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Plex for Skillpoints (sort of) idea

Anshu Zephyran
Knavery Inc.
#21 - 2011-10-03 18:07:12 UTC
De'Veldrin wrote:
On the merits of the idea in and of itself, I would agree. There is no difference in cost (1 PLEX) or effect (Training Queue is active) from having a second account.

The issue I have with it is that it's really unnecessary - you get more utility (and theoretically more value) from just activating the second account and paying for it with PLEX. In theory, the second account would yield additional value, since as a new account, you could send it a buddy invitation, and get 14 free days of training that you didn't pay for at all.

tl;dr: There's nothing wrong with the idea, but it's not worth pursuing because it provides less value than the method already in the game.

The one thing this idea has over creating a second account is that you can train, say, a PI alt for about 3 months, and then not have to worry about paying for a second account in perpetuity or doing a character transfer. You just stop enabling that alt's skill queue. It's a narrow niche but I think it would still add a little to the game.
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