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VAHFT Mutual Funds - Initial Public Offering

#221 - 2012-11-02 18:01:58 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Investors that took second chance priority please send ISK ASAP, (it's affecting my funds NAVs calculations):

Arancar Australis - 250mil for MINBSK 250mil for ICEBSK
Antoine Desargues - 100MISK for MINBSK 200MISK for ICEBSK
Horatio Astrates - 2B ESYFND
Samroski - 200M ESYFND => There is not room for the 2.5B you wanted. Horatio Astrates reserved 2B on 2012.10.22 12:30 while you asked for reservation extension on 2012.10.22 20:35.

ISK sent

Any colour you like.

Block Ukx
420 Enterprises.
#222 - 2012-11-02 18:09:52 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Block Ukx wrote:

I have been away from eve the last 4 months due to personal reasons.

This does not exactly make me feel any more safer. I have to care for a number of Investors, a lot of care.

I think you miss my point. The Stock Exchange is developed enough that it does not require babysitting.

Arancar Australis
Dead Sun Rising Enterprises
#223 - 2012-11-02 18:14:36 UTC
Hi VV,

Isk sent and good luck.


Block Ukx
420 Enterprises.
#224 - 2012-11-02 18:36:49 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

1) The ESYFND needs a special kind of pricing where bid and sell are always equal.

That should be fairly easy to accommodate. This can be done right now by simply having sell order = buy order + 0.01 ISK. Better yet, sell order - buy order = your custom load fee (i.e. Buy Price = Price – Fee, and Sell price = Sell + fee)

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

2) ESYFND shares completely depend on the fund's real time calculated NAV. That NAV depends on wallet + underlying investments (bonds / IPOs etc) NAV + percentile based proportions off real time calculated Warehouse Containers sitting at Jita. Those containers hold MINBSK and the other funds underlying materials + each of those funds ISK wallet (they are not 100% invested) + each fund's specific escrow on market.
If this did not look complex enough, then each material that is bought ends in the "deliveries" hangar (some times 4-6B worth of stuff) and those materials all end together. The NAV calculator has also to discern them and add such value to each fund's NAV.
3) The above requires an EMDR daemon fetching current market values for the involved materials including duplicate and forged data sanitizing, plus a process fetching what's calculated in 2).

I think you forgot I ran BSAC. What you are describing sounds very similar to what I did with BSAMR and the Mineral Indices. NAV was calculated using various API codes. The only thing new is that you want it real time. In BSAC’s case I was doing it once a day. Of all your objections, this one is the more involved one. I did started to work on it for the BSAC stocks but never finished, because as you will find out sooner or later 99.99% of investors are buy and hold type, so they don’t care for 1hr NAV refresh. In my expert opinion it is a lot of work for null returns. I will be willing to work on it and finish what I started.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

4) Investors as of now are not required to have any account open. IE if they want to buy 1000 shares they send 1000 x the purchase value and that's it.
Most importantly, if they sell 1000 shares, they receive the sale value sent to them, sale after sale, with no accumulation in a previously opened account. This was made to simplify their life (at the expense of mine).

This is one of the highlights of the BSAC Stock Exchange, which you probably don’t realize how useful it is. About 3-4 years ago I was doing it manually like you are proposing. And back in the old days I found the manual labor very time consuming and I’m afraid it will lead you to burn out. This is one of the reasons for developing the Exchange. There is no point for you to babysit every transaction. The Exchange does that for you. You should consider my six years experience running BSAC.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

5) Every fund has the option to just redeem shares (at a penalty, except ESYFND), so a special redeem option has to be added.

That one sounds a lot like the mineral indices I ran, except they redeem at 100%. That is easily accommodated with a buy order. Again the simplest way is to have Buy order = redeem price – fee.

Block Ukx
420 Enterprises.
#225 - 2012-11-02 18:37:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Block Ukx
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

6) Funds profitability has also been designed with a fee structure in place (hedging the "bad months"), different for each fund, your Exchange has no such a feature.

