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I'm sick of scrolling!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#21 - 2012-09-05 15:00:15 UTC
AlleyKat wrote:
Websites should have auto orientation for content, and due to lazy idiot web designers whose life consists of using templates and thinking they are being "creative", we have to have underutilised web pages with 2/3rds of the screen empty, and the remaining content off the bottom of the screen.

If you're such an expert on web design, how about you put together a site to demonstrate how you think it should be done? If the only reason we don't have "auto orientation for content" is because the developers are lazy idiots, then it should be easy for a motivated genius such as yourself to show us how it should be done. Hell, you could make a killing selling templates to the idiots. CAN make websites, right?

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

The Unwanted.
#22 - 2012-09-06 19:03:17 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
If the only reason we don't have "auto orientation for content" is because the developers are lazy idiots, then it should be easy for a motivated genius such as yourself to show us how it should be done.

No need, I'll let Adobe show you and everyone else how it can be done:

video link

/me does dance

So - there is no real reason for limiting content (in total) to 1/3 of the screen, because text can be put into columns to appease those that have issues with attention spans.

It's more work for developers, which is why I began this thread with a plee, and even used the word 'please', but as far as I can see, web developers need to let their client decide (y'know, the one actually paying them) whether they want to have 2/3rds of the screen empty, or have 2/3rds of the screen actually in use.

If web developers are paying attention to due diligence, they will; if they are lazy and just want to coax their client into using a layout for which they already have4 a template for back at the office, they won't.

Of course, I suppose the idiots are the clients, because they are the ones who must have been suckered into this bs since the beginning of the web.


This space for rent.

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