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Call For Discussion : CSM Voting Reform

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Remnant Madeveda
Apex Mining and Industry
Caldari Alliance
#321 - 2012-09-09 15:07:05 UTC
Xolve wrote:
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

The current system is gameable by large organized groups. The example system can also be somewhat gamed; the question is, is it more or less gameable? STV with overvotes clearly is more gameable, but CD-STV may not be (and have the advantage of providing more diverse representation in the lower slots of the CSM).

I think what you fail to realize is the simple fact that the morale majority has always been able to swing the vote, Plenty of people outside of GSF voted for Mittens, simply because he's an effective candidate and can allocate swathes of personal time to CSM matters.

If any entity in this game, can have 5000+ active members and coincidentally sway all 5000 of those people to vote for him, then he should be in office, it's basic politics 101. Of course, you must realize even Mittens who is literally the King of Space, has to do more than just snap his fingers to awaken the hive to do his bidding (there needs to be a wordy Jabber Broadcast, and at least a 20 minute speech).

Set aside your personal vendetta and your poor play at 'GoonSwarm' as an example (which is just "Hurrrr the largest alliance in the game has alot of votes") and realize that if someone can muster 5000+ votes, that person probably has more of an ear for what's happening and how in the game than the rest of the candidates.

So again- is there any reason for this change?

And those speeches are the best ones to hear. I always manage to look forward to the sotg speeches. I'm just hoping that TEST has a speaker that will do something similar.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#322 - 2012-09-09 15:09:27 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Sirane Elrek wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
So any attempt to alter the voting system by getting people to vote or altering the way the voting is done will produce a thread naught about how badly off they would be.

We're totally happy with the CSM trying to get people to vote. What we aren't happy about is that they're instead trying to arbitrarily change the electoral system with the stated intent to **** us over.

Frying Doom wrote:
Now with all things like this the CSM must decide if you just go off the forums you will have a campaign by Goonswarm to prevent any real discussion on the matter.

Bullshit. There is real discussion on the matter. Just because we don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean there isn't.

You might try to think this out rather than screaming against it, this proposal by its self will do nothing to stop 10,000 votes from getting someone on the CSM. It would however reduce candidates like Darius III getting re-elected as he would have less chance of scamming another candidate out of their votes.

But the main problems facing the CSM are not even this they are more to do with re-activating old accounts (or making new ones) to vote and the lack of people who actually vote.

look at you white knighting this **** almost as hard as you white knighted issler dainze

tell me how this is POSSIBLY a good idea at all

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Sunshine and Lollipops
#323 - 2012-09-09 15:28:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Frying Doom wrote:
And what did we mostly hear about during CSM 6
Fixing the broken sov system that made null a no-go for everyone but the established actors; fixing the broken tech situation, which broke the game for everyone; cleaning up after Incarna and delivering stuff that everyone wanted.

So yeah, having representatives that look at the bigger picture is quite important. Where they're from is much less so.

The current system is to easy to exploit, given that a large part of this is due to people not voting but the other is the current system is to easily manipulated.
It's by far the least exploitable voting system there is, due to its simplicity. The actual problem is that it doesn't match what it's being used for, since voting power means nothing in a non-decision-making context. The other problem is that some people don't care about voting but care a lot about complaining about how they didn't vote. STV is the proposed CD-FPTP (because calling it CD-STV is a gutbustingly bad joke since it does the exact opposite of STV) is even more exploitable, but only because the small size of the CSM and the lack of constituencies.

The problem with the proposal is that it does the exact same thing as the current system — it wastes votes — but it's much worse than the current system because the votes wasted are the ones that represent a larger consensus, rather than the ones that represent pointless minority fringe votes. The other problem, if course, is that it's incorrectly named since it's not a STV system.

So no, the current system being the least exploitable of the options is not a good reason to reform the voting system.

If one lone nutter getting someone elected is not cause for voting reform, you will never believe there is a need.Lol
So now you're against the proposal, I take it, in spite of being for it before?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#324 - 2012-09-09 15:53:35 UTC
Oh hey I see we're still trying to prop up a brazen attempt by this CSM to throw away the votes of paying subscribers because they do not like who they'll be voting for!

