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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#21 - 2012-11-05 21:54:34 UTC
When I was fairly new to W-space, I didn't always pay enough attention to D-scan. So of course, wile running a site in a neighbouring C3, I got jumped. Two Loki's and a Raptor, against my Legion. (And some very lively Sleepers against all)
Not very apt at PvP, I was sure I was going to die. But those things happen in EvE so what the heck, at least I was going to try and take one with me in the Pod-express home!
I did try, I honestly did. Didn't work of course, even with every module overheated I lost HP quicker than I could apply them. Got into deep structure...
And then, for some reason, the point dropped. Luck? Mistake? Mercy? Till this day I still don't know. I didn't kill him, that's for sure.

I got away! yay! Only at our own Pos in our 'own' system I noticed: Two burned out armor reps and 3 HP structure left.....Shocked

For me, at that time, it was intense. I had to peel the fingers of my right hand of the mouse with my left hand.........Oops

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Banana Toaster
#22 - 2012-11-05 21:58:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lolar55
Both of my best moments will probably dissapoint people cuz they are carebearish.Year or so ago when I was very noobish i ran one of those slave implants worth about 1.6b at the time from cy-zlp to jita in a shuttle.Before that i bought it from a friend for 900m.At the time I wasn't realizing there was things such as gate camps or pvpers who would want to kill me in eve for my cargo(was 3weeks old).I didn't encounter any camps on my way but i warped manual to zero anyway i knew this much:).One year later I realized what I did.Until now I never told anyone about this.Oops

My second best moment was just 2months after that when i had charon and i was bying and selling npc stuff to stations to make some isk while i was trading in region.

Then i noticed there was a fish in a can or something like it that sells for very good profit in high sec in one of the adjancent systems to friggi it was either 0.2 or 0.3 i remember it had some sort of unique pirate npcs at the station.This time I knew i had to scout.The system was home to a pirate corp but they were semi afk with sporadic checks on d-scan and gate.

They saw me few times.I realized this was very dangerous if i was to jump in this turtle and warp to the station to buy the stuff, but the profit on the product was give or take about 40-45m.I was sweating and my greed was growing by the minute, then I scouted few more times and when i saw no one at the gate i switched quick and jumped the Charon.My heart was racing every minute I was alinging to the station I was screaming at the turtle "come on you fat **** warp already".It felt like ages but it finally warped 6sec later cargo is filled and without even scouting im pulling him out and starting warp to 0 again.Im checking local nothing happens pirate noobs keep sleeping or watching tv.I warp!Fuk yea bietch!When I jump I see a cov op unlcloak next to me and I'm like trololol.I then come back in shuttle and I gloat in local for about 30mins i couldn't resist it lol.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-11-05 22:23:37 UTC
Hmm, several great moments.

That time when I was just 1-2 weeks old, just got myself into a Thorax, I was trying to gain standings with missions.
Then I met a guy who was running level 4 missions. Back then, missions felt great to me, expanded on the EVE storyline. They also felt like true RPG missions, as you actually had the ability to "speak" to your agent.
But, anyway... we were in a fleet of 4 guys, me included. And that was my first moment, EVER, of cooperation. I was shy, didn't talk on comms, but still it felt great to play together towards a single goal. First time I ever did that in a game.

They helped me get the standings needed for my own level 3/4 missions. With their guidance, I was in a Domi capable of running level 4s after just a couple weeks. I led my own cooperative missions with other corp members who were just like me and needed fast standings and cash. Felt great being the FC of that :D

I had fun for a long time... and then, we were wardecced.

