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VAHFT Mutual Funds - Initial Public Offering

#241 - 2012-11-17 02:59:58 UTC
Would like to get in as well.

50 b to spread around.

probably will go for a 30b easy fund and 10b t2 - 10b mineral
Rebecca Cairn
Imperial Corrections Service.
#242 - 2012-11-17 04:14:55 UTC
Talk about rolling up late to the party...
Maula Jat
#243 - 2012-11-17 05:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Maula Jat
BringNRain wrote:
Would like to get in as well.

50 b to spread around.

probably will go for a 30b easy fund and 10b t2 - 10b mineral

You can check on share prices here
#244 - 2012-11-17 15:27:25 UTC
BringNRain wrote:
Would like to get in as well.

50 b to spread around.

probably will go for a 30b easy fund and 10b t2 - 10b mineral

Evemail me who is interested in selling shares of:

PI - T2 - Minerals.

How does it works for the easy found? is it still open or not?
#245 - 2012-11-17 15:54:44 UTC
Rebecca Cairn wrote:
Talk about rolling up late to the party...

don't tell me, not watched forum for a month or so. Was to busy working (not a bad thing, but still sad I couldn't roll in )
Block Ukx
420 Enterprises.
#246 - 2012-11-18 16:42:22 UTC

Any thoughts about letting people trade in the BSAC Stock Exchange?

I think an API update service is all your need.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#247 - 2012-11-20 10:41:01 UTC
Block Ukx wrote:

Any thoughts about letting people trade in the BSAC Stock Exchange?

I think an API update service is all your need.

Two important things may happen to my RL soon, depending on their outcome I will have to take decisions that will affect my EvE gameplay. I'd prefer talking about these things after I found out the outcome of those decisions.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#248 - 2012-11-25 23:57:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha

An event happened to my life that will heavily affect my ability to play EvE in the coming months.
As I have explained on SCC Lounge, the decision my country took to implement a very punitive Tobin Tax is going to hinder my ability to live off trading, something I need since I am otherwise perma-unemployed.
While discussing about that on a national forum, I have been offered a very nice job overseas. I have also been assured I'll still be allowed to trade.

Now, the deal is 80% sealed and the project I am to take part of starts at the beginning of January. Therefore I have about a month to pack my home, close my bank accounts and everything boreaucracy related (very long and complex here) and move.
Once I'll land there, I will have to find an house, install phone and internet and so on, while also going at the new work.

This will seriously impair my ability to manage the funds and the exchange in the coming months, expecially in this year of lackluster expansions (markets effects speaking).

Therefore - and not without a pain fit - my desire to preserve the Investors best interests pushes me to appeal to the IPO chapter 8 article 4:

"VAHFT may force buyback of shares at their nominal value (in example, in case of Funds shutdown or downsizing)" and suspend the funds and exchange operation, effective today.

It's a pain fit because this is a project I had really put a lot of effort into and it was yielding results exceeding my expectations: in about two weeks of effective trading I have achieved up to 5% profit in my preferred fund (MINBSK).

Please re-read it slowly: if I had a full trading month this means a potential +10% profit in a month... in a sizable portion of a 100B investment! Never before I have heard of (legitimate) bonds / IPOs to perform that much and the funds started late enough to appear being at a disadvantage and in a mediocre year!

This immensely pleased me and I hope it will please your wallet when you'll get the dividends.

How the shares buyback will work:

- I will personally reimburse out of my own money not just face value, but full VEMEX market value to those who bought shares after the IPO launched (that is only those who had zero shares at day 1).
- The Market Makers will retain the 400M I have given each of them as discount on their purchase. This means Market Makers have basically made 4% in one month plus the regular fund dividends. IE 9% made in 15 days of effective trading of mine for their MINBSK shares.
- The dividends will cover all the NAV past 100B, therefore the shares will be valued at face value (expecially relevant to ESYFND shareholders).
- I will take a while to shutdown the whole running machine. Some assets are hard to liquidate so I planned a phased ISK restitution to Investors (suggestions are welcome!).


