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How Would You Change Nullsec?

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#121 - 2012-10-21 03:19:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
As an aside too Zim.

I setup and ran 5 towers when I was in FA - that's 0.0 FA - you know, the Zagdul run alliance.

It came down to

1) We asked - Loquitur said no probs.
2) We did - CEO gave us the roles because he TRUSTED us.
3) We bought and transported our stuff via alliance logistics.
4) We found our own resources - we set up all the PI and mined the ice ourselves.

Once we established the corp getting the moon goo we set about making production etc. out of remaining PG/CPU.

The point is - we NEVER blamed station inability to do stuff... We just got off our ass and did it.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2012-10-21 03:28:28 UTC
I have recently scanned a whole region of new eden for JBs, CGs and stuff

i have come around exactly three systems with notable industrial activity in there, one had 4 CSAAs, another LOADS of reaction posses and the third one had a large scale ammunition production running

there are so many reasons to not produce in 00, and bad pos and corp management tools are only one of them
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#123 - 2012-10-21 03:33:44 UTC
Gilbaron wrote:
I have recently scanned a whole region of new eden for JBs, CGs and stuff

i have come around exactly three systems with notable industrial activity in there, one had 4 CSAAs, another LOADS of reaction posses and the third one had a large scale ammunition production running

there are so many reasons to not produce in 00, and bad pos and corp management tools are only one of them

Yep. Many reasons why you might not. And yep. POS and corp management just makes it harder.

However, the ones DOING it aren't the ones whining about it. They're just ..... DOING it.

It can ALSO be done safely and easily in highsec. The CHOICE not to do it in 0.0 (or even in highsec) is I DEMANDZ EAZYMODEZ.

iDemand V 2.0 - easymode is easymode - no matter how many times you try to twist it.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#124 - 2012-10-21 03:35:02 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:

- Requires POS roles, check
- Requires a fairly hefty investment to begin with
- Is a massive hassle, check
- Costs a lot more to run, check
- Is incapable of making as many things in one run as a station is, check
- Is limited by the number of moons, check

1) Corp issue. Alliance neccessity of group passwords on POS's make this a problem it doesn't need to be.
2) Highseccers do it all the time. C'mon 200m or so?
3) Lazy SOB. Highseccers do it all the time.
4) Even solo highseccers do it all the time no problems with low-yield ice and PI.
5) A POS easily accommodates the limit of personal build slots. (10 as a maxed char) Nothing to do with stations.
6) Alliance issue. Half the time people won't settle for a crap moon just to build stuff.

The problem is about control at the highest levels. Not ability to do so. Always been that way.

Yes, I agree, POS roles etc. COULD be much better but it ISN'T a reason for it not being able to be done.

1) Not a corp issue, a CCP design issue.
2) 285m for a large, whatever for all the components, 450m/month for fuel, whatever for the cost of shipping in said fuel (or time spent mining it) and the cost of shipping in minerals (or time spent mining it)
3) Oh really, all the hisec guys I know of use stations since they're cheap and hassle-free.
4) So you're trying the age-old fallacy of "my time is free, therefore the POS is free"? Well, that certainly sets a new low for this discussion.
5) I wasn't talking about number of simultaneous jobs, I was talking about number of consecutive items. You can't setup up to 30 days of maelstrom production pr line.
6) Nope, it's a **** design issue.

Now compare all this (and yes, I'm going to include you actually spending time :laffo: mining the ice and doing PI to keep the POS fuelled instead of doing other, more lucrative things or winning at eve), to staying logged out for much longer or making more money doing literally anything else, spending 2k pr maelstrom in manufacturing costs and 1m in import costs (or less if you use your own JF vOv) ... and you'd be literally dumb as all hell to not just build it in hisec and import it and spend the rest of the time doing things which aren't as mindnumbingly boring and unprofitable as ice mining and PI just to keep the towers running.

But hey, pat yourself on the back for doing lots more work than I have to, to achieve exactly the same result, at a higher price!

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#125 - 2012-10-21 03:49:26 UTC
Remove local.


Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#126 - 2012-10-21 03:53:01 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:

But hey, pat yourself on the back for doing lots more work than I have to, to achieve exactly the same result, at a higher price!

Zimmy baby. I've refuted the BS argument about indy in 0.0. It CAN be done. It IS done.

It is ALSO done in highsec - by many - EXACTLY the same way - and profitably.

Issues about YOU being trusted in your corp is for YOU to sort and the fact that ALL the people YOU know do it in stations says everything about the the people you know and less about the task.

450m, 500m, 1b isk - whatever. It's monopoly money. How much you lose on a gank? Oh right. NOTHING. It's paid for. How much you lose on CTA's - oh right, nothing. It's paid for. You got plenty of money unless you spend more time tickling little digits in a spreadsheet than just DOING it.


And POS costs. 450m a month!!! **** off. PI is passive and a half a day with a couple of mates mining hard will do a month of fuel. What are you paying yourself, 50m isk a minute or you using the NEW interdiction prices for your spreadsheet? lolz.

And "must have" 30 day production line!! What?!??! What are we talking about here, 20 seconds to start a job every couple of days. ffs!!

Your excuses for being a lazy SOB are just that - excuses.

Keep bringing it. If anyone is even remotely interested in this topic now - they can now start to see the BS it always was. Best you stop and save yourself the indignity of looking more stupid.

Whatever, just get yer hand off it. Roll

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

#127 - 2012-10-21 03:58:51 UTC
Every once in a while I wonder what it's like to see what it's like to see someone jabber on about a subject they literally haven't got the foggiest notion about: so I log into the Eve-O forums and click on pretty much any thread and BOOM.
#128 - 2012-10-21 03:59:28 UTC
I for one can't wait till we give POS roles to every spy, publord and J4G.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#129 - 2012-10-21 04:08:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Every once in a while I wonder what it's like to see what it's like to see someone jabber on about a subject they literally haven't got the foggiest notion about: so I log into the Eve-O forums and click on pretty much any thread and BOOM.

See post 121. TL;DR: Been there. Done it.

If YOU and your mates are incapable. So be it.

I for one can't wait till we give POS roles to every spy, publord and J4G.

POS roles is a CORP issue. NOTHING says you can't swing a small indy corp inside the alliance ( as MANY DO ) and do EVERYTHING I just outlined.

It's either lack of ability, lack of desire or just plain lazy.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2012-10-21 04:09:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
Touval Lysander wrote:
Zimmy baby. I've refuted the BS argument about indy in 0.0. It CAN be done. It IS done.

No, you haven't refuted anything. I haven't said it's impossible to do in a POS, all I've said is that it's vastly less profitable and a lot more work than doing it in hisec and shipping it in, which means that you're being dumb for doing it that way.

I spent 1-2 hours purchasing and hauling minerals, setting up build orders, waited for a while, hauled it all back and put up a courier contract. You spent how long icemining and doing PI just to keep the POS running per month?

Touval Lysander wrote:
It is ALSO done in highsec - by many - EXACTLY the same way - and profitably.

So they spent anything from 372k to 1.9m extra in build costs (depending on whether or not you use a small, medium or large) per maelstrom (+ whatever cost the downtime between runs cost you), and I spend 2k pr maelstrom. That means I've got a nice extra margin over them, so I can drive them out of the market easier. vOv

Touval Lysander wrote:
Issues about YOU being trusted in your corp is for YOU to sort and the fact that ALL the people YOU know do it in stations says everything about the the people you know and less about the task.

Let's take goonswarm as an example. It's more than 3000 people. If everyone should have their own personal POS to build in, that's more POSes than there are moons in all of deklein (there are 2994 moons in deklein).

Yeah, this scales well.

Touval Lysander wrote:
And POS costs. 450m a month!!! **** off. PI is passive and a half a day with a couple of mates mining hard will do a month of fuel. What are you paying yourself, 50m isk a minute or you using the NEW interdiction prices for your spreadsheet? lolz.

