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How Would You Change Nullsec?

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2012-10-21 22:08:23 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
I've included a rework to timers etc. on POS's as part of my debate. Make them easier to take down and provide an incentive to do so.

We took down a single POS earlier today after about 25% of one cycle. That's less than 1.5 minutes. Do you honestly and seriously believe that your idea of making POSes destroyable in one sitting is going to make people actually bother with putting them up?

Touval Lysander wrote:
I've included distribution of moon goo - and gone as far as make it an evolving and variable supply.

Distribution of moongoo is all well and good, but evolving and variable supply, as in "the moongoo types randomly move about every 3 months" is a ******** idea.

Touval Lysander wrote:
I've suggested refineries get buffed - to max at 100% in 0.0. A stupid restriction with no value because of the simplicity to do refine in highsec.

We have refineries where we get 100% return as it is.

Touval Lysander wrote:
I've even suggested a method to force retraction of size - by removing the neccessity for that size - so that space is not "wasted".

What I remember was you harping on about "having to defend your POSes or they will get blown up".

Touval Lysander wrote:
Now Zim. Taking what a GOON said in the above and my concept of readily destructible POS's - which you absolutely and unequivocably poo-poo'd as a bad idea... Maybe I am indeed closer to the damn truth and the solutions than you'll ever realise.

The biggest point about destructible POS's was to make them worth shooting in addition to having POS's that have a chance of being dangerous. This will make more people use that space and provide targets for everyone - the attacker and the attackee.

Perhaps you might see I actually DO have your best interests, AND everyone elses, including highsec, at heart. It's because I serve no other master than Eve itself.

If we just get rid of the whiney BS, and present a co-ordinated approach to what the REAL problems are, perhaps more will come of it all.

I'm on the public record arguing the real issues despite the angst thrown at me. Let's just see where this goes.

You'll notice that he's not saying "remove reinforcement timers", he's saying "shooting them today is a terrible usage of time since you don't really inflict a lot of damage". The POS revamp might change things, but if I were you I wouldn't hope for being able to shoot a POS to death in one go (unless the owner has forgotten to stront it), because again, we shot one to death in less than 2 minutes just a few hours ago. 2 minutes. You're barely able to respond to that even if you've got a fleet in the system, let alone if you have to form up a defense fleet and roll out, and when two alliances in a vastly different timezone go at eachother, that'd quickly lead to both alliances' space being completely empty of structures, with nothing anyone could really do about it. That's not good gameplay.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2012-10-21 22:11:23 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Lord Zim wrote:

A roaming gang means exactly the same thing now as when you were in FA. You might've heard of them, it's the ones derping around ganking ratters and miners.

Which have zero effect on 0.0 industry unless they specifcially target supply lines. You're obfuscating.

Yes, I'm sure having reds in system would have absolutely no effect on 0.0 industry. I mean, how can it possibly have any effect on 0.0 industry if, whenever you try to mine, your ship blows up.

Touval Lysander wrote:
And where is the "frontline" in 0.0. By frontline I mean in your SPACE. By BEHIND the lines I mean highsec - which is where production is being done currently and WOULD NOT CHANGE in the event of a major protracted attack.

Redefining "the frontlines" and "behind the frontlines" isn't going to make you right. All of deklein isn't "the frontline" just because someone decides to invade f.ex vfk. I had no problems being a handful of jumps away from vfk and still see very little action in the system I were in, because I wasn't on the frontline. I was behind the frontline.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Joneleth Rein
#183 - 2012-10-21 22:17:36 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

PS: It seems strange that the place were you need the most production, it's actually set up so that mass production isn't as worthwile. Even with considerably more people playing in high, null still sees more stuff getting blown up. Yet it's high sec that actually is priced to support mass production of goods. That just seems a little backwards to me.

Although an idea thread in GD is usually off-railed (ahem the Touval dude) this made me curious.

Can I ask why would you view null-sec as the mass-production area of EVE? I am not advocating against or pro it ,but as far as I understand, it makes more sense to establish mass-production in a relatively safer and Empire-Controlled space. Well...For the typical industrial reasons that is. You don't wanna build your factory in the middle of a warzone now do you? No matter how much this is tweaked, I think high security space will still attract more production lines regardless of costs,plus it makes more sense to outsource production for the same reasons.

