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EVE General Discussion

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CCP – Humiliation via Face Book / Double Standards

First post
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#41 - 2012-09-18 21:51:09 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Touval Lysander wrote:
1. they own the rules. they do what they damn well please.

Not really.

Touval Lysander wrote:
2. they didn't post the KM on the forums which is the actual rule you're referring to.


Touval Lysander wrote:
3. it's promotional. it betters OUR game. brings in more noobs who want to fly/kill freighters.


Touval Lysander wrote:
4. it's kinda funny.
5. nope. it's REALLY funny.


So what?

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Dibble Dabble
Spaghetti Cannon
Sentinels Amongst Warriors
#42 - 2012-09-18 22:14:02 UTC
Touval Lysander wrote:
Dibble Dabble wrote:
Would any other business ridicule / humiliate their source of income?
THIS is the point of contention and has been explained by many others. Ridicule/humiliate is plain wrong as a term UNLESS you happen to be 1, the victim, 2 a highsec indy player. For everybody else, Eve IS a PvP centric game based around death, destruction, misery and the freighter kill is GOOD and publiscizing it to bring in more looney, crazy wild boy pilots is also GOOD. What's CCP gonna do? Show everyone holding hands singing Kumbaya in 1.0 to bring in new punters? How do you qualify show death and destruction w/o a KM? CCP can make vids and claim "actual footage used" but to a sceptical, hard-to-please gaming world it means little. A KM gives it providence. Turning grown men into quivering heaps of jelly is Eve. htfu.

Some interesting points Touval, a little narrow minded and you have a bias towards PVP, death, destruction. I dont have a problem with this. Maybe we should get the devs to remove all NON PVP roles in the game. Based on your view it would appear that there is no mining, industry, missions, politics as we are all too busy with PVP and if we are not PVPing there must be something wrong with us.

Maybe CCP should simply create a Modern Warefare version of Eve. Lets all have free ships, free skills, free implants so we can all blow **** up. Lets get rid of the moons, concord, sec status, clones, and spend all day blowing **** up. Throw in some hacks, cheat codes and aim bots for good measure. Maybe you need to spend more time looking at the depth of eve, the planning that the alliances have to do, the sceaming, the market manipulations, the stealing, scamming and all without a shot being fired. You seem to forget or maybe not old enough to realise that you dont always need to shoot your load to PVP.

Maybe many will like a modern warefare verions of Eve, maybe thats what Dust will become, me I kinda like the sandbox, I just wish there was a little balance for all aspects of PVP, but I guess a KM showing a 20bil freighter KM will appeal to those that lack the intelect to make 20bil or 200bil using more subtle methods.

In your words "CCP can make vids and claim "actual footage used" but to a sceptical, hard-to-please gaming world it means little. A KM gives it providence". Question is - Do any other organisations use the misfortune of the clients *without client approval" to advertise their products?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2012-09-18 22:17:58 UTC
Dibble Dabble wrote:

In your words "CCP can make vids and claim "actual footage used" but to a sceptical, hard-to-please gaming world it means little. A KM gives it providence". Question is - Do any other organisations use the misfortune of the clients *without client approval" to advertise their products?

So Blizzard shouldn't advertise world first boss kills because it might hurt the feelings of the guild who came second?
Activision shouldn't advertise the fact you can kill people in CoD because that means someone else is getting killed and they might not like that?

Grow up.
Touval Lysander
Zero Wine
#44 - 2012-09-18 22:25:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Touval Lysander
Dibble Dabble wrote:

Some interesting points Touval, a little narrow minded and you have a bias towards PVP, death, destruction. I dont have a problem with this. Maybe we should get the devs to remove all NON PVP roles in the game. Based on your view it would appear that there is no mining, industry, missions, politics as we are all too busy with PVP and if we are not PVPing there must be something wrong with us.

Actually no. I am not slanted towards ANY style of play. In fact I built up my fortune mining/hauling/missioning for almost 2 years but like most Eve players eventually do - I've moved on.

But the argument is less about that and more about whether CCP is "breaking their own rules" by posting KM's in publicly accessible media.