Amarr large is 14397 isk pr block, caldari is 12423 isk pr block, gallente 15787 isk and minmatar 14494,2 isk. That equates to 414633600, 357782400, 454665600 and 417432960, respectively.

Touval Lysander wrote:
And "must have" 30 day production line!! What?!??! What are we talking about here, 20 seconds to start a job every couple of days. ffs!!

What I say: "you can't setup". What you read: must have. vOv

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

#131 - 2012-10-21 04:46:59 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:

POS roles is a CORP issue. NOTHING says you can't swing a small indy corp inside the alliance ( as MANY DO ) and do EVERYTHING I just outlined.

It's either lack of ability, lack of desire or just plain lazy.

Yes, we've sure shown we don't know how to setup pos. But you have me on the desire front because I simply can't see going through all the trouble of setting up POS to do industry work when I can import for considerably less isk. Until it becomes cheaper to build than it does to buy, which should be the aim of any revamps: This discussion is stupid.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#132 - 2012-10-21 04:47:58 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:

One of the "null is broken" arguments is that indy MUST be buffed because of station slot shortfall.

It's a false need.

However, if you want to argue

1) Ease of use (lazy)
2) Pathetic difference on margin (cheapskate or a-retentive?)
3) Hand held production (soft)
4) Easymode (soft and lazy)
5) Ice prices quoted at peak of an interdiction (caused by?)
6) 2,994 moons for 3,000 members (what - a PRIVATE POS for EVERYONE given that nearly everyone has multiple alts and what % won't even do production - duh)
7) Can't setup for 30 days. Sure. I can't setup for 50, 60 days w/e at the same time either (like, pick a number)

Then you're correct - I can't argue with you - you're correct.

The problem is iDemand v2.0 - still.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#133 - 2012-10-21 04:55:34 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
I simply can't see going through all the trouble of setting up POS to do industry work when I can import for considerably less isk. Until it becomes cheaper to build than it does to buy, which should be the aim of any revamps: This discussion is stupid.

So you're saying you'd rather do it yourself than simply buy it because it's cheaper and Eve is broken because of it?

Or make everything so expensive until it becomes neccessary to do it yourself?

Why the **** would you?

CCP - fix Eve because I MUST BE ALLOWED to do it the hard way.

oh my.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-10-21 04:55:50 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:

One of the "null is broken" arguments is that indy MUST be buffed because of station slot shortfall.

It's a false need.

However, if you want to argue

1) Ease of use (lazy)
2) Pathetic difference on margin (cheapskate or a-retentive?)
3) Hand held production (soft)
4) Easymode (soft and lazy)
5) Ice prices quoted at peak of an interdiction (caused by?)
6) 2,994 moons for 3,000 members (what - a PRIVATE POS for EVERYONE given that nearly everyone has multiple alts and what % won't even do production - duh)
7) Can't setup for 30 days. Sure. I can't setup for 50, 60 days w/e at the same time either (like, pick a number)

Then you're correct - I can't argue with you - you're correct.

The problem is iDemand v2.0 - still.

Number of moons in deklein: 2994
Number of people in GSF: 8873
Number of people in TNT: 1267

Total number of moons required if everyone should have their own POS: 10140.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lin Fatale
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2012-10-21 12:03:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin Fatale
1. analyse the starmap/galaxy
how could you change the map / gates / pipes / high / lowentries
- to force more conflicts
- less force projection
- less alliance blocks (one entrysystem and the 15 regions behind it are blue)

2. alliance/corp income should be mainly based on player income

3. give players some kind of castle building
-remove stations
--> use modular POSes --> every player can build a pos and is able to "connect" them to other POSes of other players
so my corp is able to build some kind of station through connecting player owned modules
--> if I as a player (not corp or alliance) want to have a better refining ratio, then i will buy a upgrade for xxx ISK and get +0,xx better refining something
--> if I think that our corp castle should have more HP or more guns or a supercapital dock then I as a player should be able to upgrade it


4. cyno / supercap / sov mechanics
I just hope CCP knows that it is **** atm
Bernard 2007
The Scarlet Storm
#136 - 2012-10-21 12:38:59 UTC
Hans Zwaardhandler wrote:
Alright, this thread exploded pretty quickly. I'm interested in the replies, but why is it everyone wants local to be removed in null?

