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How Would You Change Nullsec?

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#201 - 2012-10-21 23:15:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
The "price of T2" as a reason to maintain the status quo is a valid argument.

And then I look at how much tech you guys own and then I wonder about the prices.

I'd argue that getting the distribution more evenly spread and being able to reduce/limit production of competing alliances is in the best interests of all parties - including the market.

It really comes down to whether any alliance can or should have it all.

None of which has anything to do with the suggestion of yours which I think is awful, which is the whole "let a POS be shot to pieces in one go or keep it essentially offline for 2/3rds of a day" bit.

Ofc. Because you're not seeing where I am in relation to where you are while we're both trying to prevent each other from producing.

If I'm in your space stopping you producing, you either have to be in my space to stop me or staying home to protect yours. We can't all be everywhere all the time.

Conflict would escalate because protection of the production becomes paramount - in addition to protection of the asset - instead of just doing a blob-back to save the asset as is currently the case.

Taking this further - the production is the bit that's valuable - not the asset itself. I don't really need to protect the asset - POS bowling is all it's "glory" pretty well becomes rendundant. Smaller interdiction forces could interrupt supply indefinitely instead of the few "minutes" lost doing reps after the timer trips.

It would give people a reason to be there and a reason to stay there.

Add to that, many alliances would be forced to recruit across all TZ's instead of just using TZ as a method to interact with someone elses assets in a blob.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Sunshine and Lollipops
#202 - 2012-10-21 23:22:24 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Thus we need to ask, what cost could you apply to highsec indy to prevent 0.0 from doing so without crippling highsec?
Crippling highsec would rather be the point…

For one, an inverse decimation of public manufacturing slots. Then throw in a (massively) increased LP cost for charters, a percentage-based slot rental fee, and maybe a speed penalty or two just to be on the safe side. That would leave highsec with plenty of room to feed its own meagre needs, but at high cost and low efficiency.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#203 - 2012-10-21 23:31:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
Tippia wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
Thus we need to ask, what cost could you apply to highsec indy to prevent 0.0 from doing so without crippling highsec?
Crippling highsec would rather be the point…

For one, an inverse decimation of public manufacturing slots. Then throw in a (massively) increased LP cost for charters, a percentage-based slot rental fee, and maybe a speed penalty or two just to be on the safe side. That would leave highsec with plenty of room to feed its own meagre needs, but at high cost and low efficiency.

It would. I agree. Now for the sticky bit.

For it to work, you'd have to completely overlook the point I made, and continue to make, that people do not and will not include the time taken to do the manufacturing in a POS. Mining ice for an hour a day and running PI passively is not a disincentive and never will be for that reason alone.

You can't cripple highsec indy without a comprehensive crippling of EVERYTHING in highsec which would be a disincentive to even the most dedicated to play.

That sir, (ma'am) is the, as some famous man once said, inconvenient truth.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Eden Dominion Coalition
Scary Wormhole People
#204 - 2012-10-21 23:35:11 UTC
General thoughts:
- Highsec should stay mostly as it is, maybe slightly less profitable but should be focused more as a place for new players to learn the game. It should be limited to 0.8-1.0
- Lowsec would then 0.7 - 0.1, but needs some of its more negative aspects toned down so that we can encourage high sec players to take risks in it. Allow lowsec miners to use system pos's to help protect their belt mining operations. While gate guns in lower security systems should be less powerful, they should not forget about recent aggression just because it occurred at a different gate/station....low security status players should mean being targeted everywhere all the time, unless they have favorable standings with the local system entities. The revamped bounty system and new incursion type mechanic should be used so that industry oriented players can essentially self-organize local militia w/o depending on empire or faction warfare forces. Some mechanic would also need to be in place to keep null sec alliances from taking too much control of low-sec...low-sec needs to be the least controlled/dominated area of space in eve.
- Nullsec, I think is mostly fine....alliances in null sec have had a huge influence over eve and while some of them may appear to be more resource starved now than before, it's unclear if it is really do more to any inbalance than simply a desire for ever more power.
- High sec players should settle for less wealth, but gain access to most of the benefits of low/null sec and higher rewards as they take on more risk. Pirates should settle for an even more dangerous existence, but will have much more targets. Null sec will continue to dominate eve, but perhaps not as strongly as in the past.

