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o.O New station environments!

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Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2012-10-12 13:35:23 UTC
Optimo Sebiestor wrote:
Want massive station enviorments, space bars, casino's, hotels, corporate offices, dark murky places.. While your at it, make stations bigger!

MUCH BIGGER! GO NUTS! NO seriously. I look at a station from the outside...go inside and think. There is NO way this station is that small...especially when there should be hundreds of other people in here with me.

Bounties for all!

Tir Capital Management Group
#82 - 2012-10-12 14:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloodpetal
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?

I was just sitting there looking at the current Amarr hangar yesterday, and saying to myself that the textures seem rough compared to the ship and it's a bit crunchy, and it could use an overhaul to just look sexier. If not totally new hangars, maybe a V3 model of the interiors.

I would like to have the multiple station interiors return. That would be the best thing, IMHO. There was a charm to the old station interiors and the various places when you visited them being "different".

On a level of high to low priority, I'd put it pretty low, but I WOULD like them, yes. Blink

A more dynamic station interior, could be fun. As someone said, with drones moving along your ship etc. I think this would be pretty challenging given every ships hull is different, etc. However, I think the message is clear. I know you don't want to do clip animations between ships dock/switch because of delays in gameplay (and gets redundant fast), but maybe a transition animation (lights over the docking area fade out to black for a second and fade in, and ship is replaced), rather than the jarring switch as we experience it today.

Where I am.

The Scope
#83 - 2012-10-12 14:33:22 UTC
I would like to get beyond the door some time within the next year or two.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#84 - 2012-10-12 14:41:33 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?


The current hangers are great, but there are many things that could be done to give a more atmospheric feel to them.

Station traffic and/or other ships moving in the back ground and/or past your ship (as in the video screen saver). Double points if it actually reflected the ships docked in a station.

Other ships hovering over the visible docking pads behind your ship. Again, double points if they were actually your other ships in that station, or failing that other ships docked there by other people.

Animations of resupply bots moving ammo and cargo back and forth from your ship. If you use a stations repair service while docked this animation could change to the repair bots we see in the original link.

People and cargo movers, in correct proportion, moving around the docking pads.

Unique interiors and internal color schemes based not only on the style of station, but who owns it.

Really, anything and everything that can create the impression of majesty and activity one would expect in a huge highly advanced space station docking facility.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#85 - 2012-10-12 14:45:07 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?

The current ones are a bit low quality, new ones would be nice ( in the mean time, make different ones for different kind of stations (IE. factory, office, etc?)
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#86 - 2012-10-12 14:53:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
In case the newer folk don't know what some of us are talking about:

Gallante Hanger
Minmatar Hanger
Caldari Hanger
Amarr Hanger

Do you realize how awesome it would be if you could show these to a friend and say "This is what I actually see going on in game when my character looks out from their balcony."?

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Staleward Ad'mraa
#87 - 2012-10-12 15:07:37 UTC
What I want with the new hangers is the ability to earn medals that can go onto your uniforms if you are with a faction. Something like evolution of your character that changes over time due to actions or things that happen to them.
Shalua Rui
Rui Freelance Mining
#88 - 2012-10-12 15:10:57 UTC
Staleward Ad'mraa wrote:
What I want with the new hangers is the ability to earn medals that can go onto your uniforms if you are with a faction. Something like evolution of your character that changes over time due to actions or things that happen to them.

Should all have been part of WIS... or will be.

Funny... no game ever got that right: WAR tried to do it, Diablo 3 tried to do it,...

"ginger forum goddess, space gypsy and stone nibbler extraordinaire!" Shalua Rui - CEO and founder of Rui Freelance Mining (RFLM)

Callic Veratar
#89 - 2012-10-12 16:48:45 UTC
Said it a while ago, but I would love a station hangar that integrated the fitting menu directly with animations that suggested what I was doing to the ship (loading drones, changing fittings, etc.). Nothing that's gating undocking or other such activities, but something that suggests I'm not the only person in the station.
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#90 - 2012-10-12 16:50:43 UTC
Just had a cool thought. If they DID add that particular station environment, the WiS would become way cooler as you'd literally be able to walk up to your ship. It wouldn't be what we have now where the ship chases you.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2012-10-12 16:54:31 UTC
Staleward Ad'mraa wrote:
What I want with the new hangers is the ability to earn medals that can go onto your uniforms if you are with a faction. Something like evolution of your character that changes over time due to actions or things that happen to them.

i can't wait to see the goon sky marshals being portraied with russian style WWII medals all over their uniform
Shalua Rui
Rui Freelance Mining
#92 - 2012-10-12 16:55:04 UTC
Acac Sunflyier wrote:
Just had a cool thought. If they DID add that particular station environment, the WiS would become way cooler as you'd literally be able to walk up to your ship. It wouldn't be what we have now where the ship chases you.

