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AFK Cloakers

First post
Borisk Zeltsh
Alcohlics Anonymous
#41 - 2012-09-24 22:59:57 UTC
Posting in another cry cry i cnt rat cloaked ship in my system stamp feet cry cry thread
AFK Cloaker
Matari Exodus
#42 - 2012-09-24 23:00:06 UTC
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#43 - 2012-09-24 23:16:44 UTC
AFK Cloaker wrote:

A bit off topic, but I found that amusing.

Just my thoughts on the matter:

Though this could be quite annoying, it just means you have to implement your own countermeasures.

First of all, cloaky ships usually have to sacrifice DPS and tank in order to gain the ability to cloak. The only ships capable of warping cloaked are frigate and cruiser class ships, and are easily countered by a same class ship (typically). By bringing a battlecruiser to protect you while you mine, you should be quite capable of defending yourself against cruisers with the superior damage and tank available to battlecruisers, and with the drones in the mining ship and the battlecruiser, you will have acceptable damage against frigates, easily enough to destroy them before they kill you. (T3's notwithstanding, those are... anomalous)

Secondly, you are in arguably one of the most dangerous places in space (or at least, it should be. The fact that it isn't considered so is, in my opinion, a ridiculous testament to mechanics and how the safety available to people in null should be... altered.) You should not be mining/ratting without a PvP fitted escort capable of assisting you should you be ganked by something capable of killing you before you kill it. In null, I believe this should be considered mandatory, or you should be prepared to lose your ship.

Thirdly, the ships that can't warp cloaked are vulnerable because they need to uncloak to warp, and will be visible on D-scan before they land, giving you time to warp out, if you're paying attention. And you will know their ship because they will have been visible, and you will know in advance which ships to bring to counter them.

I can see where it is annoying, but I don't see why you think you should be able to sit in null or low sec, mining or ratting with absolute safety, pretending that you don't have to worry about anything.

Your actions dictate how you respond to such a thing. It is your choice what to do, and there are a lot of things that could be done to reduce the risk, should someone cloak up in a safespot in system.
Probebly Afk Cloaking
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#44 - 2012-09-25 01:34:39 UTC
working as intended
Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#45 - 2012-09-25 04:37:44 UTC

Sounds like he has gone through a lot of hardship because of cloakers! I'm so glad he is here to provide us with all the solutions we could need!

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#46 - 2012-09-25 04:57:02 UTC
I agree with the OP. This is a terrible feature and creates way too much risk in EVE. Also, it requires far too little effort for an AFK cloaker to get kills. If an AFK cloaker wants PVP, he can go wait on a titan for hours, like the rest of nullsec.

I really hope that CCP fixes the blatant risk that is running rampant in EVE. How is anyone supposed to ever PVP when they're getting blown up all the time, amirite? These risk-free activities are directly impacting the amount of PVP that happens significantly in EVE.

Clearly, if you get ganked while running sites to make isk for ships to PVP, then no PVP happens. If you are moving your ship to go PVP in and get killed by a gate camp, then no PVP happens. If i'm moving stuff in a freighter and it gets suicide ganked then no PVP happens with those ships. HOW IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO PVP IF THEIR SHIPS ARE GETTING BLOWN UP ALL THE TIME??

If CCP doesn't fix the problem of players being able to blow up someone's ship without sitting on a titan, then years from now the only thing that will be happening is other players blowing up other players and the amount of PVP in the game will be completely dead.

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#47 - 2012-09-25 05:16:58 UTC
Let me get this straight. The problem with afk cloakers is that you can't go afk with your mining alts when they are in system?
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#48 - 2012-09-25 05:20:01 UTC
Iam Widdershins wrote:

Sounds like he has gone through a lot of hardship because of cloakers! I'm so glad he is here to provide us with all the solutions we could need!

Like I said before, the problem with AFK cloakers is they create way too much risk for people ratting in nullsec so that whenever a ratter undocks he has to worry about losing his ships. EVE shouldn't be risk free and there should be consequences for these guys coming into your system. If they want to play EVE they should be afraid of losing a ship whenever they undock.

I think we need to look at the bigger problem. AFK cloaking isn't risk free because someone who is cloaked can't be caught. It's risk free because PVE fits are simply far too weak against PVP fits. CCP PLEASE FIX THIS!!