1) ISK restitution to post-IPO shareholders.
2) ISK restitution to Investors who will explicitly EvE-mail me (do it fast please!) they immediately want their ISK back. I reserve the right to decide how many to liquidate and their priority, I will factor in the other Investors in the exit strategy.
3) ISK restitution to the easiest liquidated funds share holders.
4) ISK restitution to the rest.

I anticipate the first 3 points to be delivered with the dividends coming the beginning of December.
The fourth will take 1+ months. During this time I will:

- Keep buying back the shares as stock gets liquidated.
- Effectively convert the remaining stock NAV into a series of bonds, each paying an interest rate equal to how much the related funds performed. I.e. if a fund yielded a 3% dividend, then I will keep paying 3% a month till its NAV is completely liquidated.
- Buy backs will happen ASAP, that is not just at the end of the next month(s). I will pay pro-rated interests for the fractional parts of the months. Example: if a fund yielded 3% and I give back ISK at the middle of the next month, I will pay middle of 3% interests = 1.5%.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#249 - 2012-11-26 09:05:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Current funds liquidity status:

- MINBSK => No issue to achieve liquidation within short term. I actually secured most profits before announcing the foreclosure in order to not destroy the markets (my turnover has been very large, BSAC size large).

- T2BSK => About 30% of the assets will require additional weeks for liquidation as the turnover is absolutely small.

- ICEBSK => Assets are not ready for liquidation, it's not "their time yet"

- PIBSK => Very few items with liquidation delays

- ESYFND => Some collateralized loans need to be finalized, I had unexpected surprises (in the good sense!) with Loanees asking for loans renewal.
#250 - 2012-11-26 15:50:50 UTC
Sorry to learn that you'll be taking another break from Eve. Hopefully you'll be settled soon, and back in action. Best of luck in your new job.

I had intentions of investing in this project for long term, but now that it is closing I would appreciate if I could get my funds at your earliest convenience. Am in desperate need for ISK for further patch speculation before the opportunity vanishes.

I will of course understand if there are difficulties in doing this.


Any colour you like.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#251 - 2012-11-26 17:21:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Samroski wrote:
Sorry to learn that you'll be taking another break from Eve. Hopefully you'll be settled soon, and back in action. Best of luck in your new job.

I had intentions of investing in this project for long term, but now that it is closing I would appreciate if I could get my funds at your earliest convenience. Am in desperate need for ISK for further patch speculation before the opportunity vanishes.

I will of course understand if there are difficulties in doing this.



I thank you for your continued support in every way (beginning with VAERT) and I will certainly not forget your needs.
I will also tell you a couple of markets that are rising fast... however you'll have to act very promptly.


If he'll feel inclined to perform checks, I can send teller API keys to Grendell / TornSoul plus the list of all the Investors so that they can certify I paid back everybody.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#252 - 2012-11-26 22:11:40 UTC
VAHFT Funds Performance Statement

Here are the results of about 2 weeks of funds activity (one week was needed to get ISK from Investors and acquire assets).


NAV at funds launch.

Since an Investor pulled his commitment at the last minute, 1B remained unallocated under a special "Fund Management" placeholder Investor name.

The screenshot also shows the ESYFND assets allocation.

NAV at funds foreclosure

In about 2 weeks, more than 5B were made, but broker fees reduced the profit to about 4.05B. All the numbers are reported net of broker fees.

Dividends calculated for all the funds.

The screenshot above shows the dividends per share for each fund.


The following screenshots show the gross profits for all the traded stocks. Gross profit means broker fees were not subtracted (the software does not do that).
For maximum transparency sake I am going to post the "uncensored" screenshots showing the stocks I traded and the full numbers.

Top traded items.
Minerals have been the most traded of all, followed by T2 and PI.

Trade efficiency 1 of 2.
The decimal numbers represent the efficiency. I.e. 0.43 next to Chromium means that Chromium has been sold with a 43% gross profit.

Trade efficiency 2 of 2.
This is the second page showing the next items in the profit % list.