Never having had PvP experience, but thinking it couldn't have been much different than PvE like I used to do, I jumped in on a small hostile gang with a PvE fit Dominix. How little did I know what I was up to.
Seriously, I don't know my fit, but it was utter crap. Nothing was T2, most of it was T1 meta stuff, not faction or deadspace stuff though.
Anyway, me being in a Dominix with double meta reppers, and getting harassed by frigates and cruisers, I could tank their damage, but only slightly. So I called in support while my drones were ripping the enemy frigs apart. At least that wasn't so much different. My support got in just as I was tanking the last 25% of my armor or something, and they killed the rest of the hostile fleet.
Later my squad thanked me on being the juicy bait and congratulated on surviving... I was like "wut? bait?". Then I found out the support was actually already on the way, one of my corp members was cloaked at the gate and was watching the fight. xD

Now, I doubt the corp that wardecced us was any kind of pro-pvp corp, and I was just extremely lucky to have survived, any other gang would've killed me in seconds... and I was shocked: how on earth could my ship withstand 40-like NPCs shooting at me, of which several of them would be battleships, in PvE... and then I could not even handle a handful of frigs and cruisers in PvP?

Anyway, learned a lot that day, and I had fun. I was shaking, I tell you! xD

Less yappin', more zappin'!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-11-05 23:36:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Sandslinger
Hmm funny had this exact discussion with Alliance the other night.

To give a prelude. When my friend who had got me to test guild wars (what a complete waste of time that was, endless grinding so you could wear purple clothes Ugh ) told me about eve

Well lets just say I was a bit dubious about taking his recommendations again. But oh well i figured 14 day free why not try. So back then I played a lot of space sims and had bought myself one hell of a controller. So a Space MMO sounded extremely intruiging.

I remember when I played Elite as a teenager me and a friend used to spend hours imagining what it would like if it was possible to play that game as a massively co-op. I still get shivers when I consider the fact that the founders of CCP probably had the exact same conversation just that they actually brought it to pass Cool (Much love CCP Much love)

Anyhows the magic moment arrived and I undocked and well my joystick didn't do jack poo Attention Then my friend explained that I had to control it with the mouse. "How do I orbit" I enquired and he told me to right click on the object Shocked

This wasn't at all what I expected but I'd come this far so why not give it a chance. I spent some time milling about mining shooting red crosses and then I started noticing the EvE News stories and I thought oh how cool that they invent a back story.

But then after a few days something struck me as odd about a particular story and I asked in the help channel if the stories were "true" and not fiction and the answer was that yes the stuff related to the alliances are actual news reports.

I was dumbfounded there was a incredibly rich tapestry of alliances of players fighting it out for control over entire regions. My little corner of 2 or 3 highsec systems was a speck of dust as to everything going on in this game... That was my first moment.

Some time passed me and a few friends started mining in a little LS pocket (basgerin I believe) Where we were haunted by a negative ten pirate who was pretty much stuck in the pocket with no way to leave.

we all managed to band together 3 of us camped him into his clone station for 2 days straight feeling like kings this player was several years old and our hop skotch bands of a dominix player (The flagship of our fleet) and my cruiser and a battlecruiser was keeping him pinned. On the second day he had a friend in local who wasn't flashy red but all the same had identified himself a ally to the pirate.

He undocked and we went wild with frenzy locked him and fired away. In a matter of seconds the station guns had ripped our little camp apart. The low sec pocket was firmly back in the pirates control. No matter the loss we had learned a harsh lesson
and became stronger for it. Having been part of a band that forced that evil creature to amend his ways for 2 days still felt like a win This was my second moment.

A Month later I moved to providence, lost my laser brutix within 1 hours of entering the region, but before I did I had made enough isk to buy another. So I went straight back. This time it took 2 hours before I died. This pattern continued for a while until a friendly soul who occupied the system I had choosen to utilize explained some things like the importance of local and also not dual tanking my ship Lol I had literally had to jump into belt kill one frig then warp away and back again and repeat ad infineum....

