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The Highsec quandry.

WoT Misfits
#161 - 2012-08-31 18:14:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Nuela
While I sympathise with the OP and agree with him that NPC corps shouldn't have any older toons in them...the gist I have to agree with mister epeen.

These threads reek of people just wanting targets weaker than them, more unskilled then them and flying ships that are not made for combat as targets to blow up.

It reeks of cowardice.

You have to realize that you will NEVER get these targets.

Even if you convince CCP to fully embrace your position....ban hisec/Concord completely and allow free/no-hassle combat in hisec....your absolute wet dream that you have twice a STILL will NOT get these targets. People do not play a game to just be a target/pinhata/enjoyment for other players.

It's not going to happen. Let it go.
Infragilis Conventio Corp.
#162 - 2012-08-31 19:28:19 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Versteckter wrote:
Sorry I ruin the game for all you guys.
I have a two year old so I get distracted easy. But I love the game and I'm happy shooting rocks, for now. I mostly just sell kernite when the market is favorable so I can collect more ships. It's what I like to do. I'm sorry I ruin the game for everyone else. I'll try to shoot less rocks in the future.

You're not ruining the game for anyone, you are benefiting from an imbalanced situation that the game makers seem to have so far overlooked when they imposed the npc corp tax.

For the record I am not hiding in an NPC corp. But everyone in the corp stopped playing the game (including me, though I come back and play a little here and there) and they even promoted me to CEO.

HA ! Me. A CEO. That's a hoot.

Anyway, I don't see why people take issue with this aspect. there is plenty to do in the game. Let some people have their casual play. People like me. I like to come in a fly around a little bit, make a little money and poke around. I do take issue with bots. but so what if some people like to shoot rocks. Let em.
Epic Ganking Time
#163 - 2012-08-31 19:41:39 UTC
I just read some dev stuff... looks like Empire is going to have a few drawbacks before too long. Suck it blue. Big smile

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#164 - 2012-08-31 19:45:52 UTC
MIrple wrote:

Any here we have yet another dont change my game as millions will leave post. Again this is not targeted at the new players this is targeted at players that are using the NPC corp as a meat shield. If you are in an NPC corp mine deep inside of your your factions areas where the opposing factions would have a hard time reaching you with out getting blown up. Your safish but you still can be effected by other people.

Millions won't leave. I would. Many others that I know would. But, our impact on CCP's income wouldn't be very severe.
So, please don't take that statement as doom and gloom.
I do however, want you to consider what will happen to all the alts of those null-sec dwellers, pirates, etc.
Those alts completely lose their functionality.
Some if not most of those alts are on seperate accounts. What happens to those accounts?

Millions won't leave, but enough will be canceled to make a difference. Dismissing this point doesn't make it invalid. It would have to be considered by CCP. To try and be more clear, it probably won't be a huge impact, but it will be noticable.


Saying it isn't targeted at new players isn't 100% the truth. It still affects them. Just because someone has 30 days worth of time and skills trained doesn't mean they played 24/7 and learned everything. At 30 days some people may only have 20 or 30 hours and that isn't enough to learn the skills required to survive in the shark tank.


I'm not quite sure I understand the last part of your statement. But, safeish does stand out to me.
I don't expect to be safe, not even in the NPC corp. Or in Empire.
When I play I am constantly on D-Scan and watching local for people I've marked as hostile. (for whatever reason they may have given me in the past)
I can still be ganked.
Sure, 15% tax or whatever it is to not be war dec'd doesn't seem like much to you. I'd pay 50% if I had to.
But I don't have the time to play in the style you folks are saying I should play.

Eve is a great game, I enjoy it my way. In the NPC corp, I try to help new players. Steer them away from making the same newbie mistakes that I made. And honestly, I'm still a newb.

No sig here.

Venerated Stars
#165 - 2012-08-31 19:51:24 UTC
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Shizuken wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Ore cant be taxed as it is collected unlike bounties.

Wrong. It IS taxed, when you sell it.

easily countered by market alt the never fears decs anyway as they never leave station.

Please tell me how to set up my toon to never pay market tax or broker fees for selling items on the market. I have not figured that one out yet
Black Sheep Down
Tactical Narcotics Team
#166 - 2012-08-31 20:15:15 UTC
Reicheck wrote:
MIrple wrote:

Any here we have yet another dont change my game as millions will leave post. Again this is not targeted at the new players this is targeted at players that are using the NPC corp as a meat shield. If you are in an NPC corp mine deep inside of your your factions areas where the opposing factions would have a hard time reaching you with out getting blown up. Your safish but you still can be effected by other people.

