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AFK Stealth Pilots in 0.0

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#141 - 2012-11-07 10:45:00 UTC
My tear cup runneth over.

Gillia Winddancer
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2012-11-07 10:58:11 UTC
This again?

Isn't the issue more with the local channel than anything else? Without local channel, no one would ever cry about stealth pilots.

On the other hand you could technically say that said stealth pilots are using local channel in a way that wasn't meant to be used. Namely by purposefully making their presence known with the knowledge that they cannot be touched in any way, shape or form. Which is a bad thing for those that don't realize this. That said players cannot be touched that is. Or molested. Or worse.

All Web Investigations
#143 - 2012-11-07 11:18:27 UTC
Gillia Winddancer wrote:
This again?

Isn't the issue more with the local channel than anything else? Without local channel, no one would ever cry about stealth pilots.

On the other hand you could technically say that said stealth pilots are using local channel in a way that wasn't meant to be used. Namely by purposefully making their presence known with the knowledge that they cannot be touched in any way, shape or form. Which is a bad thing for those that don't realize this. That said players cannot be touched that is. Or molested. Or worse.

That's pretty much the issue: Carebears want to use local mechanics for their own benefit, but if someone uses it AGAINST them... well, it's time to whip out the tissues and go crying to CCP
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2012-11-07 13:03:29 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I've heard there are belts in other systems.

This is but a rumour :)
#145 - 2012-11-07 13:05:10 UTC
Hocico wrote:

what can we do against afk stelth pilots in 0.0 ? Nothing !!!

She wait any hours and we cant mining, ratting ore others.... attacks comes only vs mining Barges ore infight Ships and are rar....

CCP we need a tactic against this idiots.... thats not pvp.

AFK waiting for 4 ore more hours is an Exploit.


If the stealth pilot is afk they can't do anything either. And you can do something: escorts. If you have folks that can defend you there would be no reason to fear afk pilots who might suddenly not be afk anymore.

_-Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. _

Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#146 - 2012-11-07 13:37:19 UTC
What's wrong with trying to make null sec safer? All the carebears are in hi-sec anyway. ;)

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

Fabulous Rod
Darkfall Corp
#147 - 2012-11-07 17:11:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulous Rod
it really is a joke and part of why eve "pvp" is considered such a joke. Even lifeless retards can get kills.
HollyShocker 2inthestink
#148 - 2012-11-07 17:24:16 UTC
Rordan D'Kherr wrote:
They are not AFK.

At least you can't know.

This is funny and hypocritical. You guys claim you dont know if an AFK cloaker is there or not and it part of the game blaaa blaaa blaaa, yet you fail to apply that same logic to a possible afk ice miner. Sorta funny how people tend to justify things to meet their own needs.
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#149 - 2012-11-07 17:45:53 UTC
HollyShocker 2inthestink wrote:
Rordan D'Kherr wrote:
They are not AFK.

At least you can't know.

This is funny and hypocritical. You guys claim you dont know if an AFK cloaker is there or not and it part of the game blaaa blaaa blaaa, yet you fail to apply that same logic to a possible afk ice miner. Sorta funny how people tend to justify things to meet their own needs.


Don't be scared, because being afk is not a crime.

Vex Killswitch
#150 - 2012-11-07 17:57:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Vex Killswitch
0.0 space local should be much like wormhole space local.(I.e. you shouldnt be allow to know if someone is "afk".)

and to solve your problem of afk cloakers, counter with an afk pvp pilot while your team mines?
Dar Manic
Dirt Road Services
#151 - 2012-11-07 20:23:09 UTC
Maggeridon Thoraz wrote:
why bother you said he is afk, so you afraid of a player doing nothing . Shocked

Unattended keyboards manning a cloaked ship is the number one killer in EVE. Didn't you know that? ;)

I just don't understand null sec players.

**Please note: **Anytime I use the phrase PvP in a post, I'm talking about shooting/combat/killing things/blowing things up. Thank you.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#152 - 2012-11-07 20:25:26 UTC
AFK threats need to be dealt with. I mean their away from keyboard, imagine the chaos that could ensue!

Empyrean Warriors - Recruiting now.

Frying Doom
#153 - 2012-11-07 20:27:10 UTC
Hocico wrote:

what can we do against afk stelth pilots in 0.0 ? Nothing !!!

She wait any hours and we cant mining, ratting ore others.... attacks comes only vs mining Barges ore infight Ships and are rar....

CCP we need a tactic against this idiots.... thats not pvp.

AFK waiting for 4 ore more hours is an Exploit.


So many Null sec pilots wanting Local removed and CCP does not listen

It is just a shame.


Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Alexila Quant
Versatility Production Corporation' LLC
#154 - 2012-11-07 20:32:32 UTC
Here we go again.
Da'iel Zehn
Evil Frosty's Premium Liqours and Fine Wines
#155 - 2012-11-07 21:02:37 UTC

The bad part about AFK null sec stealthers is when they uncloak and gank you. Smile
Vengance Inc.
#156 - 2012-11-18 06:09:22 UTC
I agree people should not be afk but why stop at cloak's how about making miners reactive there strip miners every cycle it only would it fair.
Alavaria Fera
#157 - 2012-11-18 06:43:49 UTC
People are ~still~ on about the cloaking thing? My my ...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#158 - 2012-11-18 07:09:13 UTC
AFK Cloaker wrote:


Do not give me likes them 101 likes arent a accident...

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#159 - 2012-11-18 07:52:39 UTC


There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Frying Doom
#160 - 2012-11-18 08:45:15 UTC
It is risk vs reward.

Local gives you free intel in Null to know when there are neuts in system so you can run away.
Down side is that local gives you free intel so you know when there is a cloaked neutral in your system.

Either ask for the removal of the free intel or live with the down side.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!