Most people are not interested in having nullsec local removed. ;) Only a few wanna-be-pros do.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-10-21 14:49:37 UTC
Bernard 2007 wrote:
Hans Zwaardhandler wrote:
Alright, this thread exploded pretty quickly. I'm interested in the replies, but why is it everyone wants local to be removed in null?

Most people are not interested in having nullsec local removed. ;) Only a few wanna-be-pros do.

I personally don't feel like needing to combat scan every system for 30 jumps at a time.

Its a bit easier in wormholes the most I have ever found tagged together was 6, and all of those holes weren't statics. So yeah hell with that noise.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#138 - 2012-10-21 15:20:59 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Zimmy baby. I've refuted the BS argument about indy in 0.0. It CAN be done. It IS done.

No you haven't, all you've proven is that you personally don't understand how a business fucntions and that you personally have wasted HUNDREDS of man hours and probably millions of isk doing a job inefficeintly.

Your way costs more, is slower, is more work intesive. Does it work, yet, but is it inferior in EVERY SINGLE WAY to just building in high sec and shipping things out? Yes, yes it is.

Thats not good buisiness and isn't going to attract people to the profession of 0.0 manufacturing, because the profit margins on builds are already so small that after you factor in all your time, effort, and added resources (unless you consider your time working as 'free' in which case you obviously have no clue about how business works) that come with working out of a pos compared to Empire manufacturing and shipping there literally no money to be made at it.

Not to mention, that unless you were running 40 pos's theres no way you could keep pace with an industrialist working out of Empire who's shippping his goods to 0.0.

You need to remember you're looking at a player base that min/maxes everything, and if there is no profit in it the larger portion of the player base simply can't be bothered with it.

You are absolutely the first person to ever step up and say that 0.0 manufacturing is fine, and I'm sorry to tell you that in this case, when you say the sky is green and everybody else tells you its blue, you happen to be wrong, and not just "special".

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Akirei Scytale
Okami Syndicate
#139 - 2012-10-21 15:27:08 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
Zimmy baby. I've refuted the BS argument about indy in 0.0. It CAN be done. It IS done.

No you haven't, all you've proven is that you personally don't understand how a business fucntions and that you personally have wasted HUNDREDS of man hours and probably millions of isk doing a job inefficeintly.

Your way costs more, is slower, is more work intesive. Does it work, yet, but is it inferior in EVERY SINGLE WAY to just building in high sec and shipping things out? Yes, yes it is.

Thats not good buisiness and isn't going to attract people to the profession of 0.0 manufacturing, because the profit margins on builds are already so small that after you factor in all your time, effort, and added resources (unless you consider your time working as 'free' in which case you obviously have no clue about how business works) that come with working out of a pos compared to Empire manufacturing and shipping there literally no money to be made at it.

Not to mention, that unless you were running 40 pos's theres no way you could keep pace with an industrialist working out of Empire who's shippping his goods to 0.0.

You need to remember you're looking at a player base that min/maxes everything, and if there is no profit in it the larger portion of the player base simply can't be bothered with it.

You are absolutely the first person to ever step up and say that 0.0 manufacturing is fine, and I'm sorry to tell you that in this case, when you say the sky is green and everybody else tells you its blue, you happen to be wrong, and not just "special".

You just got Grath'd.
captain foivos
State War Academy
Caldari State
#140 - 2012-10-21 15:29:11 UTC
The same people that manipulated FW for trillions of ISK and coincidentally happen to be some of the richest players in Eve: Spreadsheets Online have run the numbers on nullsec versus highsec production and come to the conclusion that highsec production is, and this is a scientifically reproducible number derived from a simple set of calculations, "bazillions of times better" than nullsec for manufacturing.