PS: I am not a null resident so I can't comment on specific changes but logic is logic.

Spider Pig! Spider Pig! Does what a Spider Pig does.. Can he swing? From a web.. No he can't. He's a pig.

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#184 - 2012-10-21 22:17:49 UTC
Tippia wrote:

By “frontline”, people generally mean “frontline”, as in where one territory comes up against another and forces clash. That will not be in anyone's space — it will be on the border of someone's space. By “behind the lines”, people generally mean “behind the lines” as in not on the front lines; behind them; within the territory you own… not within some completely unrelated party's territory.

In a protracted attack, one would expect the frontline to sooner or later creep past what was previously considered behind the lines, and any facilities in that space would be lost to the enemy's advance.

It's because you're using the physical presence of an attacking force as we would in RL. We could finish wars immediately if we could simply parachute in 10,000 tanks and 1,000,000 soldiers direct to a nations capital.

In this, the VR world, there is no physical frontline requiring physical occupation. I can jump directly into the centre, back, left or right of an empire in Eve and treat every part of it as a frontline.

The behind line is an area where I cannot jump to indiscrimately.

So in a sense, we're both right but I'm using Eve as the example. You're using RL.


It's not really a hypothesis. It's just how the game works. No amount of nullsec slots will make them preferable to highsec ones unless the highsec ones constantly run out, are too expensive to use, and/or are as insecure as the nullsec ones.

If all the arguments being presented by 0.0 are true, then more slots will REMOVE the neccessity to use highsec slots. Yes it IS how the game works - because of the lack of slots.

And if the arguments are NOT true, then yes, you are correct. But in this, we're discounting OTHER reasons to use highsec slots too.


The reverse will just create impact on highseccers.
Highseccers will always be impacted due to the interconnected and interdependent nature of the EVE industry and market. This is a good thing.

If we insist on being true to an idealogy, then yes. I'm more concerned with the reality.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#185 - 2012-10-21 22:22:47 UTC
i have to give credit to a lot of you guys for actually keeping the discussion running.

Touval Lysander is either especially stupid or an especially good troll, my bounty still stands, 500m to the man who gives me proof of his real ingame characters, so we can see.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#186 - 2012-10-21 22:29:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Touval Lysander wrote:
It's because you're using the physical presence of an attacking force as we would in RL. We could finish wars immediately if we could simply parachute in 10,000 tanks and 1,000,000 soldiers direct to a nations capital.
Guess what? You can. It yields the same result as trying to do the same in EVE: you get a closed-in force that gets ground down in short order.

So in a sense, we're both right but I'm using Eve as the example. You're using RL.
No. I'm using EVE as an example and who knows what you're talking about. The simple fact remains: the frontline is where the forces clash; behind the lines is behind those lines, and pushing the front line will eventually leave facilities out in the open to either be destroyed or taken over by the invaders. This holds true for EVE as much as it does in real life. You might want to actually study territorial disputes in EVE before inventing your own version of how they happen.

If all the arguments being presented by 0.0 are true, then more slots will REMOVE the neccessity to use highsec slots.
…except that the highsec slots will always be better unless they are too few in numbers, too costly, and too risky to use. Increasing the number of nullsec slots alone will not make those highsec slots worse.

If we insist on being true to an idealogy, then yes. I'm more concerned with the reality.
…and the reality is that highseccers will always be impacted due to how the EVE industry and market works. To make null S&I work, highsec S&I must take a beating. No matter how much they wish upon a star and want it to be so, highseccers are not cut off from the rest of the game — no “hands off” can be had here.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#187 - 2012-10-21 22:32:48 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
We took down a single POS earlier today after about 25% of one cycle. That's less than 1.5 minutes. Do you honestly and seriously believe that your idea of making POSes destroyable in one sitting is going to make people actually bother with putting them up?

You've skipped the bit about non-production towers NOT being so easy.


Distribution of moongoo is all well and good, but evolving and variable supply, as in "the moongoo types randomly move about every 3 months" is a ******** idea.