That’s correct; I designed the Exchange with zero loads. It’s fairly easy to add a fee per transaction. See above.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

It's easily man weeks worth of work or more, just to list 5 securities. Are you ready to do that? If so, you will be welcome.

I lot of the infrastructure is in place. I agree that it can take some time to fully adapt the Exchange, but it is something I’m interested in doing. I want a functional Exchange that any fund manager can use for their own stock scheme.

I forgot to mention, you could update the price via API feed, which I do for BSAMR.
Antoine Desargues
Desargues TechnoSystems Co.
#226 - 2012-11-02 21:56:09 UTC
ISK sent yesterday, as I said in another post above. I have replied to your EVEmail with the complete reference of the transfer.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#227 - 2012-11-02 22:40:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Antoine Desargues wrote:
ISK sent yesterday, as I said in another post above. I have replied to your EVEmail with the complete reference of the transfer.


Both you and Arancar Australis have sent the ISK to the wrong character, hence why I did not see it coming.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#228 - 2012-11-03 00:25:20 UTC
Updated list:

ISK received:

Kama Sutramax - 200 M MINBSK
Graygor - 250mil for MINBSK and 250mil for ICEBSK
Arancar Australis - 250mil for MINBSK 250mil for ICEBSK
Antoine Desargues - 100MISK for MINBSK 200MISK for ICEBSK
Samroski - 200M ESYFND => There is not room for the 2.5B you wanted. Horatio Astrates reserved 2B on 2012.10.22 12:30 while you asked for reservation extension on 2012.10.22 20:35.

I did not receive ISK yet from:

Horatio Astrates - 2B ESYFND

I kindly ask Horatio to send the ISK ASAP.
Arancar Australis
Dead Sun Rising Enterprises
#229 - 2012-11-03 03:33:48 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Antoine Desargues wrote:
ISK sent yesterday, as I said in another post above. I have replied to your EVEmail with the complete reference of the transfer.


Both you and Arancar Australis have sent the ISK to the wrong character, hence why I did not see it coming.

Apologies for the confusion VV.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#230 - 2012-11-03 08:22:22 UTC
We got our first buy order!

Keep them coming!
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#231 - 2012-11-03 11:32:52 UTC
Horatio Astrates wrote:
Dear Miss Vahrokha!

In anticipation of fruitful further business relations I will rejoice. I confirm that I am now obliged. Though I must confess I am not able to fulfil my obligo within the next eight hours. Indeed I direct my accounting bureau to issue a contemporary transfer when terms and conditions are set.

Yours Sincerely
Horatio Astrates

Most appreciated Mr. Horatio,

With the premise of: "I am not able to fulfil my obligo within eight hours", I have kept your reservation slot up to today and understand your statement about you being obliged.
However I have to play fair to the other Investors and I may not keep Samroski (the next ESYFND reserver) waiting for much longer.

Therefore I have the ability to concede you only until tomorrow after down time. Past that time I will regrettably have to close Your reservation and honor Samroski's reservation.

I understand you might have some issues preventing you from fully fulfilling your reservation, therefore I suggest you the possibility of a partial fill, for an amount of 1 billion instead of two. In that case Samroski would take the second billion.

Hoping for a prompt reply off Yours,
I take this opportunity to extend You my best regards.

Yours sincerely,
Vaerah Vahrokha
Horatio Astrates
Liga der hessischen Gentlemen
#232 - 2012-11-03 12:42:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Horatio Astrates
Dear Miss Vahrokha!

Please excuse my inaptitude to make my deposit to the proper account. It was quite late and my accounting office was closed. Nevertheless a deposit at your hands was made.
I hope that you will accept this receipt.

Yours Sincerely
Horatio Astrates
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#233 - 2012-11-03 13:09:19 UTC
Horatio Astrates wrote:
Dear Miss Vahrokha!

