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I am Itsumaden. I am Capsuleer.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-10-24 22:25:49 UTC
My first thought, after regaining consciousness, was That's funny. I can't feel my legs. My second thought was Please don't be mind-locked. Please, please let me have passed the final test.

What a strange feeling this is, floating weightless above the clouds. I wasn't prepared for the sensation of it. Each conduit, each piece of hardware, flexing within me like a muscle. The itching tension of my shield emitter. The exhalation of my magpulse thrusters.

I have ascended.

Achura glitters beneath me like a jewel. From here I can see settlements, cities, scattered like motes of dust over the planet's night side. It's not the first time I've seen my homeworld from orbit, but it is the first time I've seen it with such clarity. I can see each streetlamp, each glowing window, peering up at me like florescent eyes. I can see my family's estate, sprawling over the countryside in the pre-dawn. The buildings look so small. Like toys, scattered and forgotten.

Normally, I would not indulge in such physical elation. But I have studied, and I have trained, and I have labored tirelessly. I have emerged victorious. And I feel fantastic.

I am seeking employment. What I'm looking for: education, companionship, and State service. What I can offer: diligence, initiative, and loyalty. I am ready for this new life.

Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#2 - 2012-10-24 22:32:50 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.

You'll regret saying that. Last person to say that was locked into a Retriever and forced to dig out Veldspar for five years.

Don't worry, your feeling of specialness will wear off.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-10-24 22:53:49 UTC
Don't worry, your feeling of specialness will wear off.

Has yours? That's tragic. You are a member of an elite social order, one of the exceedingly few New Eden citizens with the fortitude to survive ascension into this new stage of human development, and you don't feel distinguished?

At least you've been able to maintain a healthy sense of levity.
Aeternus Command Academy
#4 - 2012-10-24 23:34:38 UTC
That moment you speak of...

I can barely remember anymore...

This was once an amazing blessing, wasn't it? All of this?

Cardinal Graelyn

Amarr Loyalist of the Year - YC113

Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#5 - 2012-10-24 23:34:46 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
Don't worry, your feeling of specialness will wear off.

Has yours? That's tragic. You are a member of an elite social order, one of the exceedingly few New Eden citizens with the fortitude to survive ascension into this new stage of human development, and you don't feel distinguished?

At least you've been able to maintain a healthy sense of levity.

Compared to every sentient thing that draws breath, we are special. We are near immortal. The best of us wave a hand and an empire rises. Or falls. But amoung those Capsuleers, no, I do not feel special. I shall build a fortress to call my own that shall protect me and mine, but I am not exceptional when compared to all the others who do the same. This is not tragic, this is a statement of fact.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-10-24 23:38:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Uraniae Fehrnah
You'd do well to see capsuleerhood for what it truly is; the product of a series of genetic quirks. We are no more special than people with naturally red hair. We are a genetic anomaly paired with very specific hardware that does little else than let us react more quickly than a traditional Command Crew.

Any illusions you have about immortality are exactly that, illusions. The technology used to allow data transfer from one mundane sack of biomass to another is always advancing, and our "monopoly" on forestalling permanent death has already been broken by one group of people in the cluster. It is only a matter of time before all the technology and genetic information that "makes you special" is obsolete and replaced with a more refined and more widely applied version. We aren't some new elite social caste, not in the long run anyway, we are the prototypes of a new social structure, one that is still just as volatile as all the ones before it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-10-25 00:05:36 UTC
Uraniae Fehrnah wrote:
We are the prototypes of a new social structure.

So said the first creature to evolve wings and take flight: "Meh, I'm not that special. We'll all be flying soon enough."

Graelyn wrote:
This was once an amazing blessing, wasn't it? All of this?

Indeed, Cardinal. A blessing. One I hope persists in the years to come. Even now, as my orbit swings me wide out of the night shadow of Achura and into the open sun, I can feel the solar wind crackling along my hull.

It's a cleansing feeling. I feel complete. Reborn. Whole. Do you not? I guess it makes sense, the novelty of these sensations diminishing with time, although it makes me sad to think that I may someday be unsatisfied with "all of this".
#8 - 2012-10-25 00:23:47 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:

Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.

with pleasure
Ottom Ephesianos
Mirkur Draug'Tyr
#9 - 2012-10-25 00:27:28 UTC
Graelyn wrote:
That moment you speak of...

I can barely remember anymore...

This was once an amazing blessing, wasn't it? All of this?

Yes. Technological advancements are blessings under the disguise of human ingenuity. Their uses are at the discretion of free will but they are blessings non the less. You of all people should understand that Cardinal Graelyn.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-10-25 00:30:07 UTC
Romvex wrote:

with pleasure

More levity. You're funny, Gallentean. Who knew capsuleers could be such comedians? Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering your employer.
Nashuar Attor
Rat Kings Crew
#11 - 2012-10-25 01:40:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Nashuar Attor
Indeed, Cardinal. A blessing. One I hope persists in the years to come. Even now, as my orbit swings me wide out of the night shadow of Achura and into the open sun, I can feel the solar wind crackling along my hull.