After getting to know the locals and the ways of CVA and such I became obsessed with the thought of reaching Catch and the Free Hold station there. (There was a project by one alliance to create free hold neutral stations all over EvE which ultimately failed I forget their name now)

On the third run (still hadn't managed to reach it in one piece) I took a friend with me. We got attacked and only I got away. He screamed for help and I nerves strung out jumped back into the fight. And with heroic mastery of mashing every button I could think of my brutix managed to chase away not One but TWO whole interceptors. I felt a surge of victory pass through me. My friend had lost his battle cruiser but due to my heroic actions kept his pod and together we reached Catch that night .

Once there we found a Nyx camping the dock of the station. This mighty beast made us very wary of approaching the station but he explained he was there to keep the pirates away and so we passed by him. Deep in space and with the most majestic ship we had ever seen protecting us we felt like kings of deep space who had fought our way in. That was my Third moment.

There was many more as my experience grew. My first large fight I witnessed, the first fight I FC'd where we won against superior numbersI 80 BS killed with 60 hacs without loosing a single one. ( Oh vagabond/Nano Ishtars how utterly OP you truly were Lol ) I suppose that was my fourth moment.

Actually no I remember my fourth moment.
Me and a friend talked about starting a Norwegian Corp. Not long after starting it we moved to fountain by invite from Celestial Apocalypse who were terrorizing Bob's renter alliance Xelas. We would work with them in harassing Xelas and ultimately BoB.
BOB was the biggest baddest meany alliance we had ever heard of so with naivety and sense of honor at the max we decided they were the worthiest target for us to attack.
Complete noobs as we were we did our best at this and one day we actually managed to bump a BOB carrier of the Y2-Ano station and kill it.
Then later we found out that for our impertinence BOB had set our little corp red. I was completely flabbergasted. The biggest baddest alliance in the game had took time out of their day to set our little 20 man corp of complete noobs red. Quite Frankly I felt totally honored.
Kind of ironic twist of fate that the original Norcorp lineup all ended up being recruited by Sirmolle into BNC
EvEa Deva
#25 - 2012-11-05 23:42:46 UTC
Killing 20 vs our 10, not our fault they didnt bring logi or ecm Cool
Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#26 - 2012-11-05 23:57:41 UTC
Jumping in a wormhole and warping away before bookmarking it. Doing my first scan and quickly realizing that a) I had forgotten to bookmark the WH entrance and b) the wormhole was occupied.

Spent the next hour frantically scanning down anomalies trying to find an exit while the inhabitants hunted me down. Had to keep my probes constantly moving as they tried to destroy them. Finally found the exit and got the heck out of there.

Afterwards I thought of getting a tattoo of the first rule of WH space so I would never forget, "Bookmark Everything".
The Carnifex Corp
#27 - 2012-11-05 23:59:51 UTC
My time in RvB.

Between Ignorance and Wisdom
#28 - 2012-11-06 00:11:16 UTC
While piloting an obelisk across some huge system (there was an escort, this was a big convoy) I managed to run upstairs, pewp, clean up and wash my hands before returning to my computer just as the dumb box had started to decloak on the other side of the next system.

That day, I officially won EVE on hardcore mode.

Jump bridges and titans and jump freighters have made us *all* lazy

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2012-11-06 00:17:30 UTC
My greatest moment in eve was the first time a pirat corps got me. I was to lazy to see behind that gate if there are campers. So those lucky basterd got me. Afther that you know the drill. the second was the first time i see a titan in action afther that i wake up in a station. Lost some memory`s there. Pirate
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#30 - 2012-11-06 03:00:21 UTC
Running through Nullsec, (from the outermost edge after exiting a Wormhole), in a Cheetah with a non-combat skilled Science pilot, jumping a few camps and being chased by the pilots there nearly all the way back to Lowsec.

I ended up somewhere in Amarr space, by the shortest route if I recall correctly, and lost them somewhere along the way when I found a good system to planet bounce and exit by more than one gate that eventually landed in Highsec.

