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So What does being Minmatar mean these days?

Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#21 - 2012-10-12 14:34:35 UTC
I think the whole point is that it's up to you. As long as you can fend for yourself and make your own way, you're being Matari.

I've seen them in the Republic, working at Boundless Creations factories or as soldiers or cooks. I've seen them in Curse, disillusioned with however things were in their previous home. Or in remote nullsec deadspace colonies, just making a living mining the asteroids. Clans are virtually everywhere, and they all call themselves "Minmatar".

They make fine crewmen and comrades on the norm. I don't pretend to understand it all, but with so many from such diverse backgrounds it almost seems like it really is up to you and your own ways.
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor
Gutter Press
#22 - 2012-10-12 16:18:43 UTC
I do not see how the enslavers and kin-slayers of the angel cartel are in any way Minmatar, regardless of their ancestry.
Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#23 - 2012-10-12 17:41:44 UTC
Sounds like you've already got your answers, then.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#24 - 2012-10-12 23:12:31 UTC
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
I do not see how the enslavers and kin-slayers of the angel cartel are in any way Minmatar, regardless of their ancestry.

Well then you already have your own very specific version of being Minmatar that doesn't include me in it. If your mind was already made up, then why ask the question at all? So you could antagonistically respond in an attempt to prove your moral superiority?
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#25 - 2012-10-13 03:15:57 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:

Well then you already have your own very specific version of being Minmatar that doesn't include me in it. If your mind was already made up, then why ask the question at all? So you could antagonistically respond in an attempt to prove your moral superiority?

Oh, for ****'s sake...

Translation: "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME, ME, ME, ME, MEEEE!!!!111ONEONE!"

Right, talking about noise-pollution, eh?


She wasn't asking just you, nor yet steering the conversation into a confrontation with you, as you desire, because it isn't all/only about you.

(Giving pod-licenses to immature children now? This will end well...FFSRoll)

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2012-10-13 04:40:29 UTC
As has already been mentioned, the specific meaning is well...specific to you. The path you walk in the world, the actions you take, the words you speak, and the spiritual beliefs you hold all define each step of your path and the scenery you see around you as you walk it.

Now if I had to say what being matari meant to me, obviously putting aside the fact that I'm not matari, I think it would be something like this. Being matari means honoring the traditions and memories of your ancestors. It means working not only to better yourself but to better those you call brothers and sisters. It means maintaining the history and culture around you, and forging a future that incorporates the past rather than replacing it.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#27 - 2012-10-13 15:08:31 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:

She wasn't asking just you, nor yet steering the conversation into a confrontation with you, as you desire, because it isn't all/only about you.

I said my piece, she is the one that responded specifically to attack what I said, in contrast with her saying nothing to anyone else regarding their responses to her question. This is, if not trying to force a confrontation, then an attempt to marginalize the opinion of people she doesn't disagree with. Hence the statement that she clearly already has a very specific Republic-centric opinion of what it means to be Minmatar. If she only wanted to response of the Republicans, she could have posed the question to them specifically, instead of posing it to the entire ethnic group and then writing out anyone who disagrees with her by calling them not minmatar. Its clearly an attempt to show off her own supposed moral superiority.
Jara Blackwind
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-10-13 17:25:41 UTC
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
So, what does being Minmatar mean?

Being Minmatar is to have blood of the Seven Tribes in your veins, to follow the ways of your kin in your soul and to keep freedom in your heart regardless of what may happen.

That's my personal answer to your question.
Horak Thor
Angry Mustellid
#29 - 2012-10-13 20:43:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Horak Thor
At the Moment?

Its about Tasting freedom and peace.

We must free our brothers so they can taste it at last and the war can be over.
It's about the prosperity of our people.
It's about the strength of our spirit and the Iron core of our resolve to see what needs to be done done.

It's about building a future because the present is not good enough.


Constantly Outraged Sebiestor
Gutter Press
#30 - 2012-10-14 08:12:24 UTC
The angel cartel attack on the genesis vaults was an attack on the culture of all Minmatar people.
It is an assault on our cultural heritage.

Therefore, cartel members, are no longer Minmatar, whatever their ancestry.

They made their bed, and can lie in it.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#31 - 2012-10-14 15:19:42 UTC
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
The angel cartel attack on the genesis vaults was an attack on the culture of all Minmatar people.
It is an assault on our cultural heritage.

Therefore, cartel members, are no longer Minmatar, whatever their ancestry.

They made their bed, and can lie in it.

Since you, a novice capsuleer, definitely speak for the entire Minmatar ethnic group of several trillion people.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#32 - 2012-10-14 15:54:37 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
The angel cartel attack on the genesis vaults was an attack on the culture of all Minmatar people.
It is an assault on our cultural heritage.

Therefore, cartel members, are no longer Minmatar, whatever their ancestry.

They made their bed, and can lie in it.

Since you, a novice capsuleer, definitely speak for the entire Minmatar ethnic group of several trillion people.