Given that nearly every Eve player DOES post KM's in other media - just NOT in THIS forum - then the argument is all sort of, well, moot.

Dibble Dabble wrote:

In your words "CCP can make vids and claim "actual footage used" but to a sceptical, hard-to-please gaming world it means little. A KM gives it providence". Question is - Do any other organisations use the misfortune of the clients *without client approval" to advertise their products?

This is food for thought but why do I get the feeling that the avatar is in fact the IP of CCP anyway? I'd almost bet that there is provision in their T&C about using your avatar/persona for promotional purposes. If it isn't it soon will be :)

POST EDIT: (2 seperate paragraphs from EULA)

In addition, you acknowledge and agree that CCP may analyze and use such User Gameplay Information for the purposes of review, research, development, maintenance, operation, administration, and support, and for the marketing of CCP products and services.

Your Account, and all attributes of your Account, including all corporations, actions, groups, titles and characters, and all objects, currency and items acquired, developed or delivered by or to characters as a result of play through your Accounts, are the sole and exclusive property of CCP

"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."

Dibble Dabble
Spaghetti Cannon
Sentinels Amongst Warriors
#45 - 2012-09-18 22:33:21 UTC
Yeep wrote:
Dibble Dabble wrote:

In your words "CCP can make vids and claim "actual footage used" but to a sceptical, hard-to-please gaming world it means little. A KM gives it providence". Question is - Do any other organisations use the misfortune of the clients *without client approval" to advertise their products?

So Blizzard shouldn't advertise world first boss kills because it might hurt the feelings of the guild who came second?
Activision shouldn't advertise the fact you can kill people in CoD because that means someone else is getting killed and they might not like that?

Grow up.

Yeep. I bow to your ignorance and I chuckle at your non argument. There are some that you can have a reasonable debate, sadly your not one of them. Let me know when you have finished school. But I pity you so I will help.

Let me try and explain. Lets assume your a client of a on line gaming company. You put all your money on an unsuited 2/4 hand in poker, sadly your attempt to bluff fails and you lose all your money. The on-line gaming company then posts your hand and nick name on-line with a message along the lines of "what a dumb arse" come join us and you too could screw this dumb arse, we have more just like him.

Jim Era
#46 - 2012-09-18 22:36:31 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
As I explain to people (because people come to me saying "hey, that guy that was killed in Libya, the news says he played that game you play"), this game is all about killing other people's ships. You play chess to checkmate someone else. You play Eve to blow up someone elses ship. if you can't do that, then you take measures to keep from being blown up. (evidently you have more options than Chess).

I also explain that there are people who come to the game thinking it's going to be happy fairy land and they get smacked down hard.

In light of the recent news, a fundraiser for VR exceeded initial expectations. The same player base that would gank you in two seconds can also be charitable - there have been PLEX drives over previous incidents.

So what does this mean?

It means that this is just a game and armies of darkness are not going to march over the face of the earth (at least not BECAUSE of this game).

Now, regarding the FB post: was the real name and personal info of the player made public?

Are our in-game characters public or are they private?

Do we, playing an MMO, and pertaining to matters of our characters in game, have an expectation of privacy?

See how that works?

Goddammit, I just can't read a thread without something pertaining to that guy.

Maybe we should be angry at news sites for reporting his km?


Ginger Barbarella
#47 - 2012-09-18 23:03:07 UTC
Ocih wrote:
Facebook is for scrubs.

This. Very much this.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#48 - 2012-09-18 23:28:20 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Dibble Dabble wrote:
Lots of text


And the players of any MMO should be concerned when their host company starts talking about console games because that's always a sign that you - yes you - are about to be sold out and left to wither away on the vine.



+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

#49 - 2012-09-19 00:34:40 UTC  |  Edited by: EglantinFinfleur
A long time ago, CCP was pandering to BoB, blueprint scandal, spawns and all that jazz. They thought it was cool to have a big powerful entity polarizing hatred and resentment in New Eden, and in a way, it was.
Then BoB got bored, began to lose its coherence, got bored, and passed the torch to GoonFleet, spinning with the help of CCP a nice little tale of deceit and betrayal -do you really believe that "BoB director joined goons on an alt then gave passwords to BoB's infrastructure to the goons"?

