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Easy fix to afk cloakers: Cumulative Cap Upkeep

First post
Esker Sheep
The Black Sheep Inc
#81 - 2012-10-17 05:39:53 UTC
Someone doesn't know what those cloaked ships could be doing.

1. I could be sitting in an anomaly playing the long game, waiting for someone to come on grid to catch them.

2. I could be collating intel on PVE activity. Working out what you are doing when there's a cloaked hostile in system. Looking at your ships types and flight patterns in preparation for a roam or more prolonged attack.

3. I could have gone to the bathroom.

4. I could be keeping an eye on the system whilst I do things with my main. Scouting hostile staging areas in order to determine whether our planned operation can go ahead.

There are lots of perfectly acceptable reasons for placing a cloaked ship in system, these are just off the top of my head early in the morning.

These threads appear every two days or so and start with some variation on 'afk cloaking is broken' and that 'we all agree on this'. They then fade away because the obvious support for it that the OP thinks is there just doesn't appear.

I've lost ships to cloaky recons hot dropping me whilst ratting. I've also popped cloaky recons when they've tried this. Is all part of the risk/reward game. New Eden is a harsh place, let's leave it that way.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#82 - 2012-10-17 06:10:42 UTC
Astroniomix wrote:

Combat scanner probes detect ships, and what's with your idea that people ganking passers by wasn't an intended part of wormholes to begin with?

I especially like the part where you suggest that it's possible to kill someone when you aren't paying attention. (hint: it isn't. If you aren't paying attention "at the keyboard" then the target will escape without having to do anything.)

Instead of getting the jump on people at your leisure, there is a potential of a time restraint.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#83 - 2012-10-17 06:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Valleria Darkmoon
This thread has been popping up since I started playing EVE in 2008, and I presume I heard about it late. AFK cloakers are by definition not a threat to you, they are AFK. They could potentially be eyes on you but then they are not AFK cloaked are they? If you rat in the system with them they might show up and kill you but then in what sense are they AFK?

AFK cloaking is a form of psychological warfare and if it paralyzes you with fear it's working as intended. Doesn't bother me in the slightest even when I was in 0.0, I was briefly in Puppet Masters and our entry system had a cloaked ship in it 23/7, there was little to no evidence that it ever compromised an op, the thing was sitting there as an extremely ineffective deterrent. We know he's there and we're going to ignore it and move our fleet through the system, chances are it was an alt account if anything and is probably not being watched vigilantly if at all. Ignore it an move on. I suggest you never go into a wormhole who knows how many people are afk cloaked in there CCP didn't even give you the courtesy of a local window to give you their names.

Nothing is or ever has been wrong with afk cloaking, it's your decision whether or not you let it threaten you. I see no reason it should be stopped.

EDIT: Clairity

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

Hrothgar Nilsson
#84 - 2012-10-17 08:28:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrothgar Nilsson
I think I see something like 2-3 cloaking threads here a week, and I've seen everything from cloak fuel to POS mods that decloak people to some sort of detectable radiation that over time builds up making an AFK cloaker detectable after some time, but...

If AFK cloaking is a problem, and if there were to be a solution to it... no auto-repeat, 3600 second cycle.
All Web Investigations
#85 - 2012-10-17 10:34:41 UTC
I have an easier fix to cloaking: Sod off back to hisec you cowards and stop crying. An AFK player is literally incapable of doing anything to you, and yet you're petrified and begging for CCP to nerf something that can do nothing to you already. It's mindbogglingly stupid.

Alternatively, remove cloaked players from local Smile
All Web Investigations
#86 - 2012-10-17 11:02:53 UTC
PS all the ideas, from cap/fuel usage to dedicated probes/ships to find cloaked ships are bloody terrible. They interfere with legitimate activities making things much harder for someone who is ALREADY at a massive disadvantage (because of the penalties on cloaked ships, the fact that he's generally in enemy systems - i.e. they have towers, outposts, pilots, ships at their disposal and he doesn't, the fact that his targets have an instant, infallible intel tool to tell them exactly who comes and goes from their space, etc).

And lets not forget that all these suggestions completely destroy wormhole space.

And why do all this? Because a bunch of terrible nullbears want 100% safety in nullsec and cry and cry and cry.

I have more respect for the hisec bears than I do these cloakywhines, at least the hisec bears will admit they don't want to risk their ships, instead of lying and pretending it's about some "broken/unbalanced mechanic"
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#87 - 2012-10-17 11:12:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Angeal MacNova wrote:
In that case, all it breaks is wormhole campers who are there to gank people who are there to do the things that wormhole space was designed to provide.

look another one who claiming to know what WH space was designed for.
Eve is sandbox, its for whatever people decide to do, so WH is equally for those who want to rat there, as for gankers who want to gank bears. Your business has no more weight in WH or whereever else than ganker's.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#88 - 2012-10-17 13:45:27 UTC
Esker Sheep wrote:
Someone doesn't know what those cloaked ships could be doing.