At least, this is how I hope things will work out.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#205 - 2012-10-21 23:38:15 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Ofc. Because you're not seeing where I am in relation to where you are while we're both trying to prevent each other from producing.

If I'm in your space stopping you producing, you either have to be in my space to stop me or staying home to protect yours. We can't all be everywhere all the time.

Conflict would escalate because protection of the production becomes paramount - in addition to protection of the asset - instead of just doing a blob-back to save the asset as is currently the case.

So keep the POS in invuln mode large chunks of a day because you're not online 24/7 and keep an alt in it to switch it offline (and make sure to glare at the alt for whenever it's not invulnerable) to be prepared to switch the POS into invuln mode the instant a fleet pops by.

~fun gameplay~ right there, and there are tons of moongoo types which are barely worth mining as it is, let alone if you had to switch off the miner during large chunks of the day.

Touval Lysander wrote:
Mining ice for an hour a day and running PI passively is not a disincentive and never will be for that reason alone.

Mining ice is literally the worst gameplay ever invented in EVE, and you're a bad person for suggesting it should be a part of anyone's day in EVE.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Sunshine and Lollipops
#206 - 2012-10-21 23:41:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Touval Lysander wrote:
For it to work, you'd have to completely overlook the point I made, and continue to make, that people do not and will not include the time taken to do the manufacturing in a POS.
Good for them. Then they will go bankrupt in short order (or keep splashing out on PLEX) while those of us who include the costs of running the POS actually end up in the black. Ice mining and PI are disincentives enough in and of themselves that most people don't (and never will) do them, and doing either or both does not remove the costs of running a PLEX anyway…

You can't cripple highsec indy without a comprehensive crippling of EVERYTHING in highsec
Sure you can. Just make sure that it would require more effort, cost, competition over locations, and risks in genera to out-source to highsec than doing it in your own back yard. All of that can be done without touching any other part of highsec (not that those other parts don't need to be touched anyway).
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2012-10-21 23:45:57 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Sure you can. Just make sure that it would require more effort, cost, competition over locations, and risks in genera to out-source to highsec than doing it in your own back yard. All of that can be done without touching any other part of highsec (not that those other parts don't need to be touched anyway).

I'd actually love to see it if nullsec was more efficient to the point where nullsec exporting to hisec would make economic sense, but I'd happily settle for it to make sufficient economic sense to mine and produce locally instead of importing from hisec.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#208 - 2012-10-21 23:46:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
Ofc. Because you're not seeing where I am in relation to where you are while we're both trying to prevent each other from producing.

If I'm in your space stopping you producing, you either have to be in my space to stop me or staying home to protect yours. We can't all be everywhere all the time.

Conflict would escalate because protection of the production becomes paramount - in addition to protection of the asset - instead of just doing a blob-back to save the asset as is currently the case.

So keep the POS in invuln mode large chunks of a day because you're not online 24/7 and keep an alt in it to switch it offline (and make sure to glare at the alt for whenever it's not invulnerable) to be prepared to switch the POS into invuln mode the instant a fleet pops by.

~fun gameplay~ right there, and there are tons of moongoo types which are barely worth mining as it is, let alone if you had to switch off the miner during large chunks of the day.

And to a point I agree with you.

Where I am coming from is to make production itself vulnerable and valuable - not the asset producing - it puts the conflict into RT - not some preordained limiter as is the timer.

Shift conflict to protection of production. POS bowling becomes pointless. The only way I can see this is to make POS's vulnerable in production mode.

I'm open to other ideas.

EDIT: And also consider that I would not need to hit your tech moons to limit your production of T2, I could ALSO limit the production of the lesser reactions to get the same effect - spreading the potential for conflict even further. You simply will not be able to defend all moons simultaneously. Choices will have to be made and as I've stated, this will ensure contraction. You'll HAVE to.


Touval Lysander wrote:
Mining ice for an hour a day and running PI passively is not a disincentive and never will be for that reason alone.

Mining ice is literally the worst gameplay ever invented in EVE, and you're a bad person for suggesting it should be a part of anyone's day in EVE.

Yes I know. I'm not suggesting it should be. I'm telling you it is. Maybe more than you realise.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#209 - 2012-10-21 23:51:19 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Sure you can. Just make sure that it would require more effort, cost, competition over locations, and risks in genera to out-source to highsec than doing it in your own back yard. All of that can be done without touching any other part of highsec (not that those other parts don't need to be touched anyway).