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#49 - 2012-09-25 05:40:01 UTC
Annubis Lorn wrote:
ok, honestly.... AFK cloakers are chicken ***** that dont have the backbone to do any proper PvP, and im gonna go out on a limb and say that the responders to this post are exactly the pilots im refering to. And no..... havnt been a victim in HED to that bunch of FAIL ass bombers that couldnt hit a titan hung up in an asteroid belt.

The only ones that need to grow a set are the little girls that sit in a SS cloaked for hours on end because they cant fit a ship that may actually kill someone. You guys dont want it fixed because then you would have no reason to play EVE since you cant really kill anyone.

Now you need a "backbone" to play a video game? If how someone plays "turnetspeyships" is the measuring stick by which you judge a person's character, afk cloaking is the least of your problems. Bombers trade all of their tank for gank (otherwise they're doing it wrong.) If bombers are successful it is only through teamwork. You have zero tank to help you survive. Faulting a cov ops ship for cloaking is like whining on forums about apocs armor tanking.
Chicken Pizza
One-man Armada
#50 - 2012-09-25 07:32:26 UTC
Um, I've been running 9/10's in your ******-infested systems with a non-cloaked ship for the past 4 days. You guys are ****. All of your probing alts have AU conversions in the bios because your brains are too small to memorize 150m km = 1 AU, let alone put that into a visual on the solar system map.

I've been in a damn Tornado, doing logoffs and sometimes just free-burning through your systems, and so far only 1 system in the entirety of Catch, between Providence and Querious, has had anyone that tried to stop me. Let's face it. PvP isn't your thing.

I'm no fan of TEST by far, but LEGIO is clearly full of even more noobish people who just want risk-free ratting.
Raiko Osburn
Advanced Resource Acquisition and Exploration
#51 - 2012-09-25 11:39:37 UTC
In my opinion AFK cloaking is just another aspect of game and we should get use to it. It is valid option how to disrupt players who have no idea how to fight it.

In fact there is simple solution to fear from AFK cloakers. Get a friend, don't fly solo. And if you have to fly solo, fly PvP fitted ships.

You don't want to fly with a friend/corp mate/alliance mate? Than risk your ship and in most cases mental health too. With no pain, there is no gain ^^

Forget numbers, play with ideas, look for solutions.

The Djentleman Paulson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#52 - 2012-09-25 13:22:10 UTC
Goldensaver wrote:
AFK Cloaker wrote:

A bit off topic, but I found that amusing.

Just my thoughts on the matter:

Though this could be quite annoying, it just means you have to implement your own countermeasures.

First of all, cloaky ships usually have to sacrifice DPS and tank in order to gain the ability to cloak. The only ships capable of warping cloaked are frigate and cruiser class ships, and are easily countered by a same class ship (typically). By bringing a battlecruiser to protect you while you mine, you should be quite capable of defending yourself against cruisers with the superior damage and tank available to battlecruisers, and with the drones in the mining ship and the battlecruiser, you will have acceptable damage against frigates, easily enough to destroy them before they kill you. (T3's notwithstanding, those are... anomalous)

Secondly, you are in arguably one of the most dangerous places in space (or at least, it should be. The fact that it isn't considered so is, in my opinion, a ridiculous testament to mechanics and how the safety available to people in null should be... altered.) You should not be mining/ratting without a PvP fitted escort capable of assisting you should you be ganked by something capable of killing you before you kill it. In null, I believe this should be considered mandatory, or you should be prepared to lose your ship.

Thirdly, the ships that can't warp cloaked are vulnerable because they need to uncloak to warp, and will be visible on D-scan before they land, giving you time to warp out, if you're paying attention. And you will know their ship because they will have been visible, and you will know in advance which ships to bring to counter them.

I can see where it is annoying, but I don't see why you think you should be able to sit in null or low sec, mining or ratting with absolute safety, pretending that you don't have to worry about anything.

Your actions dictate how you respond to such a thing. It is your choice what to do, and there are a lot of things that could be done to reduce the risk, should someone cloak up in a safespot in system.

You know I'm just there to point the mackinaw and light a cyno right?
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#53 - 2012-09-25 14:45:44 UTC
The Djentleman Paulson wrote:
You know I'm just there to point the mackinaw and light a cyno right?

I'm not too fond of the cyno mechanics as they are right now anyways, so I'll just ignore that :P
#54 - 2012-09-25 14:53:43 UTC
AFK cloakers exist through the mechanics and practise of going to dock the second a neutral player enter local.

Deal with that, to give a roaming player eligable targets while a local player have an incentive to be out there in the first place, and you will deal with AFK cloakers.