And you, a novice capsuleer, definitely get to say that you are a Minmatar despite repeated actions to the contrary.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#33 - 2012-10-14 18:25:05 UTC
Kalaratiri wrote:
Saede Riordan wrote:
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
The angel cartel attack on the genesis vaults was an attack on the culture of all Minmatar people.
It is an assault on our cultural heritage.

Therefore, cartel members, are no longer Minmatar, whatever their ancestry.

They made their bed, and can lie in it.

Since you, a novice capsuleer, definitely speak for the entire Minmatar ethnic group of several trillion people.

And you, a novice capsuleer, definitely get to say that you are a Minmatar despite repeated actions to the contrary.

I don't think its up to you or anyone else what culture I associate with. My clan, and the people of my system, respect me and don't see me as a traitor, but go ahead and write off the entire solar system as blood traitors, its not like you ever respected or helped us before anyway.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#34 - 2012-10-14 18:38:47 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
Kalaratiri wrote:
Saede Riordan wrote:
Constantly Outraged Sebiestor wrote:
The angel cartel attack on the genesis vaults was an attack on the culture of all Minmatar people.
It is an assault on our cultural heritage.

Therefore, cartel members, are no longer Minmatar, whatever their ancestry.

They made their bed, and can lie in it.

Since you, a novice capsuleer, definitely speak for the entire Minmatar ethnic group of several trillion people.

And you, a novice capsuleer, definitely get to say that you are a Minmatar despite repeated actions to the contrary.

I don't think its up to you or anyone else what culture I associate with. My clan, and the people of my system, respect me and don't see me as a traitor, but go ahead and write off the entire solar system as blood traitors, its not like you ever respected or helped us before anyway.

I'm not writing off the solar system. I'm writing off you.

Get this into your head. Skarkon is not a lost cause. You are.

Now for the spirits sake, stop whining.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#35 - 2012-10-14 18:53:16 UTC
Kalaratiri wrote:

And you, a novice capsuleer, definitely get to say that you are a Minmatar despite repeated actions to the contrary.

She's not a novice person, though. She wasn't born just a few months ago. She's recounted many interactions with her clan, her shaman, and the like. The mere fact is, she has different political views than you and doesn't support your Republic. If that invalidates her as a person to you, then I would say you are the lost cause. Open your mind a little; things are not nearly as black-and-white as you'd like to think.
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#36 - 2012-10-14 19:01:56 UTC
Shiroh Yatamii wrote:

Open your mind a little; things are not nearly as black-and-white as you'd like to think.

No, things usually seem to be an unusual shade of whatever the hell people want it to be at the time.

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#37 - 2012-10-14 20:35:13 UTC
I love it when criminals who kidnap, murder, steal from and otherwise terrorize their own people play the "I'm not bad, just misunderstood" card.

If you work for the Angel Cartel you can't in the same breath claim to be working for the good of your clan, tribe or the Matari people. Period.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#38 - 2012-10-14 21:11:08 UTC
Anabella Rella wrote:

If you work for the Angel Cartel you can't in the same breath claim to be working for the good of your clan, tribe or the Matari people. Period.

Didn't Saede Riordan's clan vote in favor of Cartel oversight of the Skarkon system, of which they are residents? How many clans reside there, anyway? I wonder how many of them also voted in favor of the Cartel? Are they all considered traitors and criminals in your eyes?

Pardon the questions. I'm just putting together a sort of "news article".
Jara Blackwind
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-10-15 00:43:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jara Blackwind
Shiroh Yatamii wrote:
Didn't Saede Riordan's clan vote in favor of Cartel oversight of the Skarkon system, of which they are residents? How many clans reside there, anyway? I wonder how many of them also voted in favor of the Cartel? Are they all considered traitors and criminals in your eyes?

Pardon the questions. I'm just putting together a sort of "news article".
Sorry for the interruption, but let's get things straight.

In the old times, when a traitor or kinslayer was exiled from his clan, it didn't matter of whatever blood he was. He was a man-shade, a person of No People, and it was fair game to kill him on sight.

The core value of our people is Freedom. Freedom means no slavery. Whoever dares to enslave other Matari or supports the slavers is not Minmatar anymore. It's, just, sorta, mutually exclusive. Like many Nefantar are not Nefantar anymore. They are Ammatar, and are not of the Seven Tribes, though their ancestors were.

Angels are slavers. You support Angels, you support the slavery, and your blood or your political concerns or that you don't like Shakor or the Krusuals or whoever else don't matter anymore. It's the line.

If your entire clan supports slavery and you were raised to like this, what is the difference between you and the Ammatar then, except that you don't believe in their Evil God? You'll explain that or your belief that anarchy births order or whatever to the Republic Marines. There are, you know, many former slave children among them. Tough luck.
Shiroh Yatamii
Alexylva Paradox
#40 - 2012-10-15 01:23:11 UTC
Not everyone in the Cartel is in the slave trading industry. It's a personal business decision undertaken by individuals. Do not assume out-of-hand that anyone is participating in it just because they support the Cartel. We have, after all, seen emancipationist Amarrian Holders. It's not a far stretch to think that some Matari clans who join the Cartel do not participate in slavery.