I'd actually love to see it if nullsec was more efficient to the point where nullsec exporting to hisec would make economic sense, but I'd happily settle for it to make sufficient economic sense to mine and produce locally instead of importing from hisec.

Which for mine is probably the result we need to be aiming for.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#210 - 2012-10-21 23:59:43 UTC
LuckyQuarter wrote:
General thoughts:
- Highsec should stay mostly as it is, maybe slightly less profitable but should be focused more as a place for new players to learn the game. It should be limited to 0.8-1.0
- Lowsec would then 0.7 - 0.1, but needs some of its more negative aspects toned down so that we can encourage high sec players to take risks in it. Allow lowsec miners to use system pos's to help protect their belt mining operations. While gate guns in lower security systems should be less powerful, they should not forget about recent aggression just because it occurred at a different gate/station....low security status players should mean being targeted everywhere all the time, unless they have favorable standings with the local system entities. The revamped bounty system and new incursion type mechanic should be used so that industry oriented players can essentially self-organize local militia w/o depending on empire or faction warfare forces. Some mechanic would also need to be in place to keep null sec alliances from taking too much control of low-sec...low-sec needs to be the least controlled/dominated area of space in eve.
- Nullsec, I think is mostly fine....alliances in null sec have had a huge influence over eve and while some of them may appear to be more resource starved now than before, it's unclear if it is really do more to any inbalance than simply a desire for ever more power.
- High sec players should settle for less wealth, but gain access to most of the benefits of low/null sec and higher rewards as they take on more risk. Pirates should settle for an even more dangerous existence, but will have much more targets. Null sec will continue to dominate eve, but perhaps not as strongly as in the past.

At least, this is how I hope things will work out.

For truth, I'd like to see 0.0 dominate all of Eve. Having said that, I'd also like to see highsec dominate 0.0.

Perhaps making some resources and abilities exclusive to a given sector is a way to make this work.

eg: Trit as a highsec only resource the same way ABC's are 0.0/WH exclusive? A thought. A forced interdependence?

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2012-10-22 00:04:09 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
And also consider that I would not need to hit your tech moons to limit your production of T2, I could ALSO limit the production of the lesser reactions to get the same effect - spreading the potential for conflict even further. You simply will not be able to defend all moons simultaneously. Choices will have to be made and as I've stated, this will ensure contraction. You'll HAVE to.

Pray tell, how would we have to defend anything, given your idea?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#212 - 2012-10-22 00:07:04 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
And also consider that I would not need to hit your tech moons to limit your production of T2, I could ALSO limit the production of the lesser reactions to get the same effect - spreading the potential for conflict even further. You simply will not be able to defend all moons simultaneously. Choices will have to be made and as I've stated, this will ensure contraction. You'll HAVE to.

Pray tell, how would we have to defend anything, given your idea?

Did you mean why would you have to defend anything? Not sure of your question sorry.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2012-10-22 00:08:36 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
And also consider that I would not need to hit your tech moons to limit your production of T2, I could ALSO limit the production of the lesser reactions to get the same effect - spreading the potential for conflict even further. You simply will not be able to defend all moons simultaneously. Choices will have to be made and as I've stated, this will ensure contraction. You'll HAVE to.

Pray tell, how would we have to defend anything, given your idea?

Did you mean why would you have to defend anything? Not sure of your question sorry.

Put alt in POS, wait for someone to try to attack it, switch to invuln mode, wait for enemy to **** off because they got bored, put back out of invuln mode again.


Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#214 - 2012-10-22 00:14:57 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
For it to work, you'd have to completely overlook the point I made, and continue to make, that people do not and will not include the time taken to do the manufacturing in a POS.
Good for them. Then they will go bankrupt in short order (or keep splashing out on PLEX) while those of us who include the costs of running the POS actually end up in the black. Ice mining and PI are disincentives enough in and of themselves that most people don't (and never will) do them, and doing either or both does not remove the costs of running a PLEX anyway…

You can't cripple highsec indy without a comprehensive crippling of EVERYTHING in highsec
Sure you can. Just make sure that it would require more effort, cost, competition over locations, and risks in genera to out-source to highsec than doing it in your own back yard. All of that can be done without touching any other part of highsec (not that those other parts don't need to be touched anyway).