Items and markets.
This shows that I did all the selling in Jita. The buys instead were also made in Lonetrek, Sinq Liason and Rens.

Time distribution.
This shows the stock sales per hour and per day of the week.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#253 - 2012-11-27 10:17:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha

Here is a log describing which Investors I am processing, classified by the phase described in the post above:


0) Currently standing orders escrows.

Escrows should be returned now.

1) ISK restitution to post-IPO shareholders.

I urge those who had no shares prior to IPO launch and then purchased them at market value to urgently contact me in case I sent them an amount they believe to be less than due. Those Investors are eligible to a special reimbursement that will be paid by my own pockets (not from the Funds) that is equal to the shares market value at the time of the order plus dividends.

2) ISK restitution to Investors who will explicitly EvE-mail me (do it fast please!) they immediately want their ISK back.

Those who did not send any mail, have till tomorrow to do so.

3) ISK restitution to the easiest liquidated funds share holders.

4) ISK restitution to the rest.

Tasks completed.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#254 - 2012-11-27 10:35:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Public Investors restitution tracker

Here is the list of the Investors who got fully reimbursed of their investment plus dividends. If you see your name here, it's because I consider to have completely processed your investment. If you believe ISK are missing please contact me quick!

This list only includes public, IPO investors. The ones who purchased shares past the IPO launch are not public by default, if they desire to appear in this list please send me an email authorizing me to publish your name.

Here are the dividends percentages due, split by fund:

MINBSK: 5.02%
ICEBSK: 2.07%
T2BSK: 2.81%
PIBSK: 4.03%

Investors reimbursed

Horatio Astrates => All shares plus dividends plus special reimbursment.
E. L. => All shares plus dividends plus special reimbursment.
Desargues Investments Ltd. => All shares plus dividends and open transactions.
Irken Slushk => All shares plus dividends plus special reimbursment.
Samroski => All shares plus dividends.
Nanatoa => All shares plus dividends.
Grendell => All shares plus dividends.
TornSoul => All shares plus dividends.
Jadun => All shares plus dividends.
Vargan Armer => All shares plus dividends.
Arancar Australis => All shares plus dividends.
PlanetCorp InterStellar (Val'Dore) => All shares plus dividends.
Rhat Dakota => All shares plus dividends.
Rebecca Cairn => All shares plus dividends.
Grombutz => All shares plus dividends.
Dean Ozuwara => All shares plus dividends.
V'en => All shares plus dividends.
Towaoc => All shares plus dividends.
Graygor => All shares plus dividends.
Huttan Funaila => All shares plus dividends.
Kama Sutramax => All shares plus dividends.
Elegbara => All shares plus dividends.
Amallya Trueshot => All shares plus dividends.

All the Investors should have been refunded in full.
Arancar Australis
Dead Sun Rising Enterprises
#255 - 2012-11-27 11:09:06 UTC
Hi VV,

Thanks for attempting to get this up and running, and for the time you took to do so, greatly appreciated.

Good luck in your RL endeavours, i hope it goes very well for you and to see you back here in the future once things ahve settled down for you. Smile


Irken Slushk
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#256 - 2012-11-27 14:19:24 UTC
Isk received, thank you VV.
#257 - 2012-11-27 14:29:02 UTC
ISK received. Thank you.

Any colour you like.

Technologies Unlimited
#258 - 2012-11-27 15:12:41 UTC
I understand you must be swamped with work right now VV. So you can process me last if that helps makes things easier for you.

◄[♥]►3rd Party Service◄[♥]►

♥ Securing Peace of mind ♥

Vargan Armer
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#259 - 2012-11-27 17:00:45 UTC
Should everyone who invested in anyway have received money at this point?
Technologies Unlimited
#260 - 2012-11-27 17:09:16 UTC
Vargan Armer wrote:
Should everyone who invested in anyway have received money at this point?

Not yet, it will take VV some time to liquidate.

◄[♥]►3rd Party Service◄[♥]►

♥ Securing Peace of mind ♥