These threads appear every two days or so and start with some variation on 'afk cloaking is broken' and that 'we all agree on this'. They then fade away because the obvious support for it that the OP thinks is there just doesn't appear.

MMk, my point is being lost in the complaints. I am the OP and this is my thread, hijack it at your peril. Let me try to spell this out more clearly. And stop mixing afk cloaking in with cloaking while playing the game they are two different things.

"AFK" YOU ARE AFK, CLOAKED for hours with no intention of playing the game. fully intending to play mind games with other players are we clear?.ok?

AFK cloaking is not broken never said it was but i think it needs fixing, its perfectly acceptable part of the game but i can say its flawed if i want, no one is breaking rules and i never said it was. What i said before is that AFK cloaking is stupid, its boring, its no fun for anyone and that HURTS the game...ok put your thinking caps on now read what i am saying here.... and remember AFK cloaking is not cloaked up going to the bathroom...its not cloaked up going to take care of your kids mess fully intending to come right back to play in a few minutes. AFK cloaking is going away from your computer for long periods of time knowing you are affecting enemy in system to believe you are not afk that you are playing the game. To me that is dirty and not the intent of the game or cloaking.

WE play this game for fun, yes some have more fun than others. But when you dont play the game (afk cloaking) knowing full well you are frustrating other peoples enjoyment of the game then it is not productive at all and ultimately costs CCP money when people say screw this.

It happened with CCP making sweeping changes to everything from hisec gate camps, to more recently buffing mining ships and beefing up concord. Why would they do that? because they knew the game mechanics were being used by very skilled players to utterly ruin other players enjoyment of the game in turn hurting their bottom line as in $

Now.... AFK cloaking is another stupid game practice that hurts everyone, and my whole suggestions are meant to be fun ways or alternatives to make cloaking more fun and also fun ways to combat cloakers. and both of my idea's will kill off those lazy no good for nothing AFK cloakers. So there.

Please read what i said and dont make stuff up to prove you are right...stick to your points people.

Show me where i said afk cloaking is broken or that i am against cloaking or am a cloak hater blah wont find it because i love cloaking and i love legitimate ways of playing the game. AFK cloaking is NOT playing the game the way it was intended.....someday i hope CCP realizes this and you do to.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#89 - 2012-10-17 13:54:08 UTC
1 step solution to eliminate AFK cloaking.

Remove cloaked ships from local.

Done. Without knowing they are there, they can have no psychological impact.
If they DO say things in chat, they are demonstrating they are not AFK. They are also not seriously hunting anything either, by deliberately warning them off.

As a followup, with local not providing absolute intel about cloaked vessels, the potential to hunt them could then be a balanced proposal. This should handle the noisy cloakers mentioned above neatly.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#90 - 2012-10-17 13:58:17 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
AFK cloaking is not broken never said it was but i think it needs fixing

All Web Investigations
#91 - 2012-10-17 13:58:51 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Baroness Vulna wrote:
AFK cloaking is not broken never said it was but i think it needs fixing,

There's a saying about fixing things that aren't broken. Pro-tip: It's "don't".

Baroness Vulna wrote:
its perfectly acceptable part of the game but i can say its flawed if i want, no one is breaking rules and i never said it was. What i said before is that AFK cloaking is stupid, its boring, its no fun for anyone and that HURTS the game...ok put your thinking caps on now read what i am saying here.... and remember AFK cloaking is n

Tried as best I could but it got a bit rambly so I stopped reading, I still have to ask why exactly you think it's flawed. What is the problem with it? Why is it an issue? When it comes to AFK cloaking - emphasis on the AFK part - I don't understand how anyone can actually make any kind of argument at all, as it revolves around whether or not a player is actually playing the game. They're not. So there's nothing to discuss. No one argues about a players ability to log off, or their ability to sit in a pos/station afk. Why is sitting in a ship in space any different? When they go afk, whether they log off, sit in a pos/station or sit in a cloaky ship to do it, that person is not part of the game any more. Asking for mechanics that let you interact with these players in any way, let alone destroy their ships and pods, is just stupid and unnecessary
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#92 - 2012-10-17 14:08:38 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Baroness Vulna wrote:
AFK cloaking is not broken never said it was but i think it needs fixing,

There's a saying about fixing things that aren't broken. Pro-tip: It's "don't".