Millions won't leave. I would. Many others that I know would. But, our impact on CCP's income wouldn't be very severe.
So, please don't take that statement as doom and gloom.
I do however, want you to consider what will happen to all the alts of those null-sec dwellers, pirates, etc.
Those alts completely lose their functionality.
Some if not most of those alts are on seperate accounts. What happens to those accounts?

Millions won't leave, but enough will be canceled to make a difference. Dismissing this point doesn't make it invalid. It would have to be considered by CCP. To try and be more clear, it probably won't be a huge impact, but it will be noticable.


Saying it isn't targeted at new players isn't 100% the truth. It still affects them. Just because someone has 30 days worth of time and skills trained doesn't mean they played 24/7 and learned everything. At 30 days some people may only have 20 or 30 hours and that isn't enough to learn the skills required to survive in the shark tank.


I'm not quite sure I understand the last part of your statement. But, safeish does stand out to me.
I don't expect to be safe, not even in the NPC corp. Or in Empire.
When I play I am constantly on D-Scan and watching local for people I've marked as hostile. (for whatever reason they may have given me in the past)
I can still be ganked.
Sure, 15% tax or whatever it is to not be war dec'd doesn't seem like much to you. I'd pay 50% if I had to.
But I don't have the time to play in the style you folks are saying I should play.

Eve is a great game, I enjoy it my way. In the NPC corp, I try to help new players. Steer them away from making the same newbie mistakes that I made. And honestly, I'm still a newb.

What I was trying to say and reading it again it may be poorly worded. Is after a set amount of time this can be decided by people smarter then myself people in the starter corp would be moved into or better would make the player choose what NPC corp they would like to join so they have a little choice on what faction that are aligning themselves with. I think this is fair as you might roll a gal pilot but spend all your time in Caldari space so lets not punish people for that. After you are put into the 2nd NPC corp you are apart of the faction warfare of the corp you chose. Now if you don't want to be bothered you can stay deep inside of the higher security status system of your faction to rat or mine or mission all you like in relative safety but there are ways that if players choose to they can effect you without having to resort to griefing or anther method that people complain about.

I hope that better explains what I was thinking
Vincent Athena
#167 - 2012-08-31 20:17:14 UTC
Shizuken wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Shizuken wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:
Ore cant be taxed as it is collected unlike bounties.

Wrong. It IS taxed, when you sell it.

easily countered by market alt the never fears decs anyway as they never leave station.

Please tell me how to set up my toon to never pay market tax or broker fees for selling items on the market. I have not figured that one out yet

Er.. Not quite the point.
Lets say CCP added a rule: "NPC members selling ore or minerals shall have an additional 10% sales tax." The player counter: Make an alt, have it make a one person corp and sit in station at all times. Trade the ore to the alt, have the alt refine and sell it. Sure there will still be a sales tax, but it would get around any extra NPC tax.

Now another way to give benefit to corp members, and/or nerf NPC members:

With the POS revamp allow corps to anchor a "system mining booster" in any system, even high sec, as part of a small corp owned starbase. It gives all miners in that corp or alliance a mining boost in that solar system. To balance it out, a nerf to all miners may be needed, just enough so members of NPC corps mine less than now, but corp members can get more than now.

You can still be in an NPC corp and accept the lower yield, or get in a player corp with the bonus.

And of course, the starbase and the booster is an attackable asset in the event of war.

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Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#168 - 2012-08-31 21:06:01 UTC
@Mlrple, thank you for the clarification. I'll have to think about that for a bit. But, at first glance that seems ok.

@Vincent Athena - That is a very interesting concept. They would have to make sure the reciprical nerf wasn't so harsh that new players struggle to get anywhere with mining.
Would this also have an effect on missioning? Also any of the other professions?

If it only hit mining, that brings it in line with the current trend of GD trying to erradicate mining from the game.
I trust that isn't your intention?

No sig here.

Mule hauler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#169 - 2012-08-31 22:03:12 UTC
Nyancat Audeles wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

As if I wasn't clear enough:

Sometimes, I think that players like you are the reason that so many players drop out of EVE. I do not think you understand that newbies like me need an NPC corp. We also pay 15% tax rates or something like that, so you have no right to complain. Who cares if 5 carebears worth 50 billion ISK are in an NPC corp? It makes no difference to the game.