Why? First thing that happens is the moons aren't the REASON for sov. It creates a need to perhaps abandon space and/or go get some.

We have refineries where we get 100% return as it is.

Which is exactly what I said. But they're not POS refineries. Why would you?


What I remember was you harping on about "having to defend your POSes or they will get blown up".

Correct. What a beautiful thing it would be.


You'll notice that he's not saying "remove reinforcement timers", he's saying "shooting them today is a terrible usage of time since you don't really inflict a lot of damage". The POS revamp might change things, but if I were you I wouldn't hope for being able to shoot a POS to death in one go (unless the owner has forgotten to stront it), because again, we shot one to death in less than 2 minutes just a few hours ago. 2 minutes. You're barely able to respond to that even if you've got a fleet in the system, let alone if you have to form up a defense fleet and roll out, and when two alliances in a vastly different timezone go at eachother, that'd quickly lead to both alliances' space being completely empty of structures, with nothing anyone could really do about it. That's not good gameplay.

He's pointing out the same point I made about timers (as he did with POCOS). For my measly 200m I get you tied up for 8 hours and then you have to COME BACK. Fleet time, travel time etc. 2 minutes might be the kill - betcha it took longer than that to get organised.

Again Zim. You've ignored my counter where towers that are NOT producing will NOT be able to be taken down in "2 minutes".

In fact, if I flick "the switch" as you called it, your force is going to get HURT and hurt big. You're "2 minutes" might end up costing you millions if we make towers a serious, serious threat when they are not producing.

If you insist on keeping it producing WHILE I'm attacking or about to attack, then lose it and lost it fast. A bit like TANK YOUR MACK to defend it, STOP yield fitting.

You just need to stop being so bloody-minded about what obviosuly DOESN'T and CONSIDER things that MIGHT.

I'd rather put forward an idea and have it killed than sit here and presume all is well because you said so.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Section 8.
#188 - 2012-10-21 22:33:08 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
It's because you're using the physical presence of an attacking force as we would in RL. We could finish wars immediately if we could simply parachute in 10,000 tanks and 1,000,000 soldiers direct to a nations capital.

In this, the VR world, there is no physical frontline requiring physical occupation. I can jump directly into the centre, back, left or right of an empire in Eve and treat every part of it as a frontline.

Clearly this worked so well during the VFK siege that that's the only way it's done now. I just imagined burning a billion HP of structures in the last 3 weeks in a sequential push to move our line of supply forward so we could project power ever deeper into hostile territory.

Also our subcap forces didn't have to disable jammers and bridges to allow the frontline to advance, that was a dream too.

Also, during this imagined push, L-C was constantly hosting hostile gangs intent on grinding our capital's SOV.
Section 8.
#189 - 2012-10-21 22:33:56 UTC
All of Fade is SBU'd because everywhere is the front line.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#190 - 2012-10-21 22:40:03 UTC
Tippia wrote:

If we insist on being true to an idealogy, then yes. I'm more concerned with the reality.
…and the reality is that highseccers will always be impacted due to how the EVE industry and market works. To make null S&I work, highsec S&I must take a beating. No matter how much they wish upon a star and want it to be so, highseccers are not cut off from the rest of the game — no “hands off” can be had here.

Here's a little test.

Shut down 0.0 completely and tell me what happens to all those in highsec.

Now do the reverse. See anything? Did you notice all the 0.0 dudes freaking out?

A highseccer will happily continue to pay and play whatever happens in 0.0. Costs and profits might go up and down, sure, but they will continue to pay and play.

They are IMMUNE to 0.0. That's the reality.

Wish away.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#191 - 2012-10-21 22:40:08 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
It's because you're using the physical presence of an attacking force as we would in RL.

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong.

When VFK was being invaded, being 5 jumps further up the region chute meant I was well away from the frontline. "Away from the frontline" means "away from where fighting occurs".

This shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp. Except:
Touval Lysander wrote:
The behind line is an area where I cannot jump to indiscrimately.

Sigh, no. "Behind the frontline" is "behind the frontline", not some new definition you've invented.