Baroness Vulna wrote:
its perfectly acceptable part of the game but i can say its flawed if i want, no one is breaking rules and i never said it was. What i said before is that AFK cloaking is stupid, its boring, its no fun for anyone and that HURTS the game...ok put your thinking caps on now read what i am saying here.... and remember AFK cloaking is n

Tried as best I could but it got a bit rambly so I stopped reading, I still have to ask why exactly you think it's flawed. What is the problem with it? Why is it an issue? When it comes to AFK cloaking - emphasis on the AFK part - I don't understand how anyone can actually make any kind of argument at all, as it revolves around whether or not a player is actually playing the game. They're not. So there's nothing to discuss. No one argues about a players ability to log off, or their ability to sit in a pos/station afk. Why is sitting in a ship in space any different? When they go afk, whether they log off, sit in a pos/station or sit in a cloaky ship to do it, that person is not part of the game any more. Asking for mechanics that let you interact with these players in any way, let alone destroy their ships and pods, is just stupid and unnecessary

Nice logical post but you also dont read what i said, sir. AFK cloaking is a willful intent to go afk in your enemies system fully intending to play mind games with them, make them believe an enemy will jump them at any time. you can go afk if you need to while you play and there is nothing wrong with can go afk and forget you are logged on in friendly or enemy system and that is ok. You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe... defenders of that system should have ways of stopping your malice intent but there is none currently. I suggest ways of stopping this malicious AFK cloaking that goes on because it is a cowardly way of playing the game and ruins everyones fun, it is literally no fun for anyone, not even the AFKr who is just...afk doing whatever knowing he is frustrating other players and they cant do a darn thing about it.

CCP, those who would hear me, why allow this practice when there are other alternatives and ways to combat afk cloaking and have fun in the process?

Does anyone agree with me on this?

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#93 - 2012-10-17 14:20:04 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
CCP, those who would hear me, why allow this practice when there are other alternatives and ways to combat afk cloaking and have fun in the process?

Does anyone agree with me on this?

Here is what I think.

As I pointed out in a few places, I am mostly a miner. That being said, I also trained and prepared to operate several types of cloaked vessels. Everything from black ops to stealth bombers, with recons and cloaking transports as well.

I want to be able to take my bomber, and possibly friends with similar, and hunt with them.

No, not scout with a cyno generator to hot drop, but actually use torpedoes or bombs against non allied targets.

I want them to be able to detect me, but only if they make an effort. No freebies like glancing at the roster of a chat channel.
I made an effort to cloak, they should need to make an effort to spot me. I have a thread about how I think this could be done as well...

I think they should be able to call in ships to hunt me. Since I have to use a special ship to cloak properly, they should need a special ship to hunt me too.

I think if they don't bother paying attention, or get careless / lazy about scanning to protect themselves, I should be able to fire at them with no warning. Bad choices should give your opponent an advantage.

That is my opinion.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#94 - 2012-10-17 14:32:51 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:

Nice logical post but you also dont read what i said, sir. AFK cloaking is a willful intent to go afk in your enemies system fully intending to play mind games with them, make them believe an enemy will jump them at any time. you can go afk if you need to while you play and there is nothing wrong with can go afk and forget you are logged on in friendly or enemy system and that is ok. You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe... defenders of that system should have ways of stopping your malice intent but there is none currently. I suggest ways of stopping this malicious AFK cloaking that goes on because it is a cowardly way of playing the game and ruins everyones fun, it is literally no fun for anyone, not even the AFKr who is just...afk doing whatever knowing he is frustrating other players and they cant do a darn thing about it.

CCP, those who would hear me, why allow this practice when there are other alternatives and ways to combat afk cloaking and have fun in the process?

Does anyone agree with me on this?

You should probably stop posting now, you are seriously contradicting yourself. As you just said so yourself. There are already ways to combat cloakers. Use them.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#95 - 2012-10-17 14:40:03 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
Nice logical post but you also dont read what i said, sir. AFK cloaking is a willful intent to go afk in your enemies system fully intending to play mind games with them, make them believe an enemy will jump them at any time. you can go afk if you need to while you play and there is nothing wrong with can go afk and forget you are logged on in friendly or enemy system and that is ok. You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe... defenders of that system should have ways of stopping your malice intent but there is none currently.

they dont need to look the local.. if they do, its their issue and thats the point where afk cloaking fires back at them.
They want to use it for their safety, others use the local exactly in the same way to ****'em up. Both using local for their intents, nothing wrong with that.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#96 - 2012-10-17 14:43:41 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:

Nice logical post but you also dont read what i said, sir. AFK cloaking is a willful intent to go afk in your enemies system fully intending to play mind games with them, make them believe an enemy will jump them at any time. you can go afk if you need to while you play and there is nothing wrong with can go afk and forget you are logged on in friendly or enemy system and that is ok. You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe... defenders of that system should have ways of stopping your malice intent but there is none currently. I suggest ways of stopping this malicious AFK cloaking that goes on because it is a cowardly way of playing the game and ruins everyones fun, it is literally no fun for anyone, not even the AFKr who is just...afk doing whatever knowing he is frustrating other players and they cant do a darn thing about it.