The 'do-nothing' member of the GoonSwarm Economic Warfare Cabal

The edge is REALLY hard to see at times but it DOES exist and in this case we were looking at a situation where a new feature created for all of our customers was being virtually curbstomped by five of them

Vorkuta Inc
#325 - 2012-09-09 16:05:48 UTC
Dramaticus wrote:
Oh hey I see we're still trying to prop up a brazen attempt by this CSM to throw away the votes of paying subscribers because they do not like who they'll be voting for!

B-b-b-but bloc votes andandandand ((((((
Vorkuta Inc
#326 - 2012-09-09 16:06:11 UTC
I mean, I have 3 accounts and if my 3 votes got thrown out man I would be PISSED OFF
Goonfleet Investment Banking
#327 - 2012-09-09 16:26:29 UTC
Still haven't seen a reason justifying disenfranchising voters. C'mon girls, knuckle up and come up with something. Even our Republicans have the stones to claim that they do what they do to combat voter fraud. Voter fraud doesn't happen, but that's their excuse!

Also I find it amusing that Trebor thinks that Mittani was "concerned" about STV voting allowing a bloc to dominate the voting. If you think he was concerned you're either willfully misinterpreting the statement, or are simply ignorant.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#328 - 2012-09-09 16:46:57 UTC
So let's do some :img-timeline:.

During the CSM meeting, the CSM made sure to whine about how voting was "easy to game. Now, several months later, Trebor suddenly unveils a new system which we might as well call FuckMittani/Goons/Test, but which is even easier to game.

Alekseyev, Hans, Seleene and Two Step have all stepped in to defend it (although Seleene hasn't done so here, but on twitter), and Hans quickly disavowed the entire thing as "it's Trebor's thing".

And they still don't seem to be able to elucidate why it should be a-okay to blatantly try to rig the system against one or two specific entities in the game, even to the point of specifically saying so in the proposal.

:our CSM:.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Sirane Elrek
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#329 - 2012-09-09 17:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Sirane Elrek
I am somewhat annoyed by the sparse CSM participation in this thread. I'd have thought a topic that touches on the voting process of the CSM -- the foundation of their legitimization -- would have warranted more than one post a day, especially since all of the hard questions have been carefully avoided. Instead we get some snarky answers brushing off concerns ("If I really wanted to disenfranchise some people, I'd suggest a literacy test").
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#330 - 2012-09-09 17:09:16 UTC
I actually forgot to address that one, but I would've thought a literacy test would affect the average pubbie more than it would us.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Konrad Kane
#331 - 2012-09-09 17:12:52 UTC
I'll be honest I've never really been a huge fan of the CSM and it's bemusing to me that I'm going to comment here, but given the frankly astonishing cynicism or stupidity of this idea (I'm not sure which) I feel compelled.

The CSM has many people trapped in the logical fallacy that the CSM is a constituency based body: it's not. Because when I vote for someone in the real world typically they have a constituency. If I vote for my local politician that person is courting my vote as a constituency so generally keeps the majority view in mind when in office. If they don't someone else appeals to the same constituency and wins people over to vote for them. That's what makes representative democracy work.

CSM voting seems to be on tribal grounds. I vote for you for screw guy A or because they are in alliance B. They are only called 'null sec' members (for example) after they are voting in. There isn't a formal null sec position on the CSM, as there isn't a low sec, high sec, wormhole, PvE, etc. A 'null sec' CSM member isn't representing null sec in general, they are representing their little corner of it and that play style.

So my first question is:

Why aren't the CSM suggesting creating positions based on actual constituencies?

Why not have a CSM made up for formal null sec, high sec etc positions that the player base vote for? If you want the players game play styles to be represented build the CSM around the play styles. I guess because turkeys don't vote for Christmas.

Here are my criticisms of this proposal:

1. I'm willing to bet if EN24 listed 10 things in a poll on their site that the CSM urgently had to address voting reform would be last, behind the lack of choices of sock on the store. I'm sure lots of people look at this and scratch their head: how about focusing on the game and not concocting ways to make the CSM better for the CSM?

2. You remove the relationship between my vote and who I vote for because they can give it to someone else.

3. The bizzare notion that an automated system where I rank my candidate preference is LESS efficient than some manual vote distribution base on blog and forum posts is obviously wrong.

4. Last, but not least, you aren't doing away with 'the block' you're creating a system where the CSM members form blocks to make sure their chums get on. You take that power off the players and give it to the CSM.