Goons being what they are, overweight westerners with a fetish for fringe subcultures and online entertainment, a failing self-esteem that has to be boosted by mocking others, and lonely people seeking warmth amongst the same, they perfectly fitted the role that BoB had, the new scapegoat and hated entity of New Eden.

However, it meant that CCP had to pander to them. When they had to suck up to BoB, it only meant that they had to conform to the idea of alcoholic online tough guy armchair tacticians. With Goons now in charge of the big bad guy role, the paradigm switched to alcoholic cynical scammers lolsorandum griefing and use of a game not as a end in itself (rpg means roleplaying a person), but as a means to get cheap kicks out of total strangers, which is not roleplaying at all, but working out real life frustrations through trying hard to make random dudes miserable.

It's then very fitting that CCP does what you reported on Facebook.

It should also be noted that the vast majority of MMOs devs understood a long time ago that frustration is what drives players, much more than fun. Frustration you feel, or you inflict on others. CCP breeds it like a fragile orchid in New Eden.

There are three kinds of people playing EvE now:
- Online sadists, unable to act their sociopathy IRL, or afraid of consequences
- Masochists, seeking a kind of punishment they cannot directly retaliate against
- Gamers loving sandbox sci-fi games and waiting for a new one where devs will actually take measures so it stays a game, and people don't go to the toilet in the sandbox.

I hope Dust goes down the drain and WoD is a terrible failure. CCP used to have a great vision, and they've let themselves become cynical lardy alcoholics thinking it's way cool to be an online sociopath and pander to people who use games not to have fun, but work out their frustrations without fear of consequences.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#50 - 2012-09-19 00:46:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
EglantinFinfleur wrote:

There are three kinds of people playing EvE now:
- Online sadists, unable to act their sociopathy IRL, or afraid of consequences
- Masochists, seeking a kind of punishment they cannot directly retaliate against
- Gamers loving sandbox sci-fi games and waiting for a new one where devs will actually take measures so it stays a game, and people don't go to the toilet in the sandbox.

Nope some of us play because we actually take Eve at face value and try and succeed regardless of the obstacles others place in our way. I'll admit to somewhat falling into your 3rd category with my love of sci-fi but to be brutally honest even if another developer released a similar game with more restrictions on what you can and can't do I for one would not subbing to it. The appeal of Eve is that it is a sandbox and that you can crap in it, not some theme park game pretending to be a sand box when it's not.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Ludi Burek
The Player Haters Corp
#51 - 2012-09-19 02:08:08 UTC
Dibble Dabble wrote:
Would any other business ridicule / humiliate their source of income?

Where is the ridicule? All I see is acknowledgement of perfect execution of skill by the six hero pilots.
Keen Fallsword
Skyway Patrol
#52 - 2012-09-19 02:13:21 UTC
Dibble Dabble wrote:
A recent post by CCP on Facebook shared a link to a killboard kill. The loss a 22bil freighter, to a empire suicide gank using 6 T1 battlecruisers. It would appear that CCP marketing think its a good thing to humiliate a player via facebook. It should be noted that it’s not allowed to post killboard links in the official forums. Double standards is not new to CCP and maybe the continual decline in player numbers is causing them to resort to desperate measures to market the game.

CCP have locked threads, containing a kill board links in their official forums where posting is restricted to “paying” members however they are happy to not only endorse the humiliation of a player in public , but use this as a marketing tool.

I would question why CCP would sanction such a move. Are they now telling everyone that in 3 months you and a few mates can have the skills to cause someone to suffer such a loss? Are they now telling everyone that 3 month old alts can fund their game play with a little empire suicide ganking if they get lucky. Maybe they been taking lessons from the Goon Marketing Department, we know how much they just love to publicly humiliate other players.