We had that in the first WIS videos years ago... ah well... one can always hope.

"ginger forum goddess, space gypsy and stone nibbler extraordinaire!" Shalua Rui - CEO and founder of Rui Freelance Mining (RFLM)

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#93 - 2012-10-12 17:07:15 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?

Uh Hell Yeah I would!
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#94 - 2012-10-12 17:11:18 UTC
Gilbaron wrote:
Staleward Ad'mraa wrote:
What I want with the new hangers is the ability to earn medals that can go onto your uniforms if you are with a faction. Something like evolution of your character that changes over time due to actions or things that happen to them.

i can't wait to see the goon sky marshals being portraied with russian style WWII medals all over their uniform

African Despot medals are so much more impressive, bling + quantity = win

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#95 - 2012-10-12 17:17:03 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?

Bring. Them. On. The more the better. The more they actually reflect what's in station, the better. The more they make intuitive the sheer size of the ships we fly, the better.

That bit of video is a terrific guideline to start from, even though I understand that it's a factory, not a station.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#96 - 2012-10-12 17:55:01 UTC
i want those badass docking sequences they made videos for a while back to be my hangar.. hit dock, nice little renedered cinematic of my ship moving through the station until it finds it's berth..

pipe dream prob, but it would be sexy as hell
Johnny Bloomington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2012-10-12 18:13:59 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Eli Green wrote:
kind of looks like one of those LCO landing pads, next to a sideways acceleration gate with a station in the background, ergo dev haks

Indeed. Unfortunatly, these are not coming in Retribution, this is a shot that was composited and not representative of any new ingame hangar development.

Would you like new hangars btw?

YES! I always thought the current spinny ones were just place holders for something else in the future. The last year or so has been devoted, by the devs, on fixing "the game" and rightly so. I just can't wait till CCP can stop fixing broken game mechanics and start on Hangers, then WiS, and other avatar game play.

Start with the hangers before WiS. First, scale is your biggest problem! Start with the outside of the station, maybe make it bigger to fit what you want to do inside the station. Then once your docked, like what others here have said, make it lively without it being a redundant slideshow. That new trailer for the Caldari destroyer is a good way of showing scale with people and ship next to each other. If you go to a place like New York and stand near the tallest buildings, that's the feeling I want. THIS SHIP IS HUGE!

You could scrap the current hanger designs if it makes it easier from an architectural point of view. I don't need to see all my ships at once. There maybe a clever way to bring them to view without them just magically popping out of thin air.

Anyways, next summer clear your books for it!Blink

Thanks for asking

CCP wish list: show damage on ships and open that door!

Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#98 - 2012-10-12 18:20:06 UTC
Simply put, station environments would be an amazing addition to the game. The atmosphere... *drools*
Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2012-10-12 19:30:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Nyancat Audeles
Shalua Rui wrote:

Current hangars, aside from beeing rather limited in variety, are very static and sterile... the active ship, hanging suspended in space... boring.

I always thought it would be better to have a real "dry dock", with repair drones buzzing about, crew running around and cargo beeing loaded/unloaded.

Maraner wrote:
HELL YES (to new station interiors)

They all just look dead at the moment.

They need to be dynamic, with ships moving around inside, docking - umbilical thinges attaching , little guys coming out and doing welding (cleaning the windscreen).

Low sec empty station the occasional ship docking / undocking.

Plus pirate faction interior different - maybe nasty even.

Shalua Rui wrote:
Gogela wrote:
What happens if you have over a thousand spaceships?

Three words: Deph of field. Blink

But a real hangar view would be nice... while we are at it, why not give ships with a maintenance bay an "internal" view too? Just dreaming here... Big smile

Sheynan wrote:
However being able to see others while docked would be amazing.

Just look into the Amarr station interior, there is this long hallway with other landing pads, but none of them are used :(.

Imagine you're preparing to undock your fleet and in the hangar you see all your friends in the same ship you fly and you all hover to the undock point.

Oh, and while we're at it, a "cutscene" kind of vision when entering the station (instead of the current loading bar) would also be cool. Just like the docking videos CCP released a while ago. ( )

Looks like we are getting some good ideas and support here. This could be that door that CQ leads into... you use the door in Captains Quarters to get to the ship hangar...

Also, being able to walk up to your ship or see the maintainence crew near it, the scale would be amazing.
Angsty Teenager
Broski North
#100 - 2012-10-12 21:27:05 UTC
Dear lord, the sperglelords are sperging.

No, I don't want new station environments. Sure they would look cool but it's the same thing as walking in stations, seems cool, is a waste of time and development resources. Please focus on FiS.