun was revived!
Complex Potential
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#72 - 2012-11-07 08:53:38 UTC
Hakaimono wrote:

The most fun I've ever had was in a frig hull. Going from cruiser to BS caused a declination of the amount of fun I was having.
Then I hopped in to a Tengu and Dramiel. Fun was revived!

Yeah, a T3 cruiser looks like it could be the most fun one can have while fully clothed.

Unfortunately I couldn't relax in a ship that represents over half my available liquid isk. Perhaps a Tengu for wormhole exploration since it can potentially pay for itself, but I'd be jumpy as hell.

For me "Elite" stops at T2. I class the top end faction and T3 ships in a theoretical "Elite +" group in my head. Still, it's always good to have something to aim for Blink
Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#73 - 2012-11-07 10:58:23 UTC
I was chased down by a fleet of ships on a null pocket for several jumps during my first few weeks in null; managed to do a cat and mouse game for half an hour or so, died afterwards due to bad decision making. It was one of the most fun I had in Eve.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

Infinate Horizon
#74 - 2012-11-07 11:07:54 UTC
When i first jumped into null and managed to escape a gatecamp. Cool

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly..........

General Goat
Goats of Greatness
#75 - 2012-11-07 11:12:37 UTC
My best moment eve yestarday, my General Goat very new.

Corporation we shoot has spy friend, he told me that another man war corporation orca travel, so quick quick went and shoot him!

Took so so long time but so many funny!

orca many funny kill

Ghengis Khaant
Goats of Greatness
#76 - 2012-11-07 11:23:37 UTC
My also is General Goat, he kills so many I feel great love. I only new but so much fun in Eve Online. Paperknife do so many us nice fight we having great fun.

Who does think that a new corp of honourable warfighters can make big corp at 8% efficient? Papers pilots some are smacktalk and no pride but some many give us talks on how to better kill like Etymon, advice me on better blackbird flying. Now I take new skills against his pilot so we can more fun than ever.
Angry Mustellid
#77 - 2012-11-07 11:24:51 UTC
One of my best was my first solo kill, not long after that I moved out of HiSec and onto more interesting things.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

CCP Falcon
#78 - 2012-11-07 11:30:39 UTC

There are some awesome stories in this thread. Cool

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#79 - 2012-11-07 11:57:36 UTC

Biggest capital fleet I have ever seen, and I got to be part of it.

4 minutes to kill an outpost, booya!

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Rotten Legion
#80 - 2012-11-07 13:05:49 UTC
FCing a carrier kill. With a cruiser fleet.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."