I was told some time ago that creating disposable suicide alt accounts was not allowed and bans could be applied. Let’s do the sums for a suicide alt: Skills, 3 Months Plex and some ships. Cost £3bil. Income £10-20 bil before sec status hits -5 or CCP take action. Delete account, start again. No Risk, High Reward.

It would it appear to me that CCP are no longer marketing a game that used to be based on strategy, skills, risk, planning to one of quick and easy wins, no risk and little skill, otherwise known as console gaming and I wonder why? How much have CCP risked on Dust? In order for Eve to work with Dust are we going to dumb down Eve? Will skill points, experience, planning and large scale team work no longer matter.

Looks to me like CCP has lost its love of Eve in favour of the mass market that console games can access. Question is should Dust fail what impact will it have on Eve? Wonder how long before CCP offer cheat codes and vanity items become more than a just a pair of boots.

Maybe your misfortune will be CCP's next victim in CCP humiliation of their paying members, thats how much they value you.

So, following CCP's lead, I have sold my Capital BPO's and I have taken down my POS's. I have 3 suicide alts in training. Will share my success / failure at Xmas.

You need a break from this game bro...
Alavaria Fera
#53 - 2012-09-19 02:19:53 UTC
Ludi Burek wrote:
Dibble Dabble wrote:
Would any other business ridicule / humiliate their source of income?

Where is the ridicule? All I see is acknowledgement of perfect execution of skill by the six hero pilots.

Let us take a moment to appreciate their bravery in the face of a perfect, teleporting, invulnerable police state regime.

Let us now load our T2 large projectile weapons with T2 "Aid" Large Projectile Ammo to deliver to the next foolish freighter pilot.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Alavaria Fera
#54 - 2012-09-19 02:21:01 UTC
EglantinFinfleur wrote:
There are three kinds of people playing EvE now:
- Online sadists, unable to act their sociopathy IRL, or afraid of consequences
- Masochists, seeking a kind of punishment they cannot directly retaliate against
- Gamers loving sandbox sci-fi games and waiting for a new one where devs will actually take measures so it stays a game, and people don't go to the toilet in the sandbox.

Speaking of masochists looking for punishment they can't retaliate against:

Hey guys, I have a great story about this one time that BARK BARK

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2012-09-19 02:30:22 UTC
Well,****... I thought playing Eve was humiliating enough...
Alavaria Fera
#56 - 2012-09-19 03:06:55 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Well,****... I thought playing Eve was humiliating enough...

It is. Let me tell you about the time my BARK got BARK BARK and then the fleet welped. Argh.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#57 - 2012-09-19 03:18:26 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Well,****... I thought playing Eve was humiliating enough...

Nope that's WoW, I'd rather admit to playing Hello Kitty Online than that ... bugger did I just admit to playing HKO?

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#58 - 2012-09-19 03:26:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Cede Forster
the more you know!

i just learned another thing: i am not allowed to post killboard links on the board and i promise i read the rules, twize

you are not allowed to post killboard links? but ... Cry
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#59 - 2012-09-19 03:34:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Jake Warbird
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Jake Warbird wrote:
Well,****... I thought playing Eve was humiliating enough...

Nope that's WoW, I'd rather admit to playing Hello Kitty Online than that ... bugger did I just admit to playing HKO?

HKO? Is that the game where people don't equip themselves to survive the big,bad people outside of their house when they go to mine for minerals and expect the developers to save them?

Oh wait...

Alavaria Fera wrote:

It is. Let me tell you about the time my BARK got BARK BARK and then the fleet welped. Argh.

I'd very much like to be part of this fleet BARKfare.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#60 - 2012-09-19 03:37:40 UTC
Jake Warbird wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Jake Warbird wrote:
Well,****... I thought playing Eve was humiliating enough...

Nope that's WoW, I'd rather admit to playing Hello Kitty Online than that ... bugger did I just admit to playing HKO?

HKO? Is that the game where people don't equip themselves to survive the big,bad people outside of their house when they go to mine for minerals and expect the developers to save them?

Oh wait...

Lol next time we have a patch that knocks Eve out for a few hours I think we, as a group, should go and introduce the HKO players to the dark side of MMO's

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack