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Will CCP opens SPs after patches ?

Silk daShocka
Greasy Hair Club
#81 - 2012-10-02 14:20:53 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No, what you're illustrating is the rigid thinking of "don't use it if you don't like it", believing that not liking it is the problem. In fact, it's the exact opposite: it's something that you would have to be apocalyptically stupid not to use because there is no way to dislike the effects. You lack the imagination to see what such a system would mean and how it would be (ab)used.

You're wrong. You clearly haven't had enough exposure to other MMOs were this precise system is in place. I have and therefore support it. It's a great idea.

I personally have played many mmo's, quite a few with skill systems where you can "respec". Eve is better off without it, it's a bad idea.
Thor Kerrigan
Guardians of Asceticism
#82 - 2012-10-02 14:21:51 UTC
960ApofiS069 wrote:

i see ccp have balls to nerf stuff hard so am asking if ccp have balls also to give players a choice after applying new patch and open players assigned skill points in skills that will get affected by patch.

there u would see if players "realy" like yo ideas, so if they keep their SPs where they are it will be a sign of good work but if they will put em somewhere else u guys will have a nice prove of the quality of yo devs ideas.

for example winter patch and that drastic nerf of misiles, if i even knew at beginning that something like that will happen i would never train for misiles and i have there +9,3M sps and i think this what ccp is doing is nothing else but cheating on players and scumming em for cash!

i personaly think ccp is too scared and will find 1000s of excuses why not to open SPs and mostly it will be about cash coz after nerf something, ppl will have to train other stuff if they want to have same fun from this game = more needed time = more cash for ccp from GTCs and plexes

but if ccp start opening SPs after patches for some skills or for every skill for a week or two it would be awesome and more subs for ccp instead of regequits.

Tengu/Drake pilot here and I do not support your moronic post.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#83 - 2012-10-02 14:23:06 UTC
Silk daShocka wrote:
I personally have played many mmo's, quite a few with skill systems where you can "respec". Eve is better off without it, it's a bad idea.

Why is it better off without it?

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Lord Ryan
True Xero
#84 - 2012-10-02 14:23:56 UTC
Any argument containing "Go back to WOW' or "In WOW you could..." will be disregarded. Thank you, fly safe.

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Silk daShocka
Greasy Hair Club
#85 - 2012-10-02 14:26:04 UTC
Lord Ryan wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Lord Ryan wrote:
Yes nerfing does these things
No. It rather reinforces them.

After 4 years I shouldn't have a massive boost over new characters?
No. After 4 years, you should know how to play the game better than a new player, but that's about it.

My goal was to use heavy missiles one day. Now I can and they're not worth using. Goal defeated

The nerf was changed, it's really not the end of heavy missiles that everyone makes it out to be. HM's will still be the best medium long range weapon.

I'ts also not like you put points into skills that only affect heavy missiles as well. You can train to use t2 hams in what a week?. You are already on your way to torps and cruise, you can already use light missiles/rockets. You probably also have caldari cruiser + battlecruiser skill meaning that you can train hybrids if that 10% hurts so bad, and fly the caldari gunboats. You also most likely can fly the blackbird, as well as other support ships.

I mean if your goal was only to use heavy missiles and can't accept that they will do 10% less damage, yet still more damage than any other medium sized long range weapon platform, then I think you should set better goals.
Pipa Porto
#86 - 2012-10-02 14:28:58 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:

That your idea would make fact the fiction that new players can never catch up to older players.

New players can never catch up to older players now. Not if the arbiter of that is the sum total of SPs. New players wouldn't be able to catch up to older players with a skill respec; the player with the most SPs will always be best prepared for victory if they choose to spend them wisely. And that's not even getting into the argument about player skill which a completely different can of worms.

Allowing skill respecs makes total SP the only measure of a character. How they're allocated is irrelevant. This means that, contrary to the current situation (where specialization allows a newer character to outstrip an older one), newer players will never be able to exceed (or even match) older players abilities.

That your idea would remove the consequence of choosing what to train when.

Only to a point, you'd still need to build up sufficient SPs to make a respec worthwhile. Even so, I find myself thinking 'So what?'

That's not a choice. That's "remaining subscribed."

No it wouldn't. Until that character has gained every skill in the game then Attributes are still critical.

Now, are you going to present any valid arguments?

Nope. You can simply train Capital Ship Construction V over and over again, respeccing that SP every time you complete it. No need to ever train out of Attribute spec, no need to ever change Attributes.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Lord Ryan
True Xero
#87 - 2012-10-02 14:34:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Ryan
Silk daShocka wrote:
Lord Ryan wrote:
Tippia wrote:
[quote=Lord Ryan]Yes nerfing does these things
No. It rather reinforces them.

The nerf was changed, it's really not the end of heavy missiles that everyone makes it out to be. HM's will still be the best medium long range weapon.

I'ts also not like you put points into skills that onlyaffect heavy missiles as well. You can train to use t2 hams in what a week?. You are already on your way to torps and cruise, you can already use light missiles/rockets. You probably also have caldari cruiser + battlecruiser skill meaning that you can train hybrids if that 10% hurts so bad, and fly the caldari gunboats. You also most likely can fly the blackbird, as well as other support ships.

I mean if your goal was only to use heavy missiles and can't accept that they will do 10% less damage, yet still more damage than any other medium sized long range weapon platform, then I think you should set better goals.

I already waisted sp Hybrids.
Hams are OK.
I also trained AC spec 5 for my cane, think that's getting nerfed too.
My point has always been, you can't fix Brutix by nerfing Drake.

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Petrus Blackshell
#88 - 2012-10-02 14:38:34 UTC
-1/10. Bad thread is bad.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#89 - 2012-10-02 14:38:48 UTC  |  Edited by: John Ratcliffe
Pipa Porto wrote:
Allowing skill respecs makes total SP the only measure of a character. How they're allocated is irrelevant. This means that, contrary to the current situation (where specialization allows a newer character to outstrip an older one), newer players will never be able to exceed (or even match) older players abilities.

Why should they ever be able to? The more established players have invested more time and money in the game, it makes sense that they should have an advantage. A new player can either accept that's the status quo or buy an old account.

I really have no issue with this at all.

That's not a choice. That's "remaining subscribed."

So it's a choice then isn't it? Log in to skill and play, and advance, or don't and fall behind.

Nope. You can simply train Capital Ship Construction V over and over again, respeccing that SP every time you complete it. No need to ever train out of Attribute spec, no need to ever change Attributes.

Possibly, although it would depend upon how it was implemented obviously. One of the suggestions I made was that a skill respec be made an annual award, so in that case your example wouldn't work. The other suggestion I made was that it be a purchasable ability, in which case you are right on the money. You'd have to really be quite wealthy to constantly pay for a respec though. I'd want to see it set high enough that it'd discourage unconsidered purchase. Say £50 or so.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Silk daShocka
Greasy Hair Club
#90 - 2012-10-02 14:39:05 UTC
Lord Ryan wrote:

My point has always been, you can't fix Brutix by nerfing Drake.

Why fix brutix when it's the drake that's broken?
Wall Street Trading
#91 - 2012-10-02 14:39:51 UTC  |  Edited by: F'elch
This is an incredibly stupid idea for all the reasons Tippia, Pipa Porto and others have described.

Lord Ryan, John Ratcliffe, please try to understand why. Your arguments only shows that you do not 'get' Eve.

I feel sorry for you because although you are trying really hard at this game, it is obviously not for you.

Edited to spread the love.
Lord Ryan
True Xero
#92 - 2012-10-02 14:39:57 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
-1/10. Bad thread is bad.

I think you're mistaking. OP may be bad. I can't remember what he wanted, but the thread is doing fine.

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#93 - 2012-10-02 14:40:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
John Ratcliffe wrote:
I've played just over a year now. I appreciate that's nothing compared to some players, but it's long enough to see that a skill respec is needed and could work.
Quite the opposite. If, after a year, you still haven't seen why respecs are completely unnecessary and why they would in fact rather ruin a number of game mechanics, you haven't been playing long enough or you haven't paid attention.

the only difference is how skills are gained; in DAoC it's killing mobs, in Eve it's waiting for the passage of real time.
No, that is not the only difference. The difference lies in how you manipulate that gain and what skills (and SP) give you.

I believe the burden of proof should be on you to demonstrate why you're right - you're making the claim, so you prove it.
Ok, but pay attention...

SP remapping removes attributes because there is no longer any reason to train at less than max SP. I want to get Marauders, so instead of remapping to Wil/Per, I keep my currently maxed Int/Mem combo and acquire SP in... whatever Int/Mem skill you can think of. I then remap those SP to the Marauders skill and get a Will/Per-based skill at max speed without having put a single point in either of those attributes. So the attributes might as well not exist because they make no difference.

SP remapping removes the point of having skills to begin with because skills represent choices: I pick skill A over skill B and have to live with it. If I could remap SP, any time I need to use skill A, I will have it; any time I need to use skill B, I will have it -- just remap the SP to wherever it's needed at the moment.

SP remapping removes implants for the same reason it removes attributes: since all I'll ever use is one attribute combination, I might as well just have a fixed amount of SP come in per minute, and since I'll only ever use two implants, I might as well just get the extra SP as a fixed-amount bonus. If attributes are meaningless, then implants to enhance them become meaningless in return.

SP remapping removes variety and instead encourages FOTM because there are no decisions to be made. I don't have to settle for "I can only fly X" because you can just remap your SP to fly what's currently the best ship with what's currently the best fit... and when either change, you can instantly fly that as well.

SP remapping removes the uniqueness, history and "character" of your character because every single choice you make can now be unmade. That embarrassing period you had in weeks 9-12 when you though ewar frigates were the **** and poured all your SP into the least used ship in the game? Gone. Instead, you put it where it belong: in the current best ship and best fit.

SP remapping removes planning and choice and consequences because, again, every choice you make can be unmade. Training battleship for four months and then finding out that frigates have an anti-BS-deathray is of no consequence because you remap your SP to those frigates and their ray instead.

SP remapping removes goal-setting, progression and any achievement in those areas because the only goal is "more SP". Once you have enough, you can put it anywhere you want and change it any time you want. Even then, the "more SP" goal ends pretty abruptly when you have enough SP to fully kit out whatever one ship you can imagine or max out the one activity you are engaging in at the moment. Tomorrow, you switch to something else that you didn't think of today. The achievement of getting every last piece of kit that could conceivably go onto you pimp T3 is gone because the guy next door with all those science skills will just remap to the same collection instantly.

SP remapping kills character trading because, why would you need a new character when you can just give your current character the skills you're looking for? The only use would be if you needed to multibox an entire fleet, but even then, you might as well just raise them on your own since there is no need to plan or oversee their progression -- just pile up the SP and then remap it.

SP remapping massively boosts older characters over new ones because all that matters is your SP pool. A new player will have enough to kind of get semi-decent skills in one thing. An older player will have a pool large enough to go for all-V in anything he wishes, and as he grows older, he can do it in more and more things. The brilliant design in the EVE skill system that lets new players have better skills than decade-old ones is gone because the decade-old one can always choose to have max skills in whatever he needs for the moment. Just remap.

SP remapping introduces "catching up" as a concept in EVE and instantly makes it impossible to do for much the same reason. At the moment, "catching up" isn't an applicable concept in EVE because there are only a finite amount of SP that can go into any one activitiy and due to the sharply diminishing returns, it's rarely a good idea to get every last one of those SP... and even if you do, it's a surprisingly small amount which a new player can reach in very short order if he wishes to. Right now, "catching up" isn't just possible -- it's unavoidable. With SP remapping, all that matters is how large your SP pool is and old players will always have a larger one. Right now, total SP is the one thing new players can't "catch up" with compared to older players, but right now, total SP is also a completely useless stat beyond making your clone more expensive. With remapping, that situation is reversed: total SP is the stat to rule them all, and catching up goes from being unavoidable to being impossible.
Petrus Blackshell
#94 - 2012-10-02 14:42:20 UTC
Lord Ryan wrote:
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
-1/10. Bad thread is bad.

I think you're mistaking. OP may be bad. I can't remember what he wanted, but the thread is doing fine.

Fair enough, though I'd point out that the badditude of any "refund my SP, waah" thread gets an inherent high rating.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Lord Ryan
True Xero
#95 - 2012-10-02 14:44:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Ryan
Silk daShocka wrote:
Lord Ryan wrote:

My point has always been, you can't fix Brutix by nerfing Drake.

Why fix brutix when it's the drake that's broken?

It's statements like that, that makes Brutix useless.

Imagine one day being able to fly around in sexy alienhead without sucking. I guess if CCP keeps nerfing everything, in another 4 or 5 years it'll be able to compete. Maybe nerf all other BC 90%. Big smile

Do not assume anything above this line was typed by me. Nerf the Truth, it's inconvenient.

Tir Capital Management Group
#96 - 2012-10-02 14:48:26 UTC


Where I am.

Cori Halcyon
#97 - 2012-10-02 14:49:11 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:

For a minute there I genuinely thought you might have some kind of insight into the game I had missed.

Then I saw this.

and this
Pipa Porto
#98 - 2012-10-02 14:49:28 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Allowing skill respecs makes total SP the only measure of a character. How they're allocated is irrelevant. This means that, contrary to the current situation (where specialization allows a newer character to outstrip an older one), newer players will never be able to exceed (or even match) older players abilities.

Why should they ever be able to? The more established players have invested more time and money in the game, it makes sense that they should have an advantage. A new player can either accept that's the status quo or buy an old account.

I really have no issue with this at all.

And there's your fundamental problem with EVE.

The beauty of EVE's skill system is that, in all areas of EVE, newer players can catch up to or exceed the abilities of older players by specializing.

The ability of new players to catch up to older players is what keeps MMOs attracting new players. If you were able to predict the winner of a fight based on age, there'd be no point in starting as a new player.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#99 - 2012-10-02 14:51:44 UTC
960ApofiS069 wrote:

i see ccp have balls to nerf stuff hard so am asking if ccp have balls also to give players a choice after applying new patch and open players assigned skill points in skills that will get affected by patch.

there u would see if players "realy" like yo ideas, so if they keep their SPs where they are it will be a sign of good work but if they will put em somewhere else u guys will have a nice prove of the quality of yo devs ideas.

for example winter patch and that drastic nerf of misiles, if i even knew at beginning that something like that will happen i would never train for misiles and i have there +9,3M sps and i think this what ccp is doing is nothing else but cheating on players and scumming em for cash!

i personaly think ccp is too scared and will find 1000s of excuses why not to open SPs and mostly it will be about cash coz after nerf something, ppl will have to train other stuff if they want to have same fun from this game = more needed time = more cash for ccp from GTCs and plexes

but if ccp start opening SPs after patches for some skills or for every skill for a week or two it would be awesome and more subs for ccp instead of regequits.

Grow some balls.

Liv with the training choices you make and learn some grammar and punctuation while your at it.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#100 - 2012-10-02 14:53:28 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Alpheias wrote:
Indeed. Crying over how there is no respec mechanic in EVE is rather childish.

I'm not crying. It's a suggestion not a moan. I won't stop playing if it isn't implemented, it just seems like an obvious addition to me.

You could stop crying though - some of you really don't like change do you?

I am curious what made you come to that conclusion that I'd be crying. Lol

You need to learn how to formulate your comebacks as well as your arguments. It will help you in life and if you want to get your point across.

Agent of Chaos, Sower of Discord.

Don't talk to me unless you are IQ verified and certified with three references from non-family members. Please have your certificate of authenticity on hand.