Really, if you want the CSM to be representative of the various play styles in EVE align the CSM to those play styles formally. Create positions for high, low and null sec, for industry and wormwholes, for faction warfare and PVE, etc. Then you'll have a representative player advocacy with people there that represent large chunks of that play style.

The fact you've gone out of your way not to do this but create a convoluted system in which the CSM can determine it's own composition smells of a disingenuous attempt to make sure the only thing that changes is that you get to pick who is on the next CSM is.

Given the CSM doesn't seem to doing that much I'm not sure it matters anyway. All I know is if you bring this system in I'm not even going to bother voting in it.
Remnant Madeveda
Apex Mining and Industry
Caldari Alliance
#332 - 2012-09-09 17:13:17 UTC
It's not literacy that is our failing most of the time it's a complete disregard for spelling, grammar, and things of that nature. Or it could just be an unwillingness to read every post like it's a ******* term paper for all errors. I mean don't get me wrong proof-reading what you wrote is a good idea, but most people would just skim what they wrote. Thereby probably missing or just auto brain correcting any small errors.

I'm pretty sure we as a whole are literate, but then again :effort:.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#333 - 2012-09-09 18:06:00 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
On a personal level, I want the CSM to be a more effective working body. I believe that by reforming the voting system, we can improve the overall quality of the candidates -- and the resulting council.
Where's some evidence to back this statement up? You just thinking it, or saying it, is not PERSUASIVE at all.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#334 - 2012-09-09 18:12:54 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
... the advantage of providing more diverse representation in the lower slots of the CSM.
This statement is a complete load of ****.

If you look at the current candidates and who they represent, the lower slots are far more diverse, representationally, than the upper slots. (You obviously don't want to mention that, since you're in the upper slots.)

(Spreadsheet: CSM6/CSM7 Representation)

Your scheme solves no current problem that actually exists with the CSM. No bloc gamed the system this year. No bloc gamed the system last year.

Get more people to vote ... don't try to stifle the existing vote. Stop being a fascist, Trebor.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#335 - 2012-09-09 18:18:02 UTC
Haquer wrote:
How exactly does voting reform that screws over big blocs help you improve the quality of the candidates by allowing even more useless fluff like yourself onto the CSM?
Trebor wants more limp-wristed candidates. More Kelduums. More Isslers. More Meissas. Because these people are so meek, that they listen to Trebor. They look up to Trebor. The Mittani never gave Trebor the time of day, and Trebor definitely does not want more Mittani's on the CSM to work with.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#336 - 2012-09-09 18:21:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Frying Doom wrote:
. . .it is possible to have a CSM that represents the whole population.

CSM7 has some broad representation happening. Doesn't matter if some of those representations are useless teets, they still were voted to represent certain areas of the game. Votes were cast, people were chosen.

(Spreadsheet: CSM6/CSM7 Representation)
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#337 - 2012-09-09 18:24:51 UTC
Remnant Madeveda wrote:
Strange though that in no point during the summer minutes did the voting for CSM come up, and yet it's been a constant concern.
This is just Trebor's yearly make-work project. He needs to step away from each CSM feeling as though he contributed something unique. Last year it was his crowd-sourced voting thing. This year it is voting reform.
Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#338 - 2012-09-09 18:25:29 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
So how many members on CSM 6 were from Null?

There are six null candidates on CSM7.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#339 - 2012-09-09 18:25:42 UTC
I don't think, for a second, that Hans' "it was squarely trebor's idea!" backpedalling has any root in reality, this reeks more of something the entire CSM has come up with. Just look at the few CSM rep posts in here, all of them have been in defense of the idea (except Hans, which turned his coat to suit the way the wind blew vOv), and Seleene has even tweeted about it, saying "I consider it a first stab at things. Do you think it should remain as is? Plenty of time for ~change~.", "It’s good, right! Let me know if you spot an ~less mad~ post with some actual ideas in it. :) " and "Where are all the other good ideas or proposals tho? the whole point is to see where the community stands on this. "

Yeah, no, this was CSM-wide.

And here's an idea: resign.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Sirane Elrek
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#340 - 2012-09-09 18:39:40 UTC
It's also quite interesting that Seleene doesn't even have the balls to defend the proposal in this forum, and instead retreats to twitter.