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New dev blog: Introducing Racial Captain‘s Quarters

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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#241 - 2011-10-02 20:24:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Crasniya wrote:
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Viqer Fell wrote:
Are the Captains Quarters decided upon your character's racial origins or on the Station Builders nation?

i.e. as a Sebiestor will I find myself in a Minmatar CQ every station or will I get a Caldari Quarters if I dock up in a Caldari faction station?

I truly hope it is the latter as to otherwise this represents a rather glaring slap in the face to the Prime Fiction of the game. After all no Amarr station owner would in his right mind construct station quarters to suit the tastes of the slaves they own nor would the Caldari / Gallente be designing their quarters to accommodate the desires of their racial enemies.

CQs are based on the station race, just like the hangars. I think we agree that It would be quite silly for them to follow your race.

Interesting, I could've sworn this is how we were told it would be when they were announced. That like, your quarters were transported for you aboard your ship and then installed at the station you were at for the duration of your stay or something crazy like that.

I like this better.

I do too.

Larger quarters, or a different/cozier room layout would simply be the different quarters (obviously designed by the people that designed the station) you would have to choose from when you dock at a station. Certain opulent floor plans could possibly only be available if you're a member of a corporation that has an office there.

Items to customize your living space may be a different story (IE: tapestries on the walls, etc.). Personal decoration (as opposed to a "style" of room available) would probably need to be shipped ahead (theoretically) or carried in a small cargo bay in your ship or pod. Of course, this would mean that if you got podded your personal items could be lost.

The best solution to personal items might simply be that you either purchase them for each station you typically stay at, and stations where you are "just passing through" would be without them unless you specifically pack them up and bring them with.

Again this option, while more realistic, lends itself much better to a NeX that has lower price points.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

CCP Loktofeit
C C P Alliance
#242 - 2011-10-02 23:13:39 UTC
Sunoccard wrote:
Did anyone notice that on the CQ advert banner on the login screen, that the caldari and gallente CQs were misnamed....?

I get the demerit for that one. Sad

I wanted to get a banner out for the Sunday crowd, and not only did I transpose the images when creating it but missed the error when double-checking it before uploading.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#243 - 2011-10-03 00:36:24 UTC
C/D, racial CQs live on TQ now?

I set my gf up with a trial acct and found her Amarr toon standing in a very difrferent CQ from what I was used to seeing. No complaining. Just wasn't expecting it yet.

Emmy Mnemonic
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#244 - 2011-10-03 06:11:00 UTC
I posted a bunch of bugs yesterday, I hope they are to some use (and that they get fixed before deployment to Tranquility!)
* Choosing rightmost eye-liner i character creation displays a set of white, black and grey 3D objects around your toon. See youtube video.

* Drag-n-dropping system name from upper left corner of screen into a chat window is broken. It displays strange text, the link works initially but once "return" is applied, the link is not created nor available for the other blokes in the chat channel

* Standing in front of the mirror you enter character creation by clicking the mirror. It turns out it's a magic mirror, because when you exit character creation you are standing outside in your hangar! Cool - instantaneous teleportation!

* Ship-spinning (I personally havn't missed that, but good that you fixed it so we can have some peace and calm from all the whiners...): when entering, then undocking, then docking you end up with the "load screen" displaying an empty piece of universe with nebulas and stars and don't get back to the ship-spinning neither to the captains quarters. I suppose you should end up in the same state that you had when undocking? Pressing the "enter captains quarters" does what it sais, and then you can get back to ship-spinning mode.

Also, I think that the parameters setting the face of my toon has been changed? My dear old Emmy Mnemonic toon does not look the same - at all! Her jaw is much different from before. Perhaps this is something I caused on Singularity at some point, but I'm note sure. Not entering this as a bug atm.

Oh! The font is good, much more readable and clear! Good job!

Ex ex-CEO of Svea Rike [.S.R.]

Cedric deBouilard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#245 - 2011-10-03 07:08:59 UTC
Emmy Mnemonic wrote:
Also, I think that the parameters setting the face of my toon has been changed? My dear old Emmy Mnemonic toon does not look the same - at all! Her jaw is much different from before. Perhaps this is something I caused on Singularity at some point, but I'm note sure. Not entering this as a bug atm.

CCP t0rfifrans confirmed that this is a defect.
Vanessa Vansen
#246 - 2011-10-03 07:39:14 UTC
Great ... now that is nearly done, you can concentrate on the important stuff ... which is flying in space Cool
Xylorn Hasher
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#247 - 2011-10-03 08:24:15 UTC
CCP your whole work will go waste if you don't fix >>GPU OVERHEATING PROBLEM<<

I can't turn CQ on cuz my GPU temperature goes to 95 celsius degrees no matter what detail settings are, while in Crysis 2 i have 75 at top ( full details on ).

Many people have the same.

Optimisation Patch was announced 3 months ago then, you cancelled it. What's going on in that matter?

All my posts are made shortly after Marihuana consumption.

Tax 'n Death
#248 - 2011-10-03 08:54:37 UTC
Blade Wolling wrote:
In addition, remember that CCP doesn't charge for expansions / upgrades to EVE. The other companies do. I like CCP's way of doing things.

I'd rather pay 20$ once a year, for an expansion that is DONE. Where the content and features are complete and thoroughly worked through. I'd much rather pay extra for this stuff... But... EvE is a non-linear game, so it's not really feasible.

PS: I love how you need to [crtl]+[a] and [crtl]+[c] your text before hitting [post], to be sure that you don't have to rewrite everything you just wrote... Beta forums are beta... *sigh* Oh, and PLEASE add the "feature" of letting a quote point to the original post...
Zey Nadar
Gallente Federation
#249 - 2011-10-03 09:40:39 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:

Those are defects. We noticed this as well, disturbing weight loss in critical areas on our avatar's anatomy.

Facial features are distorted too, at least in my case. I really hope this is fixed before the CQs are released.
Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#250 - 2011-10-03 11:31:55 UTC
It is really really great, but...

1) Make a bathroom. Seriously. Also let it have a door we can open and close; hours will be spend using this feature.

2) Allow for personalization of the room. So sweet.

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Hard1234's industries.
#251 - 2011-10-03 11:41:28 UTC
OK, I saw the rooms. But now my question is:

I didnt see button to board ship.

I have load station enviroment checked on trunquility also so how can I board ship from CQ?
Crusa Alearf
Avon Cosmetics
#252 - 2011-10-03 12:58:59 UTC
You can board your ship from the Ship Holograph menu. Hope that helps!

It's not the quickiest solution though.. I wish there was a board ship button.
Hard1234's industries.
#253 - 2011-10-03 13:35:51 UTC
Crusa Alearf wrote:
You can board your ship from the Ship Holograph menu. Hope that helps!

It's not the quickiest solution though.. I wish there was a board ship button.

Thanks for information.
Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#254 - 2011-10-03 14:44:00 UTC
Hiram Alexander wrote:

Note - Torfi, now that the art assets are in place for developing 'modular' structures - please (seriously) - get your Devs to make a proper "Pod Room" - this nanite excuse is terrible, as is the stepladder solution.


- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#255 - 2011-10-04 14:59:34 UTC
I'll be 100% positive for a change:

They look nice.

Zurtan Bayle
The Wings of Maak
#256 - 2011-10-04 17:49:39 UTC
This blog is clearly racist against Minmatars! It's scandalous! I wish you all slipped on your fancy CQ, break your neck and loose SP for that! Evil

Corporation Full FR, Full PvP (low sec, 0.0, Small Gang)

Recrutement : ouvert


Tir Capital Management Group
#257 - 2011-10-05 14:14:22 UTC
Crasniya wrote:

Interesting, I could've sworn this is how we were told it would be when they were announced. That like, your quarters were transported for you aboard your ship and then installed at the station you were at for the duration of your stay or something crazy like that.

I like this better.

Well, when we get our Customizable CQ, how's it going to go wherever we go? Or is it going to be customized at each station we visit, etc?

I think there's some good questions revolving around that for sure when we hit that point. Maybe we do get our "hitch and trailer" CQ that we can take around us, or maybe you just have to customize any office you visit frequently.

It's an intriguing question either way.

Where I am.

Sir Grimaldi
Allahu Akbar.
Olde Guarde Historical Preservation Society
#258 - 2011-10-05 20:54:09 UTC
"Oh and we made sure they have lots of lens flares, because as you know, the future is full of lens flares."

Loved that part :D
H A V O C Industrial
#259 - 2011-10-06 01:20:56 UTC
Nice work guys, I still don't like CQ, drains too much resources and slows the game down. It also serves no purpose, after all who docks for anything other than fitting or swapping ships? This shit's got to go - Jacque Fresco

Zey Nadar
Gallente Federation
#260 - 2011-10-06 08:13:26 UTC
Bloodpetal wrote:

Well, when we get our Customizable CQ, how's it going to go wherever we go? Or is it going to be customized at each station we visit, etc?

Well I wouldnt mind if we had to customize each station separately as long as we could customize it.. It might be one way of "creating a home" like was mentioned in the brainstorm-blog regarding future eve development some time ago. I forget whose devblog it was. Or the customizations could be an ingame item that you could buy and move to your next home..