That's the most memorable one of the moment anyway, if not necessarily my greatest moment in EVE. You could ask me that tomorrow and I'd probably come up with something different. Smile
Litla Sundlaugin
#31 - 2012-11-06 03:04:27 UTC
Losing my Raven to Sansha incursion on the first day it started I went in with a 100+ man fleet of bafoons (including me) and suddenly smartbombs started going off wrecked ships, Concord, and Sansha and my poor poor smoldering heap of BS. Then I couldn't stop laughing for some idiotic reason.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-11-06 04:05:41 UTC
I was the FC on a lowsec roam with my corp, and we came across a buffer tanked Maller. We all warped to 0 on the guy and pretty much liquified the guy. Turns out he was a bait-ship, as 10-15 seconds after he died a Hurricane and Drake warped in on top of us. No losses on that awesome roam. Pirate


Another epic moment was when me in a Kestrel, a Slasher, and an Ishkur triggered a lowsec trap. We came across a Mackinaw, and his Tornado escort wasn't around so we engaged. Never thought it would be so good to hear "point!" over coms.

Anyway, half way through the Mackinaw the Tornado uncloaked at 60km from us. Kestrel and Ishkur break off and burn under the 'nado's guns leaving the Slasher to finish off the Mack. The Tornado went down in flames moments after the Mackinaw and probably panicked a bit, considering that he never fired a shot. No implants in the Mackinaw's pod. Sad

That whole battle happened in under 30 seconds, keep in mind.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2012-11-06 04:17:17 UTC
I'm going to amend my previous post... I undocked in a niddy Cool

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2012-11-06 04:54:43 UTC
Surfin's PlunderBunny wrote:
I'm going to amend my previous post... I undocked in a niddy Cool

No! Why!


"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Obsidian Hawk
RONA Midgard Academy
#35 - 2012-11-06 05:40:54 UTC
Having a CTA of a huge roaming fleet coming in and sending 16 people home as clones w/o losing my ship.

Why Can't I have a picture signature.

Also please support graphical immersion, bring back the art that brought people to EvE online originaly.

1 Sick Duck Standss on something
#36 - 2012-11-06 05:54:39 UTC
Reading about the GHSC scam, but that was before I started playing EVE.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2012-11-06 06:26:41 UTC
Was in a Jaguar in lowsec and I got attacked by an Incursus and Punisher. Destroyed the Incursus and the Punisher fled. Feeling confident and willing to sacrifice my ship for fun, I stayed at the DED gate orbiting. Sure enough two Incursus pilots showed up and got a point on me. Popped one of them when two Thrashers showed up. We brawled it out for a few minutes until they finally took me down. It was satisfying for sure.

The first time I missioned in a Vargur was pretty spectacular.
First time I went through a wormhole and ran Sleeper sites in a C4 with some people. Damn near crapped myself during that op.

Also the time I baited a war target in a Rapier to undock in a Harbinger. Decloaked, released drones, and burned towards him to bump away from station. Brawled for a minute when my two corpmates showed up to bring the pain.

There was also that time we performed a public execution of 500+ slaves in Ardishapur Prime to coax DSTON into a fight.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#38 - 2012-11-06 08:49:44 UTC
The time I talked two noobs who got ganked in lowsec out of ragequiting and instead we went back to that system and attacked the same pirates.

We didn't win, but a good time was had by all.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

#39 - 2012-11-06 08:51:05 UTC
I suppose mine was flying a pilgrim one night and decided to fly the entire circular ring around EVE, I started off in Provi and went around 150 jumps past BOB then the Goons,

For the whole 150 odd jumps I didn't see anything interesting or actually see many people but I got one jump from starting location I saw a battleship engaged on the gate by two BC's, I didn;t decided to help the chap out and unleashed my fury on the two BC's.

Well let's just say the battleship (as soon as attention was diverted from him) warped off and left me to my fate.

It's one of the good things about EVE you learn lessons the hard way.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#40 - 2012-11-06 09:09:55 UTC
Two years ago I decided that I would try to use a megathron for every pvp activity. Yesterday I took her out in a frigate roaming gang and nobody questioned it.