Please excuse my inaptitude to make my deposit to the proper account. It was quite late and my accounting office was closed. Nevertheless a deposit at your hands was made.
I hope that you will accept this receipt,

Yours Sincerely
Horatio Astrates

Confirming that ISK has been forwarded to the appropriate teller.

All the funds are full, from now on who wants shares will have to purchase them on the exchange

(there are several listed already).

Irken Slushk
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#234 - 2012-11-03 14:54:00 UTC
Nice to see the first buy order placed.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#235 - 2012-11-03 18:49:33 UTC
Irken Slushk wrote:
Nice to see the first buy order placed.

It's not the only one any more P
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#236 - 2012-11-03 20:43:30 UTC
I am very happy to see that some action is going on.
The markets are rapidly self optimizing like RL markets, I somehow have the same feelings of an guy who built a realistic model railway and now see all the little things moving and blinking and beeping.

Said that, a word of caution to the Investors. Being a quasi-realistic exchange make sure to keep present the margin to avoid undercutting at a loss.
Rual Storge
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#237 - 2012-11-04 12:46:23 UTC
Great concept, I have really enjoyed reading all of this. Good luck on the venture VV.
#238 - 2012-11-04 12:56:58 UTC
VV, let me first appreciate your efforts in setting up the exchange, in addition to organizing this investment opportunity.

A feature that I'd like to see in future iterations of VEMEX is order tracking. A place where the exchange users may log in and see their orders (esp. ref. numbers). I'm sure you have this data available, but for obvious reasons it cannot be made public. Thus a way needs to be found where individual users may access this data. Maybe individually accessible google documents? Could you put the info in a separate spreadsheet, only accessible by one user? This would be invaluable in managing orders long term.

It is possible that order tracking exists in VEMEX, and I am unaware of it, in which case I apologize for my ignorance.

Any colour you like.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#239 - 2012-11-04 16:07:49 UTC
Samroski wrote:
VV, let me first appreciate your efforts in setting up the exchange, in addition to organizing this investment opportunity.

A feature that I'd like to see in future iterations of VEMEX is order tracking. A place where the exchange users may log in and see their orders (esp. ref. numbers). I'm sure you have this data available, but for obvious reasons it cannot be made public. Thus a way needs to be found where individual users may access this data. Maybe individually accessible google documents? Could you put the info in a separate spreadsheet, only accessible by one user? This would be invaluable in managing orders long term.

It is possible that order tracking exists in VEMEX, and I am unaware of it, in which case I apologize for my ignorance.

It's possible even today but it's not graphically nice to see.
It gives away some limited information about how someone else (does not tell the names) have placed their orders. I am not sure it's sound to share even such limited information though.

I am working to implement a login based system allowing to do what you ask but it's very hard work and so it won't be available very soon.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#240 - 2012-11-16 10:32:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Little performance update

Last time I station traded, it was in 2009.
These funds somewhat subvert my trading model because I could not really use my WPD-WPG method (I should have bought stock in September / October) so I had to flip some order here some order there.

First the good news:

The results are not so bad, this screenshot shows the markups in percentage: the top item markup is a nice 44 percent made in 2 weeks, the "worst" is 13 percent (broker fees are not factored in).

I have been expecially impressed by some of the T2 and PI appreciations, really not impressed by ices.

The bad news:

This year the markets are not good as I'd wanted them to be. There's space for profit but there's little liquidity and I need to move a lot of stuff.
It's very hard to roll 100B worth of stuff in markets where your order sits at the top (no 0.01 ISKer) for half a day.
If I "push hard" I simply kill half of the T2 and PI markets. Thus I have to flip a relatively limited amount of stock per day OR join minimal revenue markets (aka the "glass ceiling"). Therefore while the profits percentages I can make seem awesome, the end result will be a quite "normal" performance for an investment of this size, because the profits are made on the amount of stock the markets can adsorb without crashing.