It's like saying, cars are bad for the environment, so lets just throw all cars off a cliff.

Without the CAS NPC corp, I probably would have left the game a long time ago. The whole point of an NPC corp is to let a player build up a solid base of ISK before they continue on to go into a bigger corp.

/end thread

If you leave you shouldn't be allowed back into them
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#170 - 2012-08-31 22:07:10 UTC
Mule hauler wrote:
Nyancat Audeles wrote:
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

As if I wasn't clear enough:

Sometimes, I think that players like you are the reason that so many players drop out of EVE. I do not think you understand that newbies like me need an NPC corp. We also pay 15% tax rates or something like that, so you have no right to complain. Who cares if 5 carebears worth 50 billion ISK are in an NPC corp? It makes no difference to the game.

It's like saying, cars are bad for the environment, so lets just throw all cars off a cliff.

Without the CAS NPC corp, I probably would have left the game a long time ago. The whole point of an NPC corp is to let a player build up a solid base of ISK before they continue on to go into a bigger corp.

/end thread

If you leave you shouldn't be allowed back into them

You're not.

Mr Epeen Cool
Vincent Athena
#171 - 2012-08-31 22:31:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Reicheck wrote:
@Mlrple, thank you for the clarification. I'll have to think about that for a bit. But, at first glance that seems ok.

@Vincent Athena - That is a very interesting concept. They would have to make sure the reciprical nerf wasn't so harsh that new players struggle to get anywhere with mining.
Would this also have an effect on missioning? Also any of the other professions?

If it only hit mining, that brings it in line with the current trend of GD trying to erradicate mining from the game.
I trust that isn't your intention?

I was thinking of -10% to current mining, and the booster would be +20%, getting yield above current mining for corp members. That's in line with the present 10% tax placed bounties and mission rewards for mission runners in NPC corps.

Math: NPC yield is 90% current. 20% player corp boost: 90% * 1.2 = 108% of current.

CCP has actual data on mining, mineral use and stocks in game and could adjust as needed to get something reasonable.

Edit: Other professions? Not too much reason to add tax or yield reduction to industry or station trading as people doing that can just sit in station, doing the activity, in a one person corp. For PI you could do it, and tie it into Dust: If Dusters in your corp hold the district on the planet where your command center is, your PI works better. For exploration you could have a booster that makes scanning faster. That may want to effect an area bigger than one system though as exploration is so wide ranging.

In Null sec you could have stronger versions of these boosters, and have them nerf surrounding systems that do not have your alliance's boosters in them. Thus you have a reason to go blow up the other guy's boosters: Hes nerfing your system.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

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Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#172 - 2012-08-31 22:42:59 UTC
How about just leave the poor miners alone for now. They are in one of the lowest ISK per hour professions as it is.

But with ring mining in the cards, perhaps CCP can come up with module that only a corp can put up or fit in it's ships to be able to participate. That way you are not dicking with the crap that NPC miners are hauling in but allowing a new (and more lucrative) world to open up for those that are willing to take the small risk of making a little corp to call their own.

The problem with most of you entitled whiners is that the word 'force' keeps drooling out of your festering pie holes. Do any of you even know what 'incentive' means?

Mr Epeen Cool
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#173 - 2012-08-31 23:24:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Roll Sizzle Beef
Mr Epeen wrote:
How about just leave the poor miners alone for now. They are in one of the lowest ISK per hour professions as it is.
Mr Epeen Cool

Why do you think its such a poor profession though? It couldn't be because there is a massive flood of lower materials could it?

Then comes the problem of massive ore reserves as this has been going on since time immortal.
It isn't a one phase solution, would be nice if it was.
On one hand a current incentive for a large rolling change would of course ease the pain.
Yet if massive afk fleets start to fizzle the lack of overload would start to actually make it a wealthy, or at least more wealthy profession on its own as long as they don't make themselves too obvious of a target, or make friends with groups who can protect them if they really want to hoover all of the Forge.
I actually like Vincent Athena corp pos booster idea couple that with ring mining.
A pos boost would be an incentive for player corp yield.
And would secondarily keep those large mining fleets from just sticking each individual miner in its own player corp for wardec protection.
It wont nullify npc mining, boo but acceptable, as it should end up being an equal penalty others face in NPC corps.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#174 - 2012-09-01 00:14:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Epeen
Roll Sizzle Beef wrote:

Why do you think its such a poor profession though?