CCP, those who would hear me, why allow this practice when there are other alternatives and ways to combat afk cloaking and have fun in the process?

Does anyone agree with me on this?

very well said
And from CCP ingame feedbak i know they see this as a flaw as well,
we just need more people to remember them about case, and dont let the trolls ruin another thread.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#97 - 2012-10-17 14:49:47 UTC
maciek9 wrote:
very well said
And from CCP ingame feedbak i know they see this as a flaw as well,
we just need more people to remember them about case, and dont let the trolls ruin another thread.

The answer is not to advocate for a one sided solution, but a balanced answer that embraces the reason why AFK cloaking exists to begin with.

Never forget, this tactic of AFK cloaking evolved as a response to local chat's flawless intel reporting.

It is unreasonable to expect something as powerful as local chat's intel to not have a counter-force balancing it.
All Web Investigations
#98 - 2012-10-17 15:35:39 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe...

I disagree, for multiple reasons. For a start, this is EVE. I can go wherever I want and attempt to do whatever I want. If that disrupts someone else, tough luck for them. Secondly, regarding the "safety" of being cloaked... again, I feel that's fine. They're not part of the game as they've went back to real life, considering they're essentially removed from the game in all ways except a little name in local, I find it perfectly reasonable that they are "safe". They can't interact with anyone else, so no one else can interact with them.

Baroness Vulna wrote:
defenders of that system should have ways of stopping your malice intent but there is none currently. I suggest ways of stopping this malicious AFK cloaking that goes on because it is a cowardly way of playing the game and ruins everyones fun, it is literally no fun for anyone, not even the AFKr who is just...afk doing whatever knowing he is frustrating other players and they cant do a darn thing about it.

CCP, those who would hear me, why allow this practice when there are other alternatives and ways to combat afk cloaking and have fun in the process?

Does anyone agree with me on this?

The defenders have plenty of ways of stopping the "malice intent", choosing the worst one (i.e. docking up and refusing to do a bloody thing until the scary name in local goes away) is... well, it's a choice they made. Complaining to CCP that you made cowardly choices instead of doing something (going one whole jump to the system next door, ignoring the afk and doing right in system, fitting your ships for pvp instead of min/maxing, having corpmates to back you up, etc) is silly.

Going afk isn't "cowardly", crying about it is. If you are unwilling to deal with the "malicious intent" of an AFK player, or allow them to disrupt you, then you have no place in nullsec. That is one of the things you have to man up and deal with if you want the rewards nullsec offers, instead of asking CCP to let you have your cake and eat it too.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#99 - 2012-10-17 17:38:10 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Baroness Vulna wrote:
You should not be allowed to knowingly go afk long term in an enemy system , cloaked up and feel safe...

That is one of the things you have to man up and deal with if you want the rewards nullsec offers, instead of asking CCP to let you have your cake and eat it too.

WEll, i have not asked CCP this directly, yet. I am asking fellow players with this thread, if CCP notices thats great too.

I don't like cake but i love to eat. If AFK cloakers love to mess with enemy, speaking of maning up, then they need to stay at their computer and PLAY THE GAME! like the rest of us. Not hide behind their cloaks while "Purposely" staying AFK.

I promise, yes thats right, I promise players and CCP they will see a net increase in revenue if they implement my idea's on this thread and the hunter-destroyer thread. Because more people will love the improved cloaking powers and hunter killer destroyers far more than a few disgruntled players who use to love cloaking and leaving their computers for hours at a time.


Pass the cake that way ---->

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Esker Sheep
The Black Sheep Inc
#100 - 2012-10-17 18:52:04 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:


No. AFK cloaking doesn't cause issues except to ISK/hour.

No ships have been lost to AFK cloakers. ISK has not been made due to the threat of them not being AFK.

Bots have been forced to sit in POS/Station due to AFK cloaked ships. This is good.

There are ways to mitigate the perceived threat of cloaked ships, AFK or otherwise. These generally don't even result in loss of ISK/hour unless you are Billy No Mates and are trying to solo rat/mine/plex in 0.0 which is a foolish thing to do anyway.