You don't cure illness by medicating symptoms.
Hoplite Brigade
#55 - 2012-09-25 15:19:06 UTC
Oh no, not this topic again. Please learn not to **** your pants just because someone is in local and just go away.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#56 - 2012-09-25 18:32:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
This seems to get re-posted every time it is off the first page for more then a day.

it does not take long to learn who the AFK cloakers are and ignore them. If you continue your op and they cyno in a fleet to nail you then I guess they were not AFK now were they??

All the endless threads on this subject I have only seen two idea's that I considered viable.

#1 very simple but would be frustrating for players who regularly fly cloakys, make the cloaking modules not auto cycle. To keep this from decloaking active characters at inopportune times the cloak duration should be longer and it should take 10-15 seconds to drop after the module finishes its cycle. The pilot has to manually reactivate it each cycle.

- This could be a PITA for active players just to remove the AFK cloakers. Not really worth it in my opinion.

#2 is also a very simple solution. When a player cloaks they are removed from local.

- this could add a massive espionage element to the game. you could actually have spys where nobody knows they are there. Like W-space currently is for all pilots not just cloakies. However this would make it almost impossible to keep SOV space secure. you would never know if there is a cloaky watching you ready to cyno in the fleet. This also could do much more harm than good.

In conclusion there is no reasonable solution to this that would not cause other more game breaking problems. AFK cloakers are just a part of SOV warfare you have to learn to live with. If #2 was implemented they would still be there you just would not know. That would be even more dangerous. Man up and don't be so paranoid. If you are following the first rule of EVE there is nothing to fear.

In case you do not recall the first rule of EVE is "Do not fly what you can not afford to lose." Ships get blown up in null sec, even deep inside SOV space. If you can afford to lose it then it is nothing but a notch in the belt for the other team. If you can not afford to lose it then don't fly it. If you can afford to lose it then ignore the AFK cloakers and get on with it. On the rare occasion that an AFK cloaker does something other than sit silently in local, losing a ship you can afford to lose is no big deal right??

If you can not handle that then move to W-space. nobody in local there to scare you. Or is there....
Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#57 - 2012-09-26 00:32:47 UTC
So looking at this the complaint is more against cloaking than against the afk
You would rather and rightfully so like a method to get rid of cloakers.
The easy solution I think is that cloaking should just drop your sig radius to the minimum possible in game letting you be probed out only by the perfect prober(which actually makes these people a desired item now)
You could also have them removed from the over view still while cloaked and all but if they arent moving you will warp to 0 and decloak and kill them
Seems a good plan.
Alyssa Yotosala
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#58 - 2012-09-26 02:44:42 UTC
Its pretty pathetic that somebody in EVE is complaining that they are too scared to do anything in system when there is an AFK cloaker in local.

Grow a pair of balls. Harden up, this is EVE not pink unicorns and happy faces online.

How exactly is somebody who is AWAY FROM KEYBOARD going to do anything to your ship when he is.......AFK.

The day CCP listens to whining pansies is the day EVE truly dies.

HTFU or GTFO. Dont expect CCP to change the game to suit you because you are too much of a pussy to handle somebody in local.

Verge of Collapse
#59 - 2012-09-26 11:57:26 UTC
Annubis Lorn wrote:
I suppose there won't be a single educated and proper response to this thread. Just more 12 yo shutins that don't have anything better to do than trash ppl in the forums and talk smack. Thanks guys for showing your ignorance. YAY EVE for attracting every ****** and ***hole in the gaming community.

With a response like that you are that 12 yo shutiin that is trash talking and smacking. You just called everyone assholes because you cant deal with a game mechanic.

Cloaking is completely fine, it seems like the problem is not cloaking itself but YOU. If you cant simply move to another system, deal with the AFK cloaker or when he shows up, rather than spend 8 hours a day ratting go and pvp.

Blame your **** alliance for letting these tards into your system in the first place, better yet blame yourself for being in a nullsec alliance.

Same thread creeps up every so often and its always some renter/major nullsec alliance and the OP is always a carebear. Never see casual Pve'rs complain about AFK cloakers, why? because when pvp'ers pve they pve in pvp ******* ships to deal with the problem like everyone else should.

Verge of Collapse
#60 - 2012-09-26 12:01:07 UTC
Sjugar wrote:
It's nice to list a lot of things you can do to be safer, but both of you are circling around my point: people shouldn't be able to have an impact on gameplay while not behind their computer screen.

AFK miners shape the fabric of the mineral market.

So that argument is completely irrelevant.