It's a cleansing feeling. I feel complete. Reborn. Whole. Do you not? I guess it makes sense, the novelty of these sensations diminishing with time, although it makes me sad to think that I may someday be unsatisfied with "all of this".[/quote]

If you can feel the solar winds then I suggest you speak to your cheif of engineering about recalibrating your sheilds. If the harmonics are such that you can feel something as superficial as solar wind then you will surely feel the first salvo fired at you, and believe me, on that day you will know what it feels like to be Reborn.

You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-10-25 01:56:03 UTC
Nashuar Attor wrote:
If you can feel the solar winds then I suggest you speak to your cheif of engineering about recalibrating your sheilds. If the harmonics are such that you can feel something as superficial as solar wind then you will surely feel the first salvo fired at you, and believe me, on that day you will know what it feels like to be Reborn.

Sigh. Why do people always assume idiocy? Is it so hard to believe that I might disable my emitter for a moment to enjoy the sun?

I didn't expect to need to justify my proclamations of joy by explaining why I'm feeling what I feel. But sure, I'll talk to my Chief Engineer. Maybe he'll just forget to turn the shields back on, and I just won't notice because, you know, I'm so inexperienced, and stuff.

It's not like I'm a graduate of the State War Academy or anything.
Aeternus Command Academy
#13 - 2012-10-25 03:11:16 UTC
It's a cleansing feeling. I feel complete. Reborn. Whole. Do you not?

I understand the way you feel.

Perhaps, one day, when you've spilled enough blood, when the lives you've taken can no longer be given any accurate accounting, when you can no longer remember the faces of your fallen friends, the Wet Grave will take on a different meaning in your life.

Cardinal Graelyn

Amarr Loyalist of the Year - YC113

Vad Lander
Apocalypse Lancers
#14 - 2012-10-25 03:24:11 UTC
Itsumaden, I welcome you to the stars. It is a wonderful feeling, even to this day for me. I encourage you to seek out your peers who also enjoy the life style you now partake in. I myself am willing to help you in your early days if you want it. I find inspiration that the state has a new emperian to call its own.

Im usualy a free killmail.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-10-25 03:54:21 UTC
Perhaps, one day, when you've spilled enough blood, when the lives you've taken can no longer be given any accurate accounting, when you can no longer remember the faces of your fallen friends, the Wet Grave will take on a different meaning in your life.

Perhaps. I imagine that time will tell.

You're a sage man, Cardinal. As I'm sure you're aware, your accomplishments are well known, even among planetbound Achur. It would befit me to take your wisdom to heart.

Vad Lander wrote:
Itsumaden, I welcome you to the stars. It is a wonderful feeling, even to this day for me. I encourage you to seek out your peers who also enjoy the life style you now partake in. I myself am willing to help you in your early days if you want it. I find inspiration that the state has a new emperian to call its own.

Thank you for the warm welcome, pilot! As for seeking out my peers: this post is a big part of my initial effort to reach out to the community.

I will certainly contact you if I find I need assistance. I'm not looking for charity, but I would always welcome an experienced voice to provide guidance or help point me in the right direction. Reliable and worthwhile fluidcomm channels, for example, are something that I'm having a particularly difficult time tracking down.
Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-10-25 03:56:29 UTC
Evi Polevhia wrote:
Itsumaden wrote:
Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.

You'll regret saying that. Last person to say that was locked into a Retriever and forced to dig out Veldspar for five years.

Don't worry, your feeling of specialness will wear off.

Everything he says is true.
Jev North
#17 - 2012-10-25 09:24:03 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
I have ascended.

Enthusiasm, but not to the point of randomly capitalizing "ascended." Good. I think you'll do fine.

If you are serious about wanting to work to further the State, there are several Caldari-aligned capsuleer collectives you might find interesting - Wiyrkomi Honor Guard, I-RED and Lai Dai Infinity Systems spring to mind. Each has their own political, philosophical and practical approach, so at least one of them should fit fairly well, no?

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Rana Ash
Electus Matari
#18 - 2012-10-25 12:47:49 UTC
Before you take up serious work, take time to travel out beyond the highways.

To the not so populated systems and listen to the suns, it's very relaxing and almost like music..
Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#19 - 2012-10-25 13:06:15 UTC
Indeed, welcome to the fold. Keep your childlike appreciation or your good fortune. Avoid the cynicism and graft that abound amongst the "brethren". You will do fine.

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#20 - 2012-10-25 13:07:13 UTC
Roga Dracor wrote:
Indeed, welcome to the fold. Keep your childlike appreciation or your good fortune. Avoid the cynicism and graft that abound amongst the "brethren". You will do fine.

Who are the "Brethren"? Last I looked, capsuleers were anything but brotherly.
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