Touval Lysander wrote:
I'm using Eve as the example. You're using RL.

Tippia is not using RL as the example. Hope this helps.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Sunshine and Lollipops
#192 - 2012-10-21 22:44:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Touval Lysander wrote:
Shut down 0.0 completely and tell me what happens to all those in highsec.
They explode.

Now do the reverse. See anything?
Those in highsec still explode. What's your point?

A highseccer will happily continue to pay and play whatever happens in 0.0.
Yeah, no. They will quickly become quite miserable without high-end ships and modules; without a market; and without a purpose for any of their activities should they be cut off from all things nullsec.

At any rate, the point remains: to make null S&I work, highsec S&I must take a beating. Since the two are interconnected and interdependent, this is no surprise, nor is it a bad thing.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2012-10-21 22:47:57 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
You've skipped the bit about non-production towers NOT being so easy.

Ah yes, the "increase moongoo costs by 1/3rd to 2/3rds because all towers have to be shut down outside of the alliance's main TZ" clause, because we can easily burn down POSes and POCOs in 2 minutes flat.

Touval Lysander wrote:
Why? First thing that happens is the moons aren't the REASON for sov. It creates a need to perhaps abandon space and/or go get some.

Have you scanned a whole region's moons before?

Touval Lysander wrote:
Correct. What a beautiful thing it would be.

Which wouldn't incentivize anyone to inhabit "less space", it would just disincentivize mining the less valuable moongoo or run reactions. I'd love to see how much of an effect that would have on T2 prices.

Touval Lysander wrote:
He's pointing out the same point I made about timers (as he did with POCOS). For my measly 200m I get you tied up for 8 hours and then you have to COME BACK. Fleet time, travel time etc. 2 minutes might be the kill - betcha it took longer than that to get organised.

What he's pointing out is that there's no point in burning down the POSes or POCOs, because they represent a comparatively low investment compared to, say, a ratting carrier.

Touval Lysander wrote:
Again Zim. You've ignored my counter where towers that are NOT producing will NOT be able to be taken down in "2 minutes".

In fact, if I flick "the switch" as you called it, your force is going to get HURT and hurt big. You're "2 minutes" might end up costing you millions if we make towers a serious, serious threat when they are not producing.

Yes, yes, the whole "let's dramatically increase the costs of all things T2" switch which would have to be toggled outside of your alliance's main TZs precisely because we can burn them down in 2 minutes flat. We get it, you want T2 to be pricier.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2012-10-21 22:50:05 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Shut down 0.0 completely and tell me what happens to all those in highsec.

They become incapable of flying T2 and various faction fits. vOv

Touval Lysander wrote:
Now do the reverse. See anything? Did you notice all the 0.0 dudes freaking out?

Wars would dramatically reduce in scope because both sides would be unable to resupply sufficiently.

Touval Lysander wrote:
A highseccer will happily continue to pay and play whatever happens in 0.0. Costs and profits might go up and down, sure, but they will continue to pay and play.

They are IMMUNE to 0.0. That's the reality.

Uh huh. I'll just quote your last sentence, since it's very apt for this post:

Touval Lysander wrote:
Wish away.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#195 - 2012-10-21 22:52:30 UTC
KrakizBad wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
It's because you're using the physical presence of an attacking force as we would in RL. We could finish wars immediately if we could simply parachute in 10,000 tanks and 1,000,000 soldiers direct to a nations capital.

In this, the VR world, there is no physical frontline requiring physical occupation. I can jump directly into the centre, back, left or right of an empire in Eve and treat every part of it as a frontline.

Clearly this worked so well during the VFK siege that that's the only way it's done now. I just imagined burning a billion HP of structures in the last 3 weeks in a sequential push to move our line of supply forward so we could project power ever deeper into hostile territory.

Also our subcap forces didn't have to disable jammers and bridges to allow the frontline to advance, that was a dream too.

Also, during this imagined push, L-C was constantly hosting hostile gangs intent on grinding our capital's SOV.

Ofc we're ignoring that in "taking the capital" there is simply no loss of C&C and if I killed or captured "The government" he/they just pop up somewhere else.