Actually, you know I just had one of those ephinany things. I used the term "A forced interdependence" in a post a couple back.

And it made me think, would we not create a greater seperation between highsec and 0.0 if 0.0 indy can be fully realized.

The dependency on highsec as a production point may in fact be working as intended.

0.0 could be completely sustainable without ever using or needing highsec. Supply line interdiction, everything that is "interdictable" is removed from the equation. Sov wars would become even more boring as it really comes down to localised supply to keep the machine running as it were.

(Or would it in fact increase 0.0 war risks because localised supply is threatened?)

Regardless, highsec would in fact prove even less important to Eve as a whole. Is that a good thing?

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#215 - 2012-10-22 00:16:14 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
And also consider that I would not need to hit your tech moons to limit your production of T2, I could ALSO limit the production of the lesser reactions to get the same effect - spreading the potential for conflict even further. You simply will not be able to defend all moons simultaneously. Choices will have to be made and as I've stated, this will ensure contraction. You'll HAVE to.

Pray tell, how would we have to defend anything, given your idea?

Did you mean why would you have to defend anything? Not sure of your question sorry.

Put alt in POS, wait for someone to try to attack it, switch to invuln mode, wait for enemy to **** off because they got bored, put back out of invuln mode again.


Fair point.

The answer might be 2994.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Gorthaur Legion
Imperium Mordor
#216 - 2012-10-22 00:17:33 UTC
Maybe we should wait for Dust and panic after. Blink

Empire, the next new world order.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#217 - 2012-10-22 00:17:53 UTC
Alternatively, if I take a tech moon, put the POS permanently in invuln mode and only take it out of invuln mode for 2 seconds to refuel it.

~so much fun~

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Sunshine and Lollipops
#218 - 2012-10-22 00:20:58 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Actually, you know I just had one of those ephinany things. I used the term "A forced interdependence" in a post a couple back.

And it made me think, would we not create a greater seperation between highsec and 0.0 if 0.0 indy can be fully realized.
No. The material dependency is already there, as is the dependency of another important resource: ISK.

Regardless, highsec would in fact prove even less important to Eve as a whole. Is that a good thing?
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#219 - 2012-10-22 00:42:32 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
Alternatively, if I take a tech moon, put the POS permanently in invuln mode and only take it out of invuln mode for 2 seconds to refuel it.

~so much fun~

The "invulnerable mode" is a loose term we've sort of applied to it when in fact, if we go back to the original thread, the concept involved a tower that wasn't so much invulnerable as to be very painful to take out.

It needs to be worth losing people in large numbers to take out as the first measure. It also needs to be easy to take out when it's not.

Consider, we know POS guns are a joke - even so called deathstars. We know that POS bowling to a large enough force is fait accompli. Blob rules OK.

What I'm suggesting is POS bowling needs to be a less than scoffed at task and the defense of same - in RT - needs to be worth it.

Having alts with access to a "flick switch" over 2,994 moons (an arbitrary number) will prove impossible. If you can't defend it 24/7 you'll have to rationalize.

Rationalizing might (and probably would) include contraction. Somebody else might think holding that moon and running it 3 hours out of every 24 might be worth the risk. Given that they might not only do moon production, they may also stage out of it (ratting, mining).

For them to succeed, it needs to be so that YOU need a REALLY good reason to remove it. Occupation with a modicum of relative safety might just make some of that space far more attractive to non-alliance people.

Mate, I could be way off base but I'm willing to bet that this could really get people into 0.0 AND even resucitate alliance involvement in what they hold dear.

Imagine the targets you'll have as every wannabe 0.0 user (note: NOT sov holder) wants a piece of your space...

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#220 - 2012-10-22 00:45:07 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
Actually, you know I just had one of those ephinany things. I used the term "A forced interdependence" in a post a couple back.

And it made me think, would we not create a greater seperation between highsec and 0.0 if 0.0 indy can be fully realized.
No. The material dependency is already there, as is the dependency of another important resource: ISK.

Both of which are being asked to be curtailed, limited etc. The dependencies would evaporate.

Regardless, highsec would in fact prove even less important to Eve as a whole. Is that a good thing?

If the stance is thus it makes everything above true.

But it's inherently debatable.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."