Because I am a builder. I have multiple billion ISK buy orders in multiple high sec systems for all the local ores and refined minerals that come from them. For the most part I am paying the highest as well. So everyone... every single person mining is selling all their ore to my buy orders. The exception being those that are filling their corps POSes. But that's not even part of the NPC miner hate equation so can be ignored.

I can tell you, based on my transaction record, who's mining, how many hours they are mining for and how much they are making an hour.

These are not your hypothetical fleets of Exhumer asteroid death squads, they are your average Joe. The typical player, not the idealized ones y'all are coming up with. They are just trying to pay for some game time or a bigger ship. And trust me, they mine long hours for relatively little ISK.

BIG EDIT: Since there is nothing easier than coming in to a forum and just making stuff up. Here are a few screenies to let you know I'm not just blowing smoke.

So we start with a buy order. Then the miners start selling thier stuff. I should note that the larger transactions are from pilots freightering stuff in from neighboring systems. The small ones are the local miners.

Then off to the refinery, followed by the factory and the resulting product. A builder doesn't have 60 billion plus in a hangar without extensive and intimate interaction with the miners.

So when I say I know they aren't making much, I speak from experience.

Mr Epeen Cool
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#175 - 2012-09-01 00:17:06 UTC
Unfortunately, you can't force people to be in a Corp. The only thing that would result from getting rid of NPC corps would be a vast migration of players to another game. They just don't want to be in a Corp. ..and who can blame them?

Corp. : You have to do what your told, follow some asshats leadership, get bossed around and told to be online at regular hours or you'll be forcibly ejected, etc..

NPC Corp. : Do whatever you like, when you like and nobody in your Corp judges you or tells you to do things. You are accountable only to yourself and never need worry about being kicked, plus you have a great Corp chat where people who feel the same way you do hang out. (Something else you won't find in a player Corp in most cases.)

So really, given a choice between not playing and being forced to group and Corp and be someones tool, what do you think they're going to do?
Antisocial Malkavian
Antisocial Malkavians
#176 - 2012-09-01 02:37:51 UTC
Mars Theran wrote:
Unfortunately, you can't force people to be in a Corp. The only thing that would result from getting rid of NPC corps would be a vast migration of players to another game. They just don't want to be in a Corp. ..and who can blame them?

Corp. : You have to do what your told, follow some asshats leadership, get bossed around and told to be online at regular hours or you'll be forcibly ejected, etc..

NPC Corp. : Do whatever you like, when you like and nobody in your Corp judges you or tells you to do things. You are accountable only to yourself and never need worry about being kicked, plus you have a great Corp chat where people who feel the same way you do hang out. (Something else you won't find in a player Corp in most cases.)

So really, given a choice between not playing and being forced to group and Corp and be someones tool, what do you think they're going to do?

Theres a reason most people in MMOs DONT join guilds/corps/clans/etc

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#177 - 2012-09-01 04:21:04 UTC
Honestly who actually gives a **** about a few noobs in NPC corps mining away that can't be wardecked? Do people really give a toss about minor stuff like this?

Forcing people into player corps that will probably be full of idiots is a terrible idea. Why is it everyones idea of a sandbox is forcing everyone to play exactly how they want and no one else is allowed to do anything they don't like?

Honestly it makes me chuckle that people cry so hard not being able to shoot a bunch of noobs making relatively little pretend space money.

Just play a goddam game and have some fun and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
Alavaria Fera
#178 - 2012-09-01 04:27:21 UTC
Aadris wrote:
Honestly who actually gives a **** about a few noobs in NPC corps mining away that can't be wardecked? Do people really give a toss about minor stuff like this?

Not really. I'm sure they'd just make a bunch of 1 man corps and dissolve em if anything happened.
Aadris wrote:
Honestly it makes me chuckle that people cry so hard not being able to shoot a bunch of noobs making relatively little pretend space money.

Just play a goddam game and have some fun and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.

Yeah, noobs with a fleet of macks, and an Orca booster. Why don't our newbies come with those?

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#179 - 2012-09-01 06:09:24 UTC
Just allow NPC corps to be wardecced

Keep the NPC corps around.

Problem solved.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Venerated Stars
#180 - 2012-09-01 07:37:00 UTC
Asuka Solo wrote:
Just allow NPC corps to be wardecced

Keep the NPC corps around.

Problem solved.

I am still missing the point of why miners in NPC corps need to be wardecable?