There is NO frontline per se. The ONLY way to win sov is by attrition - where you are is almost irrelevant.

Having your indy in highsec is completely and totally safe. It's not just behind the lines, it's not even in the equation.

Dare I ask how many of the Goons highsec industry alts are actually "Goons"? Why would this be so?

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Sunshine and Lollipops
#196 - 2012-10-21 22:55:24 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
There is NO frontline per se. The ONLY way to win sov is by attrition - where you are is almost irrelevant.
…except that said attrition takes place from the frontline and inwards towards the “behind the frontline” areas.

Having your indy in highsec is completely and totally safe. It's not just behind the lines, it's not even in the equation.
…and that is a bad thing.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#197 - 2012-10-21 22:56:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
Joneleth Rein wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

PS: It seems strange that the place were you need the most production, it's actually set up so that mass production isn't as worthwile. Even with considerably more people playing in high, null still sees more stuff getting blown up. Yet it's high sec that actually is priced to support mass production of goods. That just seems a little backwards to me.

Although an idea thread in GD is usually off-railed (ahem the Touval dude) this made me curious.

Can I ask why would you view null-sec as the mass-production area of EVE? I am not advocating against or pro it ,but as far as I understand, it makes more sense to establish mass-production in a relatively safer and Empire-Controlled space. Well...For the typical industrial reasons that is. You don't wanna build your factory in the middle of a warzone now do you? No matter how much this is tweaked, I think high security space will still attract more production lines regardless of costs,plus it makes more sense to outsource production for the same reasons.

PS: I am not a null resident so I can't comment on specific changes but logic is logic.

I can't speak for Natsett, but what he actually said was that nullsec is "the place were you need the most production, it's actually set up so that mass production isn't as worthwhile.", not the view that "null-sec as the mass-production area " as you put it. Your conclusion, that it is simply more sensible for a number of reasons to build your factory in empire-controlled space, is one that has been shared universally by all successful nullsec alliance leaders and logistics directors regardless of affiliation, size, nationality or allegiance. So I'd say it's fairly accurate.

What I would disagree with however is that this is an unavoidable situation, or that it's appropriate or accurate that 50% of all the k-space in EVE should be written off as a "the middle of a warzone" or "frontlines" (it simply doesn't reflect reality). There are a number of ways this can be corrected, many of which I posted on the first page,, but the strongest way of going about this is simply limiting highsec manufacturing capacity to being roughly limited towards replenishing and supplying its current rate of resource consumption and buffing nullsec industry so that it has the capacity of replenishing and supply its own rate of resource consumption (as well as adding incentives for low-level resource extraction in 0.0).
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#198 - 2012-10-21 23:05:02 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:

Yes, yes, the whole "let's dramatically increase the costs of all things T2" switch which would have to be toggled outside of your alliance's main TZs precisely because we can burn them down in 2 minutes flat. We get it, you want T2 to be pricier.

The "price of T2" as a reason to maintain the status quo is a valid argument.

And then I look at how much tech you guys own and then I wonder about the prices.

I'd argue that getting the distribution more evenly spread and being able to reduce/limit production of competing alliances is in the best interests of all parties - including the market.

It really comes down to whether any alliance can or should have it all.

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#199 - 2012-10-21 23:09:45 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
The "price of T2" as a reason to maintain the status quo is a valid argument.

And then I look at how much tech you guys own and then I wonder about the prices.

I'd argue that getting the distribution more evenly spread and being able to reduce/limit production of competing alliances is in the best interests of all parties - including the market.

It really comes down to whether any alliance can or should have it all.

None of which has anything to do with the suggestion of yours which I think is awful, which is the whole "let a POS be shot to pieces in one go or keep it essentially offline for 2/3rds of a day" bit.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#200 - 2012-10-21 23:11:05 UTC
Tippia wrote:

Having your indy in highsec is completely and totally safe. It's not just behind the lines, it's not even in the equation.
…and that is a bad thing.

And I totally agree.

Thus we need to ask, what cost could you apply to highsec indy to prevent 0.0 from doing so without crippling highsec?

Or are we intentionally seeking a shift in supply from hi >> 0